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Last active July 7, 2020 03:01
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An Opinion about How to Implement UI Apps for Apple Frameworks

An Opinion about How to Implement UI Apps for Apple Frameworks

Eonil, 2020.

This explains how I organize code of interactive programs.


  • As a one word, this approach is Mostly REPLized, a little more functional-styled MVC.


  • The simplest and easiest interactive app implementation strategy is REPL. (e.g. Elm, Redux)
  • “eval” is a function which converts input (state + user control) to output (state + rendering)
  • REPL is a sort of origin of all interactive apps.
  • REPL is easy to design, implement and test.
  • REPL is oneway data flow.
  • But Apple frameworks are all designed in MVC. (including SwiftUI due to data binding)
  • Apple frameworks do not guarantee oneway data flow.
    • Although, they are slowly moving to REPL…
    • Bidirectional data flow can remain and involve at any time.
    • Strict REPL structure would make things painful and difficult to maintain.
  • Therefore, we must keep MVC structure at the base.
  • But construct details in REPL manner on MVC base.


  • Instead of calling command methods of model, sends command packed in an immutable value.
  • Instead of calling rendering methods of views, pass immutable state snapshot packed in a value.
  • Some command value can be executed at controller level to support MVC.
    • This has to be minimized. Use this only absolutely needed.
  • Record versions of each state to avoid full diff cost if possible.
  • Perform diff only if needed. See “Assumptions for Performance” section about diff performance.

Inversion of Control

  • Model is the business logic.
  • Therefore, model is isolated and independent.
    • View and controller are only implementation details.
    • Model don’t depend on them at all.
    • Model shouldn’t even know their existence. (isolated model)
  • Model is a collection of discrete states and defines clear input and output.
  • View is an implementation detail.
  • Every isolated component should be abstracted with interfaces.
  • Expose only minimum interface that are absolutely required.
  • Hide all the details that are not necessary to public users.
  • Large apps are complex. Reducing overall complexity is very important.

REPL Model

  • Model is fully REPL based. (e.g. Elm, Redux)
  • There’s no need for anything else.
  • Model can be divided into several subsystems.
    • Each subsystem can work like a smaller model. (sub-REPL)
  • Model accepts and queues action commands and executes them serially.
  • Model updates model states and sends appropriate commands to subsystem components.
  • Model processes outputs of subsystem components and update its state again.
  • Model announces updates in state to public at consistent moment.
  • Owner of model (controller) should scan model state and pass it to view.

View Depends on Model

  • Inversion-of-Control principal wants view to have dedicated, isolated and abstracted interfaces.
  • In other words, MVVM.
  • But in many cases, view interfaces are exact replication of model states.
  • In that case, why should I copy same interface?
  • We don’t need to replicate them. Just use model state types as-is.
  • View can depend on model.

But what about reusability?

  • UI of a UI app is dedicated only for single app.
  • UI is not re-usable. Only a few of low level components of UI are re-usable.
  • Such re-usable low level components need to have isolated and dedicated interface.
    • Such components are mostly already defined in platform UI frameworks.
    • You usually don’t need to write reusable view component.
      • Unless you are a platform vendor like Apple or Microsoft…
    • Even in this case, re-usable components are supposed to be defined at design level.
  • Composition of such low level components are usually coupled with specific model features.
  • It’s natural to use model state types as-is.
  • Sticking to reusability seriously limits flexibility of UI design.
  • Reduced flexibility in UI design produces lower quality UX.

What about testability?

  • In this case, model output becomes view input.
    • In MVVM term, a view-model.
  • So, testing model output is testing view-input.

How about testing of view internals?

  • That should be done at view level without involving model or controller.
  • Testing of view state (model output, view input or view-model) to final rendering would require manual test.
  • In most cases, there’ no good way to test highly interactive custom UI.

Shape of Model

  • Shape of model is bound to shape of the app.
    • Don’t forget that model of a UI app is mostly designed to represent UI.

Single Global State Rendering

  • No one can predict business requirements.
  • Any part of an app must be able to access and render any part of model state.
  • Therefore we need to pass whole model state to each screens.
  • Therefore we always pass whole model state snapshot to view.

Assumptions for Performance

  • GUI apps are designed for human users.
  • Humans cannot handle large amount of data at once.
  • About <100 would be the maximum. (Or a few hundreds)
  • Listing >100 items in GUI is meaningless.
  • You are supposed to render only small portion of total data.
  • Therefore, such cases should be prevented at design stage.
  • Therefore, most collection-like data for GUI is limited 100 elements.
  • This is O(100), and we can consider copy/diff as O(1) in most mobile devices.
  • We can deal with exceptional cases using several tricks.
    • B-Tree, version/op recording.
    • But this needs far more efforts to solve.
    • Anyway, exceptional cases are rare.
    • Take benefit of simplification in most cases.
  • Design becomes more important.

Anyway we still can have large amount of data. For example, complex graph points.

  • Usually, such large data is provided for snapshot based rendering.
  • Such cases usually does not require diff. Just render them all as a snapshot.
    • And visibility cullig if needed.
  • Logically, this is single item with large attached data.
  • Well, some data can be divided into several pieces, but number of pieces will be in human-recognizable range.

Migration to REPL

  • If we can sure that depending frameworks are all MVC-free, we can easily convert program into REPL.
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