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Created June 9, 2020 15:04
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update.dataset for hyperSpec
##' Update data sets for hyperSpec package
##' @return directory of edited R files and associated test logs
##' @author Erick Oduniyi
##' @keywords programming utilities
##' @examples
##' @export
# TODO: consider deleting .txt files every time this function is ran
# TODO: add option to switch between verbose console output
# TODO: Check if the file even has examples
# path_to_files <- "/Users/erickoduniyi/Desktop/hyperSpec/hyperSpec/hyperSpec/hyperSpec/R"
# path_to_store <- "~/Desktop/R-edits/"
update.examples <- function(old_ds, new_ds, path_to_files, path_to_store) {
# Check the difference between the two datasets
old_ds_name <- deparse(substitute(old_ds))
new_ds_name <- deparse(substitute(new_ds))
ds_info <- check_ds(old_ds, new_ds, old_ds_name, new_ds_name)
# Create directories where the files need to be saved
file_info <- create_edits_dir(path_to_files, path_to_store, old_ds_name)
# Edit .R files
message("Would you like to edit .R files now?")
choice <- select.list(c("Yes", "No"))
if (choice == "Yes") {
make_edits_R(ds_info, file_info)
# Check test for updated file
message("Would you like to check test now?")
choice <- select.list(c("Yes", "No"))
if (choice == "Yes") {
# Check updated file examples
message("Would you like to check examples now?")
choice <- select.list(c("Yes", "No"))
if (choice == "Yes") {
# Check updated file vignettes
message("Would you like to check vignettes now?")
choice <- select.list(c("Yes", "No"))
if (choice == "Yes") {
# Let the user know user.examples has completed
message("update.examples.R has completed!!!")
# Helper(s) -----------------------------------------------
check_ds <- function(old_ds, new_ds, old_ds_name, new_ds_name) {
# Check data sets
message(paste("Checking differences between", old_ds_name, "and", new_ds_name))
# Handle potential differences between datasets
if (!setequal(colnames(old_ds), colnames(new_ds))) {
col_diff_old <- setdiff(colnames(old_ds), colnames(new_ds))
col_diff_new <- setdiff(colnames(new_ds), colnames(old_ds))
ls_old_names <- paste(sort(col_diff_old), collapse = ", ")
# Let user know about the difference between datasets
message(paste(c("The following columns appear in", old_ds_name, "but not", paste0(new_ds_name, ":"), ls_old_names), collapse= " "))
# Give the user options about substituting columns between datasets
message(paste("Which column in", old_ds_name, "do you want to substitute?:"))
sub_old <- select.list(sort(col_diff_old))
if (sub_old != "") {
message(paste("Substitute", sub_old, "for which column in", paste0(new_ds_name, "?:")))
for_new <-select.list(sort(col_diff_new))
# Prepare information about data sets to be passed on to subsequent functions
ds_info <- list(ds_names = c(old_ds_name, new_ds_name), sub_vals = c(sub_old, for_new))
create_edits_dir <- function(path_to_files, path_to_store, old_ds_name) {
# Set the location of the .R files that need to be updated:
# Create a directories where the files need to be saved
loc_2_be_saved <- path_to_store
dir.create(loc_2_be_saved, showWarnings = FALSE)
dir.create(paste0(loc_2_be_saved, "test-results"), showWarnings = FALSE)
dir.create(paste0(loc_2_be_saved, "example-results"), showWarnings = FALSE)
dir.create(paste0(loc_2_be_saved, "vignette-results"), showWarnings = FALSE)
# Get all the .R files in the current directory
R_files <- list.files()
# Get files
files2get <- vector()
for (i in seq_along(R_files)) {
# Read in the file
source_code <- readLines(R_files[i])
# Check if file references the old data set
if (identical(grep(old_ds_name, source_code, value = TRUE), character(0))) {
# Skip this file
message(paste(R_files[i],"does not contain", old_ds_name, "data set..."))
} else {
# "Just throw it in the bag" - Fabolous ft. The-Dream
files2get <- c(files2get, R_files[i])
# Prepare information about files
# Collect subset of filenames
R_files <- files2get
file_info <- list(file_loc = loc_2_be_saved, R_files = R_files)
make_edits_R <- function(ds_info, file_info) {
# Setup
loc_2_be_saved <- file_info$file_loc
filenames <- file_info$R_files
old_ds_name <- ds_info$ds_names[1]
new_ds_name <- ds_info$ds_names[2]
sub_old <- ds_info$sub_vals[1]
for_new <- ds_info$sub_vals[2]
# Edit
message("== Making edits =========================================================================")
# Edit each file
for (i in seq_along(filenames)) {
# Read in the file
cat(paste0("**Reading in file: ", filenames[i]), "\n")
source_code <- readLines(filenames[i])
# Prepare substitute pattern for specific case
old <- paste0(old_ds_name,"\\$", sub_old)
new <- paste0(new_ds_name,"$", for_new)
# Specific case
cat(paste("Replacing occurences of", old, "with", new), "\n")
code_edited <- gsub(old, new, source_code)
# Generic case
cat(paste("Replacing occurences of", old_ds_name, "with", new_ds_name), "\n")
code_edited <- gsub(old_ds_name, new_ds_name, code_edited)
# Output updated file
cat(paste("Updating", filenames[i]), "\n")
writeLines(code_edited, paste0(loc_2_be_saved, filenames[i]))
# Move to the next file
cat(paste0("**Done editing: ", filenames[i]), "\n")
# Tell user
message("Done editing all files!!..")
check_test_in_file <- function(file_info) {
# Setup
loc_2_be_saved <- file_info$file_loc
filenames <- file_info$R_files
# Check test
message("== Checking unittest ====================================================================")
# Check test of each file
for (i in seq_along(filenames)) {
# Run test in file and output the results to a text file
test_res_here <- paste0(loc_2_be_saved, "test-results/", gsub(".R", ".txt", filenames[i]))
verify_output(test_res_here, with_reporter(reporter = SummaryReporter$new(), start_end_reporter = TRUE, get.test(.aggregate)()))
cat(paste0("**Logging results to...", gsub(".R", ".txt", filenames[i])), "\n")
# Tell user
message("Done checking all test!!..")
check_examples <- function(file_info) {
# Setup
filenames <- file_info$R_files
# Check examples
message("== Checking examples ====================================================================")
# Check examples in each file
for (i in seq_along(filenames)) {
cat(paste0("**Logging results to...", gsub(".R", ".Rd", filename)), "\n")
# Move to the next file
message(paste0("Done checking examples for: ", filenames[i]))
# Tell user
message("Done checking all examples!...")
check_vingette <- function(file_info) {
# Setup
filenames <- file_info$R_files
# Check vignette
message("== Checking vignettes ===================================================================")
cat(paste0("**Logging results to...", gsub(".R", ".txt", filename)), "\n")
# Tell user
message("Done checking vignettes!!..")
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