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Last active August 29, 2015 13:57
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  • Save enjoylife/9415447 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save enjoylife/9415447 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
import ftputil
import datetime
import os
def fileTypeMatch(name):
return (name.endswith('.V2A') or name.endswith('.V1A') or name.endswith('.V3A'))
wantedDates = [
#"2010-09-03 16:35:41"
#"2013-08-16 05:31:16",
"2007-12-20 07:55:16",
"2011-02-22 00:04:19"
def getFiles():
with ftputil.FTPHost("","anonymous","") as host:
baseUrl = "/strong/processed/Proc/"
for time in wantedDates:
# Converting out wanted dates into a python Datetime object
d = datetime.datetime.strptime(str(time),"%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S")
# getFtpFilePath
url = d.strftime("%Y/%m_%b/%Y-%m-%d_%H%M%S")
# Local path and folder structure
newpath = "NewZealand_"+d.strftime("%m%d%Y%H%M%S") +"/"
# We only create a new folder if one doesn't exist. This avoids
# us deleting our previous downloads.
if not os.path.exists(newpath):
host.chdir(baseUrl+ url)
print("Found :" +baseUrl+url)
for vol in ["/Vol1","/Vol2","/Vol3"]:
# Make sure we dont time out.
print("Working on " + vol)
# The v#A files live within the data dir of each Vol#
folderUrl = host.curdir+vol+"/data"
ftpFiles = host.listdir(folderUrl)
#filter for only original files not backups or other data types we dont want.
ftpFiles = [n for n in ftpFiles if fileTypeMatch(n)]
possible = len(ftpFiles)
# get list of already downloaded files
localFiles = os.listdir(newpath)
# We compare the lists to see what we still need to download.
stillToDownload = list(set(ftpFiles) - set(localFiles))
remaining = len(stillToDownload)
print("Total Files to Download: "+str(possible))
print("Left to Download: "+ str(remaining))
for name in stillToDownload:
print("#"+ str(remaining)+" ["+vol+"]["+name+"]")
remaining -= 1 + "/" + name, newpath + name) # remote, local
except ftputil.error.PermanentError:
# Couldn't find the requested earthquake
print("Missing! :" +baseUrl+url)
except ftputil.error.TemporaryError:
# If we still time out we just reconnect.
print("Error: TimedOut. Quick Fix: Retry Program.")
#host = ftputil.FTPHost("","anonymous","")
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