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Last active April 16, 2021 22:25
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  • Save eperedo/74b09475a3486e5f6d556d615a2a4818 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save eperedo/74b09475a3486e5f6d556d615a2a4818 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
platzi tutorials pagination
// Open the developer tools in chrome/edge and run this code in any course page
// If the course only has 10 or less tutorials you are NOT going to see any change.
// Courses with more than 10 tutorials to test this script:
// You will see the pagination at the bottom of the tutorials section
const tutorials = window.initialData?.initialState?.tutorials;
const courseId = window.initialData?.initialState?.course?.id;
const userId = window.contactInfo?.userId;
const avatarDom = document.querySelector('.Actionsv2-avatar');
let avatarUrl = '';
if (avatarDom) {
avatarUrl = avatarDom.getAttribute('src');
function generateStyles() {
const el = document.createElement('style');
el.innerHTML =
// function extract from
function timeSince(date) {
var seconds = Math.floor((new Date() - date) / 1000);
var interval = seconds / 31536000;
if (interval > 1) {
return `Hace ${Math.floor(interval)} años`;
interval = seconds / 2592000;
if (interval > 1) {
return `Hace ${Math.floor(interval)} meses`;
interval = seconds / 86400;
if (interval > 1) {
return `Hace ${Math.floor(interval)} días`;
interval = seconds / 3600;
if (interval > 1) {
return `Hace ${Math.floor(interval)} horas`;
interval = seconds / 60;
if (interval > 1) {
return `Hace ${Math.floor(interval)} minutos`;
return Math.floor(seconds) + ' segundos';
function tutorialItemHtml({ createdAt, nLikes, title }, ownArticle) {
const heartClass = ownArticle ? 'is-loved ' : '';
const userPhoto =
ownArticle && avatarUrl
? `<img class="Actionsv2-avatar TutorialAvatar" src="${avatarUrl}" width="16" height="16" />`
: '';
const html = `
<div class="Star is-level-1 is-small">
<span class="Star-heart ${heartClass}"></span>
<span class="Star-number">${nLikes}</span>
<a class="Tutorial-anchor">
<p class="Tutorial-title">
${title} ${userPhoto}
<div class="Tutorial-action">
<div class="Tutorial-icon">
<span class="icon-clock_A"></span>
<div class="Tutorial-action-description">${timeSince(new Date(createdAt))}</div>
return html;
function renderTutorials(data = []) {
const parentDom = document.querySelector('.TurorialsList');
for (let index = 0; parentDom.childElementCount > 1; index++) {
data.forEach((tutObject) => {
const newChild = document.createElement('a');
newChild.classList.add('Tutorial', 'TutorialMejorandoPlatzi');
newChild.setAttribute('href', tutObject.detailUrl);
newChild.innerHTML = tutorialItemHtml(
tutObject.authorId == userId,
if (tutorials) {
const tabContentDom = document.querySelector('div.TabsContent-elements');
if (tabContentDom) {
const totalPages = tutorials.pagesCount;
if (totalPages > 1) {
const pageDom = document.createElement('div');
for (let index = 0; index < totalPages; index++) {
const page = index + 1;
const button = document.createElement('button');
const initialClass =
index === 0 ? ['mj-btn-page', 'active'] : ['mj-btn-page'];
button.textContent = page;
button.addEventListener('click', async () => {
button.setAttribute('disabled', true);
const r = await fetch(
const json = await r.json();
pageDom.childNodes.forEach((item) => {
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