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Created May 14, 2020 15:12
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Interview Questions

  • You have applied for a DevOps position, why does a company or a team need DevOps?
  • Have you used any Configuration Management tool?
    • Examples: Ansible, Chef, Puppet, Salt
    • tell me more about that experience
    • What was the hardest part?
  • Have you used any Infrastructure as Code tool?
    • Examples: Terraform, Cloudformation
    • Tell me more about that experience
    • What was the hardest part?
  • What is your coding language of choice?
    • Examples: Python, Ruby, Bash
    • Tell me about a project that you fell proud that you did and you liked doing? Why did you like it?
    • Tell me about a time that you coded something that you didn’t like and what you did to make it better?
  • Have you used any CI/CD tool?
    • Examples: Concourse, Jenkins, Circle CI, TravisCI
    • Jenkins:
      • Have you only maintained it or created it from scratch?
      • What you liked and disliked about Jenkins?
      • Have you used Shared Libraries?
      • Do you used Push or Pull methods?
      • What was the most complicated thing doing in Jenkins in your opinion?
  • What is your experience with Containers?
    • examples: Docker, RKT
    • Docker
      • What is the first line in a docker container? (A: from
      • How do you execute
  • What is your experience with cloud? What Cloud Provider?
    • Examples: AWS, GCloud, Azure
    • AWS:
      • We currently use AWS, can you tell me more about the services that you used?
      • What service you used the most? Why?
      • What service was the most beneficial for you in your role?
      • What is your opinion about ECS EC2 vs Fargate?
      • Have you used Lambdas?
      • Lambda:
        • Have you coded in any framework? For example SAM or Serverless or CDK?
        • What is your opinion about Lambda and Functions as Service?
        • What is the max timeout of a Lambda? (A: 15 mins)
        • What is the max memory of a Lambda? (A: 3Gb)
      • Are there limits in AWS that you can increase? (A: yes, some are soft limits, and there are hard limits, you can increase the soft limits, via a support ticket)
      • Can you define or tell me what is Auto Scaling? (A: its a function that supports provision and launch of new instances after a condition has been met, it allows to increase or decrease capacity of EC2 servers)
      • Can you tell me what is S3? (A: Its a way to store objects in the cloud)
      • What is the relation between an AMI and EC2 instance? (A: the AMI is the source of an instance. An AMI can launch multiple EC2s, in essence the AMI is the base (OS, data, config, etc) of the instance
      • Have you heard about Redshift?: (A: its a data warehouse to perform analytics)
      • Have you heard about DMS? (A: DMS or Database Migration Service is a way to clone data from one database to another database, from on premises or on the cloud to another location)
      • What is an IAM and what it allows you to do? (A: An IAM is the way AWS defines permissions, roles and policies. There are two main concepts here, the roles and users. Roles are attached to the instances and Users to users. Then you attach policies to either roles or users. the policies allow you to connect to other services or limit the interaction.)
      • How can you back up an RDS? (A: An RDS or Relational Database Service is a way to host Databases in the cloud. You can schedule automatic backups in the form of snapshots or you can execute them manually)

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