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Created February 5, 2018 20:31
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Replace all NEEDEDs of all ELF files in /nix/store with absolute paths.
Requires python-magic.
from __future__ import print_function
import os.path
import subprocess
from collections import namedtuple
import functools
import magic
class FileType(namedtuple('FileType', ['base_type', 'link_type'])):
NOT_INTERESTING = 'not_interesting'
EXECUTABLE = 'executable'
SHARED_OBJECT = 'shared_object'
SYMLINK = 'symlink'
NA = 'na'
STATIC = 'static'
DYNAMIC = 'dynamic'
def from_path(cls, filepath):
file_output = magic.from_file(filepath)
if file_output.startswith('ELF '):
link_type = cls.DYNAMIC
if 'statically linked' in file_output:
link_type = cls.STATIC
if 'executable' in file_output:
return cls(cls.EXECUTABLE, link_type)
if 'shared object' in file_output:
return cls(cls.SHARED_OBJECT, link_type)
return cls(cls.NOT_INTERESTING, cls.NA)
if file_output.startswith('symbolic link '):
return cls(cls.SYMLINK, cls.NA)
return cls(cls.NOT_INTERESTING, cls.NA)
class StoreFile(namedtuple('StoreFile', ['path', 'file_type', 'neededs', 'rpaths'])):
def from_path(cls, path):
file_type = FileType.from_path(path)
if file_type.base_type == FileType.NOT_INTERESTING:
return cls(path, file_type, [], [])
neededs = []
if file_type.link_type == FileType.DYNAMIC:
neededs = subprocess.check_output(['patchelf', '--print-needed', path]).strip().splitlines()
rpaths = []
if file_type.link_type == FileType.DYNAMIC:
rpaths = subprocess.check_output(['patchelf', '--print-rpath', path]).strip().split(':')
return cls(path, file_type, neededs, rpaths)
def has_needed(self, needed, check_basename=False):
for line in self.neededs:
if check_basename:
if os.path.basename(line) == needed:
return True
elif line == needed:
return True
return False
def iter_basename_neededs(self):
for needed in self.neededs:
if os.path.basename(needed) == needed:
yield needed
# TODO: update target_file.neededs as well?
def replace_needed(target_file, old_needed, new_needed):
if target_file.has_needed(old_needed):
subprocess.check_call(['patchelf', '--replace-needed', old_needed, new_needed, target_file.path])
print(" {old_needed} -> {new_needed}".format(**locals()))
print(" {old_needed} not needed; skipping".format(**locals()))
def add_needed(target_file, needed):
if target_file.has_needed(needed, check_basename=True):
print(" {needed} already in needed; skipping".format(**locals()))
subprocess.check_call(['patchelf', '--add-needed', needed, target_file.path])
print(" {needed} added".format(**locals()))
def heuristically_not_interesting(path):
_, ext = os.path.splitext(path)
return True
return False
def iter_dynamic_elf_files(store_root):
paths = subprocess.check_output(['find', store_root, '-xtype', 'f']).splitlines()
for filepath in paths:
if heuristically_not_interesting(filepath):
store_file = StoreFile.from_path(filepath)
if store_file.file_type.base_type == FileType.NOT_INTERESTING:
if store_file.file_type.link_type != FileType.DYNAMIC:
yield store_file
def chmod_r_in(parent_dir, mode):
print('chmod -R {mode} {parent_dir}/*'.format(**locals()))
for member in os.listdir(parent_dir):
subprocess.check_call(['chmod', '-R', mode, os.path.join(parent_dir, member)])
def with_writable_store(fn):
def wrapper(store_root):
chmod_r_in(store_root, 'u+w')
chmod_r_in(store_root, 'u-w')
return wrapper
class FileChecker(object):
def __init__(self):
# path -> bool
# if a path is in this dict, it has been checked before.
# if the value is true, the file existed when it was checked.
# if the value is false, it did not.
# if a path is not in this dict, it has not been checked before.
self._checked_files = dict()
def exists(self, path):
if path not in self._checked_files:
self._checked_files[path] = os.path.isfile(path)
return self._checked_files[path]
def patch_all(store_root):
checker = FileChecker()
print('reading store files in', store_root)
for elf in iter_dynamic_elf_files(store_root):
for needed in elf.iter_basename_neededs():
for rpath in elf.rpaths:
abspath = os.path.join(rpath, needed)
if checker.exists(abspath):
replace_needed(elf, needed, abspath)
if __name__ == '__main__':
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