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Created October 15, 2021 00:22
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All the examples from sector forth concatenated, trimmed, and immediate executions removed. The idea is that this is what you would provide to get a running system
: dup sp@ @ ;
: -1 dup dup nand dup dup nand nand ;
: 0 -1 dup nand ;
: 1 -1 dup + dup nand ;
: 2 1 1 + ;
: 4 2 2 + ;
: 6 2 4 + ;
: invert dup nand ;
: and nand invert ;
: negate invert 1 + ;
: - negate + ;
: = - 0= ;
: <> = invert ;
: drop dup - + ;
: over sp@ 2 + @ ;
: swap over over sp@ 6 + ! sp@ 2 + ! ;
: nip swap drop ;
: 2dup over over ;
: 2drop drop drop ;
: or invert swap invert and invert ;
: , here @ ! here @ 2 + here ! ;
: 2* dup + ;
: 80h 1 2* 2* 2* 2* 2* 2* 2* ;
: immediate latest @ 2 + dup @ 80h or swap ! ;
: [ 0 state ! ; immediate
: ] 1 state ! ;
: branch rp@ @ dup @ + rp@ ! ;
: ?branch 0= rp@ @ @ 2 - and rp@ @ + 2 + rp@ ! ;
: lit rp@ @ dup 2 + rp@ ! @ ;
: ['] rp@ @ dup 2 + rp@ ! @ ;
: >rexit rp@ ! ;
: >r rp@ @ swap rp@ ! >rexit ;
: r> rp@ 2 + @ rp@ @ rp@ 2 + ! lit [ here @ 6 + , ] rp@ ! ;
: rot >r swap r> swap ;
: if ['] ?branch , here @ 0 , ; immediate
: then dup here @ swap - swap ! ; immediate
: else ['] branch , here @ 0 , swap dup here @ swap - swap !; immediate
: begin here @ ; immediate
: while ['] ?branch , here @ 0 , ; immediate
: repeat swap ['] branch , here @ - , dup here @ swap - swap ! ; immediate
: until ['] ?branch , here @ - , ; immediate
: do here @ ['] >r , ['] >r , ; immediate
: loop ['] r> , ['] r> , ['] lit , 1 , ['] + , ['] 2dup , ['] = , ['] ?branch , here @ - , ['] 2drop , ; immediate
: 0fh lit [ 4 4 4 4 + + + 1 - , ] ;
: ffh lit [ 0fh 2* 2* 2* 2* 0fh or , ] ;
: c@ @ ffh and ;
: c! dup @ ffh invert and rot ffh and or swap ! ;
: c, here @ c! here @ 1 + here ! ;
: litstring rp@ @ dup 2 + rp@ ! @ rp@ @ swap 2dup + rp@ ! ;
: type 0 do dup c@ emit 1 + loop drop ;
: in> tib >in @ + c@ >in dup @ 1 + swap ! ;
: bl lit [ 1 2* 2* 2* 2* 2* , ] ;
: parse in> drop tib >in @ + swap 0 begin over in> <> while 1 + repeat swap bl = if >in dup @ 1 - swap ! then ;
: word in> drop begin dup in> <> until >in @ 2 - >in ! parse ;
: [char] ['] lit , bl word drop c@ , ; immediate
: ." [char] " parse state @ if ['] litstring , dup , 0 do dup c@ c, 1 + loop drop ['] type , else type then ; immediate
: 0<> 0= invert ;
: 40h lit [ 1 2* 2* 2* 2* 2* 2* , ] ;
: reveal latest @ 2 + dup @ 40h invert and swap ! ;
: create
: ['] lit , here @ 4 + , ['] exit , reveal 0 state !
: cells lit [ 2 , ] ;
: allot here @ + here ! ;
: variable create 1 cells allot ;
: ?dup dup ?branch [ 4 , ] dup ;
: -rot rot rot ;
: xor 2dup and invert -rot or and ;
: 8000h lit [ 0 c, 80h c, ] ;
: >= ) - 8000h and 0= ;
: < >= invert ;
: <= 2dup < -rot = or ;
: 0< 0 < ;
: /mod over 0< -rot 2dup xor 0< -rot dup 0< if negate then swap dup 0< if negate then 0 >r begin over 2dup >= while - r> 1 + >r repeat drop nip rot if negate then r> rot if negate then ;
: / /mod nip ;
: mod /mod drop ;
: 10 lit [ 4 4 2 + + , ] ;
: 10h lit [ 4 4 4 4 + + + , ] ;
: hex 10h base ! ;
: decimal 10 base ! ;
: digit dup 10 < if [char] 0 + else 10 - [char] A + then ;
: space bl emit ;
: . -1 swap dup 0< if negate -1 else 0 then >r begin base @ /mod ?dup 0= until r> if [char] - emit then begin digit emit dup -1 = until drop space ;
: sp0 lit [ sp@ , ] ;
: backspace lit [ 4 4 + , ] emit ;
: .s sp@ 0 swap begin dup sp0 < while 2 + swap 1 + swap repeat swap [char] < emit dup . backspace [char] > emit space ?dup if 0 do 2 - dup @ . loop then drop ;
: i rp@ 4 + @ ;
: 3 1 2 + ;
: 5 2 3 + ;
: cr lit [ 4 6 3 + + , ] lit [ 4 6 + , ] emit emit ;
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But the original intent here is to see if you could have something like a Z80 machine have both it's super minimal FORTH and the corresponding boot code to make a useful machine in a comparable amount of space. I think the answer is "yes".

The utility here is in the high-level code - you "only" need to create that first super minimal SectorForth-esque assembly for each new platform, then you're ready to go with a high level language.

For bare CPU machines like something you'd make with a Z80 or a 6809 or even a 68000, that's probably actually kind of useful in and of itself to have a machine to use.

For other more capable architectures (MIPS, ARM, RISC-V), you'd probably only use this as some type of bootloader for other systems, similar to OpenBoot on old SparcStations and PPC Macs. The benefit in the small size might then be a simplification in the MMU implementation - the MMU defaults to some tiny address space for the bootloader to run in. Then the bootloader configures the MMU and peripherals to prepare an environment for a larger machine.

The trick might be then to use this bootloader to setup traps and exception handlers to implement virtual memory or a hardware abstraction layer (HAL) that the full operating system doesn't really know or care about.

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It should be noted that like a lot of FORTH code, this isn't exactly portable. Because the minimal capabilities of SectorForth are so low level, a lot of the words here are doing architecture-specific operations. For example, the create word is doing pointer arithmetic.

It might be worth going through this "boot strap" code, remove the non-portable stuff, and then create a new list of primitives needed. Considering the first comment regarding code density, you might actually come out ahead on some platforms.

I think an interesting diagram would be a dependency graph of all of these words.

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