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Last active December 10, 2015 19:28
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  • Save eogas/4481392 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save eogas/4481392 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
var readyToGo = false;
function scroll() {
content = $(".contentText");
stopmargin = $(".sTicker").width() -
(($(".sTicker-brand").width() + $(".sTicker-category").width()) * 1.3);
finalWidth = content.width() - stopmargin;
speed = finalWidth * 8;
if ($(".contentText").width() > stopmargin) {
right: finalWidth
}, speed, 'swing', function () {
} else {
setTimeout(function () {}, 4000);
function reset() {
$(".contentText").css('right', 0);
newText = "Far far away, behind the word mountains, far from the countries Vokalia and Consonantia, " +
"there live the blind texts. Separated they live in Bookmarksgrove right at the coast of the";
function changeText(newText) {
function swapContent(newText) {
$(".contentText").slideDown(400, scroll());
function activeCounterClear() {
$('.counterBlock-active').hide("puff", {}, 1000, rollTicker(i - 1));
function nextCounterActive() {
$('.counterBlock:visible').last().toggleClass('counterBlock-active', 300)
var stories = [];
stories[0] = "Story 0 Far far away, behind the word mountains, far from the countries Vokalia";
stories[1] = "Story 1 Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit. Aenean commodo " +
"ligula eget dolor. Aenean massa. Cum sociis natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes,";
stories[2] = "Story 2 But I must explain to you how all this mistaken idea of denouncing pleasure " +
"and praising pain was born and I will give you a complete account of the system, and expound " +
"the actual teachings of the great explorer of";
stories[4] = "Story 4 One morning, when Gregor Samsa woke from troubled dreams, he";
stories[3] = "Story 3 The quick, brown fox jumps over a lazy dog. DJs flock by when MTV ax quiz " +
"prog. Junk MTV quiz graced by fox whelps. Bawds jog, flick quartz, vex nymphs. Waltz, bad " +
"nymph, for quick jigs vex! Fox nymphs grab quick-jived waltz. Brick quiz whangs jumpy veldt " +
"fox. Bright vixens";
function refreshCounter() {
console.log("Refreshing Counter");
counterLength = stories.length;
if (counterLength > 9) {
counterLength = 9;
function makeCounterBlocks(num) {
console.log("Making Counter Blocks");
$(".counter").append("<span class='counterBlock'></span>");
if (num > 1) {
makeCounterBlocks(num - 1);
var i;
function runTicker() {
readyToGo = true;
i = stories.length - 1
function rollTicker(i) {
$('.counterBlock:visible').last().toggleClass('counterBlock-active', 300, function () {
$(".contentText").slideUp(400, function () {
$(".contentText").css('right', 0);
console.log("inputting story number " + i);
$(".contentText").slideDown(400, function () {
content = $(".contentText");
stopmargin = $(".sTicker").width() -
(($(".sTicker-brand").width() + $(".sTicker-category").width()) * 1.3);
finalWidth = content.width() - stopmargin;
speed = finalWidth * 8;
if ($(".contentText").width() > stopmargin) {
right: finalWidth
}, speed, 'swing', function () {
readyToGo = true;
$('.counterBlock-active').hide("puff", {}, 1000, function () {
if (i > 0) {
rollTicker(i - 1);
} else {
} else {
setTimeout(function () {
readyToGo = true;
$('.counterBlock-active').hide("puff", {}, 1000, function () {
if (i > 0) {
rollTicker(i - 1);
} else {
}, 4000);
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