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Created January 30, 2017 10:55
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All of my starred repos



  • ATS-Postiats - ATS2: Unleashing the Potentials of Types and Templates


  • TV-B-Gone-kit - Pew Pew TV's are toast!
  • Cello - Higher level programming in C
  • yescrypt - Non-C Implementations of the yescrypt KDF.
  • mongoose-flashing-tool - Mongoose Flashing Tool (MFT). Flashes firmware for Mongoose IoT platform. Supports ESP8266 and TI CC3200 architectures.
  • echo - ECHO hash function in Go (cgo)
  • crc32 - Fast crc32 checksum calculation for ruby
  • illumos-gate - Community developed and maintained version of the OS/Net consolidation
  • libuv - Cross-platform asynchronous I/O
  • libuv - Go to
  • nfs-ganesha - NFS-Ganesha is an NFSv3,v4,v4.1 fileserver that runs in user mode on most UNIX/Linux systems
  • dpdk-ovs - Open vSwitch accelerated by Intel® DPDK - See Open vSwitch DPDK-netdev for latest implimentation
  • netmap - Automatically exported from
  • hiredis - Minimalistic C client for Redis >= 1.2
  • ovs - Open vSwitch
  • healthcheck_nginx_upstreams - Health checks upstreams for nginx
  • ngx_http_geoip2_module - Nginx GeoIP2 module
  • nginx-static-etags - provide etags for static contents in nginx
  • nginx-dynamic-etags - Nginx module for etags on dynamic content
  • twemproxy - A fast, light-weight proxy for memcached and redis
  • openssl - 'Extra featured' OpenSSL with ChaCha20 and Poly1305 support
  • repmgr - The Most Popular Replication Manager for PostgreSQL (Postgres)
  • duperemove - Tools for deduping file systems
  • tac_plus - A Tacacs+ Daemon tested on Linux (CentOS) to run AAA via TACACS+ Protocol via IPv4 and IPv6.
  • keepalived - Keepalived
  • ekeyd - ekeyd: Simtec Electronics UDEKEY01 Entropy Key Daemon
  • rbczmq - Ruby extension that wraps the official high level ZeroMQ C API ( )
  • rough-auditing-tool-for-security - Automatically exported from
  • makeheaders - A package for the makeheaders command
  • makeheaders - A package for the makeheaders command
  • doslib - Hackipedia DOSLIB, a general collection of useful libraries for writing MS-DOS software
  • seL4 - The seL4 microkernel
  • qt-virustotal-uploader - VirusTotal Uploader written in C++ using QT framework
  • libfortuna - Fortuna library functions extracted from PostgreSQL source
  • elks - Embeddable Linux Kernel Subset
  • macvim - Vim - the text editor - for Mac OS X
  • dnscrypt-proxy - A tool for securing communications between a client and a DNS resolver
  • openbsd - Source code pulled from OpenBSD for LibreSSL - this includes most of the library and supporting code. The place to contribute to this code is via the OpenBSD CVS tree.
  • portable - LibreSSL Portable itself. This includes the build scaffold and compatibility layer that builds portable LibreSSL from the OpenBSD source code.
  • unsign - Remove code signatures from OSX Mach-O binaries (note: unsigned binaries cannot currently be re-codesign'ed. Patches welcome!)
  • flex - The Fast Lexical Analyser
  • Ntimed - Network time synchronization software, NTPD replacement.
  • tests -
  • compiler-rt -
  • freebsd - FreeBSD src tree
  • rowhammer - Source code for testing the Row Hammer error mechanism in DRAM devices. Described in the ISCA 2014 paper by Kim et al. at
  • wormxattr - A write once, read many filesystem OSX kext. It uses the security policy module support within xnu; hooking filesystem operations to provide WORM functionality based on an extended attribute.
  • mach_inject - interprocess code injection for Mac OS X
  • kernet - A MacOSX kernel extension that helps bypass GFW through manipulations of network packets.
  • ZipArchive - zip archive processing for Cocoa - iPhone and OS X
  • spl - Solaris Porting Layer for OpenZFS on OS X
  • dieharder - A modified version of Robert G. Brown's "dieharder" tests for random number generators.
  • libffi - A portable foreign-function interface library.
  • nedmalloc - An EXTREMELY FAST portable thread caching malloc implementation written in C for multiple threads without lock contention based on dlmalloc. Optimised for x86 and x64. Compatible with C++. Can patch itself into existing binaries on Windows.
  • memlimit - Determine how much memory can be used (Go)
  • twoftpd - Two-piece FTP server
  • daemontools-encore - A collection of tools for managing UNIX services
  • dietlibc - Inofficial git-cvs clone of + some changes
  • linux - dtrace for linux - kernel driver and userland tools
  • ChipKit - Assorted ChipKit PIC32 hacks
  • zfs - OpenZFS on OS X
  • openssl_tack - OpenSSL with TACK patch
  • nginx_ssl_tack - ngx_http_ssl_module with TACK support
  • sosemanuk - Sosemanuk stream cipher for Go
  • hammer - Parser combinators for binary formats, in C. Yes, in C. What? Don't look at me like that.
  • spnego-http-auth-nginx-module - SPNEGO HTTP Authentication Module for nginx
  • erlang-bcrypt - Erlang wrapper for OpenBSD's Blowfish password hashing code
  • zookeeper_client - Ruby wrapper for the ZooKeeper C client library
  • zkpython - Zookeeper python client
  • erld - Erlang UNIX daemon wrapper
  • ruby-sfcc - ruby bindings for sblim client
  • spnego-http-auth-nginx-module - SPNEGO HTTP Authentication Module for nginx
  • nginx-dav-ext-module - NGINX WebDAV missing methods support (PROPFIND & OPTIONS)
  • hpn-ssh - HPN-SSH is a set of patches designed to enhance OpenSSH
  • openwsman - WS-Management Server and Client
  • sblim-sfcc - CIM client library
  • absolute_time - Ruby gem providing a reliable, monotonically increasing timer for measuring time intervals
  • accord - A high-performance coordination service for write-intensive workloads.
  • smartos-live - For more information, please see For any questions that aren't answered there, please join the SmartOS discussion list:
  • bdwgc - The Boehm-Demers-Weiser conservative C/C++ Garbage Collector (libgc, bdwgc, boehmgc)
  • libatomic_ops - The atomic_ops project (Atomic memory update operations portable implementation)
  • stud - The Scalable TLS Unwrapping Daemon
  • zkpython - Zookeeper python client
  • OpenSSH-LPK - A debian package for OpenSSH 5.5p1 + lpk. OpenSSH+LPK works with Debian Squeeze, Yay!
  • nginx-mod-auth-kerb - An nginx module to enable the use of SPNEGO, GSSAPI, and Kerberos for HTTP SSO authentication.
  • reconnoiter - Large-scale Monitoring and Trend Analysis System
  • illumos-joyent - Community developed and maintained version of the OS/Net consolidation
  • pgmemcache - PostgreSQL memcache functions
  • scrypt - A Ruby gem with native C extension for the scrypt password hashing algorithm.
  • sblim-sfcc - CIM client library
  • postgres - Mirror of the official PostgreSQL GIT repository. Note that this is just a mirror - we don't work with pull requests on github. To contribute, please see
  • rugged - ruby bindings to libgit2
  • redis - Redis key-value store (Win32 / Win64 port)
  • tcpcrypt - Fast TCP encryption
  • ruby-sfcc - ruby bindings for sblim client
  • spnego-http-auth-nginx-module - SPNEGO HTTP Authentication Module for nginx
  • macvim - Vim - the text editor - for Mac OS X
  • ngx_http_accounting_module - Add traffic stat function to nginx. Useful for http accounting based on nginx configuration logic ( server / location / or anything else).
  • erlzmq - Erlang bindings for ZeroMQ messaging
  • lua-nginx-module - Embed the Power of Lua into NGINX HTTP servers
  • pigz - A parallel implementation of gzip for modern multi-processor, multi-core machines.
  • erluna - erluna is Lua bindings for Erlang.
  • cower - A simple AUR agent with a pretentious name.
  • mod_websocket - mod_websocket for lighty ( )
  • ngx_devel_kit - Nginx Development Kit - an Nginx module that adds additional generic tools that module developers can use in their own modules
  • zookeeper_client - Ruby wrapper for the ZooKeeper C client library
  • rmagick - An interface to the ImageMagick and GraphicsMagick image processing libraries.
  • unicorn_hunter - A small application for controlling unicorn
  • ruby-sfcc - ruby bindings for sblim client
  • spl - A shim layer which adds the core interfaces required for OpenZFS.
  • zfs - ZFS on Linux - the official OpenZFS implementation for Linux.
  • ngtemplate - ngtemplate - A template engine written in C designed to be syntax-compatible with Google CTemplate
  • mod_zip - ZIP archiver for nginx
  • plan-9 - Mirror of Plan 9 from Bell Labs
  • hpricot - Hpricot has ended. Please consider an alternative like nokogiri.
  • shoes - a tiny graphical app kit for ruby
  • nchan - Fast, horizontally scalable, multiprocess pub/sub queuing server and proxy for HTTP, long-polling, Websockets and EventSource (SSE), powered by Nginx.
  • ffi - Ruby FFI
  • nginx-gridfs - Nginx module for serving files from MongoDB's GridFS
  • htop-osx - A port of htop to OSX
  • perftools.rb - gperftools for ruby code
  • memcached - memcached development tree
  • redis - Redis is an in-memory database that persists on disk. The data model is key-value, but many different kind of values are supported: Strings, Lists, Sets, Sorted Sets, Hashes, HyperLogLogs, Bitmaps.
  • bashreduce - mapreduce in bash
  • curb - Ruby bindings for libcurl
  • thin-turbo - New and ultra-turbo-crazy-fast backend for Thin
  • beanstalkd - Beanstalk is a simple, fast work queue.
  • nginx-upstream-fair - The fair load balancer module for nginx



  • Arduino-IRremote - Infrared remote library for Arduino: send and receive infrared signals with multiple protocols
  • ngx_brotli - nginx module for Brotli compression
  • ngx_pagespeed - Automatic PageSpeed optimization module for Nginx
  • hhvm - A virtual machine designed for executing programs written in Hack and PHP.
  • rowhammer-test - Test DRAM for bit flips caused by the rowhammer problem
  • Catch - A modern, C++-native, header-only, framework for unit-tests, TDD and BDD
  • klee - KLEE Symbolic Virtual Machine
  • dosbox-x - DOSBox-X fork of the DOSBox project
  • tripwire - Forked from TW OSS
  • pgmodeler - pgModeler - PostgreSQL Database Modeler - is an open source data modeling tool designed for PostgreSQL. No more DDL commands written by hand let pgModeler do the job for you! This software reunites the concepts of entity-relationship diagrams and the features that PostgreSQL implements as extensions of SQL standards. Support this project by donate on project's official web site link:
  • capnp-ruby - Ruby wrapper for Cap'n Proto
  • llvm -
  • clang -
  • HElib - An Implementation of homomorphic encryption
  • Karabiner - Karabiner (KeyRemap4MacBook) is a powerful utility for keyboard customization.
  • namecoin-legacy - Legacy client. New version here: Note the release branch! - Official website:
  • greenworks - a node.js/node-webkit plugin to integrate with steamworks
  • nw.js - Call all Node.js modules directly from DOM and enable a new way of writing applications with all Web technologies.
  • nullmailer - Relay-only sendmail/qmail/etc replacement MTA
  • libxs - Crossroads I/O core library
  • sheepshear - SheepShear, an advanced PowerPC emulator designed to run MacOS classic
  • libxs - Crossroads I/O core library
  • zerovm - Open-source lightweight virtualization platform
  • Pluton -
  • firesheep - A Firefox extension that demonstrates HTTP session hijacking attacks.
  • erlzmq - Erlang bindings for ZeroMQ messaging
  • swig-ruby-ffi - Ruby FFI language module for SWIG
  • scribe - Scribe is a server for aggregating log data streamed in real time from a large number of servers.


  • voxel.css - A lightweight 3D CSS voxel library.
  • jQuery.mmenu - The best jQuery plugin for app look-alike on- and off-canvas menus with sliding submenus for your website and webapp.
  • font-awesome-sass - Font-Awesome Sass gem for use in Ruby/Rails projects
  • popcorn-app - Project is abadoned, move on to this fork:
  • popcorn-app - An experiment using the peerflix module of nodejs and connecting a bunch of APIs.
  • foundation-icons-sass-rails - Foundation Font Icons on Sass for Rails
  • cheatset - Generate cheat sheets for Dash
  • webicons - Webicons is a set of resolution-independent social icons for use on your website. They use feature-detected SVG graphics (with PNG fallbacks) to display the icons over their appropriate negatively indented anchor titles.
  • compass-twitter-bootstrap - The twitter bootstrap ported to compass
  • cb_admin - Admin interface for Chicago Boss
  • pyScss - pyScss, a Scss compiler for Python
  • susy - Responsive layout toolkit for Sass


  • clojurescript - Clojure to JS compiler
  • om - ClojureScript interface to Facebook's React
  • pulse - DEPRECATED: Real-time Heroku operations dashboard


Common Lisp

  • cl-quickcheck - cl-quickcheck - a Common Lisp port of the QuickCheck unit test framework


  • ecto - A database wrapper and language integrated query for Elixir
  • awesome-elixir - A curated list of amazingly awesome Elixir and Erlang libraries, resources and shiny things. Updates:
  • phoenix - Productive. Reliable. Fast.
  • flect - A pragmatic, functional systems programming language.
  • dynamo - Run, Dynamo, Run!


  • mustache.erl - Mustache template engine for Erlang.
  • epgsql - Erlang PostgreSQL client
  • yamler - libyaml-based yaml loader for Erlang
  • erlang-rfc4627 - Erlang RFC4627 (JSON) codec and JSON-RPC server implementation.
  • sheriff - Parse transform for type based validation.
  • redo - pipelined erlang redis client
  • riak_zab -
  • otp-halfword-emulator - Erlang/OTP
  • erlsha2 - SHA-224, SHA-256, SHA-384, SHA-512 implemented in Erlang NIFs.
  • egitd - The Erlang git-daemon
  • hibari - Hibari is a production-ready, distributed, key-value, big data store. Hibari uses chain replication for strong consistency, high-availability, and durability. Hibari has excellent performance especially for read and large value operations.
  • logplex - Heroku log router
  • phoebus - Phoebus is a distributed framework for large scale graph processing written in Erlang.
  • rmq-0mq - ZeroMQ support in RabbitMQ
  • riak_kv - Riak Key/Value Store
  • riak_core - Distributed systems infrastructure used by Riak.
  • riak-erlang-http-client - Riak Erlang client using the HTTP interface
  • casbench - tools for benchmarking cassandra
  • erldocs - Alternative to the erlang documentation
  • Emysql - Erlang MySQL driver
  • proper - PropEr: a QuickCheck-inspired property-based testing tool for Erlang
  • egeoip - Erlang IP Geolocation module, currently supporting the MaxMind GeoLite City Database.
  • meck - A mocking library for Erlang
  • bitcask - because you need another a key/value storage engine
  • erlydtl - Django templates for Erlang
  • erlang_protobuffs - An implementation of Google's Protocol Buffers for Erlang, based on ngerakines/erlang_protobuffs.
  • riak-erlang-client - Erlang clients for Riak.
  • erlang_js - A linked-in driver for Erlang to Mozilla's Spidermonkey Javascript runtime.
  • unsplit - Resolves conflicts in Mnesia after network splits
  • webmachine - A REST-based system for building web applications.
  • epm - Erlang Package Manager
  • otp - Erlang/OTP
  • erlang-syslog - Erlang port driver for interacting with syslog via syslog(3)
  • erlang-mysql-driver - Erlang MySQL Driver (from
  • ernie - Ernie is an Erlang/Ruby BERT-RPC Server.
  • yaws - Yaws webserver
  • nitrogen - Nitrogen Web Framework for Erlang (now with websockets!)
  • sinan - Erlang/OTP oriented build system
  • egitd - The Erlang git-daemon
  • fuzed - A new revision of Fuzed, the Erlang-based frontend for web apps. Check out the mailing list at


  • Juniper - FRP (Functional Reactive Programming) for the Arduino and other microcontrollers


  • fasthttp - Fast HTTP package for Go. Tuned for high performance. Zero memory allocations in hot paths. Up to 10x faster than net/http
  • bigcache - Efficient cache for gigabytes of data written in Go.
  • freecache - A cache library for Go with zero GC overhead.
  • offheap - an off-heap hash-table in Go. Used to be called go-offheap-hashtable, but we shortened it.
  • go-flags - go command line option parser
  • go-isatty -
  • go-colorable -
  • color - Color package for Go (golang)
  • redigo - Go client for Redis
  • godep - dependency tool for go
  • go-spec - Another interpretation of RSpec for Go (golang)
  • http2 - HTTP/2 for The Go programming language
  • notify - File system event notification library on steroids.
  • apns2 - ⚡ HTTP/2 Apple Push Notification Service (APNs) push provider for Go — Send push notifications to iOS, tvOS, and OSX apps, using the new APNs HTTP/2 protocol.
  • gox - A dead simple, no frills Go cross compile tool
  • dante - Build tests against Docker images by harnessing the power of layers
  • zerorpc - Golang ZeroRPC client/server library
  • msgpack - MessagePack encoding for Golang
  • goczmq - goczmq is a golang wrapper for CZMQ v3.
  • zmq4 - A Go interface to ZeroMQ version 4
  • terraform - Terraform is a tool for building, changing, and combining infrastructure safely and efficiently.
  • vault - A tool for managing secrets.
  • go-fuzz - Randomized testing for Go
  • securecompare - Secure Comparison in Go
  • go.uuid - UUID package for Go
  • lantern - ⚡ Open Internet for everyone. Lantern is a free desktop application that delivers fast, reliable and secure access to the open Internet for users in censored regions. It uses a variety of techniques to stay unblocked, including P2P and domain fronting. Lantern relies on users in uncensored regions acting as access points to the open Internet.
  • surgemq - High-Performance MQTT Server and Client Libraries
  • iter - Range over integers [0,n). Seriously, that's it.
  • gotty - Share your terminal as a web application
  • pond - Pond
  • hamming - Hamming distance and bit counting primitives in Go (golang)
  • gxui - An experimental Go cross platform UI library.
  • xz - Pure golang package for reading and writing xz-compressed files
  • purell - tiny Go library to normalize URLs
  • goji - Goji is a minimalistic web framework for Golang that's high in antioxidants.
  • go-debug - Conditional debug logging for Golang libraries & applications
  • keccak - Keccak cgo port of Round3 NIST SHA3 submission
  • acl - IP Access Control Lists (ACLs) for Go (Golang)
  • bloomfilter - Face-meltingly fast, thread-safe, marshalable, unionable, probability- and optimal-size-calculating Bloom filter in go
  • xorm - Simple and Powerful ORM for Go, support mysql,postgres,tidb,sqlite3,mssql,oracle
  • gorp - Go Relational Persistence - an ORM-ish library for Go
  • fortuna - An implementation of Ferguson and Schneier's Fortuna random number generator in Go.
  • mustache - The mustache template language in Go
  • siphash - Go implementation of SipHash-2-4, a fast short-input PRF created by Jean-Philippe Aumasson and Daniel J. Bernstein.
  • wingo - A fully-featured window manager written in Go.
  • ipaddr - Package ipaddr provides basic functions for the manipulation of IP address prefixes and subsequent addresses as described in RFC 4632 and RFC 4291
  • tunny - A goroutine pool for golang
  • igo - Intermediate GoLang source representation
  • rsapss - backport of crypto/rsa with pss
  • goopt - getopt-like flags package for golang,
  • docker - Docker - the open-source application container engine
  • email - Robust and flexible email library for Go
  • tackgo - Package for Go (work in progress)
  • scrypt - Go package scrypt implements the scrypt key derivation function as defined in Colin Percival's paper "Stronger Key Derivation via Sequential Memory-Hard Functions".
  • pq - Pure Go Postgres driver for database/sql


  • ui-icon - Fontawesome icons with Ember flare
  • fastclick - Polyfill to remove click delays on browsers with touch UIs
  • nutrition-label - Create a FDA-style nutrition label with any nutrition data source (even the Nutritionix API -
  • picky - Picky is an easy to use and fast Ruby semantic search engine that helps your users find what they are looking for.
  • django-grappelli - A jazzy skin for the Django Admin-Interface (official repository).
  • puppet-tomcat - Tomcat puppet module


  • stanford-cs240h - Course materials for Stanford CS240h, "Functional Systems in Haskell"
  • snaplet-hdbc -
  • pronk - A small command line application for load testing web servers. Think of it as similar to httperf or ab, only more modern and simpler to deal with.
  • configurator - A Haskell library supporting flexible, dynamic file-based configuration.
  • riak-haskell-client - A fast Haskell client library for the Riak decentralized data store
  • ghcjs - Haskell to JavaScript compiler, based on GHC
  • snap - Snap project starter executable plus some libraries for building web apps
  • bird - A sinatra-ish framework written in haskell, riding on top of Hack
  • Hubris - Bridge from Ruby to Haskell
  • yesod - A RESTful Haskell web framework built on WAI.


  • turbolinks-android - Native Android adapter for building hybrid apps with Turbolinks 5
  • bookkeeper - Twitter's fork of Apache BookKeeper (will push changes upstream eventually)
  • argon2-jvm - Argon2 Binding for the JVM
  • react-native - A framework for building native apps with React.
  • thread_safe - [DEPRECATED] Thread-safe collections for Ruby (merged with concurrent-ruby)
  • ObjectFabric - The awesome way to write Web, mobile & desktop apps for the cloud
  • Skein3Fish - A Skein and Threefish software suite for C, Java, and Go
  • exhibitor - ZooKeeper co-process for instance monitoring, backup/recovery, cleanup and visualization.
  • xcode-plugin - Xcode integration for mobile/iOS developments (iPhone, iPad, ...).
  • cas - Apereo CAS - Enterprise Single Sign On for all
  • objectfabric - Versioning for Web Resources
  • Priam - Co-Process for backup/recovery, Token Management, and Centralized Configuration management for Cassandra.
  • curator - ZooKeeper client wrapper and rich ZooKeeper framework
  • msgpack - MessagePack is an extremely efficient object serialization library. It's like JSON, but very fast and small.
  • scrypt - Java implementation of scrypt
  • Skein3Fish - A Skein and Threefish software suite for C, Java, and Go
  • linkedin-zookeeper - This project provides utilities and wrappers around ZooKeeper
  • johm - JOhm is a Object-hash mapping library for Java for storing objects in Redis
  • flume-cassandra-plugin - A plugin for flume that allows you to use Cassandra as a sink.
  • opentsdb - A scalable, distributed Time Series Database.
  • hbase - HBase an open-source implementation of Google’s Bigtable, a massively distributed, scalable, reliable, non-relational database.
  • oozie - Oozie - workflow engine for Hadoop
  • jedis - A blazingly small and sane redis java client
  • flume - WE HAVE MOVED to Apache Incubator. . Flume is a distributed, reliable, and available service for efficiently collecting, aggregating, and moving large amounts of log data. It has a simple and flexible architecture based on streaming data flows. It is robust and fault tolerant with tunable reliability mechanisms and many failover and recovery mechanisms. The system is centrally managed and allows for intelligent dynamic management. It uses a simple extensible data model that allows for online analytic applications.
  • AndroidPushNotificationsDemo - A example of an android app that receives push notifications using MQTT.
  • mb-zookeeper - Ruby Interface to ZooKeeper
  • sqoop - Sqoop has moved to Apache!
  • blueprints - A Property Graph Model Interface
  • elasticsearch - Open Source, Distributed, RESTful Search Engine
  • legacy-jclouds - jclouds is an open source library that helps you get started in the cloud and reuse your java development skills. Our api allows you to freedom to use portable abstractions or cloud-specific features. We support many clouds including Amazon, VMWare, Azure, and Rackspace.
  • gremlin - A Graph Traversal Language
  • erjang - A JVM-based Erlang VM
  • Solandra - Solandra = Solr + Cassandra
  • avro - Mirror of Apache Avro


  • fastboot - FastBoot is a library for rendering Ember.js applications in Node.js.
  • node-argon2 - Node.js bindings for Argon2 hashing algorithm
  • Semantic-UI - Semantic is a UI component framework based around useful principles from natural language.
  • redux - Predictable state container for JavaScript apps
  • js-csp - CSP channels for Javascript (like Clojurescript's core.async, or Go)
  • ember-cli-coffeescript - Adds precompilation of CoffeeScript files and all the basic generation types to the ember generate command.
  • ember-magma - Component suite with UI elements for Ember.js
  • ember-sortable - Sortable UI primitives for Ember.js
  • ember-inspector -
  • ember.js - Ember.js - A JavaScript framework for creating ambitious web applications
  • ember-engines - Experimental support for the Ember Engines RFC
  • PhotoSwipe - JavaScript image gallery for mobile and desktop, modular, framework independent
  • dragula - 👌 Drag and drop so simple it hurts
  • grunt-requirejs - RequireJs (r.js) plugin for grunt.js
  • r.js - Runs RequireJS in Node and Rhino, and used to run the RequireJS optimizer
  • js-scrypt - Emscripten-compiled Javascript version of scrypt, a high-quality password-based key derivation function.
  • watch - In case you forget what time it is
  • react-motion-menu - Motion menu component powered by React Motion.
  • immutable-js - Immutable persistent data collections for Javascript which increase efficiency and simplicity.
  • CodeMirror - In-browser code editor
  • ParseReact - Seamlessly bring Parse data into your React applications.
  • parse-server - Parse-compatible API server module for Node/Express
  • backbone-react-component - A bit of nifty glue that automatically plugs your Backbone models and collections into your React components, on the browser and server
  • jquery_round_image - jQuery Round Image
  • react-components - Searchable repository of React-components
  • npm-server - local npm registry w/ real registry fallback
  • KineticJS - KineticJS is an HTML5 Canvas JavaScript framework that extends the 2d context by enabling canvas interactivity for desktop and mobile applications.
  • GLClient-outdated - Old GLClient repository superseded by
  • log.js - super light-weight nodejs logging + streaming log reader
  • angular-requirejs-seed -
  • Modernizr - Modernizr is a JavaScript library that detects HTML5 and CSS3 features in the user’s browser.
  • ace - Ace ( Cloud9 Editor)
  • EaselJS - The Easel Javascript library provides a full, hierarchical display list, a core interaction model, and helper classes to make working with the HTML5 Canvas element much easier.
  • Nodelike - Node.js-compatible Framework for iOS. Core technology of the project.
  • express-secure-skeleton - Basic Express.js v3 skeleton app implementing some basic secure defaults
  • helmet - Help secure Express apps with various HTTP headers
  • tributary - rapid prototyping with d3.js
  • vapor.js - The World's Smallest & Fastest JavaScript Library
  • convergence - Integration repo for various forks and non-merged patches for Convergence floating around
  • marquette - MQTT Control panel written in node.js
  • beef - The Browser Exploitation Framework Project
  • wbem-explorer - Explore standards-based instrumentation
  • gaia - Gaia is a HTML5-based Phone UI for the Boot 2 Gecko Project. NOTE: For details of what branches are used for what releases, see
  • zotonic - Zotonic - The Erlang Web Framework & CMS
  • webstartup-toolbar-safari - safari add-on: pulls crunchbase, linkedin, and quantcast / compete / alexa data on any website
  • pocketio - SocketIO PSGI App
  • mercury - Mercury Editor: The Rails HTML5 WYSIWYG editor
  • node-quickcheck - Node.js port of the QuickCheck unit test framework
  • knockout.model - A base model for Knockout.js entities
  • cluster - Node.JS multi-core server manager with plugins support.
  • hookbox - main repo
  • node-mongrel2 - Please See m2njs
  • JSLint - The JavaScript Code Quality Tool
  • uglifier - Ruby wrapper for UglifyJS JavaScript compressor.
  • -
  • backbone - Give your JS App some Backbone with Models, Views, Collections, and Events
  • UglifyJS - JavaScript parser / mangler / compressor / beautifier library for NodeJS
  • puppet-dashboard - The Puppet Dashboard is a web interface providing node classification and reporting features for Puppet, an open source system configuration management tool
  • spark -
  • ICanHaz.js - A clean solution for templating with Mustache.js and jQuery or Zepto
  • livereload - LiveReload applies CSS/JS changes to Safari or Chrome w/o reloading the page (and autoreloads the page when HTML changes)
  • connect - Connect is a middleware layer for Node.js
  • node-websocket-server - [DEPRECATED] A WebSocket server written in low-level node.js, should be 90-100% spec compatible.
  • hummingbird - Real time web analytics using node.js and web sockets
  • mongoose - MongoDB object modeling designed to work in an asynchronous environment.
  • zeromq.node - Node.js bindings to the zeromq library
  • gollum - A simple, Git-powered wiki with a sweet API and local frontend.
  • - Realtime application framework (Node.JS server)
  • - Realtime application framework (client)
  • ringojs - RingoJS is a JavaScript platform built on the JVM and optimized for server-side applications.
  • haskellinjavascript - A haskell interpreter in javascript
  • Mu - A Node.js Mustache template engine (and compiler)
  • hd-kiosk -
  • node-mongodb-native - Mongo DB Native NodeJS Driver
  • underscore - JavaScript's utility _ belt
  • Twiggy - AnyEvent based non-blocking PSGI web server (like Thin)
  • mustache.js - Minimal templating with {{mustaches}} in JavaScript
  • npm - a package manager for javascript
  • hookbox - HookBox is a Comet server and message queue that tightly integrates with your existing web application via web hooks and a REST interface.
  • qunit - An easy-to-use JavaScript Unit Testing framework.
  • tracker_hacks - Greasemonkey scripts to add functionality to Pivotal Tracker
  • narwhal - [DEPRECATED] A JavaScript standard library, package manager, and more.
  • hobo-jquery - Hobo plugin for jQuery.UI widgets. This has been merged into Hobo 1.4.
  • nitro - Nitro Web Application Framework
  • xlsuite - CRM & CMS | Integrated Business Management Platform Built In Ruby
  • eldap - Erlang LDAP API
  • jack - A port of Rack for the JavaScript JSGI web server interface
  • jasmine - DOM-less simple JavaScript testing framework
  • cufon - Fast text replacement with canvas and VML - no Flash or images required.
  • sunspot - Solr-powered search for Ruby objects


  • xen-api - The Xapi Project's XenAPI Server


  • Dash-Plugin-for-Xcode - Plugin for Xcode to integrate the Dash documentation viewer app
  • CocoaMark - Simple Markdown rendering for Cocoa using hoedown under the hood
  • ResearchKit - ResearchKit is an open source software framework that makes it easy to create apps for medical research or for other research projects.
  • KernelPanic-10LOC - An Xcode project for testing the recently found kernel panic on iOS devices
  • breakaway - Breakaway for Mac (fork) - Automatically disable speakers when headphones are removed, with support for Mavericks 10.9, Yosemite 10.10 and El Capitan 10.11
  • Sparkle - A software update framework for macOS
  • ClipMenu - A clipboard manager for Mac OS X
  • EasySIMBL - EasySIMBL is modified "SIMBL" for OS X 10.7, 10.8, 10.9 or 10.10 supporting sandbox, resume. No installer.
  • ios-offline-reverse-geocode-country - iOS Class to reverse geocode country without any geocoding service API, reverse geocodes offline using static data.
  • CHCSVParser - A proper CSV parser for Objective-C
  • SkyLab - Multivariate & A/B Testing for iOS and Mac
  • CargoBay - The Essential StoreKit Companion
  • GroundControl - Remote configuration for iOS
  • RestKit - RestKit is a framework for consuming and modeling RESTful web resources on iOS and OS X
  • core-plot - Core Plot source code and example applications
  • FBDigitalFont - This library includes some kind of digital fonts (not TTF or something, just CoreGraphics drawing)
  • GRMustache - Flexible and production-ready Mustache templates for MacOS Cocoa and iOS
  • MMMarkdown - An Objective-C framework for converting Markdown to HTML.
  • RNFrostedSidebar - A Control Center-esque control with blurred background and toggle animations.
  • Seil - Seil (PCKeyboardHack) applies a patch to a keyboard driver. You can change CapsLock behavior, and activate dead keys on non-Apple keyboard.
  • QMBTabs - Tab View Controller just like Safari or mobile Chrome
  • REActivityViewController - [DEPRECATED] Open source alternative to UIActivityViewController, highly customizable and compatible with iOS 5.0.
  • socket.IO-objc - v0.7.2 — 0.9.x for iOS and OS X
  • - (deprecated). Please use . Node.js with iOS. It's using
  • SKTogglesControl - SKTogglesControl is a customizable multiple toggle UIControl based on SVSegmentedControl
  • security-check - Application level, attached debug detect and jailbreak checking
  • SIAlertView - An UIAlertView replacement with block syntax and fancy transition styles.
  • MagicalRecord - Super Awesome Easy Fetching for Core Data 1!!!11!!!!1!
  • ObjectiveMixin - Ruby-like mixin functionality for Objective-C programs.
  • stackmob-ios-sdk - The official repository for the StackMob iOS SDK
  • ADManager - ADManager
  • crackify - Protection for iOS apps from cracking
  • Kiwi - Simple BDD for iOS
  • SVGKit - A Cocoa framework for rendering SVG files as Core Animation layers
  • RESTMagic - RESTmagic: Make a nice API and we'll do the REST: an iOS framework that provides automatic view routing. deploy new features without waiting for the appstore, and then implement the native views when you have the resources.
  • iTerm2 - iTerm2 is a terminal emulator for Mac OS X that does amazing things.
  • aws-sdk-ios-v1 - Deprecated
  • Senbei - An iPhone client for Fat Free CRM
  • ioctocat - iOctocat v1 - GitHub for iOS (works on the iPhone, iPad, and iPod Touch)
  • apxml - XML DOM for iPhone and iPod Touch
  • nu - Nu is an interpreted Lisp that builds on the Objective-C runtime and Foundation framework.



  • phoronix-test-suite - The Phoronix Test Suite open-source, cross-platform automated testing/benchmarking software.
  • racktables - RackTables source code
  • phppgadmin - the premier web-based administration tool for postgresql




  • starred - GitHub starred: make your own awesome lists page by GitHub star!
  • OS-X-Security-and-Privacy-Guide - A practical guide to securing OS X
  • openFEC - The first RESTful API for the Federal Election Commission. We're aiming to make campaign finance more accessible for journalists, academics, developers, and other transparency seekers.
  • TraktForVLC - Automatically what you're watching on VLC
  • SpoofMAC - 💼 Change your MAC address for debugging
  • baseimage-docker - A minimal Ubuntu base image modified for Docker-friendliness
  • mesos-hydra - MPICH2 Hydra scheduler for Apache Mesos.
  • autotest - Autotest - Fully automated tests on Linux
  • GlobaLeaks - GlobaLeaks, the first open-source whistleblowing framework.
  • pgcli - Postgres CLI with autocompletion and syntax highlighting
  • tahoe-lafs - The Tahoe-LAFS decentralized secure filesystem.
  • nmcontrol - Namecoin Control. Pull requests for dns plugin/service please use the dns-dev branch. End users and everyone else please use the master branch.
  • rust-gc-notes - Notes from implementing precise GC in Rust, summer 2012
  • pyston - An open-source Python implementation using JIT techniques.
  • toml - Python lib for TOML
  • securedrop - GitHub repository for the SecureDrop whistleblower platform. Do not submit tips here!
  • nupic - Numenta Platform for Intelligent Computing: a brain-inspired machine intelligence platform, and biologically accurate neural network based on cortical learning algorithms.
  • awesome_print - Ruby's port to Python
  • zookeeper_dashboard - Django based dashboard for an Apache ZooKeeper cluster.
  • nova-billing -
  • zerorpc-python - zerorpc for python
  • pulp-console - Console for Pulp ( Python API
  • pythonbrew - Python Environment manager
  • pg_extractor - PG Extractor - Advanced PostgreSQL Dump Filter
  • bulbs - A Python persistence framework for graph databases like Neo4j, OrientDB and Titan.
  • dropship - Instantly transfer files between Dropbox accounts using only their hashes.
  • virtualenv - Virtual Python Environment builder
  • pip - The PyPA recommended tool for installing Python packages
  • django-ldap-groups - Clone from supporting OS X Open Directory
  • overseer - A status board built with Django
  • schematics - Python Data Structures for Humans™.
  • gargoyle - Feature switches in Django
  • hd-captiveportal -
  • django-compress - Git repository for django-compress
  • paver - Python-based project scripting.
  • mrjob - Run MapReduce jobs on Hadoop or Amazon Web Services
  • pythonbrew - Python Environment manager
  • hd-ledsigns - Appengine app for managing the signs
  • membase-cli - Command Line tools for Administering the NorthScale Membase Server
  • reporter - NOTE: The Firefox Input codebase is now available under
  • velruse - Simplifying third-party authentication for web applications.
  • riak-python-client - The Riak client for Python.
  • flask - A microframework based on Werkzeug, Jinja2 and good intentions
  • cmpi-bindings - Using SWIG to write CIM (CMPI) providers in any (scripting) language
  • mitmproxy - An interactive SSL-capable intercepting HTTP proxy for penetration testers and software developers
  • murder - Large scale server deploys using BitTorrent and the BitTornado library
  • git-review - An interactive shell for reviewing diffs in a git repository.
  • hd-signup - The member signup/billing/spreedly/RFID management application for Hacker Dojo
  • hd-signin -
  • libcloud - Apache Libcloud is a Python library which hides differences between different cloud provider APIs and allows you to manage different cloud resources through a unified and easy to use API
  • gunicorn - gunicorn 'Green Unicorn' is a WSGI HTTP Server for UNIX, fast clients and sleepy applications.
  • zookeeper_dashboard - Django based dashboard for an Apache ZooKeeper cluster.
  • django-socialregistration - Combining OpenID, OAuth and FacebookConnect signup in one application
  • bup - Please switch to using the repo instead!
  • python-varnish - Simple Python interface for the Varnish management port
  • tornado - Tornado is a Python web framework and asynchronous networking library, originally developed at FriendFeed.
  • unholy - a ruby-to-pyc compiler
  • uscode - The United States Code
  • django-sphinx - A transparent layer for full-text search using Sphinx and Django
  • nbhttp - non-blocking HTTP. All further development will be at mnot/thor.
  • celery - Distributed Task Queue (development branch)
  • redbot - RED checks HTTP resources. See
  • tweetapp - Framework for creating Twitter apps on App Engine


  • tax_girl - Simple tool that help's keeping calculation logic explicit using a pretty ruby DSL
  • uirusu - A rubygem for interacting with's public API v2
  • rubygems-verification - Tools and data used to verify gems on
  • rubycheck - a Ruby port of the QuickCheck unit test framework
  • pry-awesome_print - pry + awesome_print automagically without .pryrc
  • scrypt-ruby - Universal SCrypt adapter library
  • cylons -
  • latinum - Latinum is a framework for resource and currency calculations.
  • typescript-rails - An asset pipeline wrapper for the TypeScript language
  • representable - Maps representation documents from and to Ruby objects. Includes JSON, XML and YAML support, plain properties and compositions.
  • sys-filesystem - A Ruby library for getting filesystem information
  • ikxDHCP - Ruby based DHCP server and client, purely for learning
  • eye - Process monitoring tool. Inspired from Bluepill and God.
  • diaspora - A privacy-aware, distributed, open source social network.
  • ruby-SSLscanner - A simple and easy to use SSL Cipher scanner
  • poise - A set of libraries for writing reusable Chef cookbooks
  • concurrent-ruby - Modern concurrency tools including agents, futures, promises, thread pools, supervisors, and more. Inspired by Erlang, Clojure, Scala, Go, Java, JavaScript, and classic concurrency patterns.
  • em-hiredis - Eventmachine redis client
  • scenic - Versioned database views for Rails
  • draper - Decorators/View-Models for Rails Applications
  • fog-xenserver - Module for the 'fog' gem to support XENSERVER
  • redlock-rb - Redlock Redis-based distributed locks implementation in Ruby
  • redis-namespace - This gem adds a Redis::Namespace class which can be used to namespace Redis keys.
  • redis-rb - A Ruby client library for Redis
  • bondo - Bondo - Deterministic Ruby multi-object "inheritance" (composition) spackle
  • ruby-net-ldap - Pure Ruby LDAP library
  • pry-inline - Inline variables view like RubyMine in Pry
  • memory_profiler - memory_profiler for ruby
  • oink - Log parser to identify actions which significantly increase VM heap size
  • synapse - A transparent service discovery framework for connecting an SOA
  • vault-rails - A Rails plugin for easily integrating Vault secrets
  • antlr3 - Fully-featured ruby parser generation using ANTLR version 3
  • legacy-homebrew - 💀 The former home of 🍺 the missing package manager for OS X
  • rustboot - A tiny 32 bit kernel written in Rust
  • float-formats - Ruby tools for handling floating point representations
  • spirit_hands - Pry-based enhancements for the default Rails 3 and 4 consoles
  • panoptimon - The All-Seeing System Monitor Daemon
  • rack-referrals - Extracts referring search engine info.
  • should_not - The original Ruby library to enforce that specs do not begin with "should"
  • pry-bloodline - A glorious descendant of a noble lineage of status lines, to be used with Pry.
  • ofx_for_ruby - OFX for Ruby is a pure Ruby implementation of Open Financial Exchange specifications (1.0.2 through 2.1.1) for building both financial clients and servers, providing parsers/serializers for each version, and a uniform object model across all versions.
  • ofx_for_ruby - OFX for Ruby is a pure Ruby implementation of Open Financial Exchange specifications (1.0.2 through 2.1.1) for building both financial clients and servers, providing parsers/serializers for each version, and a uniform object model across all versions.
  • hirb-unicode - Unicode support for hirb
  • pgcrypto - A transparent ActiveRecord::Base extension pgcrypto encrypted columns
  • octopus - Database Sharding for ActiveRecord
  • prawn - Fast, Nimble PDF Writer for Ruby
  • x12 - An ANSI X12 parser
  • railroady - Ruby on Rails 3/4 model and controller UML class diagram generator. Originally based on the "railroad" plugin and contributions of many others. (brew/port/apt-get install graphviz before use!)
  • eu_central_bank - A gem that calculates the exchange rate using published rates from European Central Bank. Compatible with the money gem
  • money - A Ruby Library for dealing with money and currency conversion.
  • money-open-exchange-rates - A gem that calculates the exchange rate using published rates from open-exchange-rates. Compatible with the money gem.
  • money-rails - Integration of RubyMoney - Money with Rails
  • spree_social - Building block for spree social networking features (provides authentication and account linkage)
  • usps - USPS Webtools API for Ruby
  • seedbed - Plant Seeds like Jack's Beans and climb the stalk to ugh.
  • paper_trail - Track changes to your models' data. Good for auditing or versioning.
  • rbtrace - like strace, but for ruby code
  • safe_yaml - Parse YAML safely
  • paranoia - acts_as_paranoid for Rails 3 & 4
  • faraday - Simple, but flexible HTTP client library, with support for multiple backends.
  • contracts.ruby - Contracts for Ruby.
  • ruby-advisory-db - A database of vulnerable Ruby Gems
  • active_shipping - ActiveShipping is a simple shipping abstraction library extracted from Shopify
  • rails-assets - The solution to assets management in Rails
  • bandit - A multi-armed bandit optimization framework for Rails
  • redis-session-store - A simple session store for Rails based on Redis.
  • referer-parser-rails - Referer-parser for Rails
  • meta-tags - Search Engine Optimization (SEO) plugin for Ruby on Rails applications.
  • sidetiq - Recurring jobs for Sidekiq
  • maxminddb - Pure Ruby GeoIP2 MaxMind DB reader.
  • default_value_for - Provides a way to specify default values for ActiveRecord models
  • rails_locale_detection - Locale setting for rails projects
  • momentjs-rails - The Moment.js JavaScript library ready to play with the Rails Asset Pipeline
  • bower-rails - Bundler-like DSL + rake tasks for Bower on Rails
  • ssl_requirement - SSL Requirement plugin
  • respec - Rerun failing RSpec examples easily.
  • bootstrap-sass - Official Sass port of Bootstrap 2 and 3.
  • stringprep - Stringprep [RFC 3454] - pure Ruby implementation
  • elasticsearch-rails - Elasticsearch integrations for ActiveModel/Record and Ruby on Rails
  • puppetlabs-concat - File concatenation system for Puppet
  • dep-selector-libgecode - Bundled Gecode Libraries for dep-selector
  • redis-rails - Redis stores for Ruby on Rails
  • browser - Do some browser detection with Ruby. Includes ActionController integration.
  • example-puppet-hardening - Deprecated: Use instead
  • net-http-persistent - Thread-safe persistent connections with Net::HTTP
  • treetop - A Ruby-based parsing DSL based on parsing expression grammars.
  • rubyzip - Offical Rubyzip repository
  • Markus - Git repository of MarkUs
  • rugged-redis - Redis storage backend for rugged
  • oui - Organizationally Unique Identifier (OUI) offline database for Ruby
  • secureheaders - Security related headers all in one gem
  • ruby-coffee-script - Ruby CoffeeScript Compiler
  • pry-gist - virtual pry plugin that explicitly enables gist support
  • rbnacl-libsodium - RbNaCl + libsodium packaged as a gem
  • rbnacl - Ruby binding to the Networking and Cryptography (NaCl) library
  • ruby-uuid - Creates UUIDs version 1, 3, 4, and 5 in pure ruby.
  • rqrcode - A Ruby library that encodes QR Codes
  • sequential - Scoped, thread safe sequences for ActiveRecord models
  • bullet - help to kill N+1 queries and unused eager loading
  • parallel_tests - Rails: 2 CPUs = 2x Testing Speed for RSpec, Test::Unit and Cucumber
  • opal - Ruby to JavaScript compiler
  • jstz-rails - jstz.js GEMified for the Rails >= 3.1 asset pipeline
  • rack-attack - Rack middleware for blocking & throttling
  • paperclip-optimizer - Minify Paperclip image uploads
  • errbit - The open source error catcher that's Airbrake API compliant
  • heroics - Ruby HTTP client for APIs represented with JSON schema
  • sidekiq_monitor - Advanced monitoring for Sidekiq
  • split - 📈 The Rack Based AB testing framework
  • rails-observers - Rails observer (removed from core in Rails 4.0)
  • actionpack-page_caching - Static page caching for Action Pack (removed from core in Rails 4.0)
  • etagger - Declare what goes in to your ETags: asset versions, account ID, etc.
  • redis-i18n - Redis stores for I18n
  • cdnjs-rails - A mechanized way to pull in one to many CDNJS libraries with fall back to local installed versions.
  • sidekiq-rate-limiter - Redis-backed, per-worker rate limits for job processing.
  • i18n_rails_helpers - Rails i18n view helpers for things like crud actions, models and and attributes
  • has_accounts - Rails plugin providing financal accounting models and helpers
  • countries - All sorts of useful information about every country packaged as convenient little country objects. It includes data from ISO 3166 (countries and states/subdivisions ), ISO 4217 (currency), and E.164 (phone numbers).
  • parallel - Ruby: parallel processing made simple and fast
  • google-api-ruby-client -
  • tzinfo - TZInfo - Ruby Timezone Library
  • tzinfo-data - TZInfo::Data - Timezone Data for TZInfo
  • famfamfam_flags_rails - DEPRECATED FAMFAMFAM flag icons packaged for the Rails 3.1+ asset pipeline
  • detect_timezone_rails - Simple Rails 3.1+ gem for better timezone detection
  • selfstarter - Roll your own crowdfunding
  • fasterer-csv - A faster implementation fo a CSV parser than FasterCSV
  • god - Ruby process monitor
  • foreman_god - God configuration with Procfiles
  • textacular - Textacular exposes full text search capabilities from PostgreSQL, and allows you to declare full text indexes. Textacularwill extend ActiveRecord with named_scope methods making searching easy and fun!
  • anvil-cli - Builds as a service
  • socksify-ruby - Redirect any TCP connection initiated by a Ruby script through a SOCKS5 proxy
  • amp - Version Control in Ruby. Mercurial Compatible. Big ideas.
  • viiite - An alternative to ruby Benchmark
  • rails_db_info - Rails engine which will give you a quick display of your database schema and contents for reference
  • gender_detector - Get gender from first name in ruby.
  • activeadmin-globalize -
  • activeadmin-axlsx - ActiveAdmin plugin using Axlsx for adding Excel (xlsx) download links for your resources
  • petrie - Pages for your Rails app
  • ansitags - Converts ANSI codes to HTML tags
  • ruby_gntp - Ruby library for GNTP(Growl Notification Transport Protocol) client
  • waxseal - Big official brass stamp to make signing gems dead simple.
  • nsa_panel - Easily add an NSA backdoor into your Rails app.
  • bulletin -
  • padrino-cancan - Padrino can can use all CanCan goodies
  • fc-webicons-rails - Fairhead Creative's resolution-independent social web icons
  • postgres_ext - Adds support for missing PostgreSQL data types to ActiveRecord
  • pry-rescue - Start a pry session whenever something goes wrong.
  • sprite-factory - Automatic CSS Sprite Generator
  • idn-ruby - LibIDN Ruby Bindings.
  • bundler_signature_check - Figure out which gems are signed given a Gemfile.lock
  • awesome_print_motion - awesome_print gem for RubyMotion
  • mobiruby-ios - iOS app development environment on mruby
  • packaging -
  • trlinkin-sysctl - A puppet type written in ruby to manage sysctl.
  • parse_apply_infuriation_engine -
  • hiera-gpg - GPG Backend to HIera
  • fpm - Effing package managers! Build packages for multiple platforms (deb, rpm, etc) with great ease and sanity.
  • torquebox-webconsole - An extension to rack-webconsole that allows attaching the console to any TorqueBox app runtime.
  • redis_failover - redis_failover is a ZooKeeper-based automatic master/slave failover solution for Ruby.
  • xenapi - Xen API XMLRPC Client
  • rubywbem - RubyWBEM Fork
  • rtags - Ruby Tags. Extract Tag info from Ruby code to navigate with Vim or Emacs
  • rubygems-mirror - The gem mirror RubyGems command, creates local mirrors of all gems from a remote gem source.
  • ruby-net-ldap - Pure Ruby LDAP library
  • rack-ntlm - Rack module for NTLM Authentication
  • rubyntlm - Ruby/NTLM provides message creator and parser for the NTLM authentication.
  • ffi-rxs - Ruby FFI bindings for Crossroads I/O messaging library
  • churn - Providing additional churn metrics over the original metric_fu churn
  • celluloid-zmq - Celluloid actors that talk over the 0MQ protocol
  • require-prof - Profile your Ruby imports
  • shorturl - A Ruby gem that connects to various URL shortening services like RubyURL, moourl, etc.
  • gist - Potentially the best command line gister.
  • hiera-redis - A Redis backend for Hiera
  • EventMachine-LE - EventMachine-LE (Live Edition), a "branch" of EventMachine with fixes and more features
  • beef - Browser Exploitation Project
  • reel - Celluloid::IO-powered web server
  • require-prof - Profile your Ruby imports
  • riak-ruby-client - The Riak client for Ruby.
  • celluloid-io - Evented sockets for Celluloid actors
  • vagrant-rake - A Vagrant plugin to execute rake commands from the host in the VM
  • dfeojm - Ruby API and command-line utility.
  • reddit_backbone - sample backbone application using reddit apis
  • spin - Spin speeds up your Rails testing workflow by preloading your Rails environment.
  • dcell - Actor-based distributed objects in Ruby based on Celluloid and 0MQ
  • hiera-puppet - Puppet function and data backend for Hiera
  • downrightnow -
  • hiera-gpg - GPG Backend to HIera
  • filet - Acceptance testing DSL for Test::Unit
  • gitolite-hipchat-notification - Post-receive hook for Gitolite for sending commit messages to Campfire
  • gitlabhq - GitLab is version control for your server | Please open issues in our issue tracker on
  • - A command line tool to order food from Now you never have to leave your terminal!
  • ruby-mqtt - Pure Ruby gem that implements the MQTT protocol, a lightweight protocol for publish/subscribe messaging.
  • fission - command line tool to manage vmware fusion vms
  • puma - A ruby web server built for concurrency
  • rubycas-client-rails - Rails plugin for the RubyCAS-Client
  • rubycas-server - Provides a single sign-on solution for web applications, implementing the server-end of JA-SIG's CAS protocol.
  • pry-rails - Rails >= 3 pry initializer
  • testrocket - Super simple Ruby testing library
  • lolcat - Rainbows and unicorns!
  • guillotine - URL shortening hobby kit
  • flowdock-api - Ruby Gem for Flowdock API
  • rubygems-mirror - The gem mirror RubyGems command, creates local mirrors of all gems from a remote gem source.
  • filet - Acceptance testing DSL for Test::Unit
  • sensu - Monitoring for today's infrastructure.
  • yammer - A Ruby wrapper for the Yammer REST API
  • setec_astronomy - KeepassX ruby gem and command line interface
  • brew2deb - homebrew + fpm = debian packages
  • hiera-puppet - Puppet function and data backend for Hiera
  • hiera - Lightweight Pluggable Hierarchical Database
  • puppet-hipchat - A Puppet report processor that announces failed runs to HipChat
  • zk-eventmachine - ZK client for EventMachine-based applications
  • squeel - Active Record, improved. Live again :)
  • spdy - SPDY is a protocol designed to reduce latency of web pages
  • celluloid - Actor-based concurrent object framework for Ruby
  • rvc - RVC is a Linux console UI for vSphere, built on the RbVmomi bindings to the vSphere API.
  • ruby-net-ldap - Pure Ruby LDAP library
  • mccloud - Vagrant for the cloud
  • redmine_pastebin - A real pastebin plugin for Redmine. At last!
  • ls4 - Large-Scale Simple Storage System for Multimedia Contents
  • em-winrm - DEPRECATED: EventMachine based, asynchronous parallel client for Windows Remote Management (WinRM).
  • gemfury - Gemfury CLI and API client
  • forem - The best Rails 3 and Rails 4 forum engine. Ever.
  • goldberg - Goldberg is a lightweight CI server written in Ruby which worries about Bundler & RVM so that you don't have to.
  • stompbox - Prototype app for git deployment to TorqueBox triggered by github deploy hooks
  • chiliproject - ChiliProject is a web based project management system built on Ruby on Rails
  • altered_beast - Rails 3 port of ground-up rewrite of Beast, a Ruby on Rails forum.
  • rubycas-client-rails - Rails plugin for the RubyCAS-Client
  • omniauth-on-heroku - Omniauth with authlogic on heroku
  • fpm - Effing package management! Build packages for multiple platforms (deb, rpm, etc) with great ease and sanity.
  • RubyOnAkka - High level concurrency using Akka actors and JRuby
  • rubyntlm - Ruby/NTLM provides message creator and parser for the NTLM authentication.
  • pry - An IRB alternative and runtime developer console
  • omniship - Ruby API for Shipper APIs (UPS, FedEx, DHL)
  • slop - Simple Lightweight Option Parsing
  • mcollective-plugins - Marionette Collective Plugins
  • plutus - A Ruby on Rails Engine which provides a double entry accounting system for your application
  • dongml - Dong Markup Language
  • rubywbem - RubyWBEM Fork
  • puppet-pip - DON'T USE THIS, USE PUPPET 2.7
  • rbvmomi - Ruby interface to the VMware vSphere API. vmware/rbvmomi is the official repo.
  • hacker-dojo-rails3-code-base - This is the sample code repository for the November 2010 Hacker Dojo Rails 3 with Ruby Hands On Programming Class
  • boxgrinder-build - BoxGrinder Build is a command line tool to build appliances
  • boxgrinder-core -
  • hork - Rack middleware for compressing JS and CSS assets
  • marionette-collective - The Marionette Collective
  • http_parser.rb - simple callback-based HTTP request/response parser
  • libvirt-rb - [ABANDONED] A ruby client library providing an interface to libvirt via FFI.
  • multi_xml - A generic swappable back-end for XML parsing
  • git-fast-forward - [Deprecated] Git command that works like merge, but never creates a merge commit.
  • consular - Terminal automation
  • ronin-metasploit - [EXPERIMENT] A Ronin library which provides support for accessing The Metasploit Framework.
  • brakeman - A static analysis security vulnerability scanner for Ruby on Rails applications
  • rubyenterpriseedition187-248 - Twitter's updates to Ruby Enterprise Edition, itself based on MRI 1.8.7-p248
  • vaulted_billing - A generic interface to integrate with multiple vault-style Gateways ( CIM, NMI Customer Vault, etc.)
  • dalli - High performance memcached client for Ruby
  • simplecov - Code coverage for Ruby 1.9+ with a powerful configuration library and automatic merging of coverage across test suites
  • dripdrop - Experimental Swiss Army Knife of Network Concurrency, ZeroMQ, EventMachine, WebSockets, HTTP, and More
  • mush - A Multi-service URL Shortener gem with command-line utility (,, and supported)
  • rails_admin - RailsAdmin is a Rails engine that provides an easy-to-use interface for managing your data
  • deltacloud -
  • crowd_rails - Single sign on with Atlassian Crowd 2.0 for Ruby on Rails (unmaintained)
  • ruby-hyper-v - Admin stuff for Microsoft Hyper-V
  • rubygems-mirror - The gem mirror RubyGems command, creates local mirrors of all gems from a remote gem source.
  • wrong - Wrong provides a general assert method that takes a predicate block. Assertion failure messages are rich in detail.
  • multi_json - A generic swappable back-end for JSON handling.
  • ruby-growl - Pure-Ruby Growl Notifier
  • fabrication - Implementing the factory pattern in Ruby so you don't have to.
  • lacquer - Rails drop in for Varnish support.
  • rack-pagespeed - Page optimizations done at the Rack level
  • devise-ripple - An ORM strategy to use Devise with Riak
  • puppet-collectd - Manage collectd's configuration files with native resources
  • factory_girl_rails - Factory Girl ♥ Rails
  • ruby-protocol-buffers - An implementation of Protocol Buffers for Ruby.
  • foreman - Manage Procfile-based applications
  • heroku-versions - System reflection information for Heroku (sinatra app)
  • analytical - Gem for managing multiple analytics services in your rails app.
  • metrical - Run MetricFu without making it part of your projects depencies.
  • oauth2 - A Ruby wrapper for the OAuth 2.0 protocol.
  • activeadmin - The administration framework for Ruby on Rails applications.
  • devise_ldap_authenticatable - Devise Module for LDAP
  • boxcar_api - A gem or plugin for both the user and provider Boxcar API.
  • cucumber-puppet - Specifying Puppet catalog behavior with Cucumber
  • gem-compile - A RubyGems command plugin that creates pre-compiled binary gems from gems with extensions.
  • rack-throttle - Rack middleware for rate-limiting incoming HTTP requests.
  • mario - Mario moves between platforms with ease, he's brought his tools along to help you do the same
  • msgpack-rpc - MessagePack-RPC is an inter-process messaging library that uses MessagePack for object serialization.
  • rack-ntlm - Rack module for NTLM Authentication
  • hassle - HTTP Caching SASS for your leisure (?) This fork will work with rails 3
  • CFPropertyList - Read, write and manipulate both binary and XML property lists as defined by apple
  • ruby-openid - OpenID library for Ruby
  • xenapi - Xen API XMLRPC Client
  • delayed_job - Database backed asynchronous priority queue -- Extracted from Shopify
  • ruby-net-ldap - Pure Ruby LDAP library
  • navigasmic - Navigasmic: Semantic navigation for Rails
  • ripple - A rich Ruby modeling layer for Riak, Basho's distributed database
  • braintree_ruby - braintree ruby client library
  • streamlined - A basic port of streamlined under Rails 3.0
  • haproxy-collectd-plugin - HAProxy 1.3+ Collectd Plugin
  • churn - Providing additional churn metrics over the original metric_fu churn
  • ruby-wmi - ruby-wmi, WMI queries with an ActiveRecord style interface
  • colorize - Ruby string class extension. It add some methods to set color, background color and text effect on console easier using ANSI escape sequences.
  • closure-compiler - A Ruby Wrapper for the Google Closure Compiler
  • rack-streaming-proxy - Streaming proxy for Rack, the rainbows to Rack::Proxy's unicorn
  • ruby-zookeeper - Ruby Interface to ZooKeeper
  • ronn - the opposite of roff
  • depgrapher - Graphs RPM package dependencies using a variety of output formats
  • bert - BERT (Binary ERlang Term) serialization library for Ruby.
  • homebrew-web - Sinatra front end for the homebrew package management system
  • hassle - HTTP Caching SASS for your leisure (?)
  • backup - Easy full stack backup operations on UNIX-like systems.
  • mustache - Logic-less Ruby templates.
  • devise - Flexible authentication solution for Rails with Warden.
  • acts_as_solr_reloaded - ActsAsSolr with new features
  • trashed - Tell StatsD about request time, GC, objects and more. Latest Rails 4 and Ruby 2.1 support, and ancient Rails 2 and Ruby 1.8 support.
  • bluepill - simple process monitoring tool
  • ffi-swig-generator - Tool that generates FFI bindings from swig files
  • dnssd - Multicast DNS client for ruby! YAY!
  • linode - Ruby wrapper for the Linode automation API
  • activecim - ActiveRecord like API for CIM
  • ruby-yui-compressor - A Ruby interface to YUI Compressor for minifying JavaScript and CSS assets.
  • rb-trepanning - Ruby MRI 2.1.5, 1.9.3 or 1.9.2 debugger. See also rbx-trepanning
  • roy - make your objects REST-friendly
  • hijack - Provides an irb session to a running ruby process.
  • game_warden - Use Apache ZooKeeper to manage dynamic configuration of distributed systems
  • fog - The Ruby cloud services library.
  • torquebox - TorqueBox Ruby Platform
  • css-sprites - A Rails plugin for generate CSS sprites
  • maruku - A pure-Ruby Markdown-superset interpreter (Official Repo).
  • rack-ntlm - Rack module for NTLM Authentication
  • ruby-protobuf - Protocol Buffers for Ruby: This repository is not maintained. Please use
  • foreigner - Adds foreign key helpers to migrations and correctly dumps foreign keys to schema.rb
  • jintastic - jQuery based in-place editor generated by Formtastic
  • rantly - Ruby Imperative Random Data Generator and Quickcheck
  • async_sinatra - A plugin for Sinatra to provide a DSL extension for using Thin for asynchronous responses
  • integrity - Continuous Integration server
  • rack-bug - Debugging toolbar for Rack applications implemented as middleware
  • flapjack - Monitoring notification routing + event processing system. For issues with the Flapjack packages, please see
  • whenever - Cron jobs in Ruby
  • rubish - Ruby Interacive Shell
  • moneta - a unified interface to key/value stores
  • taps - simple database import/export app
  • dm-core - DataMapper - Core
  • sinatra - Classy web-development dressed in a DSL (official / canonical repo)
  • attr_encrypted - Generates attr_accessors that encrypt and decrypt attributes
  • juicer - A command line tool for JavaScript and CSS developers
  • rack-openid - Provides a more HTTPish API around the ruby-openid library
  • nuggets - Some extensions to the Ruby programming language.
  • pickler - PIvotal traCKer Liaison to cucumbER
  • rubycas-client - Ruby client for Yale's Central Authentication Service protocol -- an open source enterprise single sign on system for web applications.
  • rake-compiler - Provide a standard and simplified way to build and package Ruby C and Java extensions using Rake as glue.
  • authlogic - A simple ruby authentication solution.
  • rack-javascript-minifier - A sample rack middleware for intercepting requests for javascript files and minifying them.
  • hobocookbook - MOVED! The official repo is now hobo/hobocookbook
  • pickle - Easy model creation/reference in cucumber - optionally leveraging your factories/blueprints
  • rubycas-server - Provides single sign-on authentication for web applications, implementing the server-end of Jasig's CAS protocol.
  • rtags - Ruby Tags. Extract Tag info from Ruby code to navigate with Vim or Emacs
  • clearance - Rails authentication with email & password.
  • turn - Turn provides a set of alternative runners for MiniTest, both colorful and informative.
  • metric_fu - A fist full of code metrics - the original but no longer the fork of reference. See the definitive branch
  • searchlogic - Searchlogic provides object based searching, common named scopes, and other useful tools.
  • em-http-request - Asynchronous HTTP Client (EventMachine + Ruby)
  • shorturl - A Ruby gem that connects to various URL shortening services like RubyURL, moourl, etc.
  • railsbench - benchmarking tool for rails applications
  • poolparty - Run a self-healing, auto-scaled and monitored cloud simply, in the clouds, on nearly any hardware, such as EC2, eucalyptus and vmware
  • memcached - A Ruby interface to the libmemcached C client
  • configatron - A super cool, simple, and feature rich configuration system for Ruby apps.
  • aws-s3 - AWS-S3 is a Ruby implementation of Amazon's S3 REST API
  • active_scaffold - Save time and headaches, and create a more easily maintainable set of pages, with ActiveScaffold. ActiveScaffold handles all your CRUD (create, read, update, delete) user interface needs, leaving you more time to focus on more challenging (and interesting!) problems.
  • active_merchant - Active Merchant is a simple payment abstraction library extracted from Shopify. The aim of the project is to feel natural to Ruby users and to abstract as many parts as possible away from the user to offer a consistent interface across all supported gateways.
  • jruby-rack - Rack for JRuby and Java appservers
  • gravtastic - Add Gravatars to your Rubies/Rails (and now Javascript)!
  • crowd - A ruby client for Atlassian Crowd
  • cruisecontrolrb-webhook - This is a webhook that allows github pushes to trigger builds through cruisecontrol.rb
  • typus - Ruby on Rails control panel to allow trusted users edit structured content.
  • paperclip - Easy file attachment management for ActiveRecord
  • formtastic - A Rails form builder plugin with semantically rich and accessible markup.
  • nanite - self assembling fabric of ruby daemons
  • superators - Superators add new operators to Ruby
  • hobo - MOVED! The official repo is now hobo/hobo
  • spree - Spree is a complete open source e-commerce solution for Ruby on Rails.
  • ci_reporter - CI::Reporter is an add-on to popular test frameworks that allows you to generate XML reports
  • github-gem - github command line helper for simplifying your GitHub experience.
  • will_paginate - Pagination library for Rails, Sinatra, Merb, DataMapper, and more
  • rush - Ruby replacement for bash+ssh
  • audited - Audited (formerly acts_as_audited) is an ORM extension that logs all changes to your Rails models.
  • sinatra - (offically at Classy web-development dressed in a DSL


  • rust-crypto - A (mostly) pure-Rust implementation of various cryptographic algorithms.
  • rusti - REPL for the Rust programming language
  • rustboot - A multi-platform kernel written in Rust


  • msgpack-scala - MessagePack serializer implementation for Scala /[Scala]
  • spray-json - A lightweight, clean and simple JSON implementation in Scala
  • spray - A suite of scala libraries for building and consuming RESTful web services on top of Akka: lightweight, asynchronous, non-blocking, actor-based, testable
  • scalatest - A testing tool for Scala and Java developers
  • scalaz - An extension to the core Scala library for functional programming.
  • lift - Lift Web Framework legacy repo [Relocated to,]
  • swagger-play -
  • swagger-play2 - Enables Swagger on Play 2.0
  • hal-scala -
  • securesocial - A module that provides OAuth, OAuth2 and OpenID authentication for Play Framework applications
  • util - Wonderful reusable code from Twitter
  • playframework - Play Framework
  • sbt-git - A git plugin for SBT
  • ordasity - Ordasity is Boundary's library for building stateful clustered services on the JVM.
  • finagle - A fault tolerant, protocol-agnostic RPC system
  • scala-stm - A library-based Software Transactional Memory (STM) for Scala, coupled with transactional sets and maps
  • norbert - Norbert is a cluster manager and networking layer built on top of Zookeeper.
  • flockdb - A distributed, fault-tolerant graph database
  • scala-redis - A scala library for connecting to a redis server, or a cluster of redis nodes using consistent hashing on the client side.
  • sbt - sbt, the interactive build tool


  • waxeye - Waxeye is a parser generator based on parsing expression grammars (PEGs). It supports C, Java, Javascript, Python, Ruby and Scheme.


  • ruby-install-freebsd - ruby-install port for FreeBSD
  • chruby - Changes the current Ruby
  • - Testing TLS/SSL encryption
  • security-scripts - A collection of security related Python and Bash shell scripts. Analyze hosts on generic security vulnerabilities. Wrapper around popular tools like nmap (portscanner), nikto (webscanner) and (SSL/TLS scanner)
  • rvm-patchsets - A collection of patch sets for rvm to allow easy installation of my MRI patches for various ruby versions
  • runit-rpm - RPM spec for runit (
  • vmware-tools-patches - Patch and build VMware tools automatically
  • portshaker - Maintain a set of FreeBSD ports trees.
  • iso-country-flags-svg-collection - ISO code country flag icons SVG collection
  • ruby-install - Installs Ruby, JRuby, Rubinius, MagLev or MRuby
  • sed2048 - The 2048 game implemented in sed
  • bash2048 - Bash implementation of 2048 game
  • NoEjectDelay - NoEjectDelay clears the eject key delay. Use this software when you change the eject key behavior in KeyRemap4MacBook.
  • heroku-fucking-console - When I run heroku console, I want a fucking console, dammit
  • e2fsprogs-cksum-patch-queue - patch queue for checksum patches while they get reworked
  • gio - gimpy interface to the awesome github url shortener,
  • heroku-buildpack-go - Heroku Go Buildpack
  • - Mustache in POSIX shell
  • install-helpers - install helpers for ubuntu lts 10.04 and mac -- chocked full of awesome
  • rbenv-install - A really thin wrapper around ruby-build for rbenv.
  • sbt-extras - A more featureful runner for sbt, the simple/scala/standard build tool
  • balls - Bash on Balls
  • prezto - The configuration framework for Zsh
  • veewee - Easing the building of vagrant boxes
  • git-flow-completion - Bash, Zsh and fish completion support for git-flow.
  • riak - Riak is a decentralized datastore from Basho Technologies.
  • git-achievements - Aquire achievements while using git.
  • gitflow - Git extensions to provide high-level repository operations for Vincent Driessen's branching model.
  • Backup-Bouncer - A metadata test suite for OS X backup tools
  • oh-my-zsh - A delightful community-driven framework for managing your zsh configuration. Includes 200+ optional plugins (rails, git, OSX, hub, capistrano, brew, ant, php, python, etc), over 140 themes to spice up your morning, and an auto-update tool so that makes it easy to keep up with the latest updates from the community.
  • magick-installer - ImageMagick installer script because macports sucks
  • zshdb - Debugger for zsh (at least 4.3.6-dev-2)
  • rails-runit - Run Rails reliably as runit services

Standard ML


  • turbolinks-ios - Native iOS adapter for building hybrid apps with Turbolinks 5
  • MaterialKit - Material design components for iOS written in Swift
  • Quick - The Swift (and Objective-C) testing framework.
  • ZFRippleButton - Custom UIButton effect inspired by Google Material Design
  • RNCryptor - CCCryptor (AES encryption) wrappers for iOS and Mac. -- For Swift, see swift branch and release 4.0.


  • book - A textbook on informal homotopy type theory



  • vim-powerline - The ultimate vim statusline utility. DEPRECATED in favor of Lokaltog/powerline.
  • vim-airline - lean & mean status/tabline for vim that's light as air
  • vim-css-color - Preview colours in source code while editing
  • dotfiles - ~/.*
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