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remy / details.js
Created April 18, 2010 22:28
Add <details> support - includes stylesheet
* Note that this script is intended to be included at the *end* of the document, before </body>
(function (window, document) {
if ('open' in document.createElement('details')) return;
// made global by myself to be reused elsewhere
var addEvent = (function () {
if (document.addEventListener) {
return function (el, type, fn) {
hyle / ko.utils.signatures.js
Last active May 14, 2022 21:15
KnockoutJS utils (ko.utils) signatures
// knockout 2.2.1
ko.utils.arrayFilter = function (array, predicate) { /* .. */ }
ko.utils.arrayFirst = function (array, predicate, predicateOwner) { /* .. */ }
ko.utils.arrayForEach = function (array, action) { /* .. */ }
ko.utils.arrayGetDistinctValues = function (array) { /* .. */ }
jrburke / basic.js
Created November 7, 2011 07:14
possible jquery plugin boilerplate
// Basic approach. Does not try to register in
// a CommonJS environment since jQuery is not likely
// to run in those environments. See next file
// if you want to opt in to CommonJS too.
(function(factory) {
if (typeof define === 'function' && define.amd) {
// AMD. Register as an anonymous module.
define(['jquery'], factory);
} else {
AdamLJohnson / T4TemplateChanges.cs
Created January 31, 2012 17:49
DBContext T4 Template changes for Key Required StringLength Attributes
// Add at the top with the other Usings
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.ComponentModel.DataAnnotations;
//Add following methods inside the file
private bool IsNullable(TypeUsage usage)
return (bool)usage.Facets.First(facet => facet.Name == "Nullable").Value;
hickford / OrderedDictionary.cs
Created March 11, 2013 20:19
Ordered dictionary class for C# and .NET (an omission from the standard library). A dictionary that remembers the order that keys were first inserted. If a new entry overwrites an existing entry, the original insertion position is left unchanged. Deleting an entry and reinserting it will move it to the end. See…
using System;
using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Diagnostics.Contracts;
using System.Linq;
/// <summary>
/// A dictionary that remembers the order that keys were first inserted. If a new entry overwrites an existing entry, the original insertion position is left unchanged. Deleting an entry and reinserting it will move it to the end.
/// </summary>
/// <typeparam name="TKey">The type of keys</typeparam>
public class RequireRouteValuesAttribute : ActionMethodSelectorAttribute {
public string[] ValueNames { get; private set; }
public RequireRouteValuesAttribute(params string[] valueNames) {
ValueNames = valueNames;
/// <summary>
/// Check for all strings
/// </summary>
joey-qc / TSQL-to-POCO
Created September 26, 2013 06:56
A simple TSQL script to quickly generate c# POCO classes from SQL Server tables and views. You may tweak the output as needed. Not all datatypes are represented but this should save a bunch of boilerplate coding. USAGE: Run this query against the database of your choice. The script will loop through tables, views and their respective columns. Re…
declare @tableName varchar(200)
declare @columnName varchar(200)
declare @nullable varchar(50)
declare @datatype varchar(50)
declare @maxlen int
declare @sType varchar(50)
declare @sProperty varchar(200)
tantaman / IndexedDB-storing-and-retrieving-files.js
Last active April 4, 2021 22:10 — forked from robnyman/IndexedDB-storing-and-retrieving-files.js
Download an image, save it to IndexedDB, read it out, display the image via createObjectURL - works in Chrome and Firefox. Based on but with fixes made for Chrome.
(function () {
// IndexedDB
function BrowserType() {
var n = navigator.appName;
var ua = navigator.userAgent;
var tem;
var m = ua.match(/(opera|chrome|safari|firefox|msie)\/?\s*(\.?\d+(\.\d+)*)/i);
if (m && (tem = ua.match(/version\/([\.\d]+)/i)) != null) m[2] = tem[1];
m = m ? [m[1], m[2]] : [n, navigator.appVersion, '-?'];
mkchandler / DisableNuGetPackageRestore.ps1
Last active February 13, 2018 04:07
Disable the NuGet Package Restore functionality in a Visual Studio solution.
# Usage: .\DisableNuGetPackageRestore.ps1 C:\Path\To\Solution.sln
# Get the path that the user specified when calling the script
$solution = $args[0]
$solutionPath = Split-Path $solution -Parent
$solutionName = Split-Path $solution -Leaf
# Delete the .nuget directory and all contents
Remove-Item (Join-Path $solutionPath ".nuget") -Force -Recurse -ErrorAction 0
WebReflection / String.prototype.template.js
Last active August 17, 2022 04:04
ES6 Template like strings in ES3 compatible syntax.
// this is now a module:
var template = require('backtick-template');
// just string
const info = 'template';
`some ${info}` === template('some ${info}', {info});