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Created September 27, 2014 19:34
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intro to proof by reflection in idris
%default total
-- because we're doing proofs
-- This file demonstrates a simple example of proof by reflection
-- mentioned in:
infix 5 <-->
(<-->) : Type -> Type -> Type
p <--> q = (p -> q, q -> p)
a : Type -> Nat -> Type
a p Z = p
a p (S n) = a p n <--> p
lemma1 : (p : Type) -> a p (S Z)
lemma1 p = (id, id)
-- we have a proof of m and want to construct
-- a proof of (m <--> p) <--> p
-- (m <--> p) -> p
-- p -> (m <--> p)
lemma2 : (p : Type) -> a p n -> a p (S (S n))
lemma2 p prf = ( (\prf' => fst prf' prf)
, (\p' => ( (\_ => p') , (\_ => prf ))) )
-- We want to be able to say that something is odd
-- and make use of reduction to prove it trivially
odd : Nat -> Type
odd Z = _|_
odd (S Z) = ()
odd (S (S n)) = odd n
example1 : odd Z -> 1 + 1 = 3
example1 m = absurd m
example2 : odd (S (S (S (S (S Z)))))
example2 = ()
-- relate oddness to provability
odd_lemma : (n : Nat) -> odd (S (S n)) -> odd n
odd_lemma Z m = absurd m
odd_lemma (S Z) () = ()
odd_lemma (S (S n)) m = m
lemma : (n : Nat) -> odd n -> (p : Type) -> a p n
lemma Z m _ = absurd m
lemma (S Z) () p = lemma1 p
lemma (S (S n)) m p = lemma2 p (lemma n (odd_lemma n m) p)
-- Now we can prove these theorems simply by letting idris check that the number is infact odd
theorem : (p : Type) ->
((((((((p <--> p) <--> p) <--> p) <--> p) <--> p) <--> p) <--> p) <--> p) <--> p
theorem = lemma (S (S (S (S (S (S (S (S (S Z))))))))) () -- takes a while!
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