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1 . cd c:/program files/docker/docker
.\dockercli -Version
TO check the CLI vrsion
2. docker image ls - List out the images from docker host
3. docker container ls - list out the active container
4. docker system info
5. docker-compose --version
6. docker-machine --version
7. notary --version
8. docker container run -it ubuntu:latest /bin/bash
* -it - means attaching exisiting shell with the container shell
9. docker container exec -it ubuntu:latest /bin/bash
* attaching the container with running command with exec command
10. docker container stop "Name of container"
11. docker container rm "Name of container"
12. docker container ls -a (list out all container and and also check whther the container is in the stopped state)
13. docker container run -d --name web1 --publish 8080:80 test:latest
14. docker image build -t test:latest
15. docker image pull ubuntu:latest
16. docker image pull <repos>:<tag>
17. docker image pull -a ubuntu - it will download all the images with different tag
18. docker image ls --filter dangling=true ( --filter tag will return the list of images from docker image. A dangling is an image that is no longer tagged)
19. docker image ls --filter=reference="*:latest" ( it will filter out the image with latest tag)
Docker currently support 4 filters
1. Dangling
2. before
3. since
4. label
docker image ls --filter since=test
docker image ls --filter before=test
docker image ls --filter dangling=true or false
docker image ls --filter label="This is my repository"
20. docker image ls --format "{{.Size}}" ( - Return output as the image size)
21. docker image ls --format "{{.Repository}}:{{.Tag}}:{{.Size}}"
22. docker search ankittyagi366 ( display list of images with the docker hub account ankittyagi366).
23. docker search alpine --filter "is-official=true" ( Return the offical image of alpine )
24. docker search alpine --limit=30 ( display the images of alpine with limit of 30 . Note maximum limit will be 100)
25. docker image inspect ubuntu:latest ( display the json file contains all information like layers of an image and many more)
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