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Save enzoaeneas/1a925d38031b4658068e to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
ES6 Template like strings in ES3 compatible syntax.
// accepts optional transformer
// now transformers are compatible with ES6
String.prototype.template = function (fn, object) {'use strict';
// Andrea Giammarchi - WTFPL License
hasTransformer = typeof fn === 'function',
stringify = JSON.stringify,
re = /\$\{([\S\s]*?)\}/g,
strings = [],
values = hasTransformer ? [] : strings,
i = 0,
while ((m = re.exec(this))) {
str = this.slice(i, m.index);
if (hasTransformer) {
values.push('(' + m[1] + ')');
} else {
strings.push(stringify(str), '(' + m[1] + ')');
i = re.lastIndex;
str = this.slice(i);
strings.push(hasTransformer ? str : stringify(str));
if (hasTransformer) {
str = 'function' + (Math.random() * 1e5 | 0);
strings = [
'with(this)return ' + str + '(' + stringify(strings) + (
values.length ? (',' + values.join(',')) : ''
) + ')'
} else {
strings = ['with(this)return ' + strings.join('+')];
return Function.apply(null, strings).call(
hasTransformer ? object : fn,
hasTransformer && fn
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