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Created April 19, 2023 02:47
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CueHealth + Buspirate scripts
import serial
import time
import struct
class BusPirateException(Exception):
class ModeSwitchError(BusPirateException):
def __init__(self, mode, message="Mode switch failed"):
self.mode = mode
self.message = message
def __str__(self):
return f'{self.message} (current mode: {self.mode})'
class BusPirate():
def __init__ (self, port):
self.ser = serial.Serial(port, 115200, timeout=0.1)
def write_command(self, command):
command = command + '\n'
# Wait for it to do its thing
def query_command(self, command):
line = '0'
response = []
while (line != b''):
line = self.ser.readline()
linedecoded = line.decode('utf-8')
return response
class BusPirateI2C(BusPirate):
# Parse the contents of the info message
def parse_info(data):
# Only return the things we actually need, we'll improve this functionality later
info = {}
info['cur_mode'] = data[-4]
return info
# Enter I2C mode, enable power and pullups
def enter_i2c (self):
# Set mode as I2C, 100kHz
self.write_command('m 4 3')
# Validate mode switch
info = self.parse_info(self.query_command('i'))
if 'I2C' not in info['cur_mode']:
raise ModeSwitchError(info['cur_mode'])
# Enable power, pullup
def dump_memory (self, dev_addr, start_addr, count):
dump = []
# Each address can access up to 2048 memory locations
if start_addr + count > 2048:
# Recursive function, start with partial starting block
dump = self.dump_memory(dev_addr, start_addr, 2048 - start_addr)
count = count - (2048 - start_addr)
# Iterate through the remaining addresses until count runs out
dev_addr_offset = 1
while (count > 0):
# If remaining count larger than one address, read 2048 and repeat for next block
read_size = (2048 if count > 2048 else count)
dump += self.dump_memory(dev_addr + 2 * dev_addr_offset, 0, read_size)
dev_addr_offset += 1
count -= 2048
# Write command
# note: ':02x' formats as hex, two digits, zero padded
# message about addresses being dumped
raw_data = self.query_command(f'[0x{(dev_addr):02X} 0x{(start_addr):02X} [0x{(dev_addr + 1):02X} r:{count}]]')
# Get only the line that has the read data
read_data = list(filter(lambda element: 'READ: ' in element, raw_data))
# Split into individual memory contents
dump = read_data[0].split("ACK ")
# The first element will still have the READ command in it, so let's get rid of it
dump[0] = dump[0].partition(' ')[2]
# Finally, convert all to hex.
dump = [bytes.fromhex(x.strip().replace('0x', '')) for x in dump]
return dump
def write_address (self, dev_addr, address, data):
command = f'[0x{(dev_addr):02X} 0x{(address):02X} 0x{(data):02X}]'
def write_multiple (self, dev_addr, address, data):
for i in data:
self.write_address(dev_addr, address, i)
address += 1
# This script uses the encoding UTF-8
import time
import struct
from buspirate import BusPirateI2C, ModeSwitchError
from rich.console import Console
from import Style
# ╭────────────────╮
# │ User Constants │
# ╰────────────────╯
# Buspirate serial device
BP_DEVICE = '/dev/tty.usbserial-AL05NDRG'
# Start address for chip
NUM_BYTES = 4096
# Rich styles
info_message = Style.parse("blue")
error_message = Style.parse("bold red")
success_message = Style.parse("green")
# ╭───────────────╮
# │ Main Function │
# ╰───────────────╯
console = Console()
console.print(f'Dumping {NUM_BYTES} from device at address {MEMORY_START}')
# Get serial device
bp = BusPirateI2C(BP_DEVICE)
except ModeSwitchError as e:
console.print("Failed to switch modes!", style=error_message)
console.print("Beginning data dump", style=info_message)
dump = bp.dump_memory(MEMORY_START, 0, NUM_BYTES)
# TODO: if empty, print message
with open(f'hexdump-{int(time.time())}.hex', 'wb') as f:
for item in dump:
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