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Created December 5, 2021 05:00
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Random Text Generator
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<!-- Version 0.1 Random Text Generator -->
<title>Random Text Generator</title>
<body class="bg-color">
<h1 class="text">Random Text Generator</h1>
<h4 class="text">Click the button below to generate random text.</h4>
<div class="button">
<button class="btn btn-primary center-block">Click Me!</button>
<div class="textContent">
<p id="genText"></p>
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Random Text Generator

Random text generator with syntax style to resemble normal sentence structure and paragraphs.

A Pen by Nolan Luna on CodePen.


//Define the prefix and suffix to be joined together.
var prefix = ["anti", "de", "dis", "en", "em", "fore", "in", "im", "il", "ir", "inter", "mid", "mis", "non", "over", "pre", "re", "semi", "sub", "super", "trans", "un", "under"];
var suffix = ["able", "al", "ed", "en", "er", "est", "ful", "ic", "ing", "ion", "tion", "ity", "ty", "ive", "less", "ly", "ment", "ness","ous", "es"];
var generatedWordArr = [];
var oneLetterWord = ["a", "I"];
var twoLetterWord = ["to", "an", "my", "is", "of", "if", "he", "be", "go", "no", "at"];
var threeLetterWord = ["the", "and", "she", "get", "let", "but", "yes", "are", "can", "out", "new", "how", "now", "who", "use", "too", "you"];
var paragraph = [];
var paragraphArr = [];
//Define random generator
function getRandomIntInclusive(min, max) {
var randomNum = Math.floor(Math.random() * (max - min + 1)) + min;
return randomNum;
//Chooses a one letter word, two letter word or three letter word. If more than three then a randomly generated word from the prefix and suffix array
//is chosen.
function generatedWord() {
var wordSize = getRandomIntInclusive(1, 10);
if(wordSize === 1) {
generatedWordArr.push(oneLetterWord[getRandomIntInclusive(0, oneLetterWord.length - 1)]);
} else if(wordSize === 2) {
generatedWordArr.push(twoLetterWord[getRandomIntInclusive(0, twoLetterWord.length - 1)]);
} else if(wordSize > 2 && wordSize <= 5) {
generatedWordArr.push(threeLetterWord[getRandomIntInclusive(0, threeLetterWord.length - 1)]);
} else {
var firstPart = prefix[getRandomIntInclusive(0, prefix.length - 1)];
var secondPart = suffix[getRandomIntInclusive(0, suffix.length - 1)];
var newWord = firstPart + secondPart;
return generatedWordArr;
//Loops to combine the generated word into a sentence. If a word is duplicated ie. "a a" the function will delete than entry and form a new word.
//Also a comma is situated strategically between words to form simple grammar.
function generateSentence() {
var sentenceSize = getRandomIntInclusive(4, 8);
for(var i = 0; i <= sentenceSize; i++) {
if(generatedWordArr[generatedWordArr.length - 2] === generatedWordArr[generatedWordArr.length - 1]) {
generatedWordArr.splice(generatedWordArr.length - 1 ,1);
if(getRandomIntInclusive(0, 2) === 2) {
var tempNum = getRandomIntInclusive(2, generatedWordArr.length - 2);
var commaChoice = generatedWordArr[tempNum].concat(",");
generatedWordArr.splice(tempNum, 1, commaChoice);
var sentence = generatedWordArr.join(" ") + ".";
var sentenceUpper = sentence.replace(sentence[0], sentence[0].toUpperCase());
generatedWordArr = [];
return paragraph;
// The generate sentence function is looped to create a paragraph.
function generateParagraph() {
var paragraphSize = getRandomIntInclusive(20, 30);
for(var j = 0; j <= paragraphSize; j++) {
var paragraphText = paragraph.join(" ");
paragraph = [];
return paragraphArr;
//The paragraph function is looped to create a generated document.
function generateText() {
var textSize = getRandomIntInclusive(3, 5);
for(var m = 0; m <= textSize; m++) {
var text = paragraphArr.join("\n \n");
paragraphArr = [];
return text;
//DOM manipulation using jQuery. When a button is clicked the generate text function is called.
$("button").on("click", function(){
.bg-color {
background-color: #282828;
h1 {
text-transform: uppercase;
padding-top: 30px;
padding-bottom: 10px;
.text {
color: #8f9d9d;
text-align: center;
margin: auto;
.button {
margin: auto;
width: 50%;
padding: 30px;
#genText {
color: #8f9d9d;
.textContent {
text-align: center;
padding: 0px 10%;
white-space: pre-wrap;
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