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Last active August 25, 2018 02:16
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  • Save eoghain/7362771 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save eoghain/7362771 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Python script to generate plists into a Settings.bundle for all licenses of open source software you are using in your application.
#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# Setup
# 1. Create a directory to hold your 3rd party code, each module in it's own named directory (i.e. 3rdParty/AFNetworking).
# 2. Make sure under the module directory there is the LICENSE file (file must have LICENSE all uppercase in the name)
# 3. In your Settings.bundle add a row to the Root.plist with: Type=PSChildPaneSpecifier, Filename=Acknowledgements, Name=Acknowledgements.
# 4. In the script below,
# - set the settingsDir to the directory where the Settings.bundle resides (if not source root),
# - set the licenseDirs to the directory(s) where you place your 3rd party modules (i.e. Pods)
# 5. Add a build script to run this python script just after Target Dependancies.
import os
import shutil
import re
from plistlib import *
def main():
licenseDirs = []
settingsDir = ''
srcRoot = os.environ.get('SOURCE_ROOT')
if (srcRoot == None):
srcRoot = '.'
settingsBundle = os.path.join(srcRoot, settingsDir, 'Settings.bundle')
acknowledgementsPlist = dict(PreferenceSpecifiers = [])
regex = re.compile('(^.*LICENSE.*$)')
for licenseDir in licenseDirs:
licenseDir = os.path.join(srcRoot, licenseDir)
for root, dirs, files in os.walk(licenseDir):
for file in files:
licenseMatch = re.match(regex, file)
if licenseMatch:
moduleName = os.path.split(root)[1]
print 'moduleName:%s' % moduleName
licenseFile = open(os.path.join(root,, 'r')
acknowledgementDict = dict(Type = "PSChildPaneSpecifier", Title = moduleName, File = moduleName)
licensePlist = dict(StringsTable = moduleName, PreferenceSpecifiers = [])
compiledLine = '';
for line in licenseFile:
if len(line) == 1:
lineDict = dict(Type = "PSGroupSpecifier", FooterText = compiledLine.rstrip('\n'))
compiledLine = '';
compiledLine += line.decode('utf-8');
if len(compiledLine):
lineDict = dict(Type = "PSGroupSpecifier", FooterText = compiledLine.rstrip('\n'))
writePlist(licensePlist, os.path.join(settingsBundle, "%s.%s" % (moduleName, "plist")))
writePlist(acknowledgementsPlist, os.path.join(settingsBundle, "Acknowledgements.plist"))
if __name__ == '__main__':
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eoghain commented Oct 6, 2015

Made able to handle any license file that contains LICENSE in the name. Found this was needed for some CocoaPods.

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