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from itertools import count
import re
import os
import sys
import_1 = 'from django.utils.translation import ugettext.*'
regex_text_1 = r' _\(.*'
regex_text_2 = r'[^_](_\()[^()]*\)'
front_remove = r' _\('
last_remove = r'\)'
_include_format = r'\.format'
#having import_1 in the file remove the line from the file and create a removed.txt file that inclide all the file names that have import_1 and have been removed
def remove_text_from_file(file_name, regex_text):
find the line with the regex text in it using regex.
remove the line from the file
append the file_name to the removed.txt file
with open(file_name, 'r') as file:
lines = file.readlines()
with open(file_name, 'w') as file:
for line in lines:
if not, line):
with open('removed.txt', 'a') as removed_file:
removed_file.write(file_name + '\n')
def remove_text_from_files(text):
Remove all lines from all files from all subdirectories from this directory that contain the text but not from current file
create a new file if not exists, if exists append the file_name to the removed.txt file
for root, dirs, files in os.walk(os.getcwd()):
for file in files:
if file.endswith('.py') and file != '':
remove_text_from_file(os.path.join(root, file), text)
def min_remove_to_make_valid(S: str) -> str:
S, stack = list(S), []
for i, c in enumerate(S):
if c == ")":
if stack: stack.pop()
else: S[i] = ""
elif c == "(": stack.append(i)
for i in stack: S[i] = ""
return "".join(S)
def remove_the_first_2_chars_and_last_accolade_from_text_in_file(file, regex_text):
given the file, extraxt the list of files presetn in the file
for each file in the list, find the line with the regex text in it using regex.
if the regex text is found do the following:
- remove the first 2 chars from the line
-search the last accolade in the line and remove it
with open(file, 'r') as file1:
lines = file1.readlines()
with open(file, 'w') as file2:
for line in lines:
if not, line):
# if in the line include _include_format pass the line, else remove the first 2 chars and the last accolade
if, line):
line = re.sub(front_remove, ' ', line)
#remove only the first encountered last_remove and leave the other ones
line = re.sub(last_remove, '', line[::-1], count=1)
# add 1 space at the begining of the line
def get_list_of_files_from_text_file(file):
given the file, extraxt the list of files presetn in the file without the r"\n" and return them
list_of_files = []
with open(file, 'r') as file:
lines = file.readlines()
for line in lines:
list_of_files.append(str(line.replace('\n', '')))
return list_of_files
def remove_second_and_3rd_chars_and_solve_paranthesis_from_text_in_file(file, regex_text):
Using regex_text 2 extract all patterns from the file.
Replace the text extracted by deleting the second and 3rd char and remove the closing parantheses asociated with second deleted char
with open(file, 'r') as file1:
lines = file1.readlines()
with open(file, 'w') as file2:
for line in lines:
if not, line):
# if in the line include _include_format pass the line, else remove the first 2 chars and the last accolade
if, line):
# asign to a new variable the regex_text extracted from the line
line_regex_text =, line)
# remove second char
line = line.replace(, '')
# remove the last parantheses
line = re.sub(last_remove, '', line[::-1], count=1)
list_of_files = get_list_of_files_from_text_file('removed.txt')
for file in list_of_files:
remove_the_first_2_chars_and_last_accolade_from_text_in_file(file, regex_text_1)
for file in list_of_files:
remove_second_and_3rd_chars_and_solve_paranthesis_from_text_in_file(file, regex_text_2)
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