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Created November 1, 2020 20:43
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viewr: Better R object inspection using the FireFox JSON viewer.
# ================================================================================= #
# viewr: Better R object inspection using the FireFox JSON viewer. #
# --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- #
# Usage: #
# Rscript viewr.R [FILE] # Where [FILE] has extension .Rdata or .rds #
# #
# This script will only work on macOS, and assumes that you have FireFox installed! #
# --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- #
# Edwin Onuonga (eonu) 2020 #
# ================================================================================= #
if (!('jsonlite' %in% rownames(installed.packages()))) {
install.packages('jsonlite', dependencies=TRUE, repos='')
main <- function() {
args <- commandArgs(trailingOnly=TRUE)
if (length(args) == 1) {
ext <- tolower(file_ext(args[1]))
if (ext == 'rds') {
objects <- 'object'
object <- readRDS(args[1])
} else if (ext == 'rdata') {
objects <- ls()[!(ls() %in% c('ext', 'args'))]
} else {
message('Invalid extension - expected .Rdata or .rds.')
if (length(objects) == 0) {
message('Unable to find any objects in the namespace.')
} else if (length(objects) == 1) {
if (ext == 'rds') {
name <- objects[1]
} else if (ext == 'rdata') {
name <- objects[1]
object <- get(name)
} else {
valid = FALSE
while (!valid) {
cat(sprintf("\033[1mFound %s objects. Which one to load?\033[0m\n", length(objects)))
for (i in 1:length(objects)) {
cat(sprintf(" %s: %s\n", i, objects[i]))
cat('Enter number or name: ')
input <- readLines('stdin', n=1)
if (input %in% objects) {
name <- input
object <- get(name)
valid = TRUE
} else if (!grepl('\\D', input)) {
idx <- as.integer(input)
if (idx <= length(objects)) {
name <- objects[idx]
object <- get(name)
valid = TRUE
} else {
message(sprintf('Invalid input - expected a number from 1 to %s.', length(objects)))
} else {
message('Invalid input.')
json <- toJSON(object, pretty=TRUE)
filename <- sprintf('.%s.json', name)
conn <- file(filename)
writeLines(json, conn)
system(sprintf('open -a Firefox %s', filename))
cat('Press enter to end: ')
invisible(readLines('stdin', n=1))
}, error = function(e) {
}, finally = {
if (file.exists(filename)) file.remove(filename)
} else {
cat('\033[4mviewr\033[0m: Better R object inspection using the FireFox JSON viewer.\n\n')
cat(' Rscript viewr.R [FILE] \033[37m#\033[0m \033[90mWhere [FILE] has extension .Rdata or .rds\033[0m\n')
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