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enzerr/Laser.cpp Secret

Created March 22, 2023 20:02
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using namespace std;
const int maxn = 2e5 + 5;
int bit[2][maxn], freqx[maxn], freqy[maxn];
void upd(int id, int tp){
for(; id < maxn; id+=id&-id) bit[tp][id]++;
void nupd(int id, int tp){
for(; id < maxn; id+=id&-id) bit[tp][id]--;
int sum(int id, int tp){
int rt = 0;
for(; id>0; id-=id&-id) rt += bit[tp][id];
return rt;
int main(){
int n, m; cin >> n >> m;
int q; cin >> q;
char tp; cin >> tp;
int x, y; cin >> x >> y;
if(!freqx[x]) upd(x, 0);
if(!freqy[y]) upd(y, 1);
freqx[x]++, freqy[y]++;
else if(tp=='R'){
freqx[x]--, freqy[y]--;
if(!freqx[x]) nupd(x, 0);
if(!freqy[y]) nupd(y, 1);
int x2, y2; cin >> x2 >> y2;
if(x2<x) swap(x, x2);
if(y2<y) swap(y, y2);
if(sum(y2, 1)-sum(y-1, 1) == y2-y+1 || sum(x2, 0)-sum(x-1, 0) == x2-x+1) cout << "S\n";
else cout << "N\n";
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