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Created February 22, 2023 08:57
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pragma circom 2.1.2;
include "circomlib/comparators.circom";
template VarSubarray(n) {
signal input in[n];
signal input start;
signal input end;
signal output out[n];
component isWithinStartEndRange[n];
component quinSelector[n];
component modulo[n];
var y = 0;
var z = start;
while(y < n){
// fetch value with index z modulo n from array in
quinSelector[y] = QuinSelector(n);
modulo[y] = Modulo(n);
var k;
for (k=0; k<n; k++) {
quinSelector[y].in[k] <== in[k];
modulo[y].in <== z;
quinSelector[y].index <== modulo[y].out;
// evaluate whether the index z is within the range [start, end)
isWithinStartEndRange[y] = IsWithinStartEndRange();
isWithinStartEndRange[y].index <== z;
isWithinStartEndRange[y].end <== end;
// if it is in the range add the corresponding value to the out array, if not add 0
out[y] <== quinSelector[y].out * isWithinStartEndRange[y].flag;
template QuinSelector(choices) {
signal input in[choices];
signal input index;
signal output out;
// Ensure that index < choices
component lessThan = LessThan(10);[0] <== index;[1] <== choices;
lessThan.out === 1;
component calcTotal = CalculateTotal(choices);
component eqs[choices];
// For each item, check whether its index equals the input index.
for (var i = 0; i < choices; i ++) {
eqs[i] = IsEqual();
eqs[i].in[0] <== i;
eqs[i].in[1] <== index;
// eqs[i].out is 1 if the index matches. As such, at most one input to
// calcTotal is not 0.
calcTotal.nums[i] <== eqs[i].out * in[i];
// Returns 0 + 0 + ... + item
out <== calcTotal.sum;
// This circuit returns the sum of the inputs.
// n must be greater than 0.
template CalculateTotal(n) {
signal input nums[n];
signal output sum;
signal sums[n];
sums[0] <== nums[0];
for (var i=1; i < n; i++) {
sums[i] <== sums[i - 1] + nums[i];
sum <== sums[n - 1];
// This circuit takes an input (in) and return in mod n.
template Modulo(n) {
signal input in;
signal q;
signal output out;
out <-- in%n;
q <-- in\n; //where '\' is the integer division operator
in === q*n + out; //this works!
template IsWithinStartEndRange() {
signal input index;
signal input end;
signal output flag;
component lessThan = LessThan(10);[0]<== index;[1]<== end;
flag <== lessThan.out;
component main = VarSubarray(100);
/* INPUT = {
"in": [
55, 45, 71, 36, 24, 72, 77, 9, 3, 3, 37, 37,
67, 83, 18, 69, 12, 1, 89, 97, 45, 17, 40, 27,
92, 10, 37, 77, 45, 2, 39, 15, 60, 72, 30, 66,
73, 63, 14, 17, 51, 20, 41, 91, 23, 29, 60, 60,
29, 31, 11, 13, 20, 26, 18, 31, 82, 50, 81, 33,
18, 21, 94, 73, 84, 77, 17, 6, 96, 9, 16, 41,
7, 57, 46, 58, 49, 97, 41, 65, 4, 13, 78, 19,
9, 15, 93, 62, 10, 64, 95, 4, 47, 92, 33, 93,
29, 49, 92, 17
"start": 4,
"end" : 12
} */

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