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  • Save eonist/3f3dd1902dd23bfeeaba3d83e9f0e9da to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save eonist/3f3dd1902dd23bfeeaba3d83e9f0e9da to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.



TL;DR: Because Notion is mehhh 🙊, and github is more awwwwwesome 😎

  • Gists offer enhanced portability and composability.
  • They are not subject to single-company control, eliminating lock-ins.
  • Gists cannot be censored or restricted.
  • You have the flexibility to host them on various platforms, such as GitLab, Notion, and more.
  • Compatible with a wide range of software tools.
  • You can embellish them with impressive badges.
  • Gists are pure Markdown at their core. They feature a comment section and the ability to receive stars, fostering a sense of social network - engagement.
  • They are version-controlled, similar to a Git repository.
  • Their history can public, so people can see what changed or how much something has been iterated on and by whom
  • They can be effortlessly forked and iterated upon by others.
  • You can choose to keep your Gists private or make them public.
  • And best of all multiple authers can publish to the same gist. Just share the PAT password. Instructions bellow 👇


Gists can only be updated from a git client if you use a PAT key. You can create one and use on all future Gists.

  1. Get github desktop: or
  2. In your github account create a new pat:
    • In the upper-right corner of any page, click your profile photo, then click Settings.
    • In the left sidebar, click Developer settings.
    • In the left sidebar, click Personal access tokens.
    • Click Generate new token.
    • In the "Note" field, give your token a descriptive name.
    • Make sure you tick the box that says something about "gist"
    • Copy the secret to your clipboard (You can save it if you want)
  3. Create a new gist:
  4. press the embedd button and choose https. Copy this url
  5. In github desktop. Tap add and clone from url
  6. When your prompted for login and password. type in your github user name and the "pat secret" as your password

Happy writing directly to gist from mobile or desktop. 🎉 (I recommend using VSCode to write and preview markdown, you can also commit directly from VSCode 🤯 )

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