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Created August 30, 2017 15:29
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Powerlevel9k async RPROMPT
### Based on
POWERLEVEL9K_DISABLE_RPROMPT=true #prevents default drawing of RPROMPT
setopt prompt_subst # enable command substition in prompt
PROMPT='$(left_prompt_segment)' # single quotes to prevent immediate execution
RPROMPT='' # no initial prompt, set dynamically
function precmd() {
function async() {
# uncomment to test
# sleep 2
# save to temp file
printf "%s" "$(build_right_prompt)" >! "/tmp/zsh_prompt_$$"
# signal parent
kill -s USR1 $$
# do not clear RPROMPT, let it persist
# kill child if necessary
if [[ "${ASYNC_PROC}" != 0 ]]; then
kill -s HUP $ASYNC_PROC >/dev/null 2>&1 || :
# start background computation
async &!
function TRAPUSR1() {
# read from temp file
RPROMPT="$(cat /tmp/zsh_prompt_$$)"
# reset proc number
# redisplay
zle && zle reset-prompt
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