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Last active August 29, 2015 14:12
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Unicode Note

Unicode Note

The core part of Unicode is Unicode Scalar Value. This represents core component to build a Unicode text. Also provides most reliable unit to process text data.

Unicode Scalar Value is equal to Code Point except surrogate pairs.

Code Unit is a component of each encoding algorithm. Defined differently by the encodings.

Grapheme Cluster smallest unit to represent human recgonizable symbol.

  • A Grapheme Cluster is built with multiple Scalar Values.

  • A Scalar Value is built with multiple Code Points. Usually one, but surrogate pairs build an exception case.

  • A code point is bult with multiple Code Units. Code Unit compositions are defined by transforms.

  • UTF-8 uses one Code Unit for ASCII characters.

  • UTF-8 provides most stable and reliable encoding because there's no ambiguity.

  • UTF-8 provides maximum Unix compatibility.

  • Use UTF-8 everywhere where you write a new software. It is the best encoding ever invented.

  • UTF-16 is ambiguous and needlessly complex. Must be avoided as much as possible.

  • UTF-16 is divided into UTF-16LE and UTF-16BE, and there's no relaible way to differentiate them.

  • UCS-2 means code points defined in BMP.

  • UCS-2 is roughly equals to UTF-16 except surrogate pairs.

  • UCS-2 is not a reliable encoding.

  • Currently (2014), UTF-32 is exactly equal to UCS-4, and mapped to code-point 1 on 1 manner.

  • UTF-32's 1:1 mapping is accidental result, and not an intentional design. Subject to change at any time.

  • Win32 and Cocoa (NSString) both uses UTF-16 as its default internal representation. Because they're old.

  • NSString is UTF-16 encoded by default, but not guaranteed to be.

  • It is almost impossible to reliably convert NSRange based on UTF-16 code-unit countings into Swift's String.Index. Because there's no good way to select grapheme cluster range.

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