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Created September 15, 2015 03:13
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-- What's Idris?
-- * Dependently typed
-- * purely functional
-- * haskell-like syntax
-- Looks like this:
bottles : Nat -> String
bottles Z = "Buy more beer!"
bottles n@(S k) = show n ++
" bottles of beer on the wall, " ++
show n ++
" bottles of beer.\nTake one down, pass it around, " ++
show k ++
" bottles of beer on the wall.\n" ++
bottles k
-- Can prove theorems as well as write programs.
-- Theorems in general math and more to the point, about programs.
-- Equality!
data MyEq : {A, B : Type} -> (x : A) -> (y : B) -> Type where
myRefl : MyEq x x
-- This is built in as =
fivePlusFiveIsTen : 5 + 5 `MyEq` 10
fivePlusFiveIsTen = myRefl
plusZeroIsIdentity : plus x 0 = x
plusZeroIsIdentity {x = Z } = Refl
plusZeroIsIdentity {x = (S k)} = eqSucc (plus k 0) k plusZeroIsIdentity
succPlusXYIsPlusXSuccY : S (plus x y) = plus x (S y)
succPlusXYIsPlusXSuccY {x = Z } {y} = Refl
succPlusXYIsPlusXSuccY {x = S x} {y} = eqSucc _ _ succPlusXYIsPlusXSuccY
additionIsCommutative : plus x y = plus y x
additionIsCommutative {x = Z } {y} = sym plusZeroIsIdentity
additionIsCommutative {x = S x} {y} = -- ?oqwieuc
rewrite additionIsCommutative {x = x} {y = y} in succPlusXYIsPlusXSuccY
-- The actual bug I promised to talk about:
proofOfVoid : Void
proofOfVoid = (\Refl impossible) $ cong {f = (>0) . (1/)} $ the (-0.0 = 0.0) Refl
-- broken down:
zeroIsNegativeZero : 0.0 = -0.0
zeroIsNegativeZero = Refl
trueIsFalse : True = False
trueIsFalse = cong {f = (>0) . (1/)} zeroIsNegativeZero
trueIsFalseImpliesAnything : {a : Type} -> True = False -> a
trueIsFalseImpliesAnything Refl impossible
anything : {a : Type} -> a
anything = trueIsFalseImpliesAnything trueIsFalse
proofOfVoid' : Void
proofOfVoid' = anything
tenLTZero : LT 10 0
tenLTZero = anything
data Direction = Up | Down
data Color = Black | White
upIsDown : Up = Down
upIsDown = anything
blackIsWhite : Black = White
blackIsWhite = anything
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