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Last active November 14, 2017 14:28
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  • Save entelechyIT/944f608ea639e0f46e67def18d53de0e to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
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# download and unzip your benchmark from DIA NISTA
# from:
$BenchMarkFilePath = '~\Documents\U_Windows_2012_and_2012_R2_MS_STIG_V2R6_Manual-xccdf.xml'
# Download and unzip the latest control list
# from:
$CCIControlFile = '~\Documents\U_CCI_List.xml'
# This is the NIST Revision we are wanting to reference:
$CCIFilter = 'NIST SP 800-53 Revision 4'
# Load the content as XML
[xml]$Stigx = Get-Content -Path $BenchMarkFilePath -EA Stop
[xml]$CCIx = Get-Content -Path $CCIControlFile -EA Stop
# start by parsing the xccdf benchmark
$StigCollection = @()
# loop through the xccdf benchmark collecting data into an object collection
foreach ($rule in $StigX.Benchmark.Group.Rule){
# create a new PSObject collecting and stripping out as required.
$STIG = New-Object -TypeName PSObject -Property ([ordered]@{
RuleID = $rule. id
RuleTitle = $rule.title
Severity = $rule.severity
VulnerabilityDetails = $($($($rule.description) -split '</VulnDiscussion>')[0] -replace '<VulnDiscussion>', '')
Check = $rule.check.'check-content'
Fix = $rule.fixtext.'#text'
ControlIdentifier = $rule.ident.'#text'
Control = $null # control is null as it will be added from the CCI List
$StigCollection += $STIG
}# close foreach
}# close if
# loop through the Stig Collection updating the Control information pulled from the U_CCI_List.xml
foreach($StigObj in $StigCollection){
foreach($CciItem in $CCIX.cci_list.cci_items.cci_item){
if($CciItem.Id -EQ $StigObj.ControlIdentifier){
# filter the control version by the title
if($CciItem.references.reference.title -EQ $CCIFilter){
$StigObj.Control = $CciItem.references.reference.index
# let's review our results.
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