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Created January 19, 2022 00:24
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Applescript to determine the state of a Zoom meeting `smitmartijn/stream-deck-zoom-plugin`
# run with `osascript`
set zoomStatus to "closed"
set muteStatus to "disabled"
set videoStatus to "disabled"
set shareStatus to "disabled"
set recordStatus to "disabled"
tell application "System Events"
if exists (window 1 of process "") then
set zoomStatus to "open"
tell application process ""
if exists (menu bar item "Meeting" of menu bar 1) then
set zoomStatus to "call"
if exists (menu item "Mute audio" of menu 1 of menu bar item "Meeting" of menu bar 1) then
set muteStatus to "unmuted"
set muteStatus to "muted"
end if
if exists (menu item "Start Video" of menu 1 of menu bar item "Meeting" of menu bar 1) then
set videoStatus to "stopped"
set videoStatus to "started"
end if
if exists (menu item "Start Share" of menu 1 of menu bar item "Meeting" of menu bar 1) then
set shareStatus to "stopped"
set shareStatus to "started"
end if
if exists (menu item "Record to the Cloud" of menu 1 of menu bar item "Meeting" of menu bar 1) then
set recordStatus to "stopped"
else if exists (menu item "Record" of menu 1 of menu bar item "Meeting" of menu bar 1) then
set recordStatus to "stopped"
set recordStatus to "started"
end if
end if
end tell
end if
end tell
do shell script "echo zoomMute:" & (muteStatus as text) & ",zoomVideo:" & (videoStatus as text) & ",zoomStatus:" & (zoomStatus as text) & ",zoomShare:" & (shareStatus as text) & ",zoomRecord:" & (recordStatus as text)
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