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Last active December 6, 2023 17:54
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Jumpstart 5G Network Data Logger
import time
import subprocess
import psutil
import gspread
import traceback
import requests
from google.auth import exceptions
from google.auth.transport.requests import Request
from google.oauth2 import service_account
# Google Sheets API Authorization
credentials = None
credentials_file = "" # JSON Private Key
spreadsheet_id = "" # Google Sheets File ID
worksheet_title = "" # Page Title to Use
api_key = "" # Opencellid API Key
# Global variables for SINR, RSRP and RSRQ values
latest_sinr, latest_rsrp, latest_rsrq = None, None, None
credentials = service_account.Credentials.from_service_account_file(
credentials_file, scopes=[""]
except exceptions.GoogleAuthError as e:
print(f"Google Auth Error: {e}")
print("Please check your credentials.")
# Open Google Sheets file
gc = gspread.authorize(credentials)
worksheet = gc.open_by_key(spreadsheet_id).worksheet(worksheet_title)
def send_at_com(command, desired):
cp =
["/home/pi/.local/bin/atcom", command, "--find", desired],
except Exception as error:
print(f"Message: {error}")
return ("", "", 1)
return (cp.stdout, cp.stderr, cp.returncode)
def read_response(command, desired):
response, error, returncode = send_at_com(command, desired)
return response.strip(), error.strip(), returncode
def clean_response(response):
cleaned_response = response.split("\n", 1)[-1].strip()
cleaned_response = response.split(" ", 1)[-1].strip()
cleaned_response = cleaned_response.rstrip("OK").strip()
return cleaned_response
def extract_values(response):
global latest_sinr, latest_rsrp, latest_rsrq
values = response.split(",")
mode = values[2].strip('"')
if mode == "NR5G-SA":
sinr = values[14].strip()
rsrp = values[15].strip()
rsrq = values[16].strip()
elif mode == "LTE":
sinr = values[13].strip()
rsrp = values[14].strip()
rsrq = values[15].strip()
elif mode == "NR5G-NSA":
sinr = values[13].strip()
rsrp = values[14].strip()
rsrq = values[15].strip()
latest_sinr, latest_rsrp, latest_rsrq = sinr, rsrp, rsrq
def read_geoloc_data():
serving_cell_response_map = {
"nr5g": {"radio_type": 2, "mcc": 4, "mnc": 5, "tac": 8, "cid": 6, "psc": 7},
"lte": {"radio_type": 2, "mcc": 4, "mnc": 5, "tac": 12, "cid": 6, "psc": 7},
"wcdma": {"radio_type": 2, "mcc": 3, "mnc": 4, "lac": 5, "cid": 6, "psc": 8},
"gsm": {"radio_type": 2, "mcc": 3, "mnc": 4, "lac": 5, "cid": 6},
geolocation = {}
radio_type_id = 2
output = send_at_com('AT+QENG="servingcell"', "OK")
if output[2] == 0:
data = output[0].split(",")
radio_type = data[radio_type_id].replace('"', "").casefold()
for key in serving_cell_response_map:
if key.find(radio_type) != -1:
temp = serving_cell_response_map.get(key, {})
for key in temp:
geolocation[key] = data[temp[key]].replace('"', "").casefold()
raise ValueError("Geolocation data is broken")
raise RuntimeError(output[0])
# str/hex/int conversation
for key in geolocation:
if key in ["tac", "lac", "psc", "cid"]:
geolocation[key] = int(geolocation[key], 16)
elif key in ["mcc", "mnc"]:
geolocation[key] = int(geolocation[key])
raise ValueError("read_geoloc_data --> error occured converting hex to int")
print("Geolocation Data:", geolocation)
return geolocation
def measure_data_usage(interface='usb0'):
net_stats = psutil.net_io_counters(pernic=True)[interface]
rx = (net_stats.bytes_recv) / (1024.0 * 1024.0)
tx = (net_stats.bytes_sent) / (1024.0 * 1024.0)
print(f'RX Bytes: {rx:.2f} MB')
print(f'TX Bytes: {tx:.2f} MB')
return rx,tx
except KeyError:
print(f"Network interface ({interface}) not found.")
return 0, 0
def measure_ping_latency():
result =['ping', '-c', '4', ''], stdout=subprocess.PIPE)
ping_output = result.stdout.decode('utf-8')
latency = None
lines = ping_output.split('\n')
for line in lines:
if "time=" in line:
latency = line.split("time=")[1].split(" ")[0]
print(f'Ping Latency: {latency} ms')
return latency, None
except Exception as e:
print(f"An error occurred: {e}")
return None, e
def get_cell_location(api_key, mcc, mnc, lac, cid):
url = f'{api_key}&mcc={mcc}&mnc={mnc}&lac={lac}&cellid={cid}&format=json'
response = requests.get(url)
if response.status_code == 200:
data = response.json()
location = data.get('lat', None), data.get('lon', None)
return location
return None
header_values = ["Date","ICCID","Operator","RAT","Band","Ping Latency(ms)","Location(lat/lon)","Registration","Download(MB)","Upload(MB)","RSSI","BER","SINR","RSRP","RSRQ"]
existing_headers = worksheet.row_values(1)
# If headers are missing, add them at the top
if set(header_values) != set(existing_headers):
worksheet.insert_row(header_values, 1)
at_commands = [
for command in at_commands:
response, error, returncode = read_response(command, '')
if "CSQ" in response:
# Get RSSI and BER values from response "AT+CSQ"
response = clean_response(response)
values = response.split(",")
rssi = values[0].strip()
ber = values[1].strip() if len(values) > 1 else "N/A"
if "QNWINFO" in response:
# Get Band and RAT values from response "AT+QNWINFO"
response = clean_response(response)
values = response.split(",")
rat = values[0].strip('"')
band = values[2].strip('"')
if "CREG" in response:
# Get the registration value from the response "AT+CREG"
response = clean_response(response)
registration = response
if "COPS" in response:
# Get the operator from the response "AT+COPS"
response = clean_response(response)
values = response.split(",")
operator = values[2].strip("\"")
if "QCCID" in response:
# Get the ICCID from the response "AT+QCCID"
response = clean_response(response)
iccid = response
if "servingcell" in response:
response = clean_response(response)
cleaned_response = clean_response(response)
print(f'AT Command: {command}\nOutput: {cleaned_response}\n{"="*30}')
geolocation_data = read_geoloc_data()
location = get_cell_location(api_key, geolocation_data['mcc'], geolocation_data['mnc'], geolocation_data['tac'], geolocation_data['cid'])
if location:
print(f'Cell Location: Latitude {location[0]}, Longitude {location[1]}')
print('Location not found.')
latency, error = measure_ping_latency()
rx,tx = measure_data_usage()
print(f'RSSI: {rssi}, BER: {ber}, SINR: {latest_sinr}, RSRP: {latest_rsrp}, RSRQ: {latest_rsrq}')
worksheet.append_row([time.strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S"),iccid,operator,rat,band,latency,f"{location[0]},{location[1]}",registration,f'{rx:.2f}',f'{tx:.2f}',rssi,ber,latest_sinr,latest_rsrp,latest_rsrq])
except Exception as e:
print(f"An error occurred: {e}")
traceback.print_exc() # Print error traceback information
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