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Created August 17, 2017 08:25
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  • Save eosfor/a29f53052c7bdfc98339e630149cccdb to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
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$f = gc "C:\Temp\pfirewall_public.log"
$regex = '^(?<datetime>\d{4,4}-\d{2,2}-\d{2,2}\s\d{2}:\d{2}:\d{2})\s(?<action>\w+)\s(?<protocol>\w+)\s(?<srcip>\b(?:\d{1,3}\.){3}\d{1,3}\b)\s(?<dstip>\b(?:\d{1,3}\.){3}\d{1,3}\b)\s(?<srcport>\d{1,5})\s(?<dstport>\d{1,5})\s(?<size>\d+|-)\s(?<tcpflags>\d+|-)\s(?<tcpsyn>\d+|-)\s(?<tcpack>\d+|-)\s(?<tcpwin>\d+|-)\s(?<icmptype>\d+|-)\s(?<icmpcode>\d+|-)\s(?<info>\d+|-)\s(?<path>.+)$'
$log =
$f | % {
    $_ -match $regex | Out-Null
    if ($Matches) {
        action   = $Matches.action
        srcip    = [ipaddress]$Matches.srcip
        dstport  = $Matches.dstport
        tcpflags = $Matches.tcpflags
        dstip    = [ipaddress]$Matches.dstip
        info     = $
        size     = $Matches.size
        protocol = $Matches.protocol
        tcpack   = $Matches.tcpac
        srcport  = $Matches.srcport
        tcpsyn   = $Matches.tcpsyn
        datetime = [datetime]$Matches.datetime
        icmptype = $Matches.icmptype
        tcpwin   = $Matches.tcpwin
        icmpcode = $Matches.icmpcode
        path     = $Matches.path
$f = gc "C:\Temp\pfirewall_public2.log"
$log2 =
$f | % {
    $_ -match $regex | Out-Null
    if ($Matches) {
        action   = $Matches.action
        srcip    = [ipaddress]$Matches.srcip
        dstport  = $Matches.dstport
        tcpflags = $Matches.tcpflags
        dstip    = [ipaddress]$Matches.dstip
        info     = $
        size     = $Matches.size
        protocol = $Matches.protocol
        tcpack   = $Matches.tcpac
        srcport  = $Matches.srcport
        tcpsyn   = $Matches.tcpsyn
        datetime = [datetime]$Matches.datetime
        icmptype = $Matches.icmptype
        tcpwin   = $Matches.tcpwin
        icmpcode = $Matches.icmpcode
        path     = $Matches.path
$l = $log + $log2
$g = new-graph -Type BidirectionalGraph
$l | ? {$_.srcip -and $_.dstip} | % {
    Add-Edge -From $_.srcip -To $_.dstip -Graph $g | out-null
Show-GraphLayout -Graph $g
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