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Created October 7, 2015 09:24
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// conditions map
$condMap: (
"screen": "only screen",
"print": "only print",
"retina": "(-webkit-min-device-pixel-ratio: 1.5), (min--moz-device-pixel-ratio: 1.5), (-o-min-device-pixel-ratio: 3/2), (min-device-pixel-ratio: 1.5), (min-resolution: 120dpi)"
//set value by key in scss map
@function map-set($map, $key, $value) {
$new: ($key: $value);
@return map-merge($map, $new);
// generate MediaQuery strings
@each $size in $sizesList {
$condMap: map-set($condMap, "<#{nth($size,1)}", "(max-width: #{nth($size,2) - 1})");
$condMap: map-set($condMap, ">#{nth($size,1)}", "(min-width: #{nth($size,2)})");
// media query mixin
@mixin mq($args...) {
$query: "";
@for $i from 1 through length($args) {
$tmp: map-get( $condMap, nth($args, $i));
$op: "";
@if ( $i > 1 ) {
$op: "";
$query: append(unquote($query), unquote("and"), 'space');
$query: append(unquote($query), unquote(#{$tmp}), 'space');
}@else {
$query: append(unquote($query), #{$tmp}, 'space');
@media #{$query} { @content; }
@if($developer == "true") {
@each $size in $sizesList {
@media screen and (min-width: #{nth($size,2)}) {
body:after {
content: '#{nth($size,1)}';
body:before {
@each $size in $sizesList {
@if($sli != '') {
$sli: '#{append($sli, '-')}';
$sli: '#{append($sli, '#{nth($size,1)}')}';
//content: '#{nth($size,1)}';
content: $sli;
// display current MQ name
@if($developer == "true") {
@each $size in $sizesList {
@media screen and (min-width: #{nth($size,2)}) {
body:after {
content: '#{nth($size,1)}';
body:before {
@each $size in $sizesList {
@if($sli != '') {
$sli: '#{append($sli, '-')}';
$sli: '#{append($sli, '#{nth($size,1)}')}';
//content: '#{nth($size,1)}';
content: $sli;
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