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Last active December 14, 2015 01:39
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Save enlacee/5007618 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Script PHP para obtener : -latitud -longitud usando GoogleMap Full. +sql -cortesia freeway.
ini_set('max_execution_time', 600); //300 seconds = 5 minutes
function getData(){
$pdo = new PDO("mysql:host=localhost;dbname=anb_wordpress", "root", "",
$query = "SELECT *FROM wp_master_office WHERE status != 1;";
$stm = $pdo->prepare($query);
//$stm->bindValue(1, $model->getId_declaracion());
$lista = $stm->fetchAll();
$stm = null;
return $lista;
function updateData($id,$lat,$lnt){
echo "<br>id = ".$id;
echo "<br>lat = ".$lat;
echo "<br>lnt =$lnt";
echo "<br>";
echo "<hr><br>";
$pdo = new PDO("mysql:host=localhost;dbname=anb_wordpress", "root", "",
$query = "
update wp_master_office
latitud = '$lat',
longitud = '$lnt'
where id = ?
try {
$stm = $pdo->prepare($query);
$stm->bindValue(1, $id);
$count = $stm->rowCount();//$lista = $stm->fetchAll();
$stm = null;
return $count;
} catch (Exception $exc) {
return $exc->getTraceAsString();
function leerData($data){
//1 = Street Address Line 01
//2 = City
//3 sensor= false
$url_base = "";
$url = array();
$_1 = splitString($data[$i]['street_address_01']);
$_2 = splitString($data[$i]['city']);
$_3 = $data[$i]['state'];
$_4 = "&sensor=false";
//$url[] = $url_base.$_1.",".$_2.",".$_3.$_4;
$url[]= array(
'id'=> $data[$i]['id'],
'url'=> $url_base.$_1.",".$_2.",".$_3.$_4
return $url;
function splitString($s){
$s = str_replace(',', '', $s);
$s = str_replace('#', '', $s);
$s = str_replace('.', '', $s);
$s = str_replace(' ', '+', $s);
return $s;
function echoo($var){
echo "<pre>";
echo "</pre>";
// procesosr
function executeScript(){
$data = getData();
$url = leerData($data);
$json_google = file_get_contents($url[$i]['url']);
$obj = json_decode($json_google);
$result = $obj->results[0];
//$status = $obj->status;
$lat = $result->geometry->location->lat." ";//parse_str(rr)
$lnt = $result->geometry->location->lng." ";
// var_dump($lat);
// var_dump($lnt);
// echo "<br>[$i] = ".$url[$i]['id']."['id'],$lat ,$lnt";
echo "<br>[$i] = ".$url[$i]['id'];
echo updateData($url[$i]['id'],$lat ,$lnt );
function leerData(){
$_1 = "6722 Orangethorpe Ave";
$_2 = "Buena Park";
$_3 = "CA";
$_4 = "&sensor=false";
$url_base = "";
$url_base = $url_base.$_1.",".$_2.",".$_3.$_4;
echo $url_base;
// los angeles
// - latitud = 33.8562720
// - longitud = -118.0181510
-- phpMyAdmin SQL Dump
-- version 3.5.1
-- Servidor: localhost
-- Tiempo de generación: 28-02-2013 a las 16:17:15
-- Versión del servidor: 5.0.51b-community-nt-log
-- Versión de PHP: 5.3.13
SET time_zone = "+00:00";
/*!40101 SET NAMES utf8 */;
-- Base de datos: `anb_wordpress`
-- --------------------------------------------------------
-- Estructura de tabla para la tabla `wp_master_office`
CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `wp_master_office` (
`brand_id` varchar(255) DEFAULT NULL,
`code` varchar(255) DEFAULT NULL,
`office` varchar(255) DEFAULT NULL,
`street_address_01` varchar(255) DEFAULT NULL,
`street_address_02` varchar(255) DEFAULT NULL,
`city` varchar(255) DEFAULT NULL,
`state` varchar(255) DEFAULT NULL,
`zipcode` varchar(255) DEFAULT NULL,
`phone` varchar(255) DEFAULT NULL,
`fax` varchar(255) DEFAULT NULL,
`landmark` varchar(255) DEFAULT NULL,
`parking` varchar(255) DEFAULT NULL,
`office_hours1` varchar(255) DEFAULT NULL,
`office_hours2` varchar(255) DEFAULT NULL,
`office_hours3` varchar(255) DEFAULT NULL,
`products_offered` varchar(255) DEFAULT NULL,
`services_offered` varchar(255) DEFAULT NULL,
`languages_spoken` varchar(255) DEFAULT NULL,
`payment_methods` varchar(255) DEFAULT NULL,
`latitud` varchar(255) DEFAULT NULL,
`longitud` varchar(255) DEFAULT NULL,
`id_page` varchar(255) NOT NULL,
`status` char(1) DEFAULT '1',
-- Volcado de datos para la tabla `wp_master_office`
INSERT INTO `wp_master_office` (`id`, `brand_id`, `code`, `office`, `street_address_01`, `street_address_02`, `city`, `state`, `zipcode`, `phone`, `fax`, `landmark`, `parking`, `office_hours1`, `office_hours2`, `office_hours3`, `products_offered`, `services_offered`, `languages_spoken`, `payment_methods`, `latitud`, `longitud`, `id_page`, `status`) VALUES
(1, '206', 'CHND', 'Chandler - Branch 206', '3016 N. Dobson RD, Suite 05', NULL, 'Chandler', 'AZ', '85224', '480-336-8167', '480-336-8182', 'Dobson and Elliot', 'LOT ', '9am to 8pm', '9am to 8pm', '9am to 8pm', 'Auto, AD&D', 'Free Quotes, Roadside Assistance', 'Both', 'ATM, Cash, Credit Check, Money Order', '33.35038 ', '-111.877334 ', '', '0'),
(2, '202', 'GLE', 'Glendale AZ - Branch 202', '6804 North 51st. Ave.', NULL, 'Glendale', 'AZ', '85301', '623 866 5150 ', '623 547 1127', 'Corner of 51st Ave and Glendale', 'Behind Chevron', '9am-8pm ', '9am-8pm ', '9am-8pm ', 'auto insurance/home insurance/SR-22''s/non-standard/nodriver''s licence/Motorcycle Ins/Free Quotes/In-Office Payment/Registration Renewal/Roadside Assistance/ AD&D and NSD protection', 'Free Quotes, Roadside Assistance', 'english/spanish', 'ATM, Cash, Credit Check, Money Order', '33.5355872 ', '-112.1686471 ', '', '0'),
(3, '207', 'MES2', 'Mesa 2 - Branch 207', '2753 E. Broadway Road, Suite A108', NULL, 'Mesa', 'AZ', '85204', '480-223-6271', '480-223-6286', 'Lindsay and Broadway', 'LOT ', '9am -6pm', '9am -6pm', '9am -6pm', 'Auto, AD&D', 'Free Quotes, Roadside Assistance', 'Both', 'ATM, Cash, Credit Check, Money Order', '33.4065892 ', '-111.7715956 ', '', '0'),
(4, '201', 'MES', 'Mesa - Branch 201', '1140 S Country Club Drive, Suite 111A', NULL, 'Mesa', 'AZ', '85210', '480-429-4130', '480-964-4567', 'Country Club and Southern', 'LOT ', '9am - 8pm', '9am - 8pm', '9am - 8pm', 'Auto, AD&D', 'Free Quotes, Roadside Assistance', 'Both', 'ATM, Cash, Credit Check, Money Order', '33.3940492 ', '-111.8407376 ', '', '0'),
(5, '209', 'PEO', 'Peoria - Branch 209', '6750 W. Olive Ave., Suite 105', NULL, 'Peoria', 'AZ', '85345', '623 889 8275 ', '623 889 8290 ', '67th Ave and Olive', 'Next to Pawn Shop', '9am-7pm ', '9am-7pm ', '9am-7pm ', 'auto insurance/home insurance/SR-22''s/non-standard/nodriver''s licence/Motorcycle Ins/Free Quotes/In-Office Payment/Registration Renewal/Roadside Assistance/ AD&D and NSD protection', 'Free Quotes, Roadside Assistance', 'english/spanish', 'ATM, Cash, Credit Check, Money Order', '33.568103 ', '-112.203388 ', '', '0'),
(6, '203', 'PHX', 'Phoenix - Branch 203', '250 N. 43rd Ave, Suite 101', NULL, 'Phoenix', 'AZ', '85009', '602 415 5300 ', '602 324 4511', '43rd Ave and Van Buren', 'Next to Tatoo Parlor', '9am-8pm ', '9am-8pm', '9am-8pm', 'auto insurance/home insurance/SR-22''s/non-standard/nodriver''s licence/Motorcycle Ins/Free Quotes/In-Office Payment/Registration Renewal/Roadside Assistance/ AD&D and NSD protection', 'Free Quotes, Roadside Assistance', 'english/spanish', 'ATM, Cash, Credit Check, Money Order', '33.451001 ', '-112.152217 ', '', '0'),
(7, '205', 'PH2', 'Phoenix 2 - Branch 205', '4041 East Thomas Road, Suite 109', NULL, 'Phoenix', 'AZ', '85018', '602-702-5721', '602-702-5736', '40th st and Thomas', 'LOT ', '9am - 6pm', '9am - 6pm', '9am - 6pm', 'Auto, AD&D', 'Free Quotes, Roadside Assistance', 'Both', 'ATM, Cash, Credit Check, Money Order', '33.479852 ', '-111.994039 ', '', '0'),
(8, '208', 'PHX3', 'Phoenix 3 - Branch 208', '3109 E. Cactus Road, Suite 3109', NULL, 'Phoenix', 'AZ', '85028', '623 240 3045', '623 240 3060', 'Corner of 32nd St and Cactus', NULL, '9am-7pm ', '9am-7pm ', '9am-7pm ', 'auto insurance/home insurance/SR-22''s/non-standard/nodriver''s licence/Motorcycle Ins/Free Quotes/In-Office Payment/Registration Renewal/Roadside Assistance/ AD&D and NSD protection', 'Free Quotes, Roadside Assistance', 'english/spanish', 'ATM, Cash, Credit Check, Money Order', '33.5968635 ', '-112.0152195 ', '', '0'),
(9, '210', 'PHX4', 'Phoenix 4 - Branch 210', '3425 W. Thunderbird Road, Suite 2', NULL, 'Phoenix', 'AZ', '85053', '602 324 4502', '602 324 4511', '35th Ave and Thunderbird', NULL, '9am-7pm ', '9am-7pm ', '9am-7pm ', 'auto insurance/home insurance/SR-22''s/non-standard/nodriver''s licence/Motorcycle Ins/Free Quotes/In-Office Payment/Registration Renewal/Roadside Assistance/ AD&D and NSD protection', 'Free Quotes, Roadside Assistance', 'english/spanish', 'ATM, Cash, Credit Check, Money Order', '33.6108079 ', '-112.1310284 ', '', '0'),
(10, '204', 'TEM', 'Tempe - Branch 204', '805 W. Baseline Road, # 4', NULL, 'Tempe', 'AZ', '85283', '602-702-5705', '602-702-5720', 'Basline and Hardy', 'LOT ', '9am - 7pm', '9am - 7pm', '9am - 7pm', 'Auto, AD&D', 'Free Quotes, Roadside Assistance', 'Both', 'ATM, Cash, Credit Check, Money Order', '33.3774019 ', '-111.9514 ', '', '0'),
(11, '12', 'SSBCCCR', 'FWY-Tijuana', 'Paseo De Los Heroes 10105-Anexo', NULL, 'Tijuana', 'BC', '22010', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, '32.5209489 ', '-117.060728 ', '', '0'),
(12, '12', 'SSBTJ', 'SSB -Tijuana', 'Paseo De Los Heroes 10105-Anexo', NULL, 'Tijuana', 'BC', '22010', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, '32.5209489 ', '-117.060728 ', '', '0'),
(13, '12', 'TJWEB', 'WEB-Tijuana', 'Paseo De Los Heroes 10105-Anexo', NULL, 'Tijuana', 'BC', '22010', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, '32.5209489 ', '-117.060728 ', '', '0'),
(14, '12', 'TJWEB2', 'WEB2-Tijuana', 'Paseo De Los Heroes 10105-Anexo', NULL, 'Tijuana', 'BC', '22010', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, '32.5209489 ', '-117.060728 ', '', '0'),
(15, '752', 'ATLM', 'Alta Loma – Branch 752', '8740 19th Street', NULL, 'Alta Loma', 'CA', '91701', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, '34.1326148 ', '-117.6162441 ', '', '0'),
(16, '164', 'ANAF', 'Anaheim 1 - Branch 164', '1098 N Euclid Ave.', NULL, 'Anaheim', 'CA', '92801', '(714) 502-6980', '(714) 778-0169', 'North Euclid and La Palma behind bus stop on corner', 'Plenty around the building', '9:00am - 8:00pm', '9:00am - 5:00pm', 'CLOSED', 'Auto Insurance, Boat Insurance, Business Insurance, Collectibles, Commercial Vehicle Insurance, Motorcycle Insurance, RV Insurance, Renter''s Insurance, Truck Insurance, Snowmobile Insurance', 'Payments, Free Quotes, Roadside Assistance', 'English, Spanish', 'Cash, American Express, Visa, Mastercard, Discover, Diners Club, Personal Checks, Western Union', '33.8467879', '-117.941304', '992', '1'),
(17, '701', 'ANAS', 'Anaheim - Branch 701', '242 South Euclid Street', NULL, 'Anaheim', 'CA', '92802', '(714) 956-9300', NULL, 'Euclid & Broadway same shopping center as 76 Gas Station', 'In front of store in Parking Lot', '9:00am - 7:00pm', '9:00am - 5:00pm', 'CLOSED', 'Auto Insurance, Boat Insurance, Business Insurance, Collectibles, Commercial Vehicle Insurance, Motorcycle Insurance, RV Insurance, Renter''s Insurance, Truck Insurance, Snowmobile Insurance', 'Payments, Free Quotes, Roadside Assistance', 'English, Spanish', 'Cash, American Express, Visa, Mastercard, Discover, Diners Club, Personal Checks, Western Union', '33.829598 ', '-117.940848 ', '', '0'),
(18, '128', 'ANF', 'Anaheim - Branch 128', '1201 South Magnolia Ave', NULL, 'Anaheim', 'CA', '92804', '(714) 252-5761', NULL, 'Ball & Magnolia, blue building next to party supply store', 'In front of store or across the street', '9:00am - 8:00pm', '9:00am - 5:00pm', 'CLOSED', 'Auto Insurance, Boat Insurance, Business Insurance, Collectibles, Commercial Vehicle Insurance, Motorcycle Insurance, RV Insurance, Renter''s Insurance, Truck Insurance, Snowmobile Insurance', 'Payments, Free Quotes, Roadside Assistance', 'English, Spanish', 'Cash, American Express, Visa, Mastercard, Discover, Diners Club, Personal Checks, Western Union', '33.817262', '-117.97614', '993', '1'),
(19, '606', 'PSWA', 'Arleta - Branch 606', '8646 Woodman Avenue', NULL, 'Arleta', 'CA', '91331', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, '34.2272192', '-118.4335955', '994', '1'),
(20, '153', 'AWF', 'Atwater - Branch 153', '1839 Bellevue Road', NULL, 'Atwater', 'CA', '95301', '209-356-3400', '209-358-7040', 'same plaza as the new save mart, cross street is Bellevue & Winton way', NULL, '9am-8pm', '9am-8pm', '9am-8pm', 'Auto Insurance, Boat Insurance, Business Insurance, Collectibles, Commercial Vehicle Insurance, Motorcycle Insurance, RV Insurance, Renter''s Insurance, Truck Insurance, Snowmobile Insurance', 'Free Quotes, Roadside Assistance', 'English, Spanish', 'Cash, American Express, Visa, Mastercard, Discover, Diners Club, Personal Checks, Western Union', '37.3604326', '-120.6128486', '995', '1'),
(21, '344', 'ATW1', 'Atwater - Branch 344 CUL', '1215 Commerce Ave', NULL, 'Atwater', 'CA', '95301', '209-356-2000', '209-358-6281', 'Corner of applegate road & commerce ave. in the Big 5 shopping center across the st from super target and Marshalls', NULL, '10am-7pm', '10am-7pm', '10am-7pm', 'Auto Insurance, Boat Insurance, Business Insurance, Collectibles, Commercial Vehicle Insurance, Motorcycle Insurance, RV Insurance, Renter''s Insurance, Truck Insurance, Snowmobile Insurance', 'Free Quotes, Roadside Assistance', 'English, Spanish', 'Cash, American Express, Visa, Mastercard, Discover, Diners Club, Personal Checks, Western Union', '37.3430751', '-120.6115878', '996', '1'),
(22, '355', 'AUB1', 'Auburn - Branch 355 CUL', '11899 Edgewood Road, #A', NULL, 'Auburn', 'CA', '95603', '530-823-0143', '530-886-3289', 'On the corner off Highway 49 and Edgewood Road by Turpin''s Car Wash/ in front of the Social Security office big brown building.', 'In front of the office', '9am- 7pm', '9am- 7pm', '9am- 7pm', 'Auto Insurance, Boat Insurance, Business Insurance, Collectibles, Commercial Vehicle Insurance, Motorcycle Insurance, RV Insurance, Renter''s Insurance, Truck Insurance, Snowmobile Insurance', 'Free Quotes, Roadside Assistance', 'English/Spanish', 'Cash, American Express, Visa, Mastercard, Discover, Diners Club, Personal Checks, Western Union', '38.9204576', '-121.0826555', '997', '1'),
(23, '64', 'BF2', 'Bakersfield 2 - Branch 64', '1220 Oak Street, Suite H', NULL, 'Bakersfield', 'CA', '93304', '661-636-0585', '661-636-0593', 'On the corner of California and Oak St right off the 99 Freeway right behind Jack In The Box', 'Parking in front of the store', '9am-8pm', '9am-8pm', '9am-8pm', 'Auto Insurance, Boat Insurance, Business Insurance, Collectibles, Commercial Vehicle Insurance, Motorcycle Insurance, RV Insurance, Renter''s Insurance, Truck Insurance, Snowmobile Insurance', 'Free Quotes, Roadside Assistance', 'English/Spanish', 'Cash, American Express, Visa, Mastercard, Discover, Diners Club, Personal Checks, Western Union', '35.3687182', '-119.0377637', '998', '1'),
(24, '312', 'BAK2', 'Bakersfield 2 - Branch 312 CUL', '2641 Fashion Place', NULL, 'Bakersfield', 'CA', '93306', '661-871-2914', '661-871-8979', 'East Hills Walmart Shopping center', 'Big parking lot', '8am-7pm', '8am-7pm', '8am-7pm', 'Auto Insurance, Boat Insurance, Business Insurance, Collectibles, Commercial Vehicle Insurance, Motorcycle Insurance, RV Insurance, Renter''s Insurance, Truck Insurance, Snowmobile Insurance', 'Free Quotes, Roadside Assistance', 'English/Spanish', 'Cash, American Express, Visa, Mastercard, Discover, Diners Club, Personal Checks, Western Union', '35.3909579', '-118.9619043', '999', '1'),
(25, '87', 'BF1', 'Bakersfield 1 - Branch 87', '5021 Stockdale Highway', NULL, 'Bakersfield', 'CA', '93309', '661-397-7900', '661-397-3326', 'On Stockdale Hwy right by the Outback Steakhouse', 'Big parking lot', '9am-8pm', '9am-8pm', '9am-8pm', 'Auto Insurance, Boat Insurance, Business Insurance, Collectibles, Commercial Vehicle Insurance, Motorcycle Insurance, RV Insurance, Renter''s Insurance, Truck Insurance, Snowmobile Insurance', 'Free Quotes, Roadside Assistance', 'English/Spanish', 'Cash, American Express, Visa, Mastercard, Discover, Diners Club, Personal Checks, Western Union', '35.354121', '-119.0567711', '1000', '1'),
(26, '313', 'BAK1', 'Bakersfield 1 - Branch 313 CUL', '3778 Ming Avenue', NULL, 'Bakersfield', 'CA', '93309', '661-833-5445', '661-833-5440', 'On Ming Ave and Real Rd right next to Chuck E Cheese and Toys R Us', 'Big parking lot', '9am-8pm', '9am-8pm', '9am-8pm', 'Auto Insurance, Boat Insurance, Business Insurance, Collectibles, Commercial Vehicle Insurance, Motorcycle Insurance, RV Insurance, Renter''s Insurance, Truck Insurance, Snowmobile Insurance', 'Free Quotes, Roadside Assistance', 'English/Spanish', 'Cash, American Express, Visa, Mastercard, Discover, Diners Club, Personal Checks, Western Union', '35.3395893', '-119.0441314', '1001', '1'),
(27, '115', 'BPF', 'Baldwin Park - Branch 115', '14540 Ramona Blvd', NULL, 'Baldwin Park', 'CA', '91706', '626-337-4301', '626-960-2220', 'cross street is Maine Ave. across the street from Superior Supermarket', NULL, '9am -7:30pm', '9am -7:30pm', '9am -7:30pm', 'Auto Insurance, Boat Insurance, Business Insurance, Collectibles, Commercial Vehicle Insurance, Motorcycle Insurance, RV Insurance, Renter''s Insurance, Truck Insurance, Snowmobile Insurance', 'Free Quotes, Roadside Assistance', 'English / Spanish', 'ATM, American Express, Checks, Discover, Mastercard, Visa, Cash', '34.086577', '-117.957872', '1002', '1'),
(28, '610', 'PSLP', 'Buena Park - Branch 610', '6899 La Palma Ave', NULL, 'Buena Park', 'CA', '90262', '(714) 735-4423', NULL, 'La Palma & Knott in the superior shopping center by Jack in the box', 'Plenty in front of store', '9am - 7pm', '9am - 7pm', '9am - 7pm', 'Insurance', 'Insurance', 'Spanish/English', 'Cash, Check , Credit/Debit, Money Orders', '33.8465512', '-118.0129698', '1003', '1'),
(29, '17', 'CR', 'Corporate', '6722 Orangethorpe Avenue', NULL, 'Buena Park', 'CA', '90620', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, '33.856272', '-118.018151', '1004', '1'),
(30, '50', 'CRD', 'Corporate Dealer Services', '6722 Orangethorpe Avenue', NULL, 'Buena Park', 'CA', '90620', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, '33.856272', '-118.018151', '1005', '1'),
(31, '135', 'PFF', 'Preferred Sales Dept. - Branch 135', '6722 Orangethorpe Ave., Suite 200', NULL, 'Buena Park', 'CA', '90620', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, '33.856272', '-118.018151', '1006', '1'),
(32, '338', 'CAP1', 'Capitola - Branch 338 CUL', '1440 41st Ave, Suite H', NULL, 'Capitola', 'CA', '95010', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, '36.9716785', '-121.9643817', '1007', '1'),
(33, '356', 'CAR1', 'Carmichael - Branch 356 CUL', '7200 Fair Oaks Blvd., Suite 110', NULL, 'Carmichael', 'CA', '95608', '916-485-5551', '916-481-2273', 'across from burger king on engle and fairoaks', 'big lot in back of commerical building ', '9:00am-5:30pm', '9:00am-5:30pm', '9:00am-5:30pm', 'Auto Insurance, Boat Insurance, Business Insurance, Collectibles, Commercial Vehicle Insurance, Motorcycle Insurance, RV Insurance, Renter''s Insurance, Truck Insurance, Snowmobile Insurance', 'Free Quotes, Roadside Assistance', 'English', 'Cash, American Express, Visa, Mastercard, Discover, Diners Club, Personal Checks, Western Union', '38.631716', '-121.327626', '1008', '1'),
(34, '154', 'CAT', 'Cathedral City - Branch 154', '69-195 Ramon Road, Suite C-4', NULL, 'Cathedral City', 'CA', '92234', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, '33.8160433', '-116.4588719', '1009', '1'),
(35, '370', 'CHI1', 'Chico - Branch 370 CUL', '166 Cohasset Road, Suite 3', NULL, 'Chico', 'CA', '95926', '530-879-5760', NULL, 'Corner of Esplanade Rd & Cohasset Rd in between the Shell gas station and Happy Garden Restaurant.', 'In front and back of the office', '8am- 7pm', '8am- 7pm', '8am- 7pm', 'Auto Insurance, Boat Insurance, Business Insurance, Collectibles, Commercial Vehicle Insurance, Motorcycle Insurance, RV Insurance, Renter''s Insurance, Truck Insurance, Snowmobile Insurance', 'Free Quotes, Roadside Assistance', 'English/Spanish', 'Cash, American Express, Visa, Mastercard, Discover, Diners Club, Personal Checks, Western Union', '39.751336', '-121.854774', '1010', '1'),
(36, '156', 'CHF', 'Chino - Branch 156', '14860 Central Avenue', NULL, 'Chino', 'CA', '91710', '909-203-4900', '909-203-4920', 'Across from the Chino State Prison', NULL, '9am -7pm', '9am -7pm', '9am -7pm', 'Auto Insurance, Boat Insurance, Business Insurance, Collectibles, Commercial Vehicle Insurance, Motorcycle Insurance, RV Insurance, Renter''s Insurance, Truck Insurance, Snowmobile Insurance', 'Free Quotes, Roadside Assistance', 'English / Spanish', 'Cash, American Express, Visa, Mastercard, Discover, Diners Club, Personal Checks, Western Union', '33.983683', '-117.690193', '1011', '1'),
(37, '71', 'CVF', 'Chula Vista - Branch 71', '624 Palomar St., Suite 701', NULL, 'Chula Vista', 'CA', '91911', '619-498-5000', '619-591-0215', 'FOOD 4 LESS/ BROADWAY', 'LOT', '8:30AM TO 8PM', '8:30AM-8PM', '8:30AM-8PM', NULL, NULL, 'ENGLISH/SPANISH', NULL, '32.6025144', '-117.080107', '1012', '1'),
(38, '357', 'CIT1', 'Citrus Heights - Branch 357 CUL', '7800 Sunrise Blvd, Suite 8', NULL, 'Citrus Heights', 'CA', '95610', '916-721-4201', '916-721-4446', 'at the Corner of Sunrise and Antelope Rd next to O''Reillys auto parts', 'parking lot', '9:00 a.m. To 7:00 p.m.', '9:00 a.m. To 7:00 p.m.', '9:00 a.m. To 7:00 p.m.', 'Auto Insurance, Boat Insurance, Business Insurance, Collectibles, Commercial Vehicle Insurance, Motorcycle Insurance, RV Insurance, Renter''s Insurance, Truck Insurance, Snowmobile Insurance', 'Free Quotes, Roadside Assistance', 'English', 'Cash, American Express, Visa, Mastercard, Discover, Diners Club, Personal Checks, Western Union', '38.708039', '-121.271155', '1013', '1'),
(39, '53', 'MTF', 'Claremont - Branch 53', '424 Auto Center Dr.', NULL, 'Claremont', 'CA', '91711', '909-624-7220', '909-624-4345', 'Same shopping center as Super King Supermarket', NULL, '9am -8pm', '9am -8pm', '9am -8pm', 'Auto Insurance, Boat Insurance, Business Insurance, Collectibles, Commercial Vehicle Insurance, Motorcycle Insurance, RV Insurance, Renter''s Insurance, Truck Insurance, Snowmobile Insurance', 'Free Quotes, Roadside Assistance', 'English / Spanish', 'Cash, American Express, Visa, Mastercard, Discover, Diners Club, Personal Checks, Western Union', '34.0807456', '-117.7202614', '1014', '1'),
(40, '387', 'CLOV', 'Clovis - Branch 387', '393 West Shaw Ave., Suite A-18', NULL, 'Clovis', 'CA', '93612', '559-326-5611', '559-324-1209', 'cross street is shaw and peach same walmart shopping center ', NULL, '9am-8pm', '9am-8pm', '9am-8pm', 'Auto Insurance, Boat Insurance, Business Insurance, Collectibles, Commercial Vehicle Insurance, Motorcycle Insurance, RV Insurance, Renter''s Insurance, Truck Insurance, Snowmobile Insurance', 'Free Quotes, Roadside Assistance', 'English/Spanish', 'Cash, American Express, Visa, Mastercard, Discover, Diners Club, Personal Checks, Western Union', '36.809427', '-119.717474', '1015', '1'),
(41, '703', 'CLTN', 'Colton - Branch 703', '1230 E. Washington Street , Suite # 6', NULL, 'Colton', 'CA', '92324', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, '1016', '1'),
(42, '117', 'COF', 'Commerce - Branch 117', '2442 South Atlantic Blvd', NULL, 'Commerce', 'CA', '90040', '323-526-9000', '323-526-9009', 'Corner of Washington & Atlantic Blvd.', 'Parking Lot', '9:00 a.m. To 8:00 p.m.', '9:00 a.m. To 8:00 p.m.', '9:00 a.m. To 8:00 p.m.', 'Auto Insurance, Boat Insurance, Business Insurance, Collectibles, Commercial Vehicle Insurance, Motorcycle Insurance, RV Insurance, Renter''s Insurance, Truck Insurance, Snowmobile Insurance', 'Free Quotes, Roadside Assistance', 'English', 'Cash, American Express, Visa, Mastercard, Discover, Diners Club, Personal Checks, Western Union', '34.0027513', '-118.1678933', '1017', '1'),
(43, '101', 'CCF', 'Concord - Branch 101', '1701 Monument Blvd', NULL, 'Concord', 'CA', '94520', '1925289400', '19252889408', 'Food Max is the Landmark/Cross street is Virginia', 'shopping center parking lot', '9am-8pm', '9am-8pm', '9am-8pm', 'Auto Insurance, Boat Insurance, Business Insurance, Collectibles, Commercial Vehicle Insurance, Motorcycle Insurance, RV Insurance, Renter''s Insurance, Truck Insurance, Snowmobile Insurance', 'Free Quotes, Roadside Assistance', 'English', 'Cash, American Express, Visa, Mastercard, Discover, Diners Club, Personal Checks, Western Union', '37.955167', '-122.041583', '1018', '1'),
(44, '612', 'CORO', 'Corona- Branch 612', '1124 W 6th Street, Suite 101', NULL, 'Corona', 'CA', '92882', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, '33.87565', '-117.584556', '1019', '1'),
(45, NULL, NULL, NULL, '7375 Mission Street', NULL, 'Daly City', 'CA', '94014', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, '37.6901854', '-122.4656294', '', '1'),
(46, '307', 'DEL1', 'Delano - Branch 307 CUL', '800 11th Ave, Suite #C', NULL, 'Delano', 'CA', '93215', '661-720-2820', '661-720-0893', 'Across the street from the Delano Recycling center on the corner of 11th and I St.', 'parking in front of the office', '8am-7pm', '8am-7pm', '8am-7pm', 'Auto Insurance, Boat Insurance, Business Insurance, Collectibles, Commercial Vehicle Insurance, Motorcycle Insurance, RV Insurance, Renter''s Insurance, Truck Insurance, Snowmobile Insurance', 'Free Quotes, Roadside Assistance', 'English/Spanish', 'Cash, American Express, Visa, Mastercard, Discover, Diners Club, Personal Checks, Western Union', '35.769872', '-119.246802', '1020', '1'),
(47, '118', 'DWF', 'Downey - Branch 118', '12142 Lakewood Blvd', NULL, 'Downey', 'CA', '90242', '(562) 923-9639', '(562) 904-6400', 'Downey Landing/ Lakewood Blvd & Stewart & Grey', 'Parking Lot', '9:00am - 8:00pm', '9:00am - 5:00pm', 'CLOSED', 'Auto Insurance, Boat Insurance, Business Insurance, Collectibles, Commercial Vehicle Insurance, Motorcycle Insurance, RV Insurance, Renter''s Insurance, Truck Insurance, Snowmobile Insurance', 'Payments, Free Quotes, Roadside Assistance', 'English', 'Cash, American Express, Visa, Mastercard, Discover, Diners Club, Personal Checks, Western Union', '33.9240312', '-118.1323933', '1021', '1'),
(48, '327', 'ECE1', 'El Cerrito - Branch 327 CUL', '11100 San Pablo Ave, #110', NULL, 'El Cerrito', 'CA', '94530', '15102311600', '15102310884', 'Bank of the West is the Landmark/Cross street is Madison and Potrero', 'shopping center parking lot', '8am-8pm', '8am-8pm', '8am-8pm', 'Auto Insurance, Boat Insurance, Business Insurance, Collectibles, Commercial Vehicle Insurance, Motorcycle Insurance, RV Insurance, Renter''s Insurance, Truck Insurance, Snowmobile Insurance', 'Free Quotes, Roadside Assistance', 'English', 'Cash, American Express, Visa, Mastercard, Discover, Diners Club, Personal Checks, Western Union', '37.918705 ', '-122.313097 ', '', '0'),
(49, '91', 'EMF', 'El Monte - Branch 91', '11820 Valley Blvd, Suite 6A', NULL, 'El Monte', 'CA', '91732', '(626) 350-5959', '(626) 350-6071', 'Same shopping center as Mi Pueblo supermarket and China Buffet Restaurant', 'Parking Lot', '9:00am - 7:00pm', '9:00am - 5:00pm', 'CLOSED', 'Auto Insurance, Boat Insurance, Business Insurance, Collectibles, Commercial Vehicle Insurance, Motorcycle Insurance, RV Insurance, Renter''s Insurance, Truck Insurance, Snowmobile Insurance', 'Payments, Free Quotes, Roadside Assistance', 'English, Spanish', 'Cash, American Express, Visa, Mastercard, Discover, Diners Club, Personal Checks, Western Union', '34.063634', '-118.022428', '1022', '1'),
(50, '366', 'ELK1', 'Elk Grove - Branch 366 CUL', '8451 Elk Grove Blvd, Suite 11', NULL, 'Elk Grove', 'CA', '95758', '916-683-2410', '916-683-9561', 'In The Wallmart Shoping center', 'all around office', '9am-7pm', '9am-7pm', '9am-7pm', 'Auto Insurance, Boat Insurance, Business Insurance, Collectibles, Commercial Vehicle Insurance, Motorcycle Insurance, RV Insurance, Renter''s Insurance, Truck Insurance, Snowmobile Insurance', 'Free Quotes, Roadside Assistance', 'English, Spanish', 'Cash, American Express, Visa, Mastercard, Discover, Diners Club, Personal Checks, Western Union', '38.4095331 ', '-121.3921708 ', '', '0'),
(51, '761', 'ESCO', 'Escondido – Branch 761', '341 W. Mission AVE', NULL, 'Escondido', 'CA', '92025', '(760) 745-5400', NULL, 'Cross street is Escondido Blvd next to Subway ', 'Parking avaiable in front ', '9am-7pm', '9am-7pm', '9am-7pm', 'Auto Insurance, Boat Insurance, Business Insurance, Collectibles, Commercial Vehicle Insurance, Motorcycle Insurance, RV Insurance, Renter''s Insurance, Truck Insurance, Snowmobile Insurance', 'Free Quotes, Roadside Assistance', 'Spanish & English', 'Cash, American Express, Visa, Mastercard, Discover, Diners Club, Personal Checks, Western Union', '33.1288932 ', '-117.0894382 ', '', '0'),
(52, '354', 'EUR1', 'Eureka - Branch 354 CUL', '3022 Broadway Street, Suite B', NULL, 'Eureka', 'CA', '95501', '707-444-6212', '707-444-7894', 'Right behind Philly Cheese Steak Shop next to Liberty Tax. In between Taco Bell and Applebee''s.', 'In front of the office', '9am- 7pm', '9am- 7pm', '9am- 7pm', 'Auto Insurance, Boat Insurance, Business Insurance, Collectibles, Commercial Vehicle Insurance, Motorcycle Insurance, RV Insurance, Renter''s Insurance, Truck Insurance, Snowmobile Insurance', 'Free Quotes, Roadside Assistance', 'English/ Spanish', 'Cash, American Express, Visa, Mastercard, Discover, Diners Club, Personal Checks, Western Union', '40.7812355 ', '-124.1852905 ', '', '0'),
(53, '328', 'FAI1', 'Fairfield 1 - Branch 328 CUL', '2202 W Texas Street , Suite B', NULL, 'Fairfield', 'CA', '94533', '707-423-4320', '707-429-2016', 'at the Corner of West Texas and Beck ave next to Jenny Craig', 'parking lot', '9:00 a.m. To 7:00 p.m.', '9:00 a.m. To 7:00 p.m.', '9:00 a.m. To 7:00 p.m.', 'Auto Insurance, Boat Insurance, Business Insurance, Collectibles, Commercial Vehicle Insurance, Motorcycle Insurance, RV Insurance, Renter''s Insurance, Truck Insurance, Snowmobile Insurance', 'Free Quotes, Roadside Assistance', 'English', 'Cash, American Express, Visa, Mastercard, Discover, Diners Club, Personal Checks, Western Union', '38.249599 ', '-122.065809 ', '', '0'),
(54, '359', 'FOL1', 'Folsom - Branch 359 CUL', '323 East Bidwell Street, Suite B', NULL, 'Folsom', 'CA', '95630', '916-817-8142', '916-817-8686', 'Next door to DMV, Dimple Records', 'huge parking lot ', '8:00am-7:00pm', '8:00am-7:00pm', '8:00am-7:00pm', 'Auto Insurance, Boat Insurance, Business Insurance, Collectibles, Commercial Vehicle Insurance, Motorcycle Insurance, RV Insurance, Renter''s Insurance, Truck Insurance, Snowmobile Insurance', 'Free Quotes, Roadside Assistance', 'English', 'Cash, American Express, Visa, Mastercard, Discover, Diners Club, Personal Checks, Western Union', '38.6740834 ', '-121.1674386 ', '', '0'),
(55, '160', 'FONF', 'Fontana 2 - Branch 160', '17218 Foothill Blvd, Suite #105', NULL, 'Fontana', 'CA', '92335', '909-428-3800', '909-350-1112', 'Across the street from Walmart and same shopping center as the Brunswick bowling ', NULL, '9am -7:30pm', '9am -7:30pm', '9am -7:30pm', 'Auto Insurance, Boat Insurance, Business Insurance, Collectibles, Commercial Vehicle Insurance, Motorcycle Insurance, RV Insurance, Renter''s Insurance, Truck Insurance, Snowmobile Insurance', 'Free Quotes, Roadside Assistance', 'English / Spanish', 'Cash, American Express, Visa, Mastercard, Discover, Diners Club, Personal Checks, Western Union', '34.1068892 ', '-117.4289524 ', '', '0'),
(56, '155', 'FR3', 'Fresno 3 - Branch 155', '4846 East Kings Canyon Road', NULL, 'Fresno', 'CA', '93702', '559-476-8241', '559-476-8258', 'Same shopping center of foods co and next to radio shack and Rallys ', NULL, '9am-8pm', '9am-8pm', '9am-8pm', 'Auto Insurance, Boat Insurance, Business Insurance, Collectibles, Commercial Vehicle Insurance, Motorcycle Insurance, RV Insurance, Renter''s Insurance, Truck Insurance, Snowmobile Insurance', 'Free Quotes, Roadside Assistance', 'English/Spanish', 'Cash, American Express, Visa, Mastercard, Discover, Diners Club, Personal Checks, Western Union', '36.735506 ', '-119.734362 ', '', '0'),
(57, '320', 'FRE3', 'Fresno 3 - Branch 320 CUL', '946 Fresno Street', NULL, 'Fresno', 'CA', '93706', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 'closed', 'closed', 'closed', 'Auto Insurance, Boat Insurance, Business Insurance, Collectibles, Commercial Vehicle Insurance, Motorcycle Insurance, RV Insurance, Renter''s Insurance, Truck Insurance, Snowmobile Insurance', 'Free Quotes, Roadside Assistance', 'English/Spanish', 'Cash, American Express, Visa, Mastercard, Discover, Diners Club, Personal Checks, Western Union', '36.7286392 ', '-119.8022847 ', '', '0'),
(58, '90', 'FR1', 'Fresno 1 - Branch 90', '5410 N. Blackstone Avenue', NULL, 'Fresno', 'CA', '93710', '559-431-0100', '559-431-9700', 'cross street is blackstone and barstow next to payless store ', NULL, '9am-8pm', '9am-8pm', '9am-8pm', 'Auto Insurance, Boat Insurance, Business Insurance, Collectibles, Commercial Vehicle Insurance, Motorcycle Insurance, RV Insurance, Renter''s Insurance, Truck Insurance, Snowmobile Insurance', 'Free Quotes, Roadside Assistance', 'English/Spanish', 'Cash, American Express, Visa, Mastercard, Discover, Diners Club, Personal Checks, Western Union', '36.8162331 ', '-119.7902772 ', '', '0'),
(59, '321', 'FRE1', 'Fresno 1 - Branch 321 CUL', '66 East Shaw Avenue', NULL, 'Fresno', 'CA', '93710', '559-243-0177', '559-243-0155', 'cross streets are blackstone and shaw next to the skechers store ', NULL, '9am-8pm', '9am-8pm', '9am-8pm', 'Auto Insurance, Boat Insurance, Business Insurance, Collectibles, Commercial Vehicle Insurance, Motorcycle Insurance, RV Insurance, Renter''s Insurance, Truck Insurance, Snowmobile Insurance', 'Free Quotes, Roadside Assistance', 'English/Spanish', 'Cash, American Express, Visa, Mastercard, Discover, Diners Club, Personal Checks, Western Union', '36.8088044 ', '-119.7894771 ', '', '0'),
(60, '172', 'FRES', 'Fresno – Branch 172', '3071 W Shaw Ave, Suite 106', NULL, 'Fresno', 'CA', '93711', '559-440-0227', NULL, 'Cross street is shaw and marks on the ross shopping center ', NULL, '9am-7pm', '9am-7pm', '9am-7pm', 'Auto Insurance, Boat Insurance, Business Insurance, Collectibles, Commercial Vehicle Insurance, Motorcycle Insurance, RV Insurance, Renter''s Insurance, Truck Insurance, Snowmobile Insurance', 'Free Quotes, Roadside Assistance', 'English/Spanish', 'Cash, American Express, Visa, Mastercard, Discover, Diners Club, Personal Checks, Western Union', '36.807243 ', '-119.846742 ', '', '0'),
(61, '308', 'HAN1', 'Hanford - Branch 308 CUL', '210 N. 11th Avenue, Suite 102', NULL, 'Hanford', 'CA', '93230', '559-589-9998', '559-585-7200', 'cross street is 7th and 11th same building as Western Dental ', NULL, '9am-8pm', '9am-8pm', '9am-8pm', 'Auto Insurance, Boat Insurance, Business Insurance, Collectibles, Commercial Vehicle Insurance, Motorcycle Insurance, RV Insurance, Renter''s Insurance, Truck Insurance, Snowmobile Insurance', 'Free Quotes, Roadside Assistance', 'English/Spanish', 'Cash, American Express, Visa, Mastercard, Discover, Diners Club, Personal Checks, Western Union', '36.3255712 ', '-119.6553057 ', '', '0'),
(62, '167', 'HWG', 'Hawaiian Gardens - Branch 167', '21708 Norwalk Blvd.', NULL, 'Hawaiian Gardens', 'CA', '90716', '562-354-9308', '562-354-9334', 'Norwalk & Carson ', 'Parking Lot', '9:00 a.m. To 8:00 p.m.', '9:00 a.m. To 8:00 p.m.', '9:00 a.m. To 8:00 p.m.', 'Auto Insurance, Boat Insurance, Business Insurance, Collectibles, Commercial Vehicle Insurance, Motorcycle Insurance, RV Insurance, Renter''s Insurance, Truck Insurance, Snowmobile Insurance', 'Free Quotes, Roadside Assistance', 'English', 'Cash, American Express, Visa, Mastercard, Discover, Diners Club, Personal Checks, Western Union', '33.8309733 ', '-118.0715435 ', '', '0'),
(63, '121', 'HAF', 'Hawthorne - Branch 121', '12920 Hawthorne Blvd', NULL, 'Hawthorne ', 'CA', '90250', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, '33.915 ', '-118.352014 ', '', '0'),
(64, '384', 'HAYC', 'Hayward - Branch 384 CUL', '26953 Mission Blvd., Unit # B', NULL, 'Hayward', 'CA', '94544', '510-300-3820', '510-300-3822', 'Food source shopping plaza', 'Parking Lot', '9am to 7pm', '9am to 7pm', '9am to 7pm', 'Auto Insurance, Boat Insurance, Business Insurance, Collectibles, Commercial Vehicle Insurance, Motorcycle Insurance, RV Insurance, Renter''s Insurance, Truck Insurance, Snowmobile Insurance', 'Free Quotes, Roadside Assistance', 'spanish and enlish', 'Cash, American Express, Visa, Mastercard, Discover, Diners Club, Personal Checks, Western Union', '37.6450647 ', '-122.0623545 ', '', '0'),
(65, NULL, NULL, NULL, '7711 Center Avenue', 'Suite 200', 'Huntington Beach', 'CA', '92647', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, '33.735454 ', '-117.99521 ', '', '0'),
(66, '123', 'HUF', 'Huntington Park - Branch 123', '7133 Pacific Blvd', NULL, 'Huntington Park', 'CA', '90255', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, '33.9747915 ', '-118.2251824 ', '', '0'),
(67, '80', 'INF', 'Indio - Branch 80', '81618 US Highway 111', NULL, 'Indio', 'CA', '92201', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, '33.7144628 ', '-116.2335265 ', '', '0'),
(68, '360', 'JAC2', 'Jackson - Branch 360 CUL', '525 S Highway 49, Suite 7', NULL, 'Jackson', 'CA', '95642', '209-223-7120', '209-257-1890', 'Behind KFC in the CVS shopping center ', 'huge parking lot', '9:00am-6:00pm', '9:00am-6:00pm', '9:00am-6:00pm', 'Auto Insurance, Boat Insurance, Business Insurance, Collectibles, Commercial Vehicle Insurance, Motorcycle Insurance, RV Insurance, Renter''s Insurance, Truck Insurance, Snowmobile Insurance', 'Free Quotes, Roadside Assistance', 'English', 'Cash, American Express, Visa, Mastercard, Discover, Diners Club, Personal Checks, Western Union', '38.343161 ', '-120.769792 ', '', '0'),
(69, '176', 'LAGU', 'Laguna Hills - Branch 176', '24012 Avenida De La Carlota, Suite F', NULL, 'Laguna Hills', 'CA', '92653', '(949) 540-7977', NULL, 'El Toro and Avenida De La Carlota across the street from in-n-out', 'Plenty in front of store', '9am - 8pm', '9am - 8pm', '9am - 8pm', 'Insurance', 'Free Quotes, Roadside Assistance', 'Spanish/English', 'Cash, Check , Credit/Debit, Money Orders', '33.613645 ', '-117.707619 ', '', '0'),
(70, '165', 'LANF', 'Lancaster - Branch 165', '43458 10th Street West, Suite #102', NULL, 'Lancaster', 'CA', '93534', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, '34.6727068 ', '-118.1477274 ', '', '0'),
(71, '705', 'LANS', 'Lancaster - Branch 705', '44215 20th Street West', NULL, 'Lancaster', 'CA', '93534', '661-942-2120', '661-726-7826', 'Across form Home Depot and Next to Pep Boys / Avenue J and 20th St West', 'Front Parking', '9Am-8Pm', '9Am-8Pm', '9Am-8Pm', 'Auto, Home, Renter, Motorcycle, Commercial', 'New business, Endorsements, Monthly Payments', 'English and Spanish', 'Cash, Check, Credit Card, Debit Card, Visa, Master Card, Discover, American Express, Money Order', '34.6873874 ', '-118.1655515 ', '', '0'),
(72, '343', 'LOD1', 'Lodi 1 - Branch 343 CUL', '758 W. Kettleman Lane', NULL, 'Lodi', 'CA', '95240', '209-369-0132', '209-369-2960', 'Kohls shopping center between goodwill and kohls ', 'parking in front', '9am - 7am', '9am - 7am', '9am - 7am', 'Auto Insurance, Boat Insurance, Business Insurance, Collectibles, Commercial Vehicle Insurance, Motorcycle Insurance, RV Insurance, Renter''s Insurance, Truck Insurance, Snowmobile Insurance', 'Free Quotes, Roadside Assistance', 'English, Spanish', 'Cash, American Express, Visa, Mastercard, Discover, Diners Club, Personal Checks, Western Union', '38.1161021 ', '-121.2623415 ', '', '0'),
(73, '607', 'PSLB', 'Long Beach - Branch 607', '4701 North Long Beach Blvd.', NULL, 'Long Beach', 'CA', '90805', '562-262-0793', '562-984-3851', '47th and Long Beach Blvd', 'Parking Lot', '9:00 a.m. To 7:00 p.m.', '9:00 a.m. To 7:00 p.m.', '9:00 a.m. To 7:00 p.m.', 'Auto Insurance, Boat Insurance, Business Insurance, Collectibles, Commercial Vehicle Insurance, Motorcycle Insurance, RV Insurance, Renter''s Insurance, Truck Insurance, Snowmobile Insurance', 'Free Quotes, Roadside Assistance', 'English, Spanish', 'Cash, American Express, Visa, Mastercard, Discover, Diners Club, Personal Checks, Western Union', '33.8431465 ', '-118.1926641 ', '', '0'),
(74, '125', 'LBF', 'Long Beach - Branch 125', '3391 N. Long Beach Blvd', NULL, 'Long Beach', 'CA', '90807', '562-290-8193', '562-989-0679', 'Wardlow & Long Beach Blvd', 'Parking Lot', '9:00 a.m. To 8:00 p.m.', '9:00 a.m. To 8:00 p.m.', '9:00 a.m. To 8:00 p.m.', 'Auto Insurance, Boat Insurance, Business Insurance, Collectibles, Commercial Vehicle Insurance, Motorcycle Insurance, RV Insurance, Renter''s Insurance, Truck Insurance, Snowmobile Insurance', 'Free Quotes, Roadside Assistance', 'English, Spanish', 'Cash, American Express, Visa, Mastercard, Discover, Diners Club, Personal Checks, Western Union', '33.8185359 ', '-118.1893956 ', '', '0'),
(75, '603', 'PSM', 'Los Angeles - Branch 603', '310 E. Manchester Ave', NULL, 'Los Angeles', 'CA', '90003', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Auto Insurance, Boat Insurance, Business Insurance, Collectibles, Commercial Vehicle Insurance, Motorcycle Insurance, RV Insurance, Renter''s Insurance, Truck Insurance, Snowmobile Insurance', 'Payments, Free Quotes, Roadside Assistance', 'English, Spanish', 'Cash, American Express, Visa, Mastercard, Discover, Diners Club, Personal Checks, Western Union', '33.9600417 ', '-118.2688913 ', '', '0'),
(76, '63', 'LA1', 'Los Angeles 1 - Branch 63', '2538 S. Figueroa St.', NULL, 'Los Angeles', 'CA', '90007', '(213) 746-8400', '(213) 746-8488', 'Cross st Adams right behind Popeys chicken and 7 eleven', 'Parking Lot in the back of the office', '9:00am - 8:00pm', '9:00am - 5:00pm', '10:00am - 3:00pm', 'Auto Insurance, Boat Insurance, Business Insurance, Collectibles, Commercial Vehicle Insurance, Motorcycle Insurance, RV Insurance, Renter''s Insurance, Truck Insurance, Snowmobile Insurance', 'Payments, Free Quotes, Roadside Assistance', 'English, Spanish', 'Cash, American Express, Visa, Mastercard, Discover, Diners Club, Personal Checks, Western Union', '34.0284403', '-118.2757952', '1023', '1'),
(77, '609', 'PSC', 'Los Angeles- Branch 609', '2052 S. Central Ave', NULL, 'Los Angeles', 'CA', '90011', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Auto Insurance, Boat Insurance, Business Insurance, Collectibles, Commercial Vehicle Insurance, Motorcycle Insurance, RV Insurance, Renter''s Insurance, Truck Insurance, Snowmobile Insurance', 'Payments, Free Quotes, Roadside Assistance', 'English, Spanish', 'Cash, American Express, Visa, Mastercard, Discover, Diners Club, Personal Checks, Western Union', '34.0228296 ', '-118.2519848 ', '', '0'),
(78, '127', 'LA4', 'Los Angeles 4 - Branch 127', '401 South Vermont #15', NULL, 'Los Angeles', 'CA', '90020', '(213) 380-4400', '(213) 380-4414', '5th st / Vermont, In Between Mc Donalds & Jack in the Box. ', 'Parking Lot', '9:00am - 8:00pm', '9:00am - 5:00pm', 'CLOSED', 'Auto Insurance, Boat Insurance, Business Insurance, Collectibles, Commercial Vehicle Insurance, Motorcycle Insurance, RV Insurance, Renter''s Insurance, Truck Insurance, Snowmobile Insurance', 'Payments, Free Quotes, Roadside Assistance', 'English, Spanish', 'Cash, American Express, Visa, Mastercard, Discover, Diners Club, Personal Checks, Western Union', '34.066956', '-118.29206', '1024', '1'),
(79, '602', 'PSWB', 'Los Angeles - Branch 602', '1000 E. Washington Blvd, Suite 111', NULL, 'Los Angeles', 'CA', '90021', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Auto Insurance, Boat Insurance, Business Insurance, Collectibles, Commercial Vehicle Insurance, Motorcycle Insurance, RV Insurance, Renter''s Insurance, Truck Insurance, Snowmobile Insurance', 'Payments, Free Quotes, Roadside Assistance', 'English, Spanish', 'Cash, American Express, Visa, Mastercard, Discover, Diners Club, Personal Checks, Western Union', '34.0255277 ', '-118.2536673 ', '', '0'),
(80, '120', 'LA3', 'Los Angeles 3 - Branch 120', '5045 Whittier Blvd', NULL, 'Los Angeles', 'CA', '90022', '(323) 264-2093', '(323) 264-8465', 'Next to WingStop & Little Cesars', 'Parking Lot in back', '9:00am - 8:00pm', '9:00am - 5:00pm', 'CLOSED', 'Auto Insurance, Boat Insurance, Business Insurance, Collectibles, Commercial Vehicle Insurance, Motorcycle Insurance, RV Insurance, Renter''s Insurance, Truck Insurance, Snowmobile Insurance', 'Payments, Free Quotes, Roadside Assistance', 'English, Spanish', 'Cash, American Express, Visa, Mastercard, Discover, Diners Club, Personal Checks, Western Union', '34.0212679', '-118.1607955', '1025', '1'),
(81, '704', 'ELAS', 'East Los Angeles - Branch 704', '4517 Whittier Blvd.', NULL, 'Los Angeles', 'CA', '90022', '323-262-2121', '323-262-4974', '710 Frwy and Ford and Whittier Blvd', 'Front and rear parking', '9Am-8Pm', '9Am-8Pm', '9Am-8Pm', 'Auto Insurance, Boat Insurance, Business Insurance, Collectibles, Commercial Vehicle Insurance, Motorcycle Insurance, RV Insurance, Renter''s Insurance, Truck Insurance, Snowmobile Insurance', 'Payments, Free Quotes, Roadside Assistance', 'English, Spanish', 'Cash, American Express, Visa, Mastercard, Discover, Diners Club, Personal Checks, Western Union', '34.023503 ', '-118.170352 ', '', '0'),
(82, '66', 'LA6', 'Los Angeles 6 - Branch 66', '1260 S Soto St., #18', NULL, 'Los Angeles', 'CA', '90023', '(323) 415-6700', '(323) 415-6727', 'Next to El Pollo Loco', 'Parking Lot', '9:00am - 8:00pm', '9:00am - 5:00pm', 'CLOSED', 'Auto Insurance, Boat Insurance, Business Insurance, Collectibles, Commercial Vehicle Insurance, Motorcycle Insurance, RV Insurance, Renter''s Insurance, Truck Insurance, Snowmobile Insurance', 'Payments, Free Quotes, Roadside Assistance', 'English, Spanish', 'Cash, American Express, Visa, Mastercard, Discover, Diners Club, Personal Checks, Western Union', '34.0263406', '-118.2193922', '1026', '1'),
(83, '157', 'HOL', 'Hollywood - Branch 157', '5230 West Sunset Blvd., # 2', NULL, 'Los Angeles', 'CA', '90027', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Auto Insurance, Boat Insurance, Business Insurance, Collectibles, Commercial Vehicle Insurance, Motorcycle Insurance, RV Insurance, Renter''s Insurance, Truck Insurance, Snowmobile Insurance', 'Payments, Free Quotes, Roadside Assistance', 'English, Spanish', 'Cash, American Express, Visa, Mastercard, Discover, Diners Club, Personal Checks, Western Union', '34.0980931 ', '-118.3038875 ', '', '0'),
(84, '604', 'PSF', 'Los Angeles - Branch 604', '4301 S. Figueroa St, Suite C', NULL, 'Los Angeles', 'CA', '90037', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Auto Insurance, Boat Insurance, Business Insurance, Collectibles, Commercial Vehicle Insurance, Motorcycle Insurance, RV Insurance, Renter''s Insurance, Truck Insurance, Snowmobile Insurance', 'Payments, Free Quotes, Roadside Assistance', 'English, Spanish', 'Cash, American Express, Visa, Mastercard, Discover, Diners Club, Personal Checks, Western Union', '34.005073 ', '-118.283121 ', '', '0'),
(85, '77', 'LA2', 'Los Angeles 2 - Branch 77', '5375 W Centinela ave #A', NULL, 'Los Angeles', 'CA', '90045', '(310) 568-1750', '(310) 568-1422', 'Cross st: La Cienega. In the same shopping center as TGI FRIDAYS and Wells Fargo', 'Parking Lot', '9:00am - 8:00pm', '9:00am - 6:00pm', 'CLOSED', 'Auto Insurance, Boat Insurance, Business Insurance, Collectibles, Commercial Vehicle Insurance, Motorcycle Insurance, RV Insurance, Renter''s Insurance, Truck Insurance, Snowmobile Insurance', 'Payments, Free Quotes, Roadside Assistance', 'English, Spanish', 'Cash, American Express, Visa, Mastercard, Discover, Diners Club, Personal Checks, Western Union', '33.9771302', '-118.3755929', '1027', '1'),
(86, '159', 'LA7', 'Los Angeles 7 - Branch 159', '936 N. Formosa Ave.', NULL, 'Los Angeles', 'CA', '90046', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Auto Insurance, Boat Insurance, Business Insurance, Collectibles, Commercial Vehicle Insurance, Motorcycle Insurance, RV Insurance, Renter''s Insurance, Truck Insurance, Snowmobile Insurance', 'Payments, Free Quotes, Roadside Assistance', 'English, Spanish', 'Cash, American Express, Visa, Mastercard, Discover, Diners Club, Personal Checks, Western Union', '34.0881722 ', '-118.3461744 ', '', '0'),
(87, '1', 'SSBLA', 'SSB LA', '6380 Wilshire Blvd., Suite 1400', NULL, 'Los Angeles', 'CA', '90048', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Auto Insurance, Boat Insurance, Business Insurance, Collectibles, Commercial Vehicle Insurance, Motorcycle Insurance, RV Insurance, Renter''s Insurance, Truck Insurance, Snowmobile Insurance', 'Payments, Free Quotes, Roadside Assistance', 'English, Spanish', 'Cash, American Express, Visa, Mastercard, Discover, Diners Club, Personal Checks, Western Union', '34.0633618 ', '-118.3681423 ', '', '0'),
(88, '751', 'SURWEB', 'Survival Web - Branch 751', '6380 Wilshire Blvd., Suite 1400', NULL, 'Los Angeles', 'CA', '90048', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Auto Insurance, Boat Insurance, Business Insurance, Collectibles, Commercial Vehicle Insurance, Motorcycle Insurance, RV Insurance, Renter''s Insurance, Truck Insurance, Snowmobile Insurance', 'Payments, Free Quotes, Roadside Assistance', 'English, Spanish', 'Cash, American Express, Visa, Mastercard, Discover, Diners Club, Personal Checks, Western Union', '34.0633618 ', '-118.3681423 ', '', '0'),
(89, '122', 'HPF', 'Highland Park - Branch 122', '4319 North Figueroa St', NULL, 'Los Angeles', 'CA', '90065', '(323) 987-2300', '(323) 987-2321', 'cross street is Avenue 43rd Street', 'Parking Lot', '9:00am - 7:00pm', '9:00am - 4:00pm', 'CLOSED', 'Auto Insurance, Boat Insurance, Business Insurance, Collectibles, Commercial Vehicle Insurance, Motorcycle Insurance, RV Insurance, Renter''s Insurance, Truck Insurance, Snowmobile Insurance', 'Payments, Free Quotes, Roadside Assistance', 'English, Spanish', 'Cash, American Express, Visa, Mastercard, Discover, Diners Club, Personal Checks, Western Union', '34.0946744', '-118.2083808', '1028', '1'),
(90, '318', 'LBA1', 'Los Banos - Branch 318 CUL', '2160 Pacheco Blvd, Suite J', NULL, 'Los Banos', 'CA', '93635', '209-826-7977', '209-826-5026', 'cross street pacheco in the food 4 less shopping center ', NULL, '9am-7pm', '9am-7pm', '9am-7pm', 'Auto Insurance, Boat Insurance, Business Insurance, Collectibles, Commercial Vehicle Insurance, Motorcycle Insurance, RV Insurance, Renter''s Insurance, Truck Insurance, Snowmobile Insurance', 'Free Quotes, Roadside Assistance', 'English/Spanish', 'Cash, American Express, Visa, Mastercard, Discover, Diners Club, Personal Checks, Western Union', '37.058072 ', '-120.821455 ', '', '0'),
(91, '166', 'LYN1', 'Lynwood - Branch 166', '10910 Long Beach Blvd., Suite# 102', NULL, 'Lynwood', 'CA', '90262', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, '33.9338804 ', '-118.2122965 ', '', '0'),
(92, '614', 'LYWD', 'Lynwood - Branch 614', '3837 Martin Luther King Jr. Blvd, # 104', NULL, 'Lynwood', 'CA', '90262', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, '33.9276416 ', '-118.1976385 ', '', '0'),
(93, '319', 'MAD1', 'Madera 1 - Branch 319 CUL', '2380 W. Cleveland Avenue, #E-5', NULL, 'Madera', 'CA', '93637', '559-661-2830', '559-661-2835', 'Is in the food 4 less shopping center cross street is cleveland and schnoor cross streets ', NULL, '9am-8pm', '9am-8pm', '9am-8pm', 'Auto Insurance, Boat Insurance, Business Insurance, Collectibles, Commercial Vehicle Insurance, Motorcycle Insurance, RV Insurance, Renter''s Insurance, Truck Insurance, Snowmobile Insurance', 'Free Quotes, Roadside Assistance', 'English/Spanish', 'Cash, American Express, Visa, Mastercard, Discover, Diners Club, Personal Checks, Western Union', '36.9744528 ', '-120.0516017 ', '', '0'),
(94, '345', 'MAN1', 'Manteca - Branch 345 CUL', '1043 South Main Street', NULL, 'Manteca', 'CA', '95337', '209-239-1631', '209-825-8545', 'Burlington Coat Factory (location of old Meryvn''s) shopping center across from Wal-Mart ', NULL, '9am-7pm', '9am-7pm', '9am-7pm', 'Auto Insurance, Boat Insurance, Business Insurance, Collectibles, Commercial Vehicle Insurance, Motorcycle Insurance, RV Insurance, Renter''s Insurance, Truck Insurance, Snowmobile Insurance', 'Free Quotes, Roadside Assistance', 'English, Spanish', 'Cash, American Express, Visa, Mastercard, Discover, Diners Club, Personal Checks, Western Union', '37.788509 ', '-121.217234 ', '', '0'),
(95, '346', 'MER1', 'Merced - Branch 346 CUL', '3070 M St, Suite 1', NULL, 'Merced', 'CA', '95348', '209-725-3366', '209-384-4585', 'Just south of W. Olive Ave near Mall. Same parking lot as Starbucks across from Jack In The Box ', NULL, '9am-7pm', '9am-7pm', '9am-7pm', 'Auto Insurance, Boat Insurance, Business Insurance, Collectibles, Commercial Vehicle Insurance, Motorcycle Insurance, RV Insurance, Renter''s Insurance, Truck Insurance, Snowmobile Insurance', 'Free Quotes, Roadside Assistance', 'English, Spanish, & Assyrian', 'Cash, American Express, Visa, Mastercard, Discover, Diners Club, Personal Checks, Western Union', '37.3184883 ', '-120.4780348 ', '', '0'),
(96, '347', 'MOD1', 'Modesto 1 - Branch 347 CUL', '2900 Standiford Avenue, #25', NULL, 'Modesto', 'CA', '95350', '209-549-5959', '209-549-5950', 'Nearest Cross street is Dale Rd. Same shopping center as Smart & Final. Next to Togo''s and Blockbuster ', NULL, '8am-8pm', '8am-8pm', '8am-8pm', 'Auto Insurance, Boat Insurance, Business Insurance, Collectibles, Commercial Vehicle Insurance, Motorcycle Insurance, RV Insurance, Renter''s Insurance, Truck Insurance, Snowmobile Insurance', 'Free Quotes, Roadside Assistance', 'English, Spanish', 'Cash, American Express, Visa, Mastercard, Discover, Diners Club, Personal Checks, Western Union', '37.684641 ', '-121.048621 ', '', '0');
INSERT INTO `wp_master_office` (`id`, `brand_id`, `code`, `office`, `street_address_01`, `street_address_02`, `city`, `state`, `zipcode`, `phone`, `fax`, `landmark`, `parking`, `office_hours1`, `office_hours2`, `office_hours3`, `products_offered`, `services_offered`, `languages_spoken`, `payment_methods`, `latitud`, `longitud`, `id_page`, `status`) VALUES
(97, '105', 'MOF', 'Modesto - Branch 105', '1801 H St', NULL, 'Modesto', 'CA', '95354', '209-572-7550', '209-572-7560', 'Corner of D Street & Burney Ave directly across from the DMV ', NULL, '9am-8pm', '9am-8pm', '9am-8pm', 'Auto Insurance, Boat Insurance, Business Insurance, Collectibles, Commercial Vehicle Insurance, Motorcycle Insurance, RV Insurance, Renter''s Insurance, Truck Insurance, Snowmobile Insurance', 'Free Quotes, Roadside Assistance', 'English, Spanish', 'Cash, American Express, Visa, Mastercard, Discover, Diners Club, Personal Checks, Western Union', '37.645181 ', '-120.990121 ', '', '0'),
(98, '348', 'MOD2', 'Modesto 2 - Branch 348 CUL', '123 Burney Street ', NULL, 'Modesto', 'CA', '95354', '209-529-3400', '209-529-3405', 'Downtown Modesto In the Save Mart shopping center. Same shopping center with Starbucks & Mr. Pickles ', NULL, '8am-7pm', '8am-7pm', '8am-7pm', 'Auto Insurance, Boat Insurance, Business Insurance, Collectibles, Commercial Vehicle Insurance, Motorcycle Insurance, RV Insurance, Renter''s Insurance, Truck Insurance, Snowmobile Insurance', 'Free Quotes, Roadside Assistance', 'English, Spanish', 'Cash, American Express, Visa, Mastercard, Discover, Diners Club, Personal Checks, Western Union', '37.6389098 ', '-120.9890528 ', '', '0'),
(99, NULL, NULL, NULL, '10338 Central Avenue', NULL, 'Montclair', 'CA', '91763', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, '34.0661518 ', '-117.6897618 ', '', '0'),
(100, '702', 'BVRLY', 'Montebello 2 - Branch 702', '1020 West Beverly BLVD.', NULL, 'Montebello', 'CA', '90640', '323-888-2838', '323-201-3896', 'Montebello Blvd and Whittier Blvd. Next to Bank Of America', 'Front Parking', '9Am-8Pm', '9Am-8Pm', '9Am-8Pm', 'Auto, Home, Renter, Motorcycle, Commercial', 'New business, Endorsements, Monthly Payments', 'English and Spanish', 'Cash, Check, Credit Card, Debit Card, Visa, Master Card, Discover, American Express, Money Order', '34.0178303 ', '-118.1088819 ', '', '0'),
(101, '707', 'MNTB', 'Montebello - Branch 707', '722 Newmark Mall', NULL, 'Montebello', 'CA', '90640', '323-346-1400', '323-346-1700', 'Montebello Blvd and Beverly Blvd Next to Bank of America', 'Front Parking', '9Am-8Pm', '9Am-8Pm', '9Am-8Pm', 'Auto, Home, Renter, Motorcycle, Commercial', 'New business, Endorsements, Monthly Payments', 'English and Spanish', 'Cash, Check, Credit Card, Debit Card, Visa, Master Card, Discover, American Express, Money Order', '34.0107123 ', '-118.1074314 ', '', '0'),
(102, '150', 'MRF', 'Moreno - Branch 150', '16110 Perris Blvd., Suite E', NULL, 'Moreno Valley', 'CA', '92551', '951-214-4900', '951-485-8352', 'PERRIS AND IRIS NEXT DOOR TO FRESH AND EASY', NULL, '8:00AM TO 8:00PM', '8:00AM TO 8:00PM', '8:00AM TO 8:00PM', 'Auto Insurance, Boat Insurance, Business Insurance, Collectibles, Commercial Vehicle Insurance, Motorcycle Insurance, RV Insurance, Renter''s Insurance, Truck Insurance, Snowmobile Insurance', 'Free Quotes, Roadside Assistance', 'English', 'Cash, American Express, Visa, Mastercard, Discover, Diners Club, Personal Checks, Western Union', '33.8867199 ', '-117.22534 ', '', '0'),
(103, '330', 'NAP1', 'Napa - Branch 330 CUL', '2975 Jefferson St', NULL, 'Napa', 'CA', '94558', '707-257-4440', '707-257-8240', 'at the Corner of Jefferson and Pueblo st Next to the Latino market that Burned down.', 'parking lot', '9:00 a.m. To 7:00 p.m.', '9:00 a.m. To 7:00 p.m.', '9:00 a.m. To 7:00 p.m.', 'Auto Insurance, Boat Insurance, Business Insurance, Collectibles, Commercial Vehicle Insurance, Motorcycle Insurance, RV Insurance, Renter''s Insurance, Truck Insurance, Snowmobile Insurance', 'Free Quotes, Roadside Assistance', 'English', 'Cash, American Express, Visa, Mastercard, Discover, Diners Club, Personal Checks, Western Union', '38.3154705 ', '-122.2982637 ', '', '0'),
(104, '141', 'NCF', 'National City - Branch 141', '925 East Plaza Blvd #F', NULL, 'National City', 'CA', '91950', '619-327-0122', NULL, 'Highland Ave.', NULL, '8:30am-8pm', '8:30am-8pm', '8:30am-8pm', 'Auto Insurance, Boat Insurance, Business Insurance, Collectibles, Commercial Vehicle Insurance, Motorcycle Insurance, RV Insurance, Renter''s Insurance, Truck Insurance, Snowmobile Insurance', 'Free Quotes, Roadside Assistance', 'English, Spanish', 'Cash, American Express, Visa, Mastercard, Discover, Diners Club, Personal Checks, Western Union', '32.6773079 ', '-117.095938 ', '', '0'),
(105, '361', 'NHI1', 'North Highlands - Branch 361 CUL', '5520 Watt Ave, #105', NULL, 'North Highlands', 'CA', '95660', '916-338-6000', ' 916-338-5436', 'Next to Aldabertos, in front of McClellan Air Force Base CrossStreet is A St.', 'parking lot', '9:00 a.m. To 7:00 p.m.', '9:00 a.m. To 7:00 p.m.', '9:00 a.m. To 7:00 p.m.', 'Auto Insurance, Boat Insurance, Business Insurance, Collectibles, Commercial Vehicle Insurance, Motorcycle Insurance, RV Insurance, Renter''s Insurance, Truck Insurance, Snowmobile Insurance', 'Free Quotes, Roadside Assistance', 'English', 'Cash, American Express, Visa, Mastercard, Discover, Diners Club, Personal Checks, Western Union', '38.667566 ', '-121.382434 ', '', '0'),
(106, '608', 'PSSW', 'North Hollywood - Branch 608', '12923 Sherman Way', NULL, 'North Hollywood', 'CA', '91605', '8189228742', NULL, 'Same Sopping as Domino''s Pizza/ Across Coldwater Cyn Ave', 'In front ', '9:00am to 8:00pm', '9:00am to 8:00pm', '9:00am to 8:00pm', 'Auto Insurance, Boat Insurance, Business Insurance, Collectibles, Commercial Vehicle Insurance, Motorcycle Insurance, RV Insurance, Renter''s Insurance, Truck Insurance, Snowmobile Insurance', 'Free Quotes, Roadside Assistance', 'English , Spanish', 'Cash, American Express, Visa, Mastercard, Discover, Diners Club, Personal Checks, Western Union', '34.2012143 ', '-118.414329 ', '', '0'),
(107, '15', 'WWW', 'WEB Dept. - Branch 15', '12431 Norwalk Blvd., Suite F', NULL, 'Norwalk', 'CA', '90650', '800-913-8938', '562-863-3629', 'Norwalk & Imperial', 'Parking Lot', '9:00 a.m. To 9:00 p.m.', '9:00 a.m. To 9:00 p.m.', '9:00 a.m. To 9:00 p.m.', 'Auto Insurance, Boat Insurance, Business Insurance, Collectibles, Commercial Vehicle Insurance, Motorcycle Insurance, RV Insurance, Renter''s Insurance, Truck Insurance, Snowmobile Insurance', 'Free Quotes, Roadside Assistance', 'English', 'Cash, American Express, Visa, Mastercard, Discover, Diners Club, Personal Checks, Western Union', '33.917976 ', '-118.073853 ', '', '0'),
(108, '52', 'NRF', 'Norwalk - Branch 52', '11805 Imperial Highway, Suite A', NULL, 'Norwalk', 'CA', '90650', 'Closed', 'Closed', 'Closed', 'Closed', 'Closed', 'Closed', 'Closed', 'Closed', 'Closed', 'Closed', 'Closed', '33.9171801 ', '-118.0815269 ', '', '0'),
(109, '173', 'NORW', 'Norwalk - Branch 173', '12431 Norwalk Blvd., Suite F', NULL, 'Norwalk', 'CA', '90650', '562-863-6699', '562-863-3629', 'Norwalk & Imperial', 'Parking Lot', '9:00 a.m. To 8:00 p.m.', '9:00 a.m. To 8:00 p.m.', '9:00 a.m. To 8:00 p.m.', 'Auto Insurance, Boat Insurance, Business Insurance, Collectibles, Commercial Vehicle Insurance, Motorcycle Insurance, RV Insurance, Renter''s Insurance, Truck Insurance, Snowmobile Insurance', 'Free Quotes, Roadside Assistance', 'English', 'Cash, American Express, Visa, Mastercard, Discover, Diners Club, Personal Checks, Western Union', '33.917976 ', '-118.073853 ', '', '0'),
(110, '177', 'WWW3', 'WEB Dept.3 - Branch 177', '12431 Norwalk Blvd., Suite F', NULL, 'Norwalk', 'CA', '90650', '562-207-4722', '562-863-3629', 'Norwalk & Imperial', 'Parking Lot', '9:00 a.m. To 9:00 p.m.', '9:00 a.m. To 9:00 p.m.', '9:00 a.m. To 9:00 p.m.', 'Auto Insurance, Boat Insurance, Business Insurance, Collectibles, Commercial Vehicle Insurance, Motorcycle Insurance, RV Insurance, Renter''s Insurance, Truck Insurance, Snowmobile Insurance', 'Free Quotes, Roadside Assistance', 'English', 'Cash, American Express, Visa, Mastercard, Discover, Diners Club, Personal Checks, Western Union', '33.917976 ', '-118.073853 ', '', '0'),
(111, '336', 'nov-01', 'Novato - Branch 336 CUL', '936 7th Street, Suite R-1', NULL, 'Novato', 'CA', '94947', '14158784944', '14158924290', 'DMV and Taco Bell is the Landmark/Cross street is Novato Blvd.', 'shopping center parking lot', '9am-7pm', '9am- 7pm', '9am- 7pm', 'Auto Insurance, Boat Insurance, Business Insurance, Collectibles, Commercial Vehicle Insurance, Motorcycle Insurance, RV Insurance, Renter''s Insurance, Truck Insurance, Snowmobile Insurance', 'Free Quotes, Roadside Assistance', 'English', 'Cash, American Express, Visa, Mastercard, Discover, Diners Club, Personal Checks, Western Union', '38.107452 ', '-122.577496 ', '', '0'),
(112, NULL, NULL, NULL, '699 Lewelling Blvd. Suite 148', NULL, 'Oakland', 'CA', '94579', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, '37.689274 ', '-122.137294 ', '', '0'),
(113, '335', 'OAK1', 'Oakland 1 - Branch 335 CUL', '5353 Claremont Ave, Suite A', NULL, 'Oakland', 'CA', '94618', '15104289058', '15104289078', 'DMV on Claremont is the Landmark/cross street telegraph', 'street parking', '8am-8pm', '8am-8pm', '8am-8pm', 'Auto Insurance, Boat Insurance, Business Insurance, Collectibles, Commercial Vehicle Insurance, Motorcycle Insurance, RV Insurance, Renter''s Insurance, Truck Insurance, Snowmobile Insurance', 'Free Quotes, Roadside Assistance', 'English', 'Cash, American Express, Visa, Mastercard, Discover, Diners Club, Personal Checks, Western Union', '37.8402932 ', '-122.2598372 ', '', '0'),
(114, '613', 'HOLT', 'Ontario - Branch 613', '815-404 West Holt Blvd.', NULL, 'Ontario', 'CA', '91762', '909-563-7009', '909-218-8630', 'Same shopping center as Superior Supermarket', NULL, '10am -7pm', '10am -7pm', '10am -7pm', 'Auto Insurance, Boat Insurance, Business Insurance, Collectibles, Commercial Vehicle Insurance, Motorcycle Insurance, RV Insurance, Renter''s Insurance, Truck Insurance, Snowmobile Insurance', 'Free Quotes, Roadside Assistance', 'English / Spanish', 'Cash, American Express, Visa, Mastercard, Discover, Diners Club, Personal Checks, Western Union', '34.063354 ', '-117.6548616 ', '', '0'),
(115, '129', 'OG1', 'Orange 1 - Branch 129', '1715 East Katella Ave SteC', NULL, 'Orange', 'CA', '92867', '(714) 639-5051', NULL, 'Tustin and Katella next to game stop and Seiko watch store', 'Front of store and in the rear of building', '9am - 8pm', '9am - 8pm', '9am - 8pm', 'Insurance', 'Insurance', 'Spanish/English', 'Cash, Check , Credit/Debit, Money Orders', '33.80936 ', '-117.835302 ', '', '0'),
(116, '371', 'ORO1', 'Oroville - Branch 371 CUL', '2260 Oro Dam Blvd East, #B', NULL, 'Oroville', 'CA', '95966', '530-532-6760', '530-534-1220', 'Next door to Little Caesar''s Pizza and across the street from US Bank off of Oro Dam Blvd. Myer St & Oro Dam Blvd. ', 'In front of the office', '8am- 7pm', '8am- 7pm', '8am- 7pm', 'Auto Insurance, Boat Insurance, Business Insurance, Collectibles, Commercial Vehicle Insurance, Motorcycle Insurance, RV Insurance, Renter''s Insurance, Truck Insurance, Snowmobile Insurance', 'Free Quotes, Roadside Assistance', 'English/ Spanish/ Hmong/ Mien', 'Cash, American Express, Visa, Mastercard, Discover, Diners Club, Personal Checks, Western Union', '39.505614 ', '-121.548257 ', '', '0'),
(117, '111', 'PLF', 'Palmdale - Branch 111', '38107 47th Street East, Suite D, D', NULL, 'Palmdale', 'CA', '93552', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, '34.5784535 ', '-118.045201 ', '', '0'),
(118, '315', 'PRO1', 'Paso Robles - Branch 315 CUL', '102 Niblick Road', NULL, 'Paso Robles', 'CA', '93446', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, '35.6152579 ', '-120.6871252 ', '', '0'),
(119, '337', 'PET1', 'Petaluma - Branch 337 CUL', '283B North McDowell Blvd', NULL, 'Petaluma', 'CA', '94954', '17077782940', '17077786010', 'Kmart Shopping Center is the Landmark/ cross street is East Washington and Norh Mcdowell Blvd.', 'shopping center parking lot', '9am-7pm', '9am-7pm', '9am-7pm', 'Auto Insurance, Boat Insurance, Business Insurance, Collectibles, Commercial Vehicle Insurance, Motorcycle Insurance, RV Insurance, Renter''s Insurance, Truck Insurance, Snowmobile Insurance', 'Free Quotes, Roadside Assistance', 'English', 'Cash, American Express, Visa, Mastercard, Discover, Diners Club, Personal Checks, Western Union', '38.2516922 ', '-122.6303164 ', '', '0'),
(120, '331', 'PIT1', 'Pittsburg - Branch 331 CUL', '1329 Buchanan Road', NULL, 'Pittsburg', 'CA', '94565', '925-439-4740', '925-472-3002', 'In the DMV Center next to Roundtable. ', 'In front of office', '8am - 7pm', '8am - 7pm', '8am - 7pm', 'Auto Insurance, Boat Insurance, Business Insurance, Collectibles, Commercial Vehicle Insurance, Motorcycle Insurance, RV Insurance, Renter''s Insurance, Truck Insurance, Snowmobile Insurance', 'Free Quotes, Roadside Assistance', 'English, Spanish', 'Cash, American Express, Visa, Mastercard, Discover, Diners Club, Personal Checks, Western Union', '37.9979896 ', '-121.8732394 ', '', '0'),
(121, '382', 'PLE1', 'Pleasant Hill - Branch 382 CUL', '622 Contra Costa Blvd', NULL, 'Pleasant Hill', 'CA', '94523', '19255217030', '19255219093', 'Dennys and Carrows restaurant is the Landmark/ cross street is Concord Blvd', 'shopping center parking lot', '9am-7pm', '9am-7pm', '9am-7pm', 'Auto Insurance, Boat Insurance, Business Insurance, Collectibles, Commercial Vehicle Insurance, Motorcycle Insurance, RV Insurance, Renter''s Insurance, Truck Insurance, Snowmobile Insurance', 'Free Quotes, Roadside Assistance', 'English', 'Cash, American Express, Visa, Mastercard, Discover, Diners Club, Personal Checks, Western Union', '37.973472 ', '-122.064691 ', '', '0'),
(122, '309', 'POR1', 'Porterville - Branch 309 CUL', '321 E. Olive Ave', NULL, 'Porterville', 'CA', '93257', '559-788-0606', '559-788-0661', 'By the Vallarta Market right by the DMV', 'big parking lot', '8am-7pm', '8am-7pm', '8am-7pm', 'Auto Insurance, Boat Insurance, Business Insurance, Collectibles, Commercial Vehicle Insurance, Motorcycle Insurance, RV Insurance, Renter''s Insurance, Truck Insurance, Snowmobile Insurance', 'Free Quotes, Roadside Assistance', 'English/Spanish', 'Cash, American Express, Visa, Mastercard, Discover, Diners Club, Personal Checks, Western Union', '36.0650341 ', '-119.0105597 ', '', '0'),
(123, '362', 'RAN1', 'Rancho Cordova - Branch 362 CUL', '2274 Sunrise Blvd.', NULL, 'Rancho Cordova', 'CA', '95670', '916-636-9406', '916-636-9414', 'Corner of Coloma Road & Sunrise Blvd next door to 24 Hour Fitness', 'huge parking lot', '9:00am-7:00pm', '9:00am-7:00pm', '9:00am-7:00pm', 'Auto Insurance, Boat Insurance, Business Insurance, Collectibles, Commercial Vehicle Insurance, Motorcycle Insurance, RV Insurance, Renter''s Insurance, Truck Insurance, Snowmobile Insurance', 'Free Quotes, Roadside Assistance', 'English', 'Cash, American Express, Visa, Mastercard, Discover, Diners Club, Personal Checks, Western Union', '38.6199109 ', '-121.2677564 ', '', '0'),
(124, '15', 'WEB1', 'Web Sales - Branch 15 CUL', '2721 Citrus Road, Suite A', NULL, 'Rancho Cordova', 'CA', '95742', '916-503 -8702 ', '916-503-4983', NULL, NULL, '8:00am-8:00pm', '8:00am-8:00pm', '8:00am-8:00pm', 'Auto Insurance, Boat Insurance, Business Insurance, Collectibles, Commercial Vehicle Insurance, Motorcycle Insurance, RV Insurance, Renter''s Insurance, Truck Insurance, Snowmobile Insurance', 'Free Quotes, Roadside Assistance', 'English', 'ATM, American Express, Checks, Discover, Mastercard, Visa, Cash', '38.602266 ', '-121.264391 ', '', '0'),
(125, '15', 'CULWEB2', 'Web Sales2 - Branch 388 CUL', '2721 Citrus Road, Suite A', NULL, 'Rancho Cordova', 'CA', '95742', '916-503-6224', '916-503-4893', NULL, NULL, '8:00am-8:00pm', '8:00am-8:00pm', '8:00am-8:00pm', 'Auto Insurance, Boat Insurance, Business Insurance, Collectibles, Commercial Vehicle Insurance, Motorcycle Insurance, RV Insurance, Renter''s Insurance, Truck Insurance, Snowmobile Insurance', 'Free Quotes, Roadside Assistance', 'English', 'ATM, American Express, Checks, Discover, Mastercard, Visa, Cash', '38.602266 ', '-121.264391 ', '', '0'),
(126, '25', 'CALL', 'Call Center - Branch 25 CUL', '2721 Citrus Road', NULL, 'Rancho Cordova', 'CA', '95742', '916-503-4899', NULL, NULL, NULL, '7:00am-7:30pm', '7:00am-7:30pm', '7:00am-7:30pm', 'Auto Insurance, Boat Insurance, Business Insurance, Collectibles, Commercial Vehicle Insurance, Motorcycle Insurance, RV Insurance, Renter''s Insurance, Truck Insurance, Snowmobile Insurance', 'Free Quotes, Roadside Assistance', 'english spanish', 'ATM, American Express, Checks, Discover, Mastercard, Visa, Cash', '38.602266 ', '-121.264391 ', '', '0'),
(127, NULL, NULL, NULL, '8740 19th Street Suite A 5', NULL, 'Rancho Cucamonga', 'CA', '91701', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, '34.1326148 ', '-117.6162441 ', '', '0'),
(128, '151', 'RC1', 'Rancho Cucamonga 1 - Branch 151', '9339 Foothill Blvd., Suite K', NULL, 'Rancho Cucamonga', 'CA', '91730', '909-373-9248', '909-204-5999', 'same shopping center as Chuck e Cheese and Taco Bell', NULL, '9am -7:30pm', '9am -7:30pm', '9am -7:30pm', 'Auto Insurance, Boat Insurance, Business Insurance, Collectibles, Commercial Vehicle Insurance, Motorcycle Insurance, RV Insurance, Renter''s Insurance, Truck Insurance, Snowmobile Insurance', 'Free Quotes, Roadside Assistance', 'English / Spanish', 'Cash, American Express, Visa, Mastercard, Discover, Diners Club, Personal Checks, Western Union', '34.1051421 ', '-117.6008427 ', '', '0'),
(129, '374', 'RBL1', 'Red Bluff - Branch 374 CUL', '106 Belle Mill Road, Suite A', NULL, 'Red Bluff', 'CA', '96080', '530-528-3900', '530-528-9225', 'Food Maxx shopping center between Food Maxx and Round Table Pizza.', 'In front of the office', '9am- 7pm', '9am- 7pm', '9am- 7pm', 'Auto Insurance, Boat Insurance, Business Insurance, Collectibles, Commercial Vehicle Insurance, Motorcycle Insurance, RV Insurance, Renter''s Insurance, Truck Insurance, Snowmobile Insurance', 'Free Quotes, Roadside Assistance', 'English/ Spanish/ Laotian', 'Cash, American Express, Visa, Mastercard, Discover, Diners Club, Personal Checks, Western Union', '40.1861404 ', '-122.2197922 ', '', '0'),
(130, '373', 'RED1', 'Redding - Branch 373 CUL', '1611 Hilltop Drive, Unit F-18', NULL, 'Redding', 'CA', '96002', '530-226-5706', '530-226-5711', 'On Hilltop Dr in the same shopping center as Petco, Hallmark and the new Sportsman Warehouse.', 'In front of the office', '8am- 7pm', '8am- 7pm', '8am- 7pm', 'Auto Insurance, Boat Insurance, Business Insurance, Collectibles, Commercial Vehicle Insurance, Motorcycle Insurance, RV Insurance, Renter''s Insurance, Truck Insurance, Snowmobile Insurance', 'Free Quotes, Roadside Assistance', 'English/ Spanish/ Laotian', 'Cash, American Express, Visa, Mastercard, Discover, Diners Club, Personal Checks, Western Union', '40.5836364 ', '-122.3566124 ', '', '0'),
(131, '325', 'RCI2', 'Redwood City 2 - Branch 325 CUL', '660 Price Ave , Unit A', NULL, 'Redwood City ', 'CA', '94063', '650-474-8480', '650-474-0163', 'acroos from Redwood city DMV', 'On steet and infront of location', '8am-8pm', '8am-8pm', '8am-8pm', 'Auto Insurance, Boat Insurance, Business Insurance, Collectibles, Commercial Vehicle Insurance, Motorcycle Insurance, RV Insurance, Renter''s Insurance, Truck Insurance, Snowmobile Insurance', 'Free Quotes, Roadside Assistance', 'english/spanish', 'ATM, American Express, Checks, Discover, Mastercard, Visa, Cash', '37.4925785 ', '-122.2301282 ', '', '0'),
(132, '169', 'RESF', 'Reseda - Branch 169', '18337 Sherman Way', NULL, 'Reseda', 'CA', '91335', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, '34.2012019 ', '-118.5330438 ', '', '0'),
(133, '136', 'RV2', 'Riverside 2 - Branch 136', '4100 Central Ave, 104', NULL, 'Riverside', 'CA', '92056', '951-686-6463', '(951) 588-1774', 'CENTRAL AND MAGNOLIA', NULL, '8:00AM TO 8:00PM', '8:00AM TO 8:00PM', '8:00AM TO 8:00PM', 'Auto Insurance, Boat Insurance, Business Insurance, Collectibles, Commercial Vehicle Insurance, Motorcycle Insurance, RV Insurance, Renter''s Insurance, Truck Insurance, Snowmobile Insurance', 'Free Quotes, Roadside Assistance', 'English', 'Cash, American Express, Visa, Mastercard, Discover, Diners Club, Personal Checks, Western Union', '33.953267 ', '-117.3969635 ', '', '0'),
(134, '763', 'RVW', 'Riverside – Branch 763', '3393 14TH Street, #B', NULL, 'Riverside', 'CA', '92501', '951-276-1818', '951-274-9898', 'UNIVERITY AND CHICAGO', NULL, '9:00AM TO 7:00PM', '9:00AM TO 7:00PM', '9:00AM TO 7:00PM', 'Auto Insurance, Boat Insurance, Business Insurance, Collectibles, Commercial Vehicle Insurance, Motorcycle Insurance, RV Insurance, Renter''s Insurance, Truck Insurance, Snowmobile Insurance', 'Free Quotes, Roadside Assistance', 'English', 'Cash, American Express, Visa, Mastercard, Discover, Diners Club, Personal Checks, Western Union', '33.9745848 ', '-117.3745886 ', '', '0'),
(135, '86', 'RV1', 'Riverside 1 - Branch 86', '7001 Indiana Avenue, Suite 3', NULL, 'Riverside', 'CA', '92506', '951-369-3700', '951-369-5842', 'INDIANA AND BROCKTON', NULL, '7:00AM TO 8:00PM', '7:00AM TO 8:00PM', '7:00AM TO 8:00PM', 'Auto Insurance, Boat Insurance, Business Insurance, Collectibles, Commercial Vehicle Insurance, Motorcycle Insurance, RV Insurance, Renter''s Insurance, Truck Insurance, Snowmobile Insurance', 'Free Quotes, Roadside Assistance', 'English', 'Cash, American Express, Visa, Mastercard, Discover, Diners Club, Personal Checks, Western Union', '33.941162 ', '-117.395028 ', '', '0'),
(136, NULL, NULL, NULL, '4100 Central Avenue Suite 104', NULL, 'Riverside', 'CA', '92506', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, '33.953267 ', '-117.3969635 ', '', '0'),
(137, '708', 'RVS', 'Riverside - Branch 708', '1766 University Ave , Suite 104', NULL, 'Riverside', 'CA', '92507', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, '33.9755895 ', '-117.3494381 ', '', '0'),
(138, '363', 'ROC1', 'Rocklin - Branch 363 CUL', '4253 Rocklin Road', NULL, 'Rocklin', 'CA', '95677', '916-315-1680', '916-624-3128', 'in the same building as Psychic shop and Tattoo parlor. Next building to Kelly Moore Paints', 'small parking lot ', '8:00am-7:00pm', '8:00am-7:00pm', '8:00am-7:00pm', 'Auto Insurance, Boat Insurance, Business Insurance, Collectibles, Commercial Vehicle Insurance, Motorcycle Insurance, RV Insurance, Renter''s Insurance, Truck Insurance, Snowmobile Insurance', 'Free Quotes, Roadside Assistance', 'English', 'Cash, American Express, Visa, Mastercard, Discover, Diners Club, Personal Checks, Western Union', '38.7885271 ', '-121.2268567 ', '', '0'),
(139, '72', 'ROF', 'Rosemead - Branch 72', '3644 Rosemead Blvd', NULL, 'Rosemead', 'CA', '91770', '626-312-2990', '626-248-1080', 'In Rosemead Plaza by Target and across the street from UFC gym', NULL, '9am -8pm', '9am -8pm', '9am -8pm', 'Auto Insurance, Boat Insurance, Business Insurance, Collectibles, Commercial Vehicle Insurance, Motorcycle Insurance, RV Insurance, Renter''s Insurance, Truck Insurance, Snowmobile Insurance', 'Free Quotes, Roadside Assistance', 'English / Spanish', 'Cash, American Express, Visa, Mastercard, Discover, Diners Club, Personal Checks, Western Union', '34.0752634 ', '-118.0729702 ', '', '0'),
(140, '178', 'ROSE', 'Roseville - Branch 178', '16 Pleasant Grove Blvd., Suite 160', NULL, 'Roseville', 'CA', '95678', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, '38.7715351 ', '-121.3174697 ', '', '0'),
(141, '107', 'SC2', 'Sacramento 2 - Branch 107', '5219 Fruitridge Rd', NULL, 'Sacramento', 'CA', '95820', '916-453-0636', '916-379-8978', 'at the Corner of Stockton Blvd and Fruitridge rd next to Food Co.', 'parking lot', '8:00 a.m. To 8:00 p.m.', '8:00 a.m. To 8:00 p.m.', '8:00 a.m. To 8:00 p.m.', 'Auto Insurance, Boat Insurance, Business Insurance, Collectibles, Commercial Vehicle Insurance, Motorcycle Insurance, RV Insurance, Renter''s Insurance, Truck Insurance, Snowmobile Insurance', 'Free Quotes, Roadside Assistance', 'English, Spanish', 'Cash, American Express, Visa, Mastercard, Discover, Diners Club, Personal Checks, Western Union', '38.5249776 ', '-121.4444684 ', '', '0'),
(142, '367', 'SAC1', 'Sacramento 1 - Branch 367 CUL', '2870 Fulton Avenue', NULL, 'Sacramento', 'CA', '95821', '916-485-5427', '916-485-5623', 'at the Corner of Fulton and Marconi. Next to Sacramento KIA Dealership', 'parking lot', '8:30 a.m. To 8:00 p.m.', '8:30 a.m. To 8:00 p.m.', '8:30 a.m. To 8:00 p.m.', 'Auto Insurance, Boat Insurance, Business Insurance, Collectibles, Commercial Vehicle Insurance, Motorcycle Insurance, RV Insurance, Renter''s Insurance, Truck Insurance, Snowmobile Insurance', 'Free Quotes, Roadside Assistance', 'English', 'Cash, American Express, Visa, Mastercard, Discover, Diners Club, Personal Checks, Western Union', '38.6173695 ', '-121.4011215 ', '', '0'),
(143, '368', 'SAC2', 'Sacramento 2 - Branch 368 CUL', '7213 Florin Mall Drive , Suite A', NULL, 'Sacramento', 'CA', '95823', '916-427-1222', '916-427-1231', 'across from the old DMV Florin ', 'In Front Of office', '8am-7pm', '8am-7pm', '8am-7pm', 'Auto Insurance, Boat Insurance, Business Insurance, Collectibles, Commercial Vehicle Insurance, Motorcycle Insurance, RV Insurance, Renter''s Insurance, Truck Insurance, Snowmobile Insurance', 'Free Quotes, Roadside Assistance', 'English, Spanish', 'Cash, American Express, Visa, Mastercard, Discover, Diners Club, Personal Checks, Western Union', '38.4952263 ', '-121.4340364 ', '', '0'),
(144, '369', 'SAC3', 'Sacramento 3 - Branch 369 CUL', '6315 Mack Road', NULL, 'Sacramento', 'CA', '95823', '916-689-1414', '916-6891448', 'across from the DMV next to Big 5', 'In front of office', '8am-7pm', '8am-7pm', '8am-7pm', 'Auto Insurance, Boat Insurance, Business Insurance, Collectibles, Commercial Vehicle Insurance, Motorcycle Insurance, RV Insurance, Renter''s Insurance, Truck Insurance, Snowmobile Insurance', 'Free Quotes, Roadside Assistance', 'English, Spanish, Hmong', 'Cash, American Express, Visa, Mastercard, Discover, Diners Club, Personal Checks, Western Union', '38.4743007 ', '-121.4295209 ', '', '0'),
(145, '89', 'SC1', 'Sacramento 1 - Branch 89', '2270 Arden Way, #C', NULL, 'Sacramento', 'CA', '95825', '916-641-5900', '916-641-8549', 'at the Corner of Arden and Hood rd In Between Howe and Bell Ave. Next to Cash1', 'parking lot', '8:30 a.m. To 8:00 p.m.', '8:30 a.m. To 8:00 p.m.', '8:30 a.m. To 8:00 p.m.', 'Auto Insurance, Boat Insurance, Business Insurance, Collectibles, Commercial Vehicle Insurance, Motorcycle Insurance, RV Insurance, Renter''s Insurance, Truck Insurance, Snowmobile Insurance', 'Free Quotes, Roadside Assistance', 'English', 'Cash, American Express, Visa, Mastercard, Discover, Diners Club, Personal Checks, Western Union', '38.595619 ', '-121.411852 ', '', '0'),
(146, '323', 'SAL1', 'Salinas - Branch 323 CUL', '1946 North Main Street', NULL, 'Salinas', 'CA', '93906', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, '36.7191558 ', '-121.6556272 ', '', '0'),
(147, '137', 'SB2', 'San Bernardino 2 - Branch 137', '739 West Highland Ave', NULL, 'San Bernardino', 'CA', '92405', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, '34.1359999 ', '-117.2996125 ', '', '0'),
(148, '74', 'SB1', 'San Bernardino 1 - Branch 74', '1995 Diners Ct', NULL, 'San Bernardino', 'CA', '92408', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, '34.0649682 ', '-117.2844283 ', '', '0'),
(149, '162', 'SB3', 'San Bernardino 3 - Branch 162', '270 E Baseline St., Suite B', NULL, 'San Bernardino', 'CA', '92410', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, '34.1215336 ', '-117.279741 ', '', '0'),
(150, '84', 'SD1', 'San Diego 1 - Branch 84', '1333 Camino Del Rio South, #102', NULL, 'San Diego', 'CA', '92108', '619-299-4900', '619-299-4988', 'Across I-8 from Mission Valley Mall', 'LOT', '8:30AM – 8PM', '8:30AM – 8PM', '8:30AM – 8PM', 'Auto Insurance, Boat Insurance, Business Insurance, Collectibles, Commercial Vehicle Insurance, Motorcycle Insurance, RV Insurance, Renter''s Insurance, Truck Insurance, Snowmobile Insurance', 'Free Quotes, Roadside Assistance', 'english, Spanish', 'Cash, American Express, Visa, Mastercard, Discover, Diners Club, Personal Checks, Western Union', '32.7656523 ', '-117.1514588 ', '', '0'),
(151, '55', 'SD4', 'San Diego 4 - Branch 55', '8014 Clairemont Mesa Blvd', NULL, 'San Diego', 'CA', '92111', '(858) 522-7007', '(858) 300-1664', 'Corner of Clairemont Mesa Blvd and Mercury st', 'Lot/Street', '8:30AM – 8PM', '8:30AM – 8PM', '8:30AM – 8PM', 'Auto Insurance, Boat Insurance, Business Insurance, Collectibles, Commercial Vehicle Insurance, Motorcycle Insurance, RV Insurance, Renter''s Insurance, Truck Insurance, Snowmobile Insurance', 'Free Quotes, Roadside Assistance', 'English, Spanish, Arabic', 'Cash, American Express, Visa, Mastercard, Discover, Diners Club, Personal Checks, Western Union', '32.8329689 ', '-117.1492179 ', '', '0'),
(152, '140', 'SD3', 'San Diego 3 - Branch 140', '6915 El Cajon Blvd', NULL, 'San Diego', 'CA', '92115', '619-433-0183', '619-433-0193', 'between 69th and 70th', 'Lot/Street', '8:30AM – 8PM', '8:30AM – 8PM', '8:30AM – 8PM', 'Auto Insurance, Boat Insurance, Business Insurance, Collectibles, Commercial Vehicle Insurance, Motorcycle Insurance, RV Insurance, Renter''s Insurance, Truck Insurance, Snowmobile Insurance', 'Free Quotes, Roadside Assistance', 'English', 'Cash, American Express, Visa, Mastercard, Discover, Diners Club, Personal Checks, Western Union', '32.768605 ', '-117.0489328 ', '', '0'),
(153, '75', 'SD2', 'San Diego 2 - Branch 75', '3952 Clairemont Mesa Blvd, # F', NULL, 'San Diego', 'CA', '92117', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, '32.828957 ', '-117.20392 ', '', '0'),
(154, '79', 'WWW2', 'WEB Dept. - Branch 79', '3952 Clairemont Mesa Blvd, # F', NULL, 'San Diego', 'CA', '92117', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, '32.828957 ', '-117.20392 ', '', '0'),
(155, '113', 'SFF', 'San Fernando - Branch 113', '1201 Truman St #G', NULL, 'San Fernando', 'CA', '91340', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, '34.284336 ', '-118.441496 ', '', '0'),
(156, NULL, NULL, NULL, '1646 Story Road', NULL, 'San Jose', 'CA', '95122', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, '37.3385656 ', '-121.8449384 ', '', '0'),
(157, '385', 'SJO3', 'San Jose 3 - Branch 385', '1915 Alum Rock Ave, Suite A', NULL, 'San Jose', 'CA', '95116', '408-514-6101', '408-514-6109', 'Cross Street: McCreery Across from Chase bank and Calderon Tires ', 'parking lot/street ', '9:00am -7:00 pm ', '9:00 am - 7:00 pm ', '9:00 am - 7:00 pm ', 'Auto Insurance, Boat Insurance, Business Insurance, Collectibles, Commercial Vehicle Insurance, Motorcycle Insurance, RV Insurance, Renter''s Insurance, Truck Insurance, Snowmobile Insurance', 'Free Quotes, Roadside Assistance', 'Spanish and English ', 'Cash, American Express, Visa, Mastercard, Discover, Diners Club, Personal Checks, Western Union', '37.3553939 ', '-121.851042 ', '', '0'),
(158, NULL, NULL, NULL, '2668 Monterey Road ', 'Suite 150', 'San Jose', 'CA', '95118', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, '37.2955154 ', '-121.8528 ', '', '0'),
(159, '108', 'SJF', 'San Jose - Branch 108', '1646 Story Rd', NULL, 'San Jose', 'CA', '95122', '408-254-7354', '408-254-1380', 'king /story. Tropicana shopping center', 'shopping center parking lot', '8am-8pm', '8am-8pm', '8am-8pm', 'Auto Insurance, Boat Insurance, Business Insurance, Collectibles, Commercial Vehicle Insurance, Motorcycle Insurance, RV Insurance, Renter''s Insurance, Truck Insurance, Snowmobile Insurance', 'Free Quotes, Roadside Assistance', 'english, spanish', 'Cash, American Express, Visa, Mastercard, Discover, Diners Club, Personal Checks, Western Union', '37.3385656 ', '-121.8449384 ', '', '0'),
(160, '340', 'SJO2', 'San Jose 2 - Branch 340 CUL', '1152 N. Capitol Avenue', NULL, 'San Jose', 'CA', '95132', '408-254-5401', NULL, 'berryessa rd and capitol ave', 'behind mcdonald''s', '9am-7pm', '9am-7pm', '9am-7pm', 'Auto Insurance, Boat Insurance, Business Insurance, Collectibles, Commercial Vehicle Insurance, Motorcycle Insurance, RV Insurance, Renter''s Insurance, Truck Insurance, Snowmobile Insurance', 'Free Quotes, Roadside Assistance', 'English, Spanish', 'Cash, American Express, Visa, Mastercard, Discover, Diners Club, Personal Checks, Western Union', '37.3858305 ', '-121.8595759 ', '', '0'),
(161, '332', 'SLZ1', 'San Leandro - Branch 332 CUL', '579 Floresta Blvd., Suite I', NULL, 'San Leandro', 'CA', '94578', '510-614-1160', '510-614-7656', 'in plaza with DDS discount, Bally total finess , pakn save. Cross stree from K-mart', 'in shopping center', '9am-7pm', '9am-7pm', '9am-7pm', 'auto, motorcycle, boat, rv and light commercial', 'free quote, monthly payemnt, all personal auto insuance need, in office or online for ezbuy', 'english, spanish chinese', 'cash, credit card, money order and personal check', '37.7015128 ', '-122.1438534 ', '', '0'),
(162, '106', 'OKF', 'Oakland - Branch 106', '699 Lewelling Blvd #148', NULL, 'San Leandro', 'CA', '94579', '510 346 2777', '510 346 4777', 'green house right next to safeway. Lewelling blvd / washington st ', 'in shopping center', '8am - 8pm', '8am - 8pm', '8am - 8pm', 'auto,motorcyle, homeowner,renters insurance, commercial. Life insurance ', 'auto,motorcyle, homeowner,renters insurance, commercial. ', 'spanish english vietnames ', 'cash,credit card,check money order', '37.689274 ', '-122.137294 ', '', '0'),
(163, '314', 'SLO1', 'San Luis Obispo - Branch 314 CUL', '775 E. Foothill Blvd, Suite A', NULL, 'San Luis Obispo', 'CA', '93405', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, '35.2940927 ', '-120.6716389 ', '', '0'),
(164, '78', 'SMF', 'San Marcos - Branch 78', '630 Nordahl Rd., Ste P', NULL, 'San Marcos', 'CA', '92069', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, '33.132781 ', '-117.120315 ', '', '0'),
(165, '611', 'PSFS', 'Santa Ana - Branch 611', '2015 W. First St, # H', NULL, 'Santa Ana', 'CA', '92701', '(714) 929-7201', NULL, 'First and Townsend between fairview and Raitt in Superior shopping center', 'Plenty in front of store', '9am - 7pm', '9am - 7pm', '9am - 7pm', 'Auto Insurance, Boat Insurance, Business Insurance, Collectibles, Commercial Vehicle Insurance, Motorcycle Insurance, RV Insurance, Renter''s Insurance, Truck Insurance, Snowmobile Insurance', 'Free Quotes, Roadside Assistance', 'Spanish/English', 'Cash, Check , Credit/Debit, Money Orders', '33.7453717 ', '-117.8982861 ', '', '0'),
(166, '130', 'SA2', 'Santa Ana 2 - Branch 130', '798 South Harbor Blvd', NULL, 'Santa Ana', 'CA', '92704', '(714) 775-5533', NULL, 'Harbor and MCFadden same shopping center as Northgate Market', 'Plenty in front of store', '9am - 8pm', '9am - 8pm', '9am - 8pm', 'Auto Insurance, Boat Insurance, Business Insurance, Collectibles, Commercial Vehicle Insurance, Motorcycle Insurance, RV Insurance, Renter''s Insurance, Truck Insurance, Snowmobile Insurance', 'Free Quotes, Roadside Assistance', 'Spanish/English', 'Cash, Check , Credit/Debit, Money Orders', '33.7368892 ', '-117.920102 ', '', '0'),
(167, '709', 'SAS', 'Santa Ana - Branch 709', '1412 West Edinger Ave, Suite B', NULL, 'Santa Ana', 'CA', '92704', '(714) 966-1111', NULL, 'Eddinger and Bristol same shopping center as Rite Aid and Jack in the box', 'Plenty in front of store', '9am - 7pm', '9am - 7pm', '9am - 7pm', 'Auto Insurance, Boat Insurance, Business Insurance, Collectibles, Commercial Vehicle Insurance, Motorcycle Insurance, RV Insurance, Renter''s Insurance, Truck Insurance, Snowmobile Insurance', 'Free Quotes, Roadside Assistance', 'Spanish/English', 'Cash, Check , Credit/Debit, Money Orders', '33.7271657 ', '-117.8871921 ', '', '0'),
(168, '73', 'SA1', 'Santa Ana 1 - Branch 73', '1631 E. 17th Street, Suite A', NULL, 'Santa Ana', 'CA', '92705', '(714) 565-2767', NULL, '17th St in between Grand and Tustin, Same shopping center as Staffchex', 'Plenty in front of store', '9am - 8pm', '9am - 8pm', '9am - 8pm', 'Auto Insurance, Boat Insurance, Business Insurance, Collectibles, Commercial Vehicle Insurance, Motorcycle Insurance, RV Insurance, Renter''s Insurance, Truck Insurance, Snowmobile Insurance', 'Free Quotes, Roadside Assistance', 'Spanish/English', 'Cash, Check , Credit/Debit, Money Orders', '33.760414 ', '-117.844234 ', '', '0'),
(169, '316', 'SMA1', 'Santa Maria - Branch 316 CUL', '401 N. Broadway, Suite 1', NULL, 'Santa Maria', 'CA', '93454', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, '34.95678 ', '-120.436067 ', '', '0'),
(170, '352', 'SRO1', 'Santa Rosa - Branch 352 CUL', '2790 Santa Rosa Avenue , Suite E', NULL, 'Santa Rosa', 'CA', '95407', '17075750875', '17075763320', 'Toys R Us and the Christian Book store and Jack in the Box is the Landmark/ cross street is Burt St', 'shopping center parking lot', '8am-8pm', '8am-8pm', '8am-8pm', 'Auto Insurance, Boat Insurance, Business Insurance, Collectibles, Commercial Vehicle Insurance, Motorcycle Insurance, RV Insurance, Renter''s Insurance, Truck Insurance, Snowmobile Insurance', 'Free Quotes, Roadside Assistance', 'English', 'Cash, American Express, Visa, Mastercard, Discover, Diners Club, Personal Checks, Western Union', '38.4091465 ', '-122.7134982 ', '', '0'),
(171, '324', 'SEA1', 'Seaside - Branch 324 CUL', '1130 Fremont Blvd, Suite 104A', NULL, 'Seaside', 'CA', '93955', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, '36.6014351 ', '-121.8490819 ', '', '0'),
(172, '83', 'SO2', 'Sherman Oaks 2 - Branch 83', '4454 Van Nuys Blvd, Suite #103', NULL, 'Sherman Oaks', 'CA', '91403', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, '34.152099 ', '-118.448147 ', '', '0'),
(173, '349', 'SON1', 'Sonora - Branch 349 CUL', '13759 B Mono Way Suite B', NULL, 'Sonora', 'CA', '95370', '209-532-2626', '209-533-9665', 'located in “The Junction” the largest shopping center in Sonora, at the end closest to Starbucks and Mexican restaurant ', NULL, '9am-7pm', '9am-7pm', '9am-7pm', 'Auto Insurance, Boat Insurance, Business Insurance, Collectibles, Commercial Vehicle Insurance, Motorcycle Insurance, RV Insurance, Renter''s Insurance, Truck Insurance, Snowmobile Insurance', 'Free Quotes, Roadside Assistance', 'English', 'Cash, American Express, Visa, Mastercard, Discover, Diners Club, Personal Checks, Western Union', '37.9770111 ', '-120.3427464 ', '', '0'),
(174, NULL, NULL, NULL, '11236 Western Avenue', NULL, 'Stanton', 'CA', '90680', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, '33.7996399 ', '-118.000698 ', '', '0'),
(175, '341', 'STO1', 'Stockton 1 - Branch 341 CUL', '3218 Pacific Ave', NULL, 'Stockton', 'CA', '95204', '209-464-6400', '209-464-6465', 'Conor of Alpine & Pacific across from smart foods ', 'park in front or back of office', '9am - 7pm', '9am - 7pm', '9am - 7pm', 'Auto Insurance, Boat Insurance, Business Insurance, Collectibles, Commercial Vehicle Insurance, Motorcycle Insurance, RV Insurance, Renter''s Insurance, Truck Insurance, Snowmobile Insurance', 'Free Quotes, Roadside Assistance', 'English, Spanish', 'Cash, American Express, Visa, Mastercard, Discover, Diners Club, Personal Checks, Western Union', '37.9779127 ', '-121.3048698 ', '', '0'),
(176, '85', 'STF', 'Stockton - Branch 85', '4555 N. Pershing Ave., Ste 18B', NULL, 'Stockton', 'CA', '95207', '209-942-1113', '209-942-1118', 'Old John''s Incredible Pizza parking lot', 'parking in front ', '8am -8pm', '8am -8pm', '8am -8pm', 'Auto Insurance, Boat Insurance, Business Insurance, Collectibles, Commercial Vehicle Insurance, Motorcycle Insurance, RV Insurance, Renter''s Insurance, Truck Insurance, Snowmobile Insurance', 'Free Quotes, Roadside Assistance', 'English, Spanish', 'Cash, American Express, Visa, Mastercard, Discover, Diners Club, Personal Checks, Western Union', '37.987392 ', '-121.322739 ', '', '0'),
(177, '342', 'STO2', 'Stockton 2 - Branch 342 CUL', '3008 E. Hammer Ln. , #113', NULL, 'Stockton', 'CA', '95212', '209-954-7630', '209-954-7665', 'dirctly across from Stockton Steel in Joe lintz carpet shopping center. ', 'parking lot in front', '9am-7pm ', '9am-7pm ', '9am-7pm ', 'Auto Insurance, Boat Insurance, Business Insurance, Collectibles, Commercial Vehicle Insurance, Motorcycle Insurance, RV Insurance, Renter''s Insurance, Truck Insurance, Snowmobile Insurance', 'Free Quotes, Roadside Assistance', 'English, Spanish', 'Cash, American Express, Visa, Mastercard, Discover, Diners Club, Personal Checks, Western Union', '38.0204756 ', '-121.2784942 ', '', '0'),
(178, '170', 'SUNV', 'Sun Valley - Branch 170', '8311 Laurel Canyon Blvd.', NULL, 'Sun Valley', 'CA', '91352', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, '34.2217963 ', '-118.3965174 ', '', '0'),
(179, NULL, NULL, NULL, '11646 Pendleton Street Unit B', NULL, 'Sun Valley', 'CA', '91352', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, '34.228432 ', '-118.386088 ', '', '0'),
(180, '163', 'TEMF', 'Temecula - Branch 163', '27315 Jefferson Ave, Suite G-2', NULL, 'Temecula', 'CA', '92590', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, '33.521673 ', '-117.1661195 ', '', '0'),
(181, '764', 'TEMW', 'Temecula – Branch 764', '43094 VIA DOS PICOS, #B', NULL, 'Temecula', 'CA', '92590', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, '33.5055234 ', '-117.1610405 ', '', '0'),
(182, '54', 'TLF', 'North Hollywood - Branch 54', '4444 Lankersheim Blvd., Suite 201', NULL, 'Toluca Lake', 'CA', '91602', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, '34.15207 ', '-118.366656 ', '', '0'),
(183, '82', 'TO1', 'Torrance 1 - Branch 82', '1431 W. Knox St., #1300', NULL, 'Torrance', 'CA', '90501', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, '33.8555931 ', '-118.2994602 ', '', '0'),
(184, '126', 'TO2', 'Torrance 2 - Branch 126', '1243 West Carson St', NULL, 'Torrence', 'CA', '90502', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, '33.8315715 ', '-118.2983141 ', '', '0'),
(185, '350', 'TCY1', 'Tracy - Branch 350 CUL', '1865 W. 11th Street', NULL, 'Tracy', 'CA', '95376', '209-832-0262', '209-836-8630', 'In Safeway shopping center next to Starbucks, Togo''s, & Jack in The Box ', NULL, '9am-7pm', '9am-7pm', '9am-7pm', 'Auto Insurance, Boat Insurance, Business Insurance, Collectibles, Commercial Vehicle Insurance, Motorcycle Insurance, RV Insurance, Renter''s Insurance, Truck Insurance, Snowmobile Insurance', 'Free Quotes, Roadside Assistance', 'English, Spanish', 'Cash, American Express, Visa, Mastercard, Discover, Diners Club, Personal Checks, Western Union', '37.740709 ', '-121.451382 ', '', '0'),
(186, '310', 'TUL1', 'Tulare - Branch 310 CUL', '449 North K Street', NULL, 'Tulare', 'CA', '93274', '559-684-1433', '559-683-9302', 'At the corner Cross and K St right by the Little Cesars Pizza', 'parking in front of office', '9am-7pm', '9am-7pm', '9am-7pm', 'Auto Insurance, Boat Insurance, Business Insurance, Collectibles, Commercial Vehicle Insurance, Motorcycle Insurance, RV Insurance, Renter''s Insurance, Truck Insurance, Snowmobile Insurance', 'Free Quotes, Roadside Assistance', NULL, 'Cash, American Express, Visa, Mastercard, Discover, Diners Club, Personal Checks, Western Union', '36.212838 ', '-119.3472699 ', '', '0'),
(187, NULL, NULL, NULL, '1114 East Prosperity Avenue', NULL, 'Tulare', 'CA', '93274', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, '36.2260269 ', '-119.3288804 ', '', '0'),
(188, '351', 'TUR1', 'Turlock - Branch 351 CUL', '921 East Monte Vista, Suite 1-A', NULL, 'Turlock', 'CA', NULL, '209-632-3393', '209-669-6498', 'Half mile east of CSU-Stanislaus next to the DMV behind veterinary hospital ', NULL, '8am-7pm', '8am-7pm', '8am-7pm', 'Auto Insurance, Boat Insurance, Business Insurance, Collectibles, Commercial Vehicle Insurance, Motorcycle Insurance, RV Insurance, Renter''s Insurance, Truck Insurance, Snowmobile Insurance', 'Free Quotes, Roadside Assistance', 'English, Spanish', 'Cash, American Express, Visa, Mastercard, Discover, Diners Club, Personal Checks, Western Union', '37.5219063 ', '-120.8399689 ', '', '0'),
(189, '353', 'UKI1', 'Ukiah - Branch 353 CUL', '319 E. Perkins St', NULL, 'Ukiah', 'CA', '95482', '707-463-3270', '707-463-0545', 'Off the freeway go West on East Perkins 2nd light we will be on the left next to West America bank diagonal from Walgreens. ', 'In front of the office', '9am- 7pm', '9am- 7pm', '9am- 7pm', 'Auto Insurance, Boat Insurance, Business Insurance, Collectibles, Commercial Vehicle Insurance, Motorcycle Insurance, RV Insurance, Renter''s Insurance, Truck Insurance, Snowmobile Insurance', 'Free Quotes, Roadside Assistance', 'English/ Spanish', 'Cash, American Express, Visa, Mastercard, Discover, Diners Club, Personal Checks, Western Union', '39.1500275 ', '-123.2076275 ', '', '0'),
(190, '710', 'UPLD', 'Upland - Branch 710', '141 North Mountain Avenue', NULL, 'Upland', 'CA', '91786', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, '34.0952996 ', '-117.6704608 ', '', '0'),
(191, '364', 'VAC1', 'Vacaville 1 - Branch 364 CUL', '1100 Marshall Road, Suite D', NULL, 'Vacaville', 'CA', '95687', '707-446-9044', '707-452-1537', 'at the Corner of Marshall rd and Peabody st. Across the Street from WILL C WOOD Highschool', 'parking lot', '9:00 a.m. To 7:00 p.m.', '9:00 a.m. To 7:00 p.m.', '9:00 a.m. To 7:00 p.m.', 'Auto Insurance, Boat Insurance, Business Insurance, Collectibles, Commercial Vehicle Insurance, Motorcycle Insurance, RV Insurance, Renter''s Insurance, Truck Insurance, Snowmobile Insurance', 'Free Quotes, Roadside Assistance', 'English', 'Cash, American Express, Visa, Mastercard, Discover, Diners Club, Personal Checks, Western Union', '38.346727 ', '-121.973953 ', '', '0'),
(192, '175', 'MIPU', 'Mi Pueblo Vallejo - Branch 175', '2107 Solano Ave., # 013', NULL, 'Vallejo', 'CA', '94590', '17076527780', '17076527781', 'Inside the Mi Pueblo Grocery Store/ cross street is Solano', 'shopping center parking lot', '10am-7pm', '10am-7pm', '10am-7pm', 'Auto Insurance, Boat Insurance, Business Insurance, Collectibles, Commercial Vehicle Insurance, Motorcycle Insurance, RV Insurance, Renter''s Insurance, Truck Insurance, Snowmobile Insurance', 'Free Quotes, Roadside Assistance', 'English', 'Cash, American Express, Visa, Mastercard, Discover, Diners Club, Personal Checks, Western Union', '38.0924691 ', '-122.2544877 ', '', '0'),
(193, '334', 'VAL1', 'Vallejo - Branch 334 CUL', '877 Redwood Street', NULL, 'Vallejo', 'CA', '94590', '17075588050', '17075561987', 'Subway and across the street from the Fire Dept is the Landmark/ Cross street is between couch and sonoma', 'shopping center parking lot', '9am-7pm', '9am-7pm', '9am-7pm', 'Auto Insurance, Boat Insurance, Business Insurance, Collectibles, Commercial Vehicle Insurance, Motorcycle Insurance, RV Insurance, Renter''s Insurance, Truck Insurance, Snowmobile Insurance', 'Free Quotes, Roadside Assistance', 'English', 'Cash, American Express, Visa, Mastercard, Discover, Diners Club, Personal Checks, Western Union', '38.1223803 ', '-122.2532685 ', '', '0'),
(194, '114', 'VNF', 'Van Nuys - Branch 114', '6742 Van Nuys Blvd, Suite 101', NULL, 'Van Nuys', 'CA', '91405', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, '34.193435 ', '-118.448207 ', '', '0'),
(195, '711', 'VNS', 'Van Nuys - Branch 711', '7222 Van Nuys Blvd', NULL, 'Van Nuys', 'CA', '91405', '818-782-2777', '818-782-2444', 'Van Nuys Blvd and Sherman Way / Across from the Habit behind the United Gas Station', 'Front Parking', '9Am-8Pm', '9Am-8Pm', '9Am-8Pm', 'Auto, Home, Renter, Motorcycle, Commercial', 'New business, Endorsements, Monthly Payments', 'English and Spanish', 'Cash, Check, Credit Card, Debit Card, Visa, Master Card, Discover, American Express, Money Order', '34.2019709 ', '-118.4485999 ', '', '0'),
(196, '161', 'VICF', 'Victorville - Branch 161', '14213 7th St, Suite B', NULL, 'Victorville', 'CA', '92395', '760-243-0347', '760-843-3524', '7TH AND GREEN TREE', NULL, '8:30AM TO 8:00PM', '8:30AM TO 8:00PM', '8:30AM TO 8:00PM', 'Auto Insurance, Boat Insurance, Business Insurance, Collectibles, Commercial Vehicle Insurance, Motorcycle Insurance, RV Insurance, Renter''s Insurance, Truck Insurance, Snowmobile Insurance', 'Free Quotes, Roadside Assistance', 'English', 'Cash, American Express, Visa, Mastercard, Discover, Diners Club, Personal Checks, Western Union', '34.5091744 ', '-117.3194533 ', '', '0'),
(197, '171', 'VISA', 'Visalia – Branch 171', '4233 South Mooney Blvd, STE P4', NULL, 'Visalia', 'CA', '93277', '559-802-1846', '559-734-1071', 'Target shopping center off Mooney Blvd across from Chipotle', 'big parking lot', '8am-7pm', '8am-7pm', '8am-7pm', 'Auto Insurance, Boat Insurance, Business Insurance, Collectibles, Commercial Vehicle Insurance, Motorcycle Insurance, RV Insurance, Renter''s Insurance, Truck Insurance, Snowmobile Insurance', 'Free Quotes, Roadside Assistance', 'English/Spanish', 'Cash, American Express, Visa, Mastercard, Discover, Diners Club, Personal Checks, Western Union', '36.291768 ', '-119.3137326 ', '', '0');
INSERT INTO `wp_master_office` (`id`, `brand_id`, `code`, `office`, `street_address_01`, `street_address_02`, `city`, `state`, `zipcode`, `phone`, `fax`, `landmark`, `parking`, `office_hours1`, `office_hours2`, `office_hours3`, `products_offered`, `services_offered`, `languages_spoken`, `payment_methods`, `latitud`, `longitud`, `id_page`, `status`) VALUES
(198, '311', 'VIS1', 'Visalia - Branch 311 CUL', '2942 South Mooney Blvd., Suite A', NULL, 'Visalia', 'CA', '93277', '559-635-2444', '559-635-2598', 'Located on Mooney Blvd right by Toy R Us', 'parking in front of office', '8am-7pm', '8am-7pm', '8am-7pm', 'Auto Insurance, Boat Insurance, Business Insurance, Collectibles, Commercial Vehicle Insurance, Motorcycle Insurance, RV Insurance, Renter''s Insurance, Truck Insurance, Snowmobile Insurance', 'Free Quotes, Roadside Assistance', NULL, 'Cash, American Express, Visa, Mastercard, Discover, Diners Club, Personal Checks, Western Union', '36.304834 ', '-119.313109 ', '', '0'),
(199, '142', 'OSF', 'Vista - Branch 142', '510 Hacienda Drive, Suite 108B', NULL, 'Vista', 'CA', '92081', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, '33.1921917 ', '-117.2519016 ', '', '0'),
(200, '174', 'WATS', 'Watsonville - Branch 174', '1441 Main St., Suite 103', NULL, 'Watsonville', 'CA', '95076', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, '36.9165308 ', '-121.7721918 ', '', '0'),
(201, '88', 'WCF', 'West Covina - Branch 88', '415 N. Azusa Avenue', NULL, 'West Covina', 'CA', '91791', '626-966-7771', '626-966-7909', 'Same Shopping center as LA Fitness and Stator Bros Supermarket', NULL, '9am -8pm', '9am -8pm', '9am -8pm', 'Auto Insurance, Boat Insurance, Business Insurance, Collectibles, Commercial Vehicle Insurance, Motorcycle Insurance, RV Insurance, Renter''s Insurance, Truck Insurance, Snowmobile Insurance', 'Free Quotes, Roadside Assistance', 'English / Spanish', 'Cash, American Express, Visa, Mastercard, Discover, Diners Club, Personal Checks, Western Union', '34.0775816 ', '-117.9078165 ', '', '0'),
(202, '386', 'WSAC', 'West Sacramento - Branch 386', '830 Jefferson Blvd., Suite # 10', NULL, 'West Sacramento', 'CA', '95691', '916-520-7652', '916-287-4216', 'Corner of west capital ave and Jefferson, across from Walgreens behind the capitol gas mart ', 'huge parking lot ', '9:00am-7:00pm', '9:00am-7:00pm', '9:00am-7:00pm', 'Auto Insurance, Boat Insurance, Business Insurance, Collectibles, Commercial Vehicle Insurance, Motorcycle Insurance, RV Insurance, Renter''s Insurance, Truck Insurance, Snowmobile Insurance', 'Free Quotes, Roadside Assistance', 'English', 'Cash, American Express, Visa, Mastercard, Discover, Diners Club, Personal Checks, Western Union', '38.579853 ', '-121.526793 ', '', '0'),
(203, '168', 'WM1', 'Westminster - Branch 168', '13525 Beach Blvd', NULL, 'Westminster', 'CA', '92683', '(714) 375-1015', NULL, 'Trask and Beach, same shopping center as the 7-11', 'plenty in front of store and in rear', '9am - 8pm', '9am - 8pm', '9am - 8pm', 'Insurance', 'Free Quotes, Roadside Assistance', 'Spanish/English', 'Cash, Check , Credit/Debit, Money Orders', '33.7658558 ', '-117.9901068 ', '', '0'),
(204, '365', 'WOO1', 'Woodland - Branch 365 CUL', '421-D Pioneer Avenue', NULL, 'Woodland', 'CA', '95695', '530-661-0697', '530-662-8769', 'On the corner of Main St and Pioneer. In the Food 4 Less and Big 5 shopping Center. We''re to the left of Big 5. ', 'In front of the office', '9am- 7pm', '9am- 7pm', '9am- 7pm', 'Auto Insurance, Boat Insurance, Business Insurance, Collectibles, Commercial Vehicle Insurance, Motorcycle Insurance, RV Insurance, Renter''s Insurance, Truck Insurance, Snowmobile Insurance', 'Free Quotes, Roadside Assistance', 'English/ Spanish', 'Cash, American Express, Visa, Mastercard, Discover, Diners Club, Personal Checks, Western Union', '38.676084 ', '-121.745821 ', '', '0'),
(205, '372', 'YUB1', 'Yuba City - Branch 372 CUL', '665 North Lawrence Avenue', NULL, 'Yuba City', 'CA', '95991', '530-671-8580', '530-671-8589', 'On Bridge St & North Lawarence between Highway 99 and Gray Ave. Behind the new Porky''s BBQ (which use to be Righteous Ink Tattoo.', 'In front of the office', '9am- 7pm', '9am- 7pm', '9am- 7pm', 'Auto Insurance, Boat Insurance, Business Insurance, Collectibles, Commercial Vehicle Insurance, Motorcycle Insurance, RV Insurance, Renter''s Insurance, Truck Insurance, Snowmobile Insurance', 'Free Quotes, Roadside Assistance', 'English/ Spanish', 'Cash, American Express, Visa, Mastercard, Discover, Diners Club, Personal Checks, Western Union', '39.1320081 ', '-121.631992 ', '', '0'),
(206, '809', 'WOOL', 'Boynton Beach - Woolbright - Branch 809', '2260 W. Woolbright Rd.', NULL, 'Boynton Beach', 'FL', '33426', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, '26.5131759 ', '-80.0887475 ', '', '0'),
(207, '826', 'CONG', 'Boynton Beach - Congress - Branch 826', '901 N Congress Ave', NULL, 'Boynton Beach', 'FL', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, '26.536572 ', '-80.0916869 ', '', '0'),
(208, '822', 'BRAD1', 'Bradenton - 14th St #1 - Branch 822', '5627 14th St W, Suite B', NULL, 'Bradenton', 'FL', '34207', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, '27.441453 ', '-82.574551 ', '', '0'),
(209, '825', 'BRAD2', 'Bradenton - 14th St #2 - Branch 825', '6223a 14th St W', NULL, 'Bradenton', 'FL', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, '27.4302986 ', '-82.5754556 ', '', '0'),
(210, '808', 'CLEA', 'Clearwater - Branch 808', '1993 Drew St', NULL, 'Clearwater', 'FL', '33765', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, '27.9675507 ', '-82.7547431 ', '', '0'),
(211, '804', 'DADE', 'Dade City - Branch 804', '12874 US Highway 301', NULL, 'Dade City', 'FL', '33525', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, '28.3452062 ', '-82.1873297 ', '', '0'),
(212, NULL, 'STER', 'Sterling # 52', '6129 Sterling Rd.', NULL, 'Davie', 'FL', '33314', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, '26.04616 ', '-80.2289392 ', '', '0'),
(213, '805', 'DUNE', 'Dunedin - Branch 805', '1411 Main St', NULL, 'Dunedin', 'FL', '34698', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, '28.0191757 ', '-82.7675093 ', '', '0'),
(214, '818', 'DIXI', 'Dixie Hwy - Branch 818', '4960 N Dixie Hwy, #301', NULL, 'Ft. Lauderdale', 'FL', '33334', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, '26.1881495 ', '-80.1338991 ', '', '0'),
(215, '824', 'HOLL', 'Hollywood FL - Branch 824', '617 S. State Rd. 7 , #3', NULL, 'Hollywood', 'FL', '33023', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, '26.0153888 ', '-80.2078229 ', '', '0'),
(216, NULL, NULL, NULL, '1102 & 1104 West Vine Street', NULL, 'Kissimmee', 'FL', '34741', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, '-25.6787119 ', '29.9942867 ', '', '0'),
(217, NULL, 'LAKP', 'Lake Park # 75', '1244 Northlake Blvd.', NULL, 'Lake Park', 'FL', '33403', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, '26.8080601 ', '-80.078194 ', '', '0'),
(218, '828', 'LAKEW', 'Lake Worth - Branch 828', '932 N Dixie Hwy', NULL, 'Lake Worth', 'FL', '33460', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, '26.6274198 ', '-80.0568 ', '', '0'),
(219, '807', 'LAKE', 'Lakeland - Branch 807', '1539 S Combee Rd', NULL, 'Lakeland', 'FL', '33801', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, '28.0243731 ', '-81.9076933 ', '', '0'),
(220, '812', 'LARG', 'Largo - Branch 812', '3201 E Bay Dr', NULL, 'Largo', 'FL', '33771', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, '27.9163563 ', '-82.754114 ', '', '0'),
(221, '816', 'MARG', 'Margate - Branch 816', '4900 W Atlantic Blvd, #3', NULL, 'Margate', 'FL', '33063', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, '26.2337852 ', '-80.192438 ', '', '0'),
(222, NULL, 'MIAM', 'Miami # 80', '1205 W. Flagler St.', NULL, 'Miami', 'FL', '33135', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, '25.7735976 ', '-80.214859 ', '', '0'),
(223, NULL, NULL, NULL, '6264 Miramar Parkway', NULL, 'Miramar', 'FL', '33023', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, '25.9843108 ', '-80.212973 ', '', '0'),
(224, '817', 'USHW', 'New Port Richey - Branch 817', '4934 US Hwy 19 North', NULL, 'New Port Richey', 'FL', '34652', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, '28.2310581 ', '-82.730227 ', '', '0'),
(225, '827', 'NORT', 'North Palm Beach - Branch 827', '920 Northlake Blvd', NULL, 'North Palm Beach', 'FL', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, '26.8078675 ', '-80.0727019 ', '', '0'),
(226, '813', 'ANDR', 'Oakland Park - Andrews - Branch 813', '3762 N Andrews Ave', NULL, 'Oakland Park', 'FL', '33309', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, '26.1735841 ', '-80.1465343 ', '', '0'),
(227, NULL, 'PINE', 'Pine Hills # 40', '1449 Pine Hills Rd', NULL, 'Orlando', 'FL', '32808', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, '28.577077 ', '-81.451098 ', '', '0'),
(228, '819', 'PINE2', 'Pinellas Park - Park Blvd #2 - Branch 819', '5201 Park Blvd', NULL, 'Pinellas Park', 'FL', '33781', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, '27.8393693 ', '-82.7041952 ', '', '0'),
(229, '820', 'PINE1', 'Pinellas Park - Park Blvd #1 - Branch 820', '5572 Park Blvd', NULL, 'Pinellas Park', 'FL', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, '27.8390582 ', '-82.7097864 ', '', '0'),
(230, '815', 'POMP', 'Pompano Beach - Branch 815', '445 S Cypress Rd', NULL, 'Pompano Beach', 'FL', '33060', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, '26.224661 ', '-80.1235131 ', '', '0'),
(231, '811', 'PORT', 'Port Charlotte - Branch 811', '2300 Tamiami Trail, Unit 10', NULL, 'Port Charlotte', 'FL', '33952', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, '26.998752 ', '-82.120807 ', '', '0'),
(232, '814', 'SAIN', 'Saint Petersburg - Branch 814', '3939 Central Ave', NULL, 'Saint Petersburg', 'FL', '33713', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, '27.7710583 ', '-82.6870357 ', '', '0'),
(233, '823', 'TAMI', 'Sarasota - Tamiami - Branch 823', '5974 S Tamiami Trail', NULL, 'Sarasota', 'FL', '34231', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, '27.267386 ', '-82.5290959 ', '', '0'),
(234, '821', 'WASH', 'Sarasota - Washington - Branch 821', '560 N Washington Blvd, Unit C', NULL, 'Sarasota', 'FL', '34236', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, '27.340731 ', '-82.530499 ', '', '0'),
(235, '802', 'TAMP', 'Tampa - Branch 802', '1036 W Hillsborough Ave', NULL, 'Tampa', 'FL', '33603', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, '27.9957434 ', '-82.4720585 ', '', '0'),
(236, '806', 'VENI', 'Venice - Branch 806', '1530 US Highway 41 Byp S', NULL, 'Venice', 'FL', '34293', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, '27.090937 ', '-82.4317912 ', '', '0'),
(237, NULL, 'WESP', 'West Palm Beach # 67', '5762 Okeechobee Blvd, Unit B', NULL, 'W. Palm Beach', 'FL', '33417', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, '26.7072496 ', '-80.1325103 ', '', '0'),
(238, '801', 'MILI', 'West Palm Beach - Military Trail - Branch 801', '1020 S Military Trail', NULL, 'West Palm Beach', 'FL', '33415', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, '26.6623337 ', '-80.1123869 ', '', '0'),
(239, '810', 'HAVE', 'West Palm Beach - Haverhill - Branch 810', '2080 Haverhill Rd N', NULL, 'West Palm Beach', 'FL', '33417', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, '26.7080656 ', '-80.1192756 ', '', '0'),
(240, '803', 'WINT', 'Winter Haven - Branch 803', '1136 6th ST NW', NULL, 'Winter Haven', 'FL', '33881', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, '28.035136 ', '-81.7329892 ', '', '0'),
(241, NULL, NULL, NULL, '107 E. Morgan Street Suite A', NULL, 'Edgerton', 'KS', '66021', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, '38.7674985 ', '-95.0102005 ', '', '0'),
(242, NULL, NULL, NULL, '31 Bloomfield Avenue', NULL, 'Bloomfield', 'NJ', '7003', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, '40.775844 ', '-74.186621 ', '', '0'),
(243, NULL, NULL, NULL, '1089 Elizabeth Avenue Store #7', NULL, 'Elizabeth', 'NJ', '7201', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, '40.6639916 ', '-74.2107006 ', '', '0'),
(244, NULL, NULL, NULL, '6913 Bergenline Avenue', NULL, 'Guttenberg', 'NJ', '7093', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, '40.7961002 ', '-74.0111056 ', '', '0'),
(245, NULL, NULL, NULL, '2184 John F Kennedy Blvd.', NULL, 'Jersey City', 'NJ', '7305', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, '40.7132691 ', '-74.0832769 ', '', '0'),
(246, NULL, NULL, NULL, '28 West Grand Avenue', NULL, 'Montvale', 'NJ', '7645', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, '41.0398811 ', '-74.0320112 ', '', '0'),
(247, NULL, NULL, NULL, '54 Main Street', NULL, 'Passaic', 'NJ', '7055', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, '40.8841412 ', '-74.11053 ', '', '0'),
(248, NULL, NULL, NULL, '758 Main Street 1st Floor', NULL, 'Paterson', 'NJ', '7503', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, '40.900625 ', '-74.165415 ', '', '0'),
(249, NULL, NULL, NULL, '1306 Kennedy Blvd.', NULL, 'Union City', 'NJ', '7087', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, '40.7625955 ', '-74.0421275 ', '', '0'),
(250, '402', 'DECA', 'Decatur - Branch 402', '2605 S. Decatur, Suite 119', NULL, 'Las Vegas', 'NV', '89102', '702-873-7000', '702-873-5369', 'SW Corner of Decatur & Sahara', 'Yes', '9am - 530pm', '9am - 530pm', '9am - 530pm', 'Auto Insurance, Boat Insurance, Business Insurance, Collectibles, Commercial Vehicle Insurance, Motorcycle Insurance, RV Insurance, Renter''s Insurance, Truck Insurance, Snowmobile Insurance', 'Free Quotes, Roadside Assistance', 'Spanish', 'Cash, American Express, Visa, Mastercard, Discover, Diners Club, Personal Checks, Western Union', '36.142762 ', '-115.209066 ', '', '0'),
(251, '401', 'CHAR', 'Charleston - Branch 401', '4255 E. Charleston Blvd., Suite H', NULL, 'Las Vegas', 'NV', '89104', '702-641-7000', '702-641-8905', 'SW Corner of Charleston & Lamb/El Super Groc.Str', 'Yes', '9am - 530pm', '9am - 530pm', '9am - 530pm', 'Auto Insurance, Boat Insurance, Business Insurance, Collectibles, Commercial Vehicle Insurance, Motorcycle Insurance, RV Insurance, Renter''s Insurance, Truck Insurance, Snowmobile Insurance', 'Free Quotes, Roadside Assistance', 'Spanish', 'Cash, American Express, Visa, Mastercard, Discover, Diners Club, Personal Checks, Western Union', '36.1583268 ', '-115.0820981 ', '', '0'),
(252, '404', 'RAIN', 'Rainbow - Branch 404', '2300 N. Rainbow, Suite 103', NULL, 'Las Vegas', 'NV', '89108', '702-656-7000', '702-636-1843', 'SE Corner of Rainbow & Smoke Ranch', 'Yes', '9am - 530pm', '9am - 530pm', '9am - 530pm', 'Auto Insurance, Boat Insurance, Business Insurance, Collectibles, Commercial Vehicle Insurance, Motorcycle Insurance, RV Insurance, Renter''s Insurance, Truck Insurance, Snowmobile Insurance', 'Free Quotes, Roadside Assistance', 'Spanish', 'Cash, American Express, Visa, Mastercard, Discover, Diners Club, Personal Checks, Western Union', '36.2024947 ', '-115.2422426 ', '', '0'),
(253, '405', 'BRAD', 'Bradley – Branch 405', '6825 W. Russell Rd., #150', NULL, 'Las Vegas', 'NV', '89118', '702-873-1180', '702-873-1193', 'SE Corner of Russell & Rainbow', 'Yes', '8am - 4pm', '8am - 4pm', '8am - 4pm', 'Auto Insurance, Boat Insurance, Business Insurance, Collectibles, Commercial Vehicle Insurance, Motorcycle Insurance, RV Insurance, Renter''s Insurance, Truck Insurance, Snowmobile Insurance', 'Free Quotes, Roadside Assistance', 'English Only', 'Cash, American Express, Visa, Mastercard, Discover, Diners Club, Personal Checks, Western Union', '36.084607 ', '-115.241282 ', '', '0'),
(254, '403', 'FLAM', 'Flamingo - Branch 403', '3220 E. Flamingo, Suite D', NULL, 'Las Vegas', 'NV', '89121', '702-452-7000', '702-435-5374', 'Flamingo & Pecos / Food 4 Less Groc. Store', 'Yes', '9am - 530pm', '9am - 530pm', '9am - 530pm', 'Auto Insurance, Boat Insurance, Business Insurance, Collectibles, Commercial Vehicle Insurance, Motorcycle Insurance, RV Insurance, Renter''s Insurance, Truck Insurance, Snowmobile Insurance', 'Free Quotes, Roadside Assistance', 'Spanish', 'Cash, American Express, Visa, Mastercard, Discover, Diners Club, Personal Checks, Western Union', '36.1155238 ', '-115.1049585 ', '', '0'),
(255, '406', 'GOTI', 'Las Vegas - Branch 406', '9620 Las Vegas Blvd. S, Ste. E-4', NULL, 'Las Vegas', 'NV', '89123', '702-212-0669', '702-212-0676', 'S Las Vegas Blvd & Silverado Ranch Blvd', 'Yes', '830a - 5pm', '830a - 5pm', '830a - 5pm', 'Auto Insurance, Boat Insurance, Business Insurance, Collectibles, Commercial Vehicle Insurance, Motorcycle Insurance, RV Insurance, Renter''s Insurance, Truck Insurance, Snowmobile Insurance', 'Free Quotes, Roadside Assistance', 'Spanish', 'Cash, American Express, Visa, Mastercard, Discover, Diners Club, Personal Checks, Western Union', '36.01488 ', '-115.171467 ', '', '0'),
(256, NULL, NULL, NULL, '1020 Central Avenue', NULL, 'Albany', 'NY', '12205', '518-489-7405', '518-489-8381', NULL, 'Parking in Back', '8:30 a.m. to 5:00 PM', '8:30 a.m. to 5:00 PM', '8:30 a.m. to 5:00 PM', 'Automobile, homeowners, renters, mobile home, Motorcycle, ATV & Snowmobile, RV & Camper, Commercial Insurance, Business Insurance, Workers Compensation, Landlord policies, Boat & PWC insurance, AD&D insurance, roadside service, on-line defensive driving', 'Payments', 'English ', 'ATM, American Express, Checks, Diners Club, Discover, Mastercard, Visa, Cash', '42.684755 ', '-73.796016 ', '', '0'),
(257, NULL, NULL, NULL, '11 Dill Street', NULL, 'Auburn', 'NY', '13021', '315-253-0055', '315-253-4866', NULL, NULL, '8:30 a.m. to 6:00 PM', '8:30 a.m. to 6:00 PM', '8:30 a.m. to 6:00 PM', 'Automobile, homeowners, renters, mobile home, Motorcycle, ATV & Snowmobile, RV & Camper, Commercial Insurance, Business Insurance, Workers Compensation, Landlord policies, Boat & PWC insurance, AD&D insurance, roadside service, on-line defensive driving', 'Payments', 'English ', 'ATM, American Express, Checks, Diners Club, Discover, Mastercard, Visa, Cash', '42.9321523 ', '-76.5679364 ', '', '0'),
(258, NULL, NULL, NULL, '55 Milton Avenue', NULL, 'Ballston Spa', 'NY', '12020', '518-885-1241', '518-885-3951', NULL, NULL, '8:30 a.m. to 5:00 PM', '8:30 a.m. to 5:00 PM', '8:30 a.m. to 5:00 PM', 'Automobile, homeowners, renters, mobile home, Motorcycle, ATV & Snowmobile, RV & Camper, Commercial Insurance, Business Insurance, Workers Compensation, Landlord policies, Boat & PWC insurance, AD&D insurance, roadside service, on-line defensive driving', 'Payments', 'English ', 'ATM, American Express, Checks, Diners Club, Discover, Mastercard, Visa, Cash', '43.0030134 ', '-73.8490086 ', '', '0'),
(259, NULL, NULL, NULL, '5885 East Circle Drive', NULL, 'Cicero', 'NY', '13039', '315-458-3327', '315-701-1255', 'Located in Drivers Village Mall', NULL, '8:00 a.m. to 7:00 PM', '8:00 a.m. to 7:00 PM', '8:00 a.m. to 7:00 PM', 'Automobile, homeowners, renters, mobile home, Motorcycle, ATV & Snowmobile, RV & Camper, Commercial Insurance, Business Insurance, Workers Compensation, Landlord policies, Boat & PWC insurance, AD&D insurance, roadside service, on-line defensive driving', 'Payments', 'English ', 'ATM, American Express, Checks, Diners Club, Discover, Mastercard, Visa, Cash', '43.14972 ', '-76.114869 ', '', '0'),
(260, NULL, NULL, NULL, '823 E. Main Street', 'Suite 2', 'Cobleskill', 'NY', '12043', '518-234-2304', '518-234-4005', NULL, NULL, '8:30 a.m. to 5:00 PM', '8:30 a.m. to 5:00 PM', '8:30 a.m. to 5:00 PM', 'Automobile, homeowners, renters, mobile home, Motorcycle, ATV & Snowmobile, RV & Camper, Commercial Insurance, Business Insurance, Workers Compensation, Landlord policies, Boat & PWC insurance, AD&D insurance, roadside service, on-line defensive driving', 'Payments', 'English ', 'ATM, American Express, Checks, Diners Club, Discover, Mastercard, Visa, Cash', '42.6806062 ', '-74.4706821 ', '', '0'),
(261, NULL, NULL, NULL, '6859 Erie Road', NULL, 'Derby', 'NY', '14047', '716-947-9587', '716-947-9589', NULL, 'Parking in Front', '9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.', '9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.', '9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.', 'Automobile, homeowners, renters, mobile home, Motorcycle, ATV & Snowmobile, RV & Camper, Commercial Insurance, Business Insurance, Workers Compensation, Landlord policies, Boat & PWC insurance, AD&D insurance, roadside service, on-line defensive driving', 'Payments', 'English ', 'ATM, American Express, Checks, Diners Club, Discover, Mastercard, Visa, Cash', '42.7001528 ', '-78.9826031 ', '', '0'),
(262, NULL, NULL, NULL, '230 S Main Street', NULL, 'Elmira', 'NY', '14904', '607-733-3593', '607-734-0137', NULL, NULL, '8:30 a.m. to 5:00 PM', '8:30 a.m. to 5:00 PM', '8:30 a.m. to 5:00 PM', 'Automobile, homeowners, renters, mobile home, Motorcycle, ATV & Snowmobile, RV & Camper, Commercial Insurance, Business Insurance, Workers Compensation, Landlord policies, Boat & PWC insurance, AD&D insurance, roadside service, on-line defensive driving', 'Payments', 'English ', 'ATM, American Express, Checks, Diners Club, Discover, Mastercard, Visa, Cash', '42.0826666 ', '-76.8049679 ', '', '0'),
(263, NULL, NULL, NULL, '26000 US Rt 11', NULL, 'Evans Mills', 'NY', '13637', '315-788-3786', '315-629-5373', NULL, NULL, '8:30 a.m. to 5:00 PM', '8:30 a.m. to 5:00 PM', '8:30 a.m. to 5:00 PM', 'Automobile, homeowners, renters, mobile home, Motorcycle, ATV & Snowmobile, RV & Camper, Commercial Insurance, Business Insurance, Workers Compensation, Landlord policies, Boat & PWC insurance, AD&D insurance, roadside service, on-line defensive driving', 'Payments', 'English ', 'ATM, American Express, Checks, Diners Club, Discover, Mastercard, Visa, Cash', '44.03954 ', '-75.840812 ', '', '0'),
(264, NULL, NULL, NULL, '109 E Main Street', NULL, 'Gouverneur', 'NY', '13642', '315-287-7283', '315-287-2439', NULL, NULL, '8:30 a.m. to 5:00 PM', '8:30 a.m. to 5:00 PM', '8:30 a.m. to 5:00 PM', 'Automobile, homeowners, renters, mobile home, Motorcycle, ATV & Snowmobile, RV & Camper, Commercial Insurance, Business Insurance, Workers Compensation, Landlord policies, Boat & PWC insurance, AD&D insurance, roadside service, on-line defensive driving', 'Payments', 'English ', 'ATM, American Express, Checks, Diners Club, Discover, Mastercard, Visa, Cash', '44.3358599 ', '-75.4668128 ', '', '0'),
(265, NULL, NULL, NULL, '48 Main Street', NULL, 'Kingston', 'NY', '12401', '845-331-0481', '845-339-6091', NULL, NULL, '8:30 a.m. to 5:00 PM', '8:30 a.m. to 5:00 PM', '8:30 a.m. to 5:00 PM', 'Automobile, homeowners, renters, mobile home, Motorcycle, ATV & Snowmobile, RV & Camper, Commercial Insurance, Business Insurance, Workers Compensation, Landlord policies, Boat & PWC insurance, AD&D insurance, roadside service, on-line defensive driving', 'Payments', 'English ', 'ATM, American Express, Checks, Diners Club, Discover, Mastercard, Visa, Cash', '41.932326 ', '-74.018418 ', '', '0'),
(266, NULL, NULL, NULL, '7568 S. State Street', NULL, 'Lowville', 'NY', '13367', '315-376-4747', '315-376-6399', NULL, NULL, '8:30 a.m. to 5:00 PM', '8:30 a.m. to 5:00 PM', '8:30 a.m. to 5:00 PM', 'Automobile, homeowners, renters, mobile home, Motorcycle, ATV & Snowmobile, RV & Camper, Commercial Insurance, Business Insurance, Workers Compensation, Landlord policies, Boat & PWC insurance, AD&D insurance, roadside service, on-line defensive driving', 'Payments', 'English ', 'ATM, American Express, Checks, Diners Club, Discover, Mastercard, Visa, Cash', '43.7861066 ', '-75.4918068 ', '', '0'),
(267, NULL, NULL, NULL, '1900 Brewerton Road', NULL, 'Mattydale', 'NY', '13211', '315-458-0000', '315-458-2265', 'Located in Shopping Center Mall', 'Parking in Front', '8:30 a.m. to 6:00 PM', '8:30 a.m. to 6:00 PM', '8:30 a.m. to 6:00 PM', 'Automobile, homeowners, renters, mobile home, Motorcycle, ATV & Snowmobile, RV & Camper, Commercial Insurance, Business Insurance, Workers Compensation, Landlord policies, Boat & PWC insurance, AD&D insurance, roadside service, on-line defensive driving', 'Payments', 'English ', 'ATM, American Express, Checks, Diners Club, Discover, Mastercard, Visa, Cash', '43.094683 ', '-76.146185 ', '', '0'),
(268, NULL, NULL, NULL, '2706 Pine Ave. ', NULL, 'Niagara Falls', 'NY', '14301', '716-284-0408', '716-285-8279', NULL, 'Parking on side', '9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.', '9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.', '9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.', 'Automobile, homeowners, renters, mobile home, Motorcycle, ATV & Snowmobile, RV & Camper, Commercial Insurance, Business Insurance, Workers Compensation, D&O, Professional Liability, Aviation, Landlord policies, Boat & PWC insurance, AD&D insurance, roadsi', 'Payments & Notary', 'English', 'ATM, American Express, Checks, Diners Club, Discover, Mastercard, Visa, Cash', '43.095232 ', '-79.0290882 ', '', '0'),
(269, NULL, NULL, NULL, '2706 Pine Ave. ', NULL, 'Niagara Falls', 'NY', '14301', '716-284-0408', '716-285-8279', NULL, 'Parking on side', '9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.', '9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.', '9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.', 'Automobile, homeowners, renters, mobile home, Motorcycle, ATV & Snowmobile, RV & Camper, Commercial Insurance, Business Insurance, Workers Compensation, D&O, Professional Liability, Aviation, Landlord policies, Boat & PWC insurance, AD&D insurance, roadsi', 'Payments & Notary', 'English', 'ATM, American Express, Checks, Diners Club, Discover, Mastercard, Visa, Cash', '43.095232 ', '-79.0290882 ', '', '0'),
(270, NULL, NULL, NULL, '2706 Pine Ave. ', NULL, 'Niagara Falls', 'NY', '14301', '716-283-8725', '716-283-4597', NULL, 'Parking on side', '9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.', '9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.', '9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.', 'Automobile, homeowners, renters, mobile home, Motorcycle, ATV & Snowmobile, RV & Camper, Commercial Insurance, Business Insurance, Workers Compensation, Landlord policies, Boat & PWC insurance, AD&D insurance, roadside service, on-line defensive driving', 'Payments & Notary', 'English', 'ATM, American Express, Checks, Diners Club, Discover, Mastercard, Visa, Cash', '43.095232 ', '-79.0290882 ', '', '0'),
(271, NULL, NULL, NULL, '2706 Pine Ave. ', NULL, 'Niagara Falls', 'NY', '14301', '716-283-8726', '716-283-4597', NULL, 'Parking on side', '9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.', '9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.', '9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.', 'Automobile, homeowners, renters, mobile home, Motorcycle, ATV & Snowmobile, RV & Camper, Commercial Insurance, Business Insurance, Workers Compensation, Landlord policies, Boat & PWC insurance, AD&D insurance, roadside service, on-line defensive driving', 'Payments & Notary', 'English', 'ATM, American Express, Checks, Diners Club, Discover, Mastercard, Visa, Cash', '43.095232 ', '-79.0290882 ', '', '0'),
(272, NULL, NULL, NULL, '129 E 1st Street', NULL, 'Oswego', 'NY', '13126', '315-343-5533', '315-343-4552', NULL, NULL, '8:30 a.m. to 5:00 PM', '8:30 a.m. to 5:00 PM', '8:30 a.m. to 5:00 PM', 'Automobile, homeowners, renters, mobile home, Motorcycle, ATV & Snowmobile, RV & Camper, Commercial Insurance, Business Insurance, Workers Compensation, Landlord policies, Boat & PWC insurance, AD&D insurance, roadside service, on-line defensive driving', 'Payments', 'English ', 'ATM, American Express, Checks, Diners Club, Discover, Mastercard, Visa, Cash', '43.4566047 ', '-76.5069562 ', '', '0'),
(273, NULL, NULL, NULL, '58 Bridge Street', NULL, 'Plattsburgh', 'NY', '12901', '518-562-0970', '518-562-8104', NULL, NULL, '8:30 a.m. to 5:00 PM', '8:30 a.m. to 5:00 PM', '8:30 a.m. to 5:00 PM', 'Automobile, homeowners, renters, mobile home, Motorcycle, ATV & Snowmobile, RV & Camper, Commercial Insurance, Business Insurance, Workers Compensation, Landlord policies, Boat & PWC insurance, AD&D insurance, roadside service, on-line defensive driving', 'Payments', 'English ', 'ATM, American Express, Checks, Diners Club, Discover, Mastercard, Visa, Cash', '44.6974564 ', '-73.4504477 ', '', '0'),
(274, NULL, NULL, NULL, '220 Main Street', NULL, 'Poughkeepsie', 'NY', '12601', '845-452-1431', '845-452-4681', NULL, NULL, '8:30 a.m. to 5:00 PM', '8:30 a.m. to 5:00 PM', '8:30 a.m. to 5:00 PM', 'Automobile, homeowners, renters, mobile home, Motorcycle, ATV & Snowmobile, RV & Camper, Commercial Insurance, Business Insurance, Workers Compensation, Landlord policies, Boat & PWC insurance, AD&D insurance, roadside service, on-line defensive driving', 'Payments & Notary', 'English', 'ATM, American Express, Checks, Diners Club, Discover, Mastercard, Visa, Cash', '41.7045737 ', '-73.9304729 ', '', '0'),
(275, NULL, NULL, NULL, '357 Bay Road', NULL, 'Queensbury', 'NY', '12804', '518-798-1181', '518-798-3341', ' ', 'Parking across street', '8:30 a.m. to 5:00 PM', '8:30 a.m. to 5:00 PM', '8:30 a.m. to 5:00 PM', 'Automobile, homeowners, renters, mobile home, Motorcycle, ATV & Snowmobile, RV & Camper, Commercial Insurance, Business Insurance, Workers Compensation, Landlord policies, Boat & PWC insurance, AD&D insurance, roadside service, on-line defensive driving', 'Payments', 'English ', 'ATM, American Express, Checks, Diners Club, Discover, Mastercard, Visa, Cash', '43.334575 ', '-73.653474 ', '', '0'),
(276, NULL, NULL, NULL, '525 Lake Avenue', NULL, 'Rochester', 'NY', '14613', '585-647-9300', '585-647-9699', NULL, 'Parking on side and in back', '9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.', '9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.', '9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.', 'Automobile, homeowners, renters, mobile home, Motorcycle, ATV & Snowmobile, RV & Camper, Commercial Insurance, Business Insurance, Workers Compensation, Landlord policies, Boat & PWC insurance, AD&D insurance, roadside service, on-line defensive driving', 'Payments', 'English, Spanish', 'ATM, American Express, Checks, Diners Club, Discover, Mastercard, Visa, Cash', '43.174345 ', '-77.630023 ', '', '0'),
(277, NULL, NULL, NULL, '545 Titus Avenue', NULL, 'Rochester', 'NY', '14617', '585-544-1980', '585-544-4960', 'Located in Shopping Center Mall Next to DMV', 'Parking in Lot', '8:30 a.m. to 5:00 PM', '8:30 a.m. to 5:00 PM', '8:30 a.m. to 5:00 PM', 'Automobile, homeowners, renters, mobile home, Motorcycle, ATV & Snowmobile, RV & Camper, Commercial Insurance, Business Insurance, Workers Compensation, Landlord policies, Boat & PWC insurance, AD&D insurance, roadside service, on-line defensive driving', 'Payments', 'English ', 'ATM, American Express, Checks, Diners Club, Discover, Mastercard, Visa, Cash', '43.209874 ', '-77.601856 ', '', '0'),
(278, NULL, NULL, NULL, '2199 East Henrietta Rd', NULL, 'Rochester', 'NY', '14623', '585-359-3280', '585-359-9140', 'Located in Shopping Center Mall Next to DMV', 'Parking in Lot', '9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.', '9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.', '9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.', 'Automobile, homeowners, renters, mobile home, Motorcycle, ATV & Snowmobile, RV & Camper, Commercial Insurance, Business Insurance, Workers Compensation, Landlord policies, Boat & PWC insurance, AD&D insurance, roadside service, on-line defensive driving', 'Payments', 'English ', 'ATM, American Express, Checks, Diners Club, Discover, Mastercard, Visa, Cash', '43.073345 ', '-77.608378 ', '', '0'),
(279, NULL, NULL, NULL, '211 E. Dominick Street', NULL, 'Rome', 'NY', '13440', '315-339-5897', '315-339-6197', NULL, NULL, '8:30 a.m. to 6:00 PM', '8:30 a.m. to 6:00 PM', '8:30 a.m. to 6:00 PM', 'Automobile, homeowners, renters, mobile home, Motorcycle, ATV & Snowmobile, RV & Camper, Commercial Insurance, Business Insurance, Workers Compensation, Landlord policies, Boat & PWC insurance, AD&D insurance, roadside service, on-line defensive driving', 'Payments', 'English ', 'ATM, American Express, Checks, Diners Club, Discover, Mastercard, Visa, Cash', '43.2093436 ', '-75.4546154 ', '', '0'),
(280, NULL, NULL, NULL, '225 State Street', 'Suite 114', 'Schenectady', 'NY', '12305', '518-382-0471', '518-382-3801', NULL, NULL, '8:30 a.m. to 5:00 PM', '8:30 a.m. to 5:00 PM', '8:30 a.m. to 5:00 PM', 'Automobile, homeowners, renters, mobile home, Motorcycle, ATV & Snowmobile, RV & Camper, Commercial Insurance, Business Insurance, Workers Compensation, Landlord policies, Boat & PWC insurance, AD&D insurance, roadside service, on-line defensive driving', 'Payments', 'English ', 'ATM, American Express, Checks, Diners Club, Discover, Mastercard, Visa, Cash', '42.8148097 ', '-73.945442 ', '', '0'),
(281, NULL, NULL, NULL, '814 S Geddes St', NULL, 'Syracuse', 'NY', '13204', '315-422-5287', '315-422-7503', NULL, 'Parking in Lot', '7:30 a.m. to 6:00 PM', '7:30 a.m. to 6:00 PM', '7:30 a.m. to 6:00 PM', 'Automobile, homeowners, renters, mobile home, Motorcycle, ATV & Snowmobile, RV & Camper, Commercial Insurance, Business Insurance, Workers Compensation, Landlord policies, Boat & PWC insurance, AD&D insurance, roadside service, on-line defensive driving', 'Payments', 'English, Spanish', 'ATM, American Express, Checks, Diners Club, Discover, Mastercard, Visa, Cash', '43.039332 ', '-76.17268 ', '', '0'),
(282, NULL, NULL, NULL, '351 Broadway', '1st Floor', 'Troy', 'NY', '12180', '518-271-1185', '518-273-7568', NULL, NULL, '8:30 a.m. to 5:00 PM', '8:30 a.m. to 5:00 PM', '8:30 a.m. to 5:00 PM', 'Automobile, homeowners, renters, mobile home, Motorcycle, ATV & Snowmobile, RV & Camper, Commercial Insurance, Business Insurance, Workers Compensation, Landlord policies, Boat & PWC insurance, AD&D insurance, roadside service, on-line defensive driving', 'Payments', 'English ', 'ATM, American Express, Checks, Diners Club, Discover, Mastercard, Visa, Cash', '42.7311381 ', '-73.6896297 ', '', '0'),
(283, NULL, NULL, NULL, '334 Genessee St. ', NULL, 'Utica', 'NY', '13501', '315-798-8888 ', '315-735-7285 ', NULL, NULL, '8:30 a.m. to 5:00 PM', '8:30 a.m. to 5:00 PM', '8:30 a.m. to 5:00 PM', 'Automobile, homeowners, renters, mobile home, Motorcycle, ATV & Snowmobile, RV & Camper, Commercial Insurance, Business Insurance, Workers Compensation, Landlord policies, Boat & PWC insurance, AD&D insurance, roadside service, on-line defensive driving', 'Payments', 'English, Spanish', 'ATM, American Express, Checks, Diners Club, Discover, Mastercard, Visa, Cash', '43.0964211 ', '-75.2415208 ', '', '0'),
(284, NULL, NULL, NULL, '1047 Arsenal Street', NULL, 'Watertown', 'NY', '13601', '315-788-5005', '315-788-1239', NULL, 'Parking in Lot', '8:30 a.m. to 6:00 PM', '8:30 a.m. to 6:00 PM', '8:30 a.m. to 6:00 PM', 'Automobile, homeowners, renters, mobile home, Motorcycle, ATV & Snowmobile, RV & Camper, Commercial Insurance, Business Insurance, Workers Compensation, Landlord policies, Boat & PWC insurance, AD&D insurance, roadside service, on-line defensive driving', 'Payments', 'English', 'ATM, American Express, Checks, Diners Club, Discover, Mastercard, Visa, Cash', '43.9766546 ', '-75.9361681 ', '', '0'),
(285, NULL, NULL, NULL, '3625 Seneca St', NULL, 'West Seneca', 'NY', '14224', '716-675-9403', '716-675-9370', NULL, 'Parking in Lot', '9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.', '9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.', '9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.', 'Automobile, homeowners, renters, mobile home, Motorcycle, ATV & Snowmobile, RV & Camper, Commercial Insurance, Business Insurance, Workers Compensation, Landlord policies, Boat & PWC insurance, AD&D insurance, roadside service, on-line defensive driving', 'Payments', 'English', 'ATM, American Express, Checks, Diners Club, Discover, Mastercard, Visa, Cash', '42.828293 ', '-78.769405 ', '', '0'),
(286, NULL, NULL, NULL, '220 Orchard Park Rd', NULL, 'West Seneca', 'NY', '14224', '716-823-9435', '716-822-5878', NULL, 'Parking in Lot', '9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.', '9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.', '9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.', 'Automobile, homeowners, renters, mobile home, Motorcycle, ATV & Snowmobile, RV & Camper, Commercial Insurance, Business Insurance, Workers Compensation, Landlord policies, Boat & PWC insurance, AD&D insurance, roadside service, on-line defensive driving', 'Payments', 'English', 'ATM, American Express, Checks, Diners Club, Discover, Mastercard, Visa, Cash', '42.8374054 ', '-78.7885091 ', '', '0'),
(287, NULL, NULL, NULL, '9955 SE Washington Street Suite 103', NULL, 'Portland', 'OR', '97216', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, '45.518688 ', '-122.560932 ', '', '0'),
(288, NULL, NULL, NULL, '9770 SW Shady Lane', NULL, 'Tigard', 'OR', '97223', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, '45.441758 ', '-122.777146 ', '', '0'),
(289, '500', 'GFW', 'Gulf Fwy - Branch 500', '7909 Gulf Freeway', NULL, 'Houston', 'TX', NULL, '713-645-7070', '713-645-7171', 'In the corner of Park Place and Broadway', 'parking lot in fron', '9am-8pm', '9am-8pm', '9am-8pm', 'Personal Auto Insurance', 'Customer service, new business, pymts, endos', 'English/Spanish', 'Cash/Credit card/Money orders/checks', '29.685402 ', '-95.27654 ', '', '0'),
(290, '507', 'KTY', 'Katy Fwy - Branch 507', '8433 Katy Freeway, Suite 100', NULL, 'Houston', 'TX', '77024', 'CLOSED', 'CLOSED', 'CLOSED', 'CLOSED', 'CLOSED', 'CLOSED', 'CLOSED', 'CLOSED', 'CLOSED', 'CLOSED', 'CLOSED', '29.78335 ', '-95.491415 ', '', '0'),
(291, '513', 'KATY2', 'Katy Fwy 8420 - Branch 510', '8420 Katy Freeway, Suite 510', NULL, 'Houston', 'TX', '77024', '713-468-5988', '713-468-5630', 'Will open March 18th', 'parking lot in fron', '9am-7pm', '9am-7pm', '9am-7pm', 'Personal Auto Insurance', 'Customer service, new business, pymts, endos', 'English/Spanish', 'Cash/Credit card/Money orders/checks', '29.7845095 ', '-95.4943134 ', '', '0'),
(292, '560', 'KATY', 'Katy Fwy at Hedwig Village - Branch 560', '9047 Katy Freeway', NULL, 'Houston', 'TX', '77024', 'CLOSED', 'CLOSED', 'CLOSED', 'CLOSED', 'CLOSED', 'CLOSED', 'CLOSED', 'CLOSED', 'CLOSED', 'CLOSED', 'CLOSED', '29.7842015 ', '-95.5119236 ', '', '0'),
(293, '513', NULL, NULL, '8240 Katy freeway, #513', NULL, 'Houston', 'TX', '77024', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, '29.7837577 ', '-95.4852493 ', '', '0'),
(294, '551', 'TENE', 'I-10 East - Branch 551', '11410 I-10 East, Suite 120', NULL, 'Houston', 'TX', '77029', '713-330-7116', '713-330-9583', 'Off of I-10E/Feeder road in between the John Ralston & Federal Exits. By Tinseltown Theatre & Cicci''s Pizza.', NULL, '9 to 7', '9 to 7', '9 to 7', 'Personal Auto Insurance', 'Payments, Endorsements, New Business, Customer Service', 'English/Spanish/Portugese', 'All payment Methods', '29.7888315 ', '-95.3972848 ', '', '0'),
(295, '559', 'GULF', 'Gulf Fwy - Branch 559 AID', '11550 Gulf Freeway, Suite D', NULL, 'Houston', 'TX', '77034', '713-946-2886', '713-946-9716', 'Feeder road off of Gulf Freeway in a stripmall- next to Cricket, by Title Max, 24 hour Fitness behind us.', NULL, '9 to 7', '9 to 7', '9 to 7', 'Personal Auto Insurance', 'Payments, Endorsements, New Business, Customer Service', 'English/Spanish', 'All payment Methods', '29.629274 ', '-95.231607 ', '', '0'),
(296, '502', 'BLR', 'Bellaire - Branch 502', '8880 Bellaire Blvd.', NULL, 'Houston', 'TX', '77036', '713-270-6900', '713-270-6611', 'In the same shopping strip as the Fiesta Cross st Gessner', 'parking lot in fron', '9am-8pm', '9am-8pm', '9am-8pm', 'Personal Auto Insurance', 'Customer service, new business, pymts, endos', 'English/Spanish', 'Cash/Credit card/Money orders/checks', '29.705664 ', '-95.540597 ', '', '0'),
(297, '553', 'LOOP', 'South Loop at Kirby - Branch 553', '2590 S. Loop West', NULL, 'Houston', 'TX', '77054', '713-661-2886', '713-664-8570', 'Feeder road off 610 South- 2 blocks from Reliant Stadium between Kirby & Buffalo Speedway', NULL, '9 to 7', '9 to 7', '9 to 7', 'Personal Auto Insurance', 'Payments, Endorsements, New Business, Customer Service', 'English/Spanish', 'All payment Methods', '29.678138 ', '-95.41796 ', '', '0'),
(298, '504', 'WRT', 'Wirt - Branch 504', '2323 Wirt Rd., Suite #C', NULL, 'Houston', 'TX', NULL, '713-465-6969', '713-465-7836', 'In the same Parking lot as the Fiesta on Wirt Rd', 'parking lot in fron', '9am-7pm', '9am-7pm', '9am-7pm', 'Personal Auto Insurance', 'Customer service, new business, pymts, endos', 'English/Spanish', 'Cash/Credit card/Money orders/checks', '29.8160001 ', '-95.4865037 ', '', '0'),
(299, '561', 'WEST', 'Westheimer - Branch 561', '5727 Westheimer Road, Suite # G', NULL, 'Houston', 'TX', '77057', '713-789-1080', '713-789-1096', 'Strip mall at the corner of Westheimer & Chimney Rock. Same shopping center with 24 Hour Fitness, Houston Shoe Hospital & New York Pizzeria', NULL, '9 to 7', '9 to 7', '9 to 7', 'Personal Auto Insurance', 'Payments, Endorsements, New Business, Customer Service', 'English/Spanish', 'All payment Methods', '29.7369693 ', '-95.4774926 ', '', '0'),
(300, '505', 'CLK', 'Clear Lake - Branch 505', '1006-A Bay Area Blvd.', NULL, 'Houston', 'TX', NULL, '281-280-9058', '281-280-9093', 'EL Camino and Bay Area Blvd Next to HEB', 'parking lot in fron', '9am-7pm', '9am-7pm', '9am-7pm', 'Personal Auto Insurance', 'Customer service, new business, pymts, endos', 'English/Spanish', 'Cash/Credit card/Money orders/checks', '29.5550332 ', '-95.119739 ', '', '0'),
(301, '550', 'SLAID', 'Special Lines - Branch 550', '4515 FM 1960 West', NULL, 'Houston', 'TX', '77069', '713-862-2886', '281-893-0480', 'Corner of 1960 & Veteran''s Memorial Parkway- between TJ Max & CiCi''s Pizza', NULL, '9 to 6', '9 to 6', '9 to 6', 'Preferred & Standard Auto, Home Owners, Renters, Commercial Insurance', 'Payments, Endorsements, New Business, Customer Service', 'English', 'All payment Methods', '30.0173635 ', '-95.3637821 ', '', '0'),
(302, '552', 'FM19', 'FM 1960 - Branch 552', '4515 FM 1960 West', NULL, 'Houston', 'TX', '77069', '713-862-2886', '281-893-0790', 'Corner of 1960 & Veteran''s Memorial Parkway- between TJ Max & CiCi''s Pizza', NULL, '9 to 7', '9 to 7', '9 to 7', 'Personal Auto Insurance', 'Payments, Endorsements, New Business, Customer Service', 'English/Spanish', 'All payment Methods', '30.0173635 ', '-95.3637821 ', '', '0'),
(303, '510', 'KWD', 'Kirkwood - Branch 510', '11800 Bellaire Blvd', NULL, 'Houston', 'TX', '77072', '281-564-4900', '281-564-4908', 'Kirkwood and Bellaire Across from McDonalds', 'parking lot in fron', '9am-7pm', '9am-7pm', '9am-7pm', 'Personal Auto Insurance', 'Customer service, new business, pymts, endos', 'English/Spanish', 'Cash/Credit card/Money orders/checks', '29.7055638 ', '-95.5861326 ', '', '0'),
(304, '501', 'NFW', 'North Fwy - Branch 501', '5620 North Freeway', NULL, 'Houston', 'TX', NULL, '713-691-8080', '713-691-8181', 'Between Parker and Tidwell Exit off the feeder rd.', 'parking lot in fron', '9am-8pm', '9am-8pm', '9am-8pm', 'Personal Auto Insurance', 'Customer service, new business, pymts, endos', 'English/Spanish', 'Cash/Credit card/Money orders/checks', '29.848993 ', '-95.394445 ', '', '0'),
(305, '557', 'DESC', 'Descuento - Branch 557', '5330 Chimney Rock,', NULL, 'Houston', 'TX', '77081', '713-843-6400', '713-432-0113', 'Inside Teleoloapan Grocery Store', 'Teloloapan Grocery store parking', '9am-6pm', '9am-6pm', '9am-6pm', 'Personal Auto Insurance', 'Payments, Endorsements, New Business, Customer Service', 'English/Spanish', 'All payment Methods', '29.723621 ', '-95.4768969 ', '', '0'),
(306, '558', 'BELL', 'Bellaire - Branch 558', '5800 Bellaire Blvd., Suite 113', NULL, 'Houston', 'TX', '77081', '713-665-2886', '713-665-5087', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, '29.706461 ', '-95.483665 ', '', '0'),
(307, '512', 'EFW', 'Eastex Fwy - Branch 512', '10511 Eastex Freeway , #500', NULL, 'Houston', 'TX', '77093', '713-695-4500', '713-695-4501', 'Across the street from the Fiesta on Jensen St.', 'parking lot in fron', '9am-8pm', '9am-8pm', '9am-8pm', 'Personal Auto Insurance', 'Customer service, new business, pymts, endos', 'English/Spanish', 'Cash/Credit card/Money orders/checks', '29.86521 ', '-95.333791 ', '', '0'),
(308, '555', 'HUMB', 'Humble - Branch 555', '20030 HWY 59 North', NULL, 'Humble', 'TX', '77338', '281-319-4900', '281-319-4906', 'Stripmall at Deerbrook corner- CORNER OF 59 WITH ASHLEY FURNITURE, CHILI''S, POPEYE''S AND SOUP & SALAD', NULL, '9 to 7', '9 to 7', '9 to 7', 'Personal Auto Insurance', 'Payments, Endorsements, New Business, Customer Service', 'English/Spanish', 'All payment Methods', '38.3198653 ', '-95.2511964 ', '', '0'),
(309, '526', 'LYTL', 'Lytle - Branch 526', '14853 Main St.', NULL, 'Lytle', 'TX', '78052', '830-709-3069', '830-772-3907', 'Is on Main St next to US Post office and across from Lytle Police Station', 'In Front', '9am to 7pm', '9am to 7pm', '9am to 7pm', 'Auto insurance, Non-owners policies, Homeowners and Renter''s insurance, Commercial insurance, Motorcycle, Boat and RV Insurance, Any and all Insurance Needs', 'SR-22, No Driver''s license accepted, Matriculas accepted, Free Quotes, Road Side assistance', 'English/Spanish', 'Cash, Check, Money Order or Credit Cards', '29.2353227 ', '-98.7910699 ', '', '0'),
(310, '528', 'NEWB', 'Seguin - Branch 528', '895 S Seguin Ave.', NULL, 'New Braunfels', 'TX', '78130', '830-629-2047', '830-629-3876', 'is located on S Seguin Ave right before the bridge where the train crosses and across from Giovani''s carwash.', 'In Front', '9am to 7pm', '9am to 7pm', '9am to 7pm', 'Auto insurance, Non-owners policies, Homeowners and Renter''s insurance, Commercial insurance, Motorcycle, Boat and RV Insurance, Any and all Insurance Needs', 'SR-22, No Driver''s license accepted, Matriculas accepted, Free Quotes, Road Side assistance', 'English/Spanish', 'Cash, Check, Money Order or Credit Cards', '29.6957663 ', '-98.1134341 ', '', '0'),
(311, '503', 'PDN', 'Pasadena - Branch 503', '124 E. Southmore Ave.', NULL, 'Pasadena', 'TX', NULL, '713-472-8300', '713-472-1188', 'Across the street from Walmart on Southmore', 'parking lot in fron', '9am-7pm', '9am-7pm', '9am-7pm', 'Personal Auto Insurance', 'Customer service, new business, pymts, endos', 'English/Spanish', 'Cash/Credit card/Money orders/checks', '29.6905803 ', '-95.2100601 ', '', '0'),
(312, '521', 'FRED', 'Fredricksburg - Branch 521', '4029 Fredricksburg Rd', NULL, 'San Antonio', 'TX', '78201', '210-738-8000', '210-735-7631', 'Corner of Fredricksburg and Altgelt. Across the street from The Santa Fe apartments and in between Grady''s bar-b-q and McDonald''s', 'In Back', '9am to 7pm', '9am to 7pm', '9am to 7pm', 'Auto insurance, Non-owners policies, Homeowners and Renter''s insurance, Commercial insurance, Motorcycle, Boat and RV Insurance, Any and all Insurance Needs', 'SR-22, No Driver''s license accepted, Matriculas accepted, Free Quotes, Road Side assistance', 'English/Spanish', 'Cash, Check, Money Order or Credit Cards', '29.4849614 ', '-98.5467642 ', '', '0'),
(313, '531', 'SANP', 'San Pedro - Branch 531', '6848 San Pedro Ave. (Hub)', NULL, 'San Antonio', 'TX', '78216', '210-829-7400', '210-822-4300', 'Corner of San Pedro and Oblate. In between 210GEEKS.COM and Preferred Dental. Across the street from HEB', 'In Front', '9am to 7pm', '9am to 7pm', '9am to 7pm', 'Auto insurance, Non-owners policies, Homeowners and Renter''s insurance, Commercial insurance, Motorcycle, Boat and RV Insurance, Any and all Insurance Needs', 'SR-22, No Driver''s license accepted, Matriculas accepted, Free Quotes, Road Side assistance', 'English/Spanish', 'Cash, Check, Money Order or Credit Cards', '29.4174266 ', '-98.4345082 ', '', '0'),
(314, '529', 'AUST', 'Austin - Branch 529', '1533 Austin Hwy', NULL, 'San Antonio', 'TX', '78218', '210-592-6064', '210-592-1336', 'Located on Austin Hwy between Eisenhauer and Harry Wurzbach, same shopping center as Goodwill and next to The Money box..across from HEB.', 'In Front', '9am to 7pm', '9am to 7pm', '9am to 7pm', 'Auto insurance, Non-owners policies, Homeowners and Renter''s insurance, Commercial insurance, Motorcycle, Boat and RV Insurance, Any and all Insurance Needs', 'SR-22, No Driver''s license accepted, Matriculas accepted, Free Quotes, Road Side assistance', 'English/Spanish', 'Cash, Check, Money Order or Credit Cards', '29.495012 ', '-98.432911 ', '', '0'),
(315, '525', 'MIL1', '1823 Military - Branch 525', '1823 SW Military Dr. ', NULL, 'San Antonio', 'TX', '78221', '210-927-1200', '210-927-2101', 'Corner of logwood and sw military, right across the street from the Mayan theatre and the Uhaul; in the same strip as Pronto Pawn Shop.', 'In Front', '9am to 7pm', '9am to 7pm', '9am to 7pm', 'Auto insurance, Non-owners policies, Homeowners and Renter''s insurance, Commercial insurance, Motorcycle, Boat and RV Insurance, Any and all Insurance Needs', 'SR-22, No Driver''s license accepted, Matriculas accepted, Free Quotes, Road Side assistance', 'English/Spanish', 'Cash, Check, Money Order or Credit Cards', '29.3567252 ', '-98.5219486 ', '', '0'),
(316, '527', 'MIL2', '450 Military - Branch 527', '450 SW Military Dr.', NULL, 'San Antonio', 'TX', '78221', '210-922-7900', '210-922-7903', 'Cross street SW Military and Boswell. In between Loan Star Loans and Little Ceaser''s Pizza. Stand alone blue/green building.', 'On the side', '9am to 7pm', '9am to 7pm', '9am to 7pm', 'Auto insurance, Non-owners policies, Homeowners and Renter''s insurance, Commercial insurance, Motorcycle, Boat and RV Insurance, Any and all Insurance Needs', 'SR-22, No Driver''s license accepted, Matriculas accepted, Free Quotes, Road Side assistance', 'English/Spanish', 'Cash, Check, Money Order or Credit Cards', '29.35631 ', '-98.499032 ', '', '0');
INSERT INTO `wp_master_office` (`id`, `brand_id`, `code`, `office`, `street_address_01`, `street_address_02`, `city`, `state`, `zipcode`, `phone`, `fax`, `landmark`, `parking`, `office_hours1`, `office_hours2`, `office_hours3`, `products_offered`, `services_offered`, `languages_spoken`, `payment_methods`, `latitud`, `longitud`, `id_page`, `status`) VALUES
(317, '532', 'FAIR', 'Fair - Branch 532', '1111 Fair Ave., #A', NULL, 'San Antonio', 'TX', '78223', '210-534-3100', '210-534-3637', 'Cross street Fair and New Braunfels. Next to American Nails and Community Check Cashing across the street from Whataburger', 'In Front', '9am to 7pm', '9am to 7pm', '9am to 7pm', 'Auto insurance, Non-owners policies, Homeowners and Renter''s insurance, Commercial insurance, Motorcycle, Boat and RV Insurance, Any and all Insurance Needs', 'SR-22, No Driver''s license accepted, Matriculas accepted, Free Quotes, Road Side assistance', 'English/Spanish', 'Cash, Check, Money Order or Credit Cards', '29.3841806 ', '-98.460567 ', '', '0'),
(318, '523', 'OLDH', 'Old US HWY - Branch 523', '136 W Old US HWY 90', NULL, 'San Antonio', 'TX', '78227', '210-434-6324', '210-434-6392', 'On the corner of Old Hwy 90 and San Joaquin. Next to Perales Barber Shop and the golden nugget Fried Chicken. Across the street of Old Pik-Nik', 'In Front', '9am to 7pm', '9am to 7pm', '9am to 7pm', 'Auto insurance, Non-owners policies, Homeowners and Renter''s insurance, Commercial insurance, Motorcycle, Boat and RV Insurance, Any and all Insurance Needs', 'SR-22, No Driver''s license accepted, Matriculas accepted, Free Quotes, Road Side assistance', 'English/Spanish', 'Cash, Check, Money Order or Credit Cards', '29.430813 ', '-98.562777 ', '', '0'),
(319, '522', 'CULE', 'Culebra - Branch 522', '5838 Culebra Rd, Suite 3', NULL, 'San Antonio', 'TX', '78228', '210-434-1000', '210-434-2072', 'Cross street Culebra and Callaghan. Next to the KWICK wash laundry mat and Jack in the Box. Across Callaghan Plaza', 'In Front', '9am to 7pm', '9am to 7pm', '9am to 7pm', 'Auto insurance, Non-owners policies, Homeowners and Renter''s insurance, Commercial insurance, Motorcycle, Boat and RV Insurance, Any and all Insurance Needs', 'SR-22, No Driver''s license accepted, Matriculas accepted, Free Quotes, Road Side assistance', 'English/Spanish', 'Cash, Check, Money Order or Credit Cards', '29.448054 ', '-98.602267 ', '', '0'),
(320, '554', 'WEBS', 'Webster - Branch 554', '1020 W. Nasa RD One, Suite 208', NULL, 'Webster', 'TX', '77598', '281-332-8413 ', '281-332-9175 ', 'NASA and 45 in the shopping center with Star Cinema Grill and Guitar Center', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, '29.531048 ', '-95.130127 ', '', '0'),
(321, NULL, NULL, NULL, '1817 Marketplace Drive', NULL, 'Burlington', 'WA', '98233', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, '48.4487984 ', '-122.3372257 ', '', '0'),
(322, NULL, NULL, NULL, '3531 Rucker Avenue', NULL, 'Everett', 'WA', '98201', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, '47.9700346 ', '-122.2105956 ', '', '0'),
(323, NULL, NULL, NULL, '23830 Pacific Hwy S Suite 101', NULL, 'Kent', 'WA', '98032', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, '47.3872033 ', '-122.2961018 ', '', '0'),
(324, NULL, NULL, NULL, '12535 Totem Lake Blvd. NE', NULL, 'Kirkland', 'WA', '98034', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, '47.7103395 ', '-122.1796422 ', '', '0'),
(325, NULL, NULL, NULL, '4104 Martin Way East Suite 104', NULL, 'Lacey', 'WA', '98516', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, '47.04837 ', '-122.833208 ', '', '0'),
(326, NULL, NULL, NULL, '18514 Highway 99 Suite C', NULL, 'Lynnwood', 'WA', '98037', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, '47.830626 ', '-122.307549 ', '', '0'),
(327, NULL, NULL, NULL, '2735 E. Highway 101', NULL, 'Port Angeles', 'WA', '98362', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, '48.105071 ', '-123.3888658 ', '', '0'),
(328, NULL, NULL, NULL, '328 North Gales Street', NULL, 'Port Angeles', 'WA', '98362', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, '48.107526 ', '-123.389347 ', '', '0'),
(329, NULL, NULL, NULL, '10211 128th Street East', NULL, 'Puyallup', 'WA', '98374', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, '47.1406289 ', '-122.291885 ', '', '0'),
(330, NULL, NULL, NULL, '9622 Aurora Avenue', NULL, 'Seattle', 'WA', '98103', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, '47.6992864 ', '-122.344451 ', '', '0'),
(331, NULL, NULL, NULL, '10600 Silverdale Way NW', NULL, 'Silverdale', 'WA', '98383', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, '47.659919 ', '-122.684895 ', '', '0'),
(332, NULL, NULL, NULL, '7012 Tacoma Mall Blvd.', 'Suite 200', 'Tacoma', 'WA', '98409', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, '47.1935637 ', '-122.4631143 ', '', '0'),
(333, NULL, NULL, NULL, '10705 NE 4th Plain Blvd.', NULL, 'Vancouver', 'WA', '98662', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, '45.6642415 ', '-122.5626722 ', '', '0'),
(334, NULL, NULL, NULL, '8300 E. Mill Plain Blvd. Space B', NULL, 'Vancouver', 'WA', '98664', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, '45.623953 ', '-122.587632 ', '', '0');
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enlacee commented Feb 28, 2013

sql ok script php ok

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