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Created March 30, 2018 13:39
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  • Save enygma/74be512de05a599c32685d5904c09b0e to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
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A JSON formatted document of the Bugcrowd Vulnerability Rating Taxonomy v1.3
"category": "Server Security Misconfguration",
"vulnerabilities": [
"name": "Using Default Credentials",
"priority": "P1",
"variants": [
{ "type": "Production Server", "priority": "P1" },
{ "type": "Staging/Development Server", "priority": "P2" }
"name": "Misconfgured DNS",
"priority": "P2",
"variants": [
{ "type": "Subdomain Takeover", "priority": "P2" },
{ "type": "Zone Transfer", "priority": "P4" },
{ "type": "Missing Certification Authority Authorization (CAA) Record", "priority": "P5" }
"name": "Mail Server Misconfguration",
"priority": "P3",
"variants": [
{ "type": "Missing SPF on Email Domain", "priority": "P3" },
{ "type": "Email Spoofable Via Third-Party API Misconfguration", "priority": "P3" },
{ "type": "Missing SPF on Non-Email Domain", "priority": "P5" },
{ "type": "SPF Uses a Soft Fail", "priority": "P5" },
{ "type": "SPF Includes More Than 10 Lookups", "priority": "P5" },
{ "type": "Missing DKIM/DMARC", "priority": "P5" }
"name": "No Rate Limiting on Form",
"priority": "P3",
"variants": [
{ "type": "Login", "priority": "P3" },
{ "type": "Registration", "priority": "P4" },
{ "type": "Email-Triggering", "priority": "P4" }
"name": "Lack of Password Confirmation",
"priority": "P4",
"variants": [
{ "type": "Change Email Address", "priority": "P4" },
{ "type": "Change Password", "priority": "P4" },
{ "type": "Delete Account", "priority": "P4" },
{ "type": "Manage 2FA", "priority": "P5" }
"name": "Unsafe File Upload",
"priority": "P4",
"variants": [
{ "type": "No Antivirus", "priority": "P4" },
{ "type": "No Size Limit", "priority": "P4" },
{ "type": "File Extension Filter Bypass", "priority": "P5" }
"name": "Missing Secure or HTTPOnly Cookie Flag",
"priority": "P4",
"variants": [
{ "type": "Session Token", "priority": "P4" },
{ "type": "Non-Session Cookie", "priority": "P5" }
"name": "Clickjacking",
"priority": "P4",
"variants": [
{ "type": "Sensitive Action", "priority": "P4" },
{ "type": "Non-Sensitive Action", "priority": "P5" }
"name": "OAuth Misconfiguration",
"priority": "P4",
"variants": [
{ "type": "Missing State Parameter", "priority": "P4" }
"name": "Captcha Bypass",
"priority": "P4",
"variants": [
{ "type": "Implementation Vulnerability", "priority": "P4" },
{ "type": "Brute Force", "priority": "P5" }
"name": "Lack of Security Headers",
"priority": "P4",
"variants": [
{ "type": "Cache-Control for a Sensitive Page", "priority": "P4" }
"name": "Directory Listing Enabled",
"priority": "P4",
"variants": [
{ "type": "Non-Sensitive Data Exposure", "priority": "P4" },
{ "type": "Sensitive Data Exposure", "priority": "Variable" }
"name": "Directory Listing Enabled",
"priority": "P5",
"variants": [
{ "type": "Non-Sensitive Data Exposure", "priority": "P5" }
"name": "Same-Site Scripting",
"priority": "P5",
"variants": [
"name": "Cookie Scoped to Parent Domain",
"priority": "P5",
"variants": [
"name": "Exposed Admin Portal",
"priority": "P5",
"variants": [
{ "type": "To Internet", "priority": "P5" }
"name": "Missing DNSSEC",
"priority": "P5",
"variants": [
"name": "Fingerprinting/Banner Disclosure",
"priority": "P5",
"variants": [
"name": "Potentially Unsafe HTTP Method Enabled",
"priority": "P5",
"variants": [
{ "type": "OPTIONS", "priority": "P5" },
{ "type": "TRACE", "priority": "P5" }
"name": "Insecure SSL",
"priority": "P5",
"variants": [
{ "type": "Lack of Forward Secrecy", "priority": "P5" },
{ "type": "Insecure Cipher Suite", "priority": "P5" }
"name": "Reflected File Download (RFD)",
"priority": "P5",
"variants": [
"name": "Lack of Security Headers",
"priority": "P5",
"variants": [
{ "type": "X-Frame-Options", "priority": "P5" },
{ "type": "Cache-Control for a Non-Sensitive Page", "priority": "P5" },
{ "type": "X-XSS-Protection", "priority": "P5" },
{ "type": "Strict-Transport-Security", "priority": "P5" },
{ "type": "X-Content-Type-Options", "priority": "P5" },
{ "type": "Content-Security-Policy", "priority": "P5" },
{ "type": "Public-Key-Pins", "priority": "P5" },
{ "type": "X-Content-Security-Policy", "priority": "P5" },
{ "type": "X-Webkit-CSP", "priority": "P5" },
{ "type": "Content-Security-Policy-Report-Only", "priority": "P5" }
"name": "Bitsquatting",
"priority": "P5",
"variants": [
"name": "Unsafe Cross-Origin Resource Sharing",
"priority": "Variable",
"variants": [
"name": "Path Traversal",
"priority": "Variable",
"variants": [
"name": "SSL Attack (BREACH, POODLE etc.)",
"priority": "Variable",
"variants": [
"category": "Server-Side Injection",
"vulnerabilities": [
"name": "File Inclusion",
"priority": "P1",
"variants": [
{ "type": "Local", "priority": "P1" }
"name": "Remote Code Execution (RCE)",
"priority": "P1",
"variants": [
"name": "SQL Injection",
"priority": "P1",
"variants": [
{ "type": "Error-Based", "priority": "P1" },
{ "type": "Blind", "priority": "P1" }
"name": "XML External Entity Injection (XXE)",
"priority": "P1",
"variants": [
"name": "HTTP Response Manipulation",
"priority": "P3",
"variants": [
{ "type": "Response Splitting (CRLF)", "priority": "P3" }
"name": "Content Spoofng",
"priority": "P3",
"variants": [
{ "type": "iframe Injection", "priority": "P3" },
{ "type": "External Authentication Injection", "priority": "P4" },
{ "type": "Email HTML Injection", "priority": "P4" },
{ "type": "Text Injection", "priority": "P5" },
{ "type": "Homograph/IDN-Based", "priority": "P5" }
"name": "Parameter Pollution",
"priority": "P5",
"variants": [
{ "type": "Social Media Sharing Buttons", "priority": "P5" }
"category": "Broken Authentication and Session Management",
"vulnerabilities": [
"name": "Authentication Bypass",
"priority": "P1",
"variants": [
"name": "Weak Login Function",
"priority": "P3",
"variants": [
{ "type": "Over HTTP", "priority": "P3" }
"name": "Session Fixation",
"priority": "P3",
"variants": [
"name": "Failure to Invalidate Session",
"priority": "P4",
"variants": [
{ "type": "On Logout", "priority": "P4" },
{ "type": "On Password Reset", "priority": "P4" },
{ "type": "On Password Change", "priority": "P4" },
{ "type": "All Sessions", "priority": "P5" },
{ "type": "On Email Change", "priority": "P5" },
{ "type": "Long Timeout", "priority": "P5" }
"name": "Weak Registration Implementation",
"priority": "P4",
"variants": [
{ "type": "Over HTTP", "priority": "P4" }
"name": "Concurrent Logins",
"priority": "P5",
"variants": [
"name": "Privilege Escalation",
"priority": "Variable",
"variants": [
"category": "Sensitive Data Exposure",
"vulnerabilities": [
"name": "Critically Sensitive Data",
"priority": "P1",
"variants": [
{ "type": "Password Disclosure", "priority": "P1"},
{ "type": "Private API Keys", "priority": "P1"}
"name": "EXIF Geolocation Data Not Stripped From Uploaded Images",
"priority": "P3",
"variants": [
{ "type": "Automatic User Enumeration", "priority": "P3" },
{ "type": "Manual User Enumeration", "priority": "P4" }
"name": "Visible Detailed Error/Debug Page",
"priority": "P4",
"variants": [
{ "type": "Detailed Server Con guration", "priority": "P4" },
{ "type": "Full Path Disclosure", "priority": "P5" },
{ "type": "Descriptive Stack Trace", "priority": "P5" }
"name": "Token Leakage via Referer",
"priority": "P4",
"variants": [
{ "type": "Untrusted 3rd Party", "priority": "P4" },
{ "type": "Over HTTP", "priority": "P4" },
{ "type": "Trusted 3rd Party", "priority": "P5" }
"name": "Sensitive Token in URL",
"priority": "P4",
"variants": [
"name": "Weak Password Reset Implementation",
"priority": "P4",
"variants": [
{ "type": "Password Reset Token Sent Over HTTP", "priority": "P4" }
"name": "Disclosure of Known Public Information",
"priority": "P5",
"variants": [
"name": "Non-Sensitive Token in URL",
"priority": "P5",
"variants": [
"name": "Mixed Content (HTTPS Sourcing HTTP)",
"priority": "P5",
"variants": [
"name": "Sensitive Data Hardcoded",
"priority": "P5",
"variants": [
{ "type": "OAuth Secret", "priority": "P5" },
{ "type": "File Paths", "priority": "P5" }
"name": "Internal IP Disclosure",
"priority": "P5",
"variants": [
"name": "JSON Hijacking",
"priority": "P5",
"variants": [
"name": "Cross Site Script Inclusion (XSSI)",
"priority": "Variable",
"variants": [
"category": "Insecure OS/Firmware",
"vulnerabilities": [
"name": "Command Injection",
"priority": "P1",
"variants": [
{ "type": "Privileged User", "priority": "P1" }
"category": "Broken Cryptography",
"vulnerabilities": [
"name": "Cryptographic Flaw",
"priority": "P1",
"variants": [
{ "type": "Incorrect Usage", "priority": "P1" }
"category": "Cross-Site Scripting (XSS)",
"vulnerabilities": [
"name": "Stored",
"priority": "P2",
"variants": [
{ "type": "Non-Admin to Anyone", "priority": "P2" },
{ "type": "Admin to Anyone", "priority": "P3" },
{ "type": "Self", "priority": "P5" }
"name": "Reflected",
"priority": "P3",
"variants": [
{ "type": "Self", "priority": "P5" }
"name": "IE-Only",
"priority": "P4",
"variants": [
{ "type": "Older Version (IE 10/11)", "priority": "P4" },
{ "type": "XSS Filter Disabled", "priority": "P5" },
{ "type": "Older Version (< IE10)", "priority": "P5" }
"name": "Referer",
"priority": "P4",
"variants": [
"name": "Universal (UXSS)",
"priority": "P4",
"variants": [
"name": "Off-Domain",
"priority": "P4",
"variants": [
{ "type": "Data URI", "priority": "P4" }
"name": "Cookie-Based",
"priority": "P5",
"variants": [
"name": "TRACE Method",
"priority": "P5",
"variants": [
"category": "Broken Access Control (BAC)",
"vulnerabilities": [
"name": "Server-Side Request Forgery (SSRF)",
"priority": "P2",
"variants": [
{ "type": "Internal", "priority": "P2"},
{ "type": "External", "priority": "P4" }
"name": "Username Enumeration",
"priority": "P4",
"variants": [
{ "type": "Data Leak", "priority": "P4" },
{ "type": "Brute Force", "priority": "P5" }
"name": "Insecure Direct Object References (IDOR)",
"priority": "Variable",
"variants": [
"name": "Exposed Sensitive Android Intent",
"priority": "Variable",
"variants": [
"name": "Exposed Sensitive iOS URL Scheme",
"priority": "Variable",
"variants": [
"category": "Cross-Site Request Forgery (CSRF)",
"vulnerabilities": [
"name": "Application-Wide",
"priority": "P2",
"variants": [
"name": "Action-Specific",
"priority": "P5",
"variants": [
{ "type": "Logout", "priority": "P5" },
{ "type": "Authenticated Action", "priority": "Variable" },
{ "type": "Unauthenticated Action", "priority": "Variable" }
"category": "Application-Level Denial-of-Service (DoS)",
"vulnerabilities": [
"name": "Critical Impact and/or Easy Dif cult",
"priority": "P2",
"variants": [
"name": "High Impact and/or Medium Difficulty",
"priority": "P3",
"variants": [
"name": "App Crash",
"priority": "P5",
"variants": [
{ "type": "Malformed Android Intents", "priority": "P5" },
{ "type": "Malformed iOS URL Schemes", "priority": "P5" }
"category": "Insecure OS/Firmware",
"vulnerabilities": [
"name": "Hardcoded Password",
"priority": "P2",
"variants": [
{ "type": "Non-Privileged User", "priority": "P2" }
"category": "Unvalidated Redirects and Forwards",
"vulnerabilities": [
"name": "Open Redirect",
"priority": "P4",
"variants": [
{ "type": "GET-Based", "priority": "P4" },
{ "type": "POST-Based", "priority": "P5" },
{ "type": "Header-Based", "priority": "P5" }
"name": "Tabnabbing",
"priority": "P5",
"variants": [
"name": "Lack of Security Speed Bump Page",
"priority": "P5",
"variants": [
"category": "Insufficient Security Configurability",
"vulnerabilities": [
"name": "No Password Policy",
"priority": "P4",
"variants": [
"name": "Weak Password Reset Implementation",
"priority": "P4",
"variants": [
{ "type": "Token is Not Invalidated After Use", "priority": "P4" },
{ "type": "Token is Not Invalidated After Email Change", "priority": "P5" },
{ "type": "Token is Not Invalidated After Password Change", "priority": "P5" },
{ "type": "Token Has Long Timed Expiry", "priority": "P5" },
{ "type": "Token is Not Invalidated After New Token is Requested", "priority": "P5" }
"name": "Weak Password Policy",
"priority": "P5",
"variants": [
"name": "Lack of Verification Email",
"priority": "P5",
"variants": [
"name": "Lack of Notification Email",
"priority": "P5",
"variants": [
"name": "Weak Registration Implementation",
"priority": "P5",
"variants": [
{ "type": "Allows Disposable Email Addresses", "priority": "P5" }
"name": "Weak 2FA Implementation",
"priority": "P5",
"variants": [
{ "type": "Missing Failsafe", "priority": "P5" }
"category": "Using Components with Known Vulnerabilities",
"vulnerabilities": [
"name": "Rosetta Flash",
"priority": "P4",
"variants": [
"name": "Outdated Software Version",
"priority": "P5",
"variants": [
"name": "Captcha Bypass",
"priority": "P5",
"variants": [
{ "type": "OCR (Optical Character Recognition)", "priority": "P5" }
"category": "Insecure Data Storage",
"vulnerabilities": [
"name": "Sensitive Application Data Stored Unencrypted",
"priority": "P4",
"variants": [
{ "type": "On External Storage", "priority": "P4" },
{ "type": "On Internal Storage", "priority": "P5" }
"name": "Server-Side Credentials Storage",
"priority": "P4",
"variants": [
{ "type": "Plaintext", "priority": "P4" }
"name": "Non-Sensitive Application Data Stored Unencrypted",
"priority": "P5",
"variants": [
"name": "Screen Caching Enabled",
"priority": "P5",
"variants": [
"category": "Insecure Data Transport",
"vulnerabilities": [
"name": "Executable Download",
"priority": "P4",
"variants": [
{ "type": "No Secure Integrity Check", "priority": "P4" },
{ "type": "Secure Integrity Check", "priority": "P5" }
"name": "Cleartext Transmission of Sensitive Data",
"priority": "Variable",
"variants": [
"category": "Privacy Concerns",
"vulnerabilities": [
"name": "Unnecessary Data Collection",
"priority": "P4",
"variants": [
{ "type": "WiFi SSID+Password", "priority": "P4" }
"category": "Network Security Misconfiguration",
"vulnerabilities": [
"name": "Telnet Enabled",
"priority": "P4",
"variants": [
{ "type": "Credentials Required", "priority": "P4" }
"category": "Client-Side Injection",
"vulnerabilities": [
"name": "Binary Planting",
"priority": "P4",
"variants": [
{ "type": "Privilege Escalation", "priority": "P4" },
{ "type": "No Privilege Escalation", "priority": "P5" }
"category": "External Behavior",
"vulnerabilities": [
"name": "Browser Feature",
"priority": "P5",
"variants": [
{ "type": "Plaintext Password Field", "priority": "P5" },
{ "type": "Save Password", "priority": "P5" },
{ "type": "Autocomplete Enabled", "priority": "P5" },
{ "type": "Autocorrect Enabled", "priority": "P5" },
{ "type": "Aggressive Of ine Caching", "priority": "P5" }
"name": "CSV Injection",
"priority": "P5",
"variants": [
"name": "Captcha Bypass",
"priority": "P5",
"variants": [
{ "type": "Crowdsourcing", "priority": "P5" }
"name": "System Clipboard Leak",
"priority": "P5",
"variants": [
{ "type": "Shared Links", "priority": "P5" }
"name": "User Password Persisted in Memory",
"priority": "P5",
"variants": [
"category": "Lack of Binary Hardening",
"vulnerabilities": [
"name": "Lack of Exploit Mitigations",
"priority": "P5",
"variants": [
"name": "Lack of Jailbreak Detection",
"priority": "P5",
"variants": [
"name": "Lack of Obfuscation",
"priority": "P5",
"variants": [
"name": "Runtime Instrumentation-Based",
"priority": "P5",
"variants": [
"category": "Mobile Security Misconfiguration",
"vulnerabilities": [
"name": "SSL Certificate Pinning",
"priority": "P5",
"variants": [
{ "type": "Absent", "priority": "P5" },
{ "type": "Defeatable", "priority": "P5" }
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