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Last active September 27, 2019 05:11
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Generated by XState Viz:
const resetableEditableContext = () => {
return {
pushing: {
updates: [],
error: null,
lastSuccess: null,
pulling: {
error: null,
lastSuccess: null,
updates: [],
const editableMachineError = key => {
return assign({
[key]: (context, event) => {
// using an immutable pattern
return {
error: event.error,
const editableMachineSuccess = key => {
return assign({
[key]: (context, event) => {
// using an immutable pattern
return {
lastSuccess: new Date().getTime(),
error: null,
updates: [],
// A editableMachine provides a state machine to manage a component which
// can take on a viewable or editable state. More importantly when
// edits do occur the process and constraints to make sure no changes are lost are provided by the state machine.
const editableMachine = Machine(
id: 'editable',
strict: true,
initial: 'viewing',
context: {
canEdit: true,
states: {
viewing: {
on: {EDIT: {target: 'editing', cond: 'canEdit'}},
unsaved_prompt: {
exit: ['resetContext'],
on: {
DONE: {target: 'viewing'},
editing: {
type: 'parallel',
on: {
{target: 'viewing', cond: 'isSaved' /*actions: 'flush', */},
{target: 'unsaved_prompt', cond: 'waitingOnSave'},
target: 'editing',
actions: assign({
pushing: (context, event) => {
// using an immutable pattern
return {
updates: [...context.pushing.updates, event.change],
states: {
pushing: {
initial: 'idle',
states: {
idle: {
on: {
PUSH: {target: 'sync'},
sync: {
on: {
SUCCESS: {target: 'idle', actions: ['pushingSuccess']},
FAILURE: {target: 'idle', actions: ['pushingError']},
pulling: {
initial: 'idle',
states: {
idle: {
on: {
PULL: {target: 'sync'},
sync: {
on: {
SUCCESS: {target: 'idle', actions: ['pullingSuccess']},
FAILURE: {target: 'idle', actions: ['pullingError']},
// invoke: {
// id: 'syncMachine',
// src: syncMachine,
// // Deriving child context from parent context
// data: {
// duration: (context, event) => context.customDuration
// }
// }
// TODO: state waiting for confirmation that FORCE_DONE is ok
actions: {
resetContext: assign({
pushingError: editableMachineError('pushing'),
pullingError: editableMachineError('pulling'),
pushingSuccess: editableMachineSuccess('pushing'),
pullingSuccess: editableMachineSuccess('pulling'),
guards: {
canEdit: (context, event) => context.canEdit,
isSaved: (context, event) =>
context.pushing.updates.length === 0 && !context.error,
waitingOnSave: (context, event) =>
context.pushing.updates.length !== 0 &&
!context.pushing.error &&
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