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Last active March 4, 2023 18:35
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LLaMA joke explanations
Joke LLaMA-33B LLaMA-13B LLaMA-7B ChatGPT
I think I understand why me and my partner are such a good match. I get excited when I smell food and become super alert when the doorbell rings. My girlfriend Shelley becomes ecstatic when she sees a person who she just saw 5 hours ago. I am a dog and Shelley is a cat. 5 hours ago, when the doorbell rang, it was Shelley's partner, and she got excited. Shelley is a dog. This joke is poking fun at the idea that pets often exhibit certain behaviors when they're excited or happy. In this case, the person is comparing their own behavior to that of a dog, saying that they get excited when they smell food and become alert when the doorbell rings. On the other hand, the person's girlfriend, Shelley, is compared to a dog who gets excited when they see someone they haven't seen in a while, even if it's only been a few hours.
I was supposed to start writing the paper at 5:00 PM. But then I started playing with this cool new language model for 10 minutes. 10 minutes later, it's suddenly 9:30 PM! 10 minutes * 20 (the number of hours in a day) = 200 minutes, or 3 hours and 20 minutes, which is the time you should start writing your paper at. 5:00 PM is when the paper is due, 10 minutes later it becomes 9:30 PM. This is a pun on how languages evolve over time. 5:00 PM is when a person should start writing a paper. However, instead they decide to play with a cool new language model for 10 minutes. After 10 minutes, it's 9:30 PM. This joke is playing with the idea of getting distracted while doing something and losing track of time. The speaker was supposed to start writing a paper at 5:00 PM, but instead, they got distracted by a new language model and started playing with it. The joke is that they got so absorbed in using the language model that they lost track of time, and before they knew it, it was 9:30 PM, which is four and a half hours later than they intended to start writing.
I was going to fly to visit my family on April 6th. My mom said "Oh great, your step dad's poetry reading is that night!" So now I'm flying in on April 7th. 4/6/7 is a punch line, which makes no sense. 1st April is April Fool's Day, a day where people play jokes on each other. So this joke is saying that the woman was going to fly on 6th April, but was going to be there on April 7th instead. 4/6/17 is a date that's a palindrome. A palindrome is a number or word that reads the same forward and backwards. This joke is a play on words and relies on the ambiguity of the English language.
I tried 10,000 random restarts of my neural network, but I was accused of overfitting. I guess no good seed goes unpunished. 10,000 random restarts is very excessive, and definitely overfitting, but that wasn't the joke. The joke was that the word "seed" is a common term in statistics and machine learning, however the word "seed" is also a word that refers to a small plant used for growing. So the person restarted their network so many times that they were accused of overfitting, however they were also accused of "overseeding" because they did too many random restarts and they were a "bad seed" because they weren't good at neural networks. 10,000 random restarts of a neural network is the process of restructuring the neural network by randomly picking a subset of the variables and turning it off, then seeing what the performance is like. "Overfitting" is a term used to describe when a model makes a prediction that is too accurate, usually because the model is trying too hard to fit the data. 10,000 random restarts of a neural network are a type of cross-validation. The network is trained on 10,000 random datasets and then tested on the original dataset. If the network overfits the original dataset, then it will do worse on the test dataset than it did on the training dataset. This joke plays with the technical terminology used in machine learning and artificial intelligence. In machine learning,"overfitting" occurs when a model becomes too complex and starts to memorize the training data instead of learning to generalize to new data. This can happen when the model is too specific to the training data, and as a result, it performs poorly on new data.
Reading "War and Peace" doesn't scare me. I once had to review the CL for my intern's whole project on his final day! If you read a long book, it's quite scary. But if you had to review an entire project's worth of code, that's even scarier. So if this joke was about reviewing the CL, it would be even scarier. 3 jokes are like this one, where there is some vague reference to a job, and something that is horrible that you have to do. 1. "CL" is a system design review, a meeting where designers review their work with the rest of the team and make changes based on feedback. 2. "War and Peace" is a very large novel by Leo Tolstoy. The longer the book, the more time the reviewer has to give feedback, so the "whole project" is a very large book. This joke is a play on the idea that code can be more complex and intimidating than a long book like "War and Peace." The speaker is saying that reading "War and Peace" doesn't scare them, which implies that they are not intimidated by long and complex works of literature. However, they then say that they once had to review the code (CL, or code review) for their intern's whole project on the intern's final day. This implies that they are more intimidated by complex code than by complex literature.
What's the difference between a zebra and an umbrella? One is a striped animal related to horses, another is a device you use to stop the rain from falling on you. This is wordplay,"What's the difference between x and y" is a joke format. The jokes ends with a pun. A "zebra" is a striped animal related to horses, but an "umbrella" is also a device you use to stop the rain from falling on you. 1. One is a striped animal related to horses, another is a device you use to stop the rain from falling on you. 2. The zebra is the one with stripes, the umbrella is the one that stops the rain from falling on you. This joke is a classic example of an "anti-joke" or "non-joke" that plays on the listener's expectations and relies on a literal interpretation of the question.
Three logicians walk into a bar. The bartender asks: "Do you all want a drink?" The first logician says: "I don't know." The second logician says: "I don't know." The third logician says: "Yes." 1. The first logician is a liar and says the opposite of what he means. Therefore, if he says "I don't know," he actually does know. 2. The second logician always says the truth. He knows that he will say yes if you ask him if he doesn't know, so he says "I don't know." 3. The third logician is an answerer. If you ask him a yes/no question, he will always answer yes. The first logician is saying that they don't know whether they want a drink or not, because they haven't been given enough information. The second logician is saying that they don't know whether they want a drink or not, because they can't determine the truth value of the information they have been given. The third logician says yes because they know that they want a drink. 1st logician - I don't know, because I don't know if all three of us want to drink, since the bartender asked us. 2nd logician - I don't know, because I don't know if all three of us want to drink, since the bartender asked us. 3rd logician - Yes, because the bartender asked all three of us, and it's okay for him to ask one of us, so we're all in agreement, and we can drink. This joke is a classic example of a logic puzzle or paradox, where the answer is unexpected or seemingly impossible. In the joke, three logicians walk into a bar and the bartender asks if they want a drink. The first two logicians respond by saying "I don't know," which might seem strange or indecisive. However, this response is actually a logical statement based on the information they have been given. Since the question is posed to all three logicians at once, the first two logicians cannot answer definitively without knowing the answer of the third logician. The third logician, however, gives a definitive answer of "Yes," which might seem strange since the first two logicians did not give a clear answer. However, the third logician knows that at least one of the logicians wants a drink, since the bartender asked if "you all" want a drink. Therefore, the third logician can confidently answer "Yes" to the bartender's question.
Old chemists don't die. They just stop reacting. A person who "stops reacting" is someone who is boring, but a chemist who stops reacting is a person who is no longer practicing chemistry. When something stops reacting, that means it's no longer changing. Old chemists are chemists who are no longer changing. This joke is referring to a reaction in chemistry called an oxidation state. The oxidation state is the number of electrons that an atom has. An atom that has an oxidation state of 0 is a neutral atom. When an atom gains electrons, it becomes a negatively charged ion. When an atom loses electrons, it becomes a positively charged ion. So, the punchline of the joke is saying that chemists never die because they just stop reacting (becoming a positively charged ion) and continue to live their normal lives. This joke is a play on words that combines a pun with a common phrase. In chemistry, a reaction is a process where one or more substances are transformed into new substances. Chemists study reactions and often work with chemicals to create new compounds or materials. The phrase "Old chemists don't die. They just stop reacting" is a play on the common saying "Old soldiers never die. They just fade away." The joke suggests that chemists don't really die, but simply stop reacting like the chemicals they work with. This is a play on words, as "reacting" can mean both the chemical process of transformation and the more general sense of responding to stimuli.
Hinton, LeCun and Schmidhuber are caught by bad guys which plan to shoot them, each gets one last wish. LeCun says "I want this fancy LeGoubourgleble Wine from year xxx. Schmidhuber says "Before you shoot me, I want to give a talk about history of Deep Learning". Hinton says "Please, shoot me before Schmidhuber starts with his talk". 1. Schmidhuber is known for his long talks, so the bad guy will probably shoot him first to avoid a long talk 2. Schmidhuber is also known for his big ego, so he will probably want to give a speech before he dies. 3. LeCun is known for his taste for fancy wines. 4. Hinton is known for his humility and lack of ego. 5. Hinton is also known for his love of puns. 3 guys were captured by the bad guys. One says I want this fancy wine from year 3000. The other says before you shoot me, I want to give a talk about the history of deep learning. The third says please shoot me before Schmidhuber starts with his talk. The third person is trying to get out of the bad guys' evil plan but failed. Hinton wants to avoid the speech. This joke is a humorous take on the personalities and reputations of three prominent figures in the field of deep learning: Geoffrey Hinton, Yann LeCun, and Jürgen Schmidhuber. In the joke, the three of them are caught by bad guys who plan to shoot them. Each person is given one last wish before they are shot. LeCun chooses to request a specific type of fancy wine, while Schmidhuber chooses to give a talk about the history of deep learning. Hinton, on the other hand, requests to be shot before Schmidhuber starts his talk. The humor in this joke comes from the implied idea that Schmidhuber is known for giving long and detailed talks about deep learning, and that Hinton is willing to sacrifice his life to avoid having to listen to one of these talks. The joke also plays on the idea that LeCun is more interested in enjoying fine wine than worrying about the situation they are in. Overall, the joke is a humorous take on the personalities and quirks of these well-known figures in the field of deep learning, and the ways in which their personalities might play out in an unusual scenario like being captured by bad guys.
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