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Last active February 3, 2022 23:32
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git: how to solve "SSLRead() return error -9806" in OSX using brew
$ brew remove git
$ brew remove curl
$ brew install openssl
$ brew install --with-openssl curl
$ brew install --with-brewed-curl --with-brewed-openssl git
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maybe your git cloud provider is unavailable. (I got this error today, Bitbucket was down)

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Me too, bit bucket SSH still down =/

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The following warnings appear:
Warning: git: --with-brewed-openssl was deprecated; using --with-openssl instead!
Warning: git: --with-brewed-curl was deprecated; using --with-curl instead!

So you should use brew install --with-curl --with-openssl git in the last step instead

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The Homebrew team has recently removed all install options for the cURL formula, which means you will not be able to do brew install curl --with-openssl now. Instead, do brew install curl-openssl. Make sure to uninstall the old one with brew uninstall curl first.

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brew install --with-curl --with-openssl git this did not work for me. I had to do plain vanilla brew install git. this worked.

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