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Last active November 25, 2022 04:15
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OpenCV chroma key
cmake_minimum_required( VERSION 3.0 )
project( so-opencv-calibration )
find_package( OpenCV 3.0.0 EXACT REQUIRED )
set( INPUT_FILENAME "${CMAKE_CURRENT_LIST_DIR}/input_00.png" ) # Input file, e.g.
add_executable( mwe mwe.cpp )
target_compile_definitions( mwe PRIVATE -DINPUT_FILENAME="${INPUT_FILENAME}" )
target_include_directories( mwe PRIVATE ${OpenCV_INCLUDE_DIRS} )
target_link_libraries( mwe ${OpenCV_LIBS} )
#include <opencv2/core.hpp>
#include <opencv2/imgproc.hpp>
#include <opencv2/highgui.hpp>
#include <cassert>
#include <cmath>
#include <iostream>
#include <string>
namespace {
* @brief Convert BGR color to YCrCb color space.
* @param bgr Color (channel order BGR, range: [0, 255])
* Details can be found in the [documentation of OpenCV][1]
* [1]:
cv::Scalar bgr2ycrcb( cv::Scalar bgr )
double R = bgr[ 2 ];
double G = bgr[ 1 ];
double B = bgr[ 0 ];
double delta = 128; // Note: change this value if image type isn't CV_8U.
double Y = 0.299 * R + 0.587 * G + 0.114 * B;
double Cr = ( R - Y ) * 0.713 + delta;
double Cb = ( B - Y ) * 0.564 + delta;
return cv::Scalar( Y, Cr, Cb, 0 /* ignored */ );
* @brief Separate foreground from background using simple chroma keying.
* @param imageBGR Image with monochrome background
* @param chromaBGR Color of the background (using channel order BGR and range [0, 255])
* @param tInner Inner threshold, color distances below this value will be counted as foreground
* @param tOuter Outer threshold, color distances above this value will be counted as background
* @return Mask (0 - background, 255 - foreground, [1, 255] - partially fore- and background)
* Details can be found on [Wikipedia][1].
* [1]:
cv::Mat1b chromaKey( const cv::Mat3b & imageBGR, cv::Scalar chromaBGR, double tInner, double tOuter )
// Basic outline:
// 1. Convert the image to YCrCb.
// 2. Measure Euclidean distances of color in YCrBr to chroma value.
// 3. Categorize pixels:
// * color distances below inner threshold count as foreground; mask value = 0
// * color distances above outer threshold count as background; mask value = 255
// * color distances between inner and outer threshold a linearly interpolated; mask value = [0, 255]
assert( tInner <= tOuter );
// Convert to YCrCb.
assert( ! imageBGR.empty() );
cv::Size imageSize = imageBGR.size();
cv::Mat3b imageYCrCb;
cv::cvtColor( imageBGR, imageYCrCb, cv::COLOR_BGR2YCrCb );
cv::Scalar chromaYCrCb = bgr2ycrcb( chromaBGR ); // Convert a single BGR value to YCrCb.
// Build the mask.
cv::Mat1b mask = cv::Mat1b::zeros( imageSize );
const cv::Vec3d key( chromaYCrCb[ 0 ], chromaYCrCb[ 1 ], chromaYCrCb[ 2 ] );
for ( int y = 0; y < imageSize.height; ++y )
for ( int x = 0; x < imageSize.width; ++x )
const cv::Vec3d color( imageYCrCb( y, x )[ 0 ], imageYCrCb( y, x )[ 1 ], imageYCrCb( y, x )[ 2 ] );
double distance = cv::norm( key - color );
if ( distance < tInner )
// Current pixel is fully part of the background.
mask( y, x ) = 0;
else if ( distance > tOuter )
// Current pixel is fully part of the foreground.
mask( y, x ) = 255;
// Current pixel is partially part both, fore- and background; interpolate linearly.
// Compute the interpolation factor and clip its value to the range [0, 255].
double d1 = distance - tInner;
double d2 = tOuter - tInner;
uint8_t alpha = static_cast< uint8_t >( 255. * ( d1 / d2 ) );
mask( y, x ) = alpha;
return mask;
cv::Mat3b replaceBackground( const cv::Mat3b & image, const cv::Mat1b & mask, cv::Scalar bgColor )
cv::Size imageSize = image.size();
const cv::Vec3b bgColorVec( bgColor[ 0 ], bgColor[ 1 ], bgColor[ 2 ] );
cv::Mat3b newImage( image.size() );
for ( int y = 0; y < imageSize.height; ++y )
for ( int x = 0; x < imageSize.width; ++x )
uint8_t maskValue = mask( y, x );
if ( maskValue >= 255 )
newImage( y, x ) = image( y, x );
else if ( maskValue <= 0 )
newImage( y, x ) = bgColorVec;
double alpha = 1. / static_cast< double >( maskValue );
newImage( y, x ) = alpha * image( y, x ) + ( 1. - alpha ) * bgColorVec;
return newImage;
} // namespace
int main()
std::string inputFilename = INPUT_FILENAME;
std::string maskFilename = "./mask.png";
std::string newBackgroundFilename = "./newBackground.png";
// Load the input image.
cv::Mat3b input = cv::imread( inputFilename, cv::IMREAD_COLOR );
if ( input.empty() )
std::cerr << "Input file <" << inputFilename << "> could not be loaded ... " << std::endl;
return 1;
// Apply the chroma keying and save the output.
cv::Scalar chroma( 0, 0, 0, 0 );
double tInner = 100.;
double tOuter = 170.;
cv::Mat1b mask = chromaKey( input, chroma, tInner, tOuter );
cv::Mat3b newBackground = replaceBackground( input, mask, cv::Scalar( 0, 255, 0, 0 ) );
cv::imwrite( maskFilename, mask );
cv::imwrite( newBackgroundFilename, newBackground );
cv::namedWindow( "input" );
cv::imshow( "input", input );
cv::namedWindow( "mask" );
cv::imshow( "mask", mask );
cv::namedWindow( "new background" );
cv::imshow( "new background", newBackground );
cv::waitKey( 0 );
return 0;
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Hello Nils Plath,
Can you please guide me how can i use it with xcode and i am new to this CMake!
How can i configure?

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Can you please guide me how can i use it with xcode and i am new to this CMake!
How can i configure?

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