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Last active August 29, 2015 14:05
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  • Save enriquesanchez/0a4134021303825b8da0 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save enriquesanchez/0a4134021303825b8da0 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
15:49:57 [AS] Build FAILED.
15:49:57 [AS]
15:49:57 [AS] "C:\code\fogbugz\FogBugz.proj" (RebuildAll target) (1) ->
15:49:57 [AS] "C:\code\fogbugz\FogBugzUtils\FogBugzUtils.sln" (Clean target) (13) ->
15:49:57 [AS] "C:\code\fogbugz\FogBugzUtils\FogCreek.Search\SearchTool\SearchTool.csproj"
(Clean target) (28) ->
15:49:57 [AS] "C:\code\fogbugz\FogBugzUtils\FogCreek.Search\FogUtil.Search\FogCreek.Search
.csproj" (Clean target) (29) ->
15:49:58 [AS] (UnmanagedUnregistration target) ->
15:49:58 [AS] C:\Windows\Microsoft.NET\Framework\v4.0.30319\Microsoft.Common.targets(111
4,5): warning MSB3391: "C:\code\fogbugz\FogBugzUtils\FogCreek.Search\FogUtil.Search\bin\De
bug\FogCreek.Search.dll" does not contain any types that can be unregistered for COM Inter
op. [C:\code\fogbugz\FogBugzUtils\FogCreek.Search\FogUtil.Search\FogCreek.Search.csproj]
15:49:58 [AS]
15:49:58 [AS]
15:49:58 [AS] "C:\code\fogbugz\FogBugz.proj" (RebuildAll target) (1) ->
15:49:58 [AS] "C:\code\fogbugz\FogBugz.proj" (BuildAllImpl target) (1:3) ->
15:49:58 [AS] "C:\code\fogbugz\FogBugzUtils\FogBugzUtils.sln" (default target) (13:2) ->
15:49:58 [AS] "C:\code\fogbugz\FogBugzUtils\FogCreek.Licensing\FogCreek.Licensing.csproj"
(default target) (33:6) ->
15:49:58 [AS] "C:\code\fogbugz\FogBugzUtils\FogCreek.Utilities\FogCreek.Utilities.csproj"
(default target) (24:8) ->
15:49:58 [AS] (CoreCompile target) ->
15:49:58 [AS] NotificationHandler.cs(41,24): warning CS0649: Field 'FogCreek.Utilities.N
otificationHandler.ActivityAggregateInfo.ixActivityAggregate' is never assigned to, and wi
ll always have its default value 0 [C:\code\fogbugz\FogBugzUtils\FogCreek.Utilities\FogCre
15:49:58 [AS] NotificationHandler.cs(42,24): warning CS0649: Field 'FogCreek.Utilities.N
otificationHandler.ActivityAggregateInfo.ixPerson' is never assigned to, and will always h
ave its default value 0 [C:\code\fogbugz\FogBugzUtils\FogCreek.Utilities\FogCreek.Utilitie
15:49:58 [AS] NotificationHandler.cs(43,29): warning CS0649: Field 'FogCreek.Utilities.N
otificationHandler.ActivityAggregateInfo.dt' is never assigned to, and will always have it
s default value [C:\code\fogbugz\FogBugzUtils\FogCreek.Utilities\FogCreek.Utilities.csproj
15:49:58 [AS]
15:49:58 [AS]
15:49:58 [AS] "C:\code\fogbugz\FogBugz.proj" (RebuildAll target) (1) ->
15:49:58 [AS] "C:\code\fogbugz\FogBugz.proj" (BuildAllImpl target) (1:3) ->
15:49:58 [AS] "C:\code\fogbugz\FogBugzUtils\FogBugzUtils.sln" (default target) (13:2) ->
15:49:58 [AS] "C:\code\fogbugz\FogBugzUtils\FogCreek.Search\FogUtil.Search\FogCreek.Search
.csproj" (default target) (29:3) ->
15:49:58 [AS] (UnmanagedRegistration target) ->
15:49:58 [AS] C:\Windows\Microsoft.NET\Framework\v4.0.30319\Microsoft.Common.targets(391
2,5): warning MSB3214: "C:\code\fogbugz\FogBugzUtils\FogCreek.Search\FogUtil.Search\bin\De
bug\FogCreek.Search.dll" does not contain any types that can be registered for COM Interop
. [C:\code\fogbugz\FogBugzUtils\FogCreek.Search\FogUtil.Search\FogCreek.Search.csproj]
15:49:58 [AS]
15:49:58 [AS]
15:49:58 [AS] "C:\code\fogbugz\FogBugz.proj" (RebuildAll target) (1) ->
15:49:58 [AS] "C:\code\fogbugz\FogBugz.proj" (BuildAllImpl target) (1:3) ->
15:49:58 [AS] "C:\code\fogbugz\FogBugzUtils\FogBugzUtils.sln" (default target) (13:2) ->
15:49:58 [AS] "C:\code\fogbugz\FogBugzUtils\FogCreek.Plugins\FogCreek.Plugins.csproj" (def
ault target) (25:2) ->
15:49:58 [AS] (CoreCompile target) ->
15:49:58 [AS] PluginAttributes.cs(36,16): warning CS1591: Missing XML comment for public
ly visible type or member 'FogCreek.Plugins.PluginAttributes.PluginAttributes()' [C:\code\
15:49:58 [AS]
15:49:58 [AS]
15:49:58 [AS] "C:\code\fogbugz\FogBugz.proj" (RebuildAll target) (1) ->
15:49:58 [AS] "C:\code\fogbugz\FogBugz.proj" (BuildAllImpl target) (1:3) ->
15:49:58 [AS] (FogBugzCore target) ->
15:49:58 [AS] C:\code\fogbugz\src-Website\CBug.was(3180): warning W0: <Server> Public me
thod CreateUserNotifiedNotification does not specify read/write permissions. [C:\code\fogb
15:49:58 [AS]
15:49:58 [AS]
15:49:58 [AS] "C:\code\fogbugz\FogBugz.proj" (RebuildAll target) (1) ->
15:49:58 [AS] "C:\code\fogbugz\FogBugz.proj" (BuildAllImpl target) (1:3) ->
15:49:58 [AS] "C:\code\fogbugz\FogBugzMVC\FogBugzMVC.sln" (default target) (40:2) ->
15:49:58 [AS] "C:\code\fogbugz\FogBugzMVC\FogBugzMVC\FogBugzMVC.csproj" (default target) (
42:5) ->
15:49:58 [AS] (PreBuildT4Templates target) ->
15:49:58 [AS] C:\code\fogbugz\FogBugzMVC\FogBugzMVC\Models\,4): warni
ng : Multiple template directives were found in the template. All but the first one will b
e ignored. Multiple parameters to the template directive should be specified within one te
mplate directive. [C:\code\fogbugz\FogBugzMVC\FogBugzMVC\FogBugzMVC.csproj]
15:49:58 [AS] C:\code\fogbugz\FogBugzMVC\FogBugzMVC\Models\,4): warni
ng : Multiple template directives were found in the template. All but the first one will b
e ignored. Multiple parameters to the template directive should be specified within one te
mplate directive. [C:\code\fogbugz\FogBugzMVC\FogBugzMVC\FogBugzMVC.csproj]
15:49:58 [AS] C:\code\fogbugz\FogBugzMVC\FogBugzMVC\Models\,4): warni
ng : Multiple template directives were found in the template. All but the first one will b
e ignored. Multiple parameters to the template directive should be specified within one te
mplate directive. [C:\code\fogbugz\FogBugzMVC\FogBugzMVC\FogBugzMVC.csproj]
15:49:58 [AS]
15:49:58 [AS]
15:49:58 [AS] "C:\code\fogbugz\FogBugz.proj" (RebuildAll target) (1) ->
15:49:58 [AS] "C:\code\fogbugz\FogBugz.proj" (BuildAllImpl target) (1:3) ->
15:49:58 [AS] "C:\code\fogbugz\FogBugzMVC\FogBugzMVC.sln" (default target) (40:2) ->
15:49:58 [AS] "C:\code\fogbugz\FogBugzMVC\FogBugzMVC\FogBugzMVC.csproj" (default target) (
42:5) ->
15:49:58 [AS] (CoreCompile target) ->
15:49:58 [AS] Controllers\Api\UtilController.cs(194,13): error CS0246: The type or names
pace name 'ICustomFieldsPlugin' could not be found (are you missing a using directive or a
n assembly reference?) [C:\code\fogbugz\FogBugzMVC\FogBugzMVC\FogBugzMVC.csproj]
15:49:58 [AS] Controllers\Api\UtilController.cs(194,39): error CS0246: The type or names
pace name 'ICustomFieldsPlugin' could not be found (are you missing a using directive or a
n assembly reference?) [C:\code\fogbugz\FogBugzMVC\FogBugzMVC\FogBugzMVC.csproj]
15:49:58 [AS]
15:49:58 [AS] 10 Warning(s)
15:49:58 [AS] 2 Error(s)
15:49:58 [AS]
15:49:58 [AS] Time Elapsed 00:03:04.83
15:49:58 [AS] C:\WINDOWS\Microsoft.NET\Framework\v4.0.30319\msbuild.exe /nologo /p:Disable
OutOfProcTaskHost=1 /verbosity:normal /target:RebuildAll /m /p:TargetEnvironment=Hosted /p
:Configuration=Debug /p:DevBuild=true
15:49:58 [AS] Traceback (most recent call last):
15:49:58 [AS] File ".\build\build_fogbugz\", line 402, in <module>
main(opts, args)
File ".\build\build_fogbugz\", line 359, in main
File ".\build\build_fogbugz\", line 307, in build
sh(msbuild(target, props, verbosity, parallel), cwd=fogbugz)
File "C:\code\fogbugz\build\build_fogbugz\lib\paver\", line 57, in sh
return dry(command, runpipe)
File "C:\code\fogbugz\build\build_fogbugz\lib\paver\", line 16, in dry
return func(*args, **kw)
File "C:\code\fogbugz\build\build_fogbugz\lib\paver\", line 52, in runpipe
raise BuildFailure("Subprocess return code: %d" % p.returncode)
paver.tasks.BuildFailure: Subprocess return code: 1
15:49:58 [psake] Error: 08/21/2014 10:49:58:
+ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ [<<==>>] Exception: LogExec: Error executin
g command python $pythonArgs .
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