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Created June 25, 2012 13:23
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Ace format diff
#!/software/bin/perl -w
# : an improved acediff
# gw3
# Usage : [-options]
# Last edited by: $Author: gw3 $
# Last edited on: $Date: 2011-04-26 15:49:01 $
use strict;
use Getopt::Long;
my ($test, $debug, $store, $file1, $file2, $output);
GetOptions (
"test" => \$test,
"debug:s" => \$debug,
"reference:s" => \$file1,
"new:s" => \$file2,
"output:s" => \$output,
or die("invalid commandline option\n");
# use the time and the process ID to make a unique file extension
my $time = time();
my $pid = "$$";
my $tmpdir = $ENV{TMPDIR} || '/tmp';
my $outfile1 = "$tmpdir/acediff1.$pid.$";
my $outfile2 = "$tmpdir/acediff2.$pid.$";
my $tmp = "$tmpdir/acediff.$pid.$time.tmp";
# Change input separator to paragraph mode, but store old mode in $oldlinesep
my $oldlinesep = $/;
$/ = "";
open (FILE, "<$file1") or die("cant open $file1 : $!\n");
open (PRE, ">$tmp") or die("cant open $tmp : $!\n");
while (my $record = <FILE>) {
while ($record =~ /^\s*\/\//) {$record =~ s/^\s*\/\/.*?\n//} # strip out any comments at the start of the record
$record =~ s/\t/ /g;
$record =~ s/\n/\t/g;
print PRE $record, "\n";
close (PRE);
close (FILE);
# sort the file - sometimes the sorted file doesn't appear - this is very odd - try a few times to make it
my $tries = 5;
while ($tries-- && ! -e "$outfile1") {
system("sort -S 4G $tmp -o $outfile1");
system('sleep 5'); # wait a few seconds for NFS to realise that there really is a file there
open (FILE, "<$file2") or die("cant open $file2 : $!\n");
open (PRE, ">$tmp") or die("cant open $tmp : $!\n");
while (my $record = <FILE>) {
while ($record =~ /^\s*\/\//) {$record =~ s/^\s*\/\/.*?\n//} # strip out any comments at the start of the record
$record =~ s/\t/ /g;
$record =~ s/\n/\t/g;
print PRE $record, "\n";
close (PRE);
close (FILE);
# sort the file - sometimes the sorted file doesn't appear - this is very odd - try a few times to make it
$tries = 5;
while ($tries-- && ! -e "$outfile2") {
system("sort -S 4G $tmp -o $outfile2");
system('sleep 5'); # wait a few seconds for NFS to realise that there really is a file there
# reset input line separator
$/= $oldlinesep;
# get diff output - use 'system' rather than $wormbase->run_command
# because diff returns '1' if there is a difference, 2 means error
my $status = system("/usr/bin/diff $outfile1 $outfile2 > $tmp");
if ( ( $status >> 8 ) == 2 ) {
die("diff exited with an error\n");
# now read in $tmp
# when there is an object that is new (no previous instance): output object
# when there is an object that is deleted (no subsequent instance): output -D object
# when there is an object that is changed: read both instances in and out deleted tags as -D tags and add new tags
# '>' is a new object
# '<' is an old object
my %new;
my %reference;
open (ACE, "<$tmp") or die("cant read from $tmp : $!\n");
while (my $line = <ACE>) {
# put the data into the hashes
my ($origin, $first, $rest) = ($line =~ /^([\>\<])\s+(.+?)\t(.+)/);
if (!defined $origin) {next}
if ($origin eq '>') {
# put tags in %new, keyed by class and ID line
$new{$first} = $rest;
} elsif ($origin eq '<') {
# put tags in %reference, keyed by class and ID line
$reference{$first} = $rest;
} else { # number or --- lines
# do nothing
close ACE;
# now go through %new and check in %reference to see if this is new or changed
# delete the %reference ones we find that are in %new
open (OUT, ">$output") || die("cantopen $output : $!\n");
my $started;
foreach my $newkey (keys %new) {
if (exists $reference{$newkey}) {
# changed data - store the tags in hases for comparison
my %n;
my %r;
my @new = split /\t/, $new{$newkey};
my @ref = split /\t/, $reference{$newkey};
foreach my $tag (@new) {$n{$tag}=1}
foreach my $tag (@ref) {$r{$tag}=1}
# removed tags
$started = 0;
foreach my $tag (keys %r) {
if (! exists $n{$tag}) {
if (!$started) {
print OUT "\n// Changed deleted data\n";
print OUT "\n$newkey\n";
$started = 1;
print OUT "-D $tag\n";
# added tags
$started = 0;
foreach my $tag (keys %n) {
if (! exists $r{$tag}) {
if (!$started) {
print OUT "\n// Changed added data\n";
print OUT "\n$newkey\n";
$started = 1;
print OUT "$tag\n";
delete $reference{$newkey};
} else {
# new data
print OUT "\n// New data\n";
print OUT "\n$newkey\n";
my $rest = $new{$newkey};
$rest =~ s/\t/\n/g;
print OUT "$rest";
# go through %reference to find the ones that are left - these are just deleted
foreach my $refkey (keys %reference) {
if (exists $reference{$refkey}) {
print OUT "\n// Deleted data\n";
print OUT "\n-D $refkey\n";
# tidy up
unlink $outfile1;
unlink $outfile2;
unlink $tmp;
# Add perl documentation in POD format
# This should expand on your brief description above and
# add details of any options that can be used with the program.
# Such documentation can be viewed using the perldoc command.
=head2 NAME -
=head1 USAGE
=over 4
=item -reference file1.ace -new file2.ace -out changed_file.ace
This script is a rewrite of acediff in perl. It takes a reference ace fiekl and a new ace file and writes out an ace file that will patch the old database to reflect the new data. MANDATORY arguments:
=over 4
=item -reference file, the old ace file
=over 4
=item -new file, the new ace file
=over 4
=item -output file, the difference ace file
=back OPTIONAL arguments:
=over 4
=item -h, Help
=over 4
=item -debug, Debug mode, set this to the username who should receive the emailed log messages. The default is that everyone in the group receives them.
=over 4
=item -test, Test mode, run the script, but don't change anything.
=over 4
=item -verbose, output lots of chatty test messages
=over 4
=item None at present.
=head1 AUTHOR
=over 4
=item Gary Williams (
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