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Created February 26, 2016 17:17
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kisisorgu veritabanını encrypt/decrypt etmek için fonksiyonlar
public class SorguDecrypt
// Şifrelenmiş veri alfabesi
private char[] outAlphabet = "0123456789ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz/++".ToCharArray();
// Şifrelenmemiş veri alfabesi (ISO-8859-9)
private char[] inAlphabet = null;
private Encoding turkishEncoding = null;
public SorguDecrypt()
turkishEncoding = Encoding.GetEncoding("iso-8859-9");
var bytes = Enumerable.Range(0, 255).Select(a => (byte)a).ToArray();
inAlphabet = turkishEncoding.GetChars(bytes);
public string Encode(string clearText)
if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(clearText)) return String.Empty;
StringBuilder encodedString = new StringBuilder();
clearText = clearText.PadRight(((clearText.Length - 1) / 3 + 1) * 3, (char)0);
for (int j = 0; j < clearText.Length; j += 3)
var bytes = turkishEncoding.GetBytes(clearText.Substring(j, 3));
int c1 = (int)(bytes[0]);
int c2 = (int)(bytes[1]);
int c3 = (int)(bytes[2]);
int k1 = (c1) / 4;
int k2 = (c1) % 4;
int k3 = (c2) / 16;
int k4 = (c2) % 16;
int k5 = (c3) / 64;
int k6 = (c3) % 64;
char ec1 = outAlphabet[k1];
char ec2 = outAlphabet[k3 + k2 * 16];
char ec3 = outAlphabet[k5 + k4 * 4];
char ec4 = outAlphabet[k6];
if (c2 != 0) encodedString.Append(ec3);
if (c3 != 0) encodedString.Append(ec4);
return encodedString.ToString();
public string Decode(string cipherText)
if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(cipherText)) return String.Empty;
StringBuilder decodedString = new StringBuilder();
cipherText = cipherText.PadRight(((cipherText.Length - 1) / 4 + 1) * 4, (char)0);
for (int j = 0; j < cipherText.Length; j += 4)
string s = cipherText.Substring(j, 4);
int c1 = Array.IndexOf(outAlphabet,(s[0]));
int c2 = Array.IndexOf(outAlphabet, (s[1])) + (s[0] == '/' ? 64 : 0) ;
int c3 = Array.IndexOf(outAlphabet, (s[2])) + (s[1] == '/' ? 64 : 0) ;
int c4 = Array.IndexOf(outAlphabet, (s[3])) + (s[2] == '/' ? 64 : 0) ;
int r1 = (c2 * 16) / 255;
int r2 = (c3 * 64) / 255;
char dc1 = inAlphabet[(c1 * 4 + r1)];
char dc2 = inAlphabet[((c2 * 16 + r2) % 256)];
int r3 = Math.Min(254,(c3 - Array.IndexOf(inAlphabet, dc2) % 16 * 4) % 64 * 64 + c4);
char dc3 = c4 != -1 ? inAlphabet[r3] : (char)0;
if (c3 != -1) decodedString.Append((dc2));
if (c4 != -1) decodedString.Append((dc3));
return decodedString.ToString();
public static void Test()
SorguDecrypt decrypter = new SorguDecrypt();
string enc = decrypter.Encode("DENEME");
string dec = decrypter.Decode(enc);
Console.WriteLine("{0}: {1}",enc,dec);
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