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Last active March 6, 2020 23:06
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This is a naive system for intent recognition, for use in dialogue systems. Other intents can be added. This system is naive because it makes the assumption that the sentence embeddings of all natural language instantiations of an intent will be within two standard deviations of the intent's examples centroid. This is a heuristic.
from statistics import mean
from math import sqrt
from functools import reduce
from sentence_transformers import SentenceTransformer
import numpy as np
from scipy.spatial.distance import cosine
model = SentenceTransformer("distilbert-base-nli-stsb-mean-tokens")
# A very simple intent engine. Recognize affirmative and
# negative responses using semantic similarity determined
# using sentence embeddings.
intents = {
"yes": {
"examples": [
"of course",
"That's right",
"Why not",
"yes i am",
"yes i think so",
"I would love to."
"no": {
"examples": [
"I don't think so",
"No I don't",
"no I'm not",
"No thank you.",
"No way.",
def determine_intent(text: str, k: float) -> str:
# Measure how close `text` is to each of the
# intent's centroids.
embedding = np.mean(model.encode(text), axis=0)
comparisons = []
for intent, data in intents.items():
dist_to_centroid = cosine(embedding, data["embedding"])
"intent": intent,
"dist": dist_to_centroid,
"is_within_k_std": dist_to_centroid <= k*data["embedding_std"],
# Find the intent closest to `text`.
closest = reduce(
lambda acc, x: x if x["dist"] < acc["dist"] else acc,
{"dist": float("inf")},
# Return the intent if `text` is close enough to its centroid.
if closest["is_within_k_std"]:
return closest["intent"]
return "unknown"
if __name__ == "__main__":
# Create a centroid and standard deviation for each intent
# based on its examples.
for intent, data in intents.items():
ex_embeddings = [np.mean(model.encode(ex), axis=0) for ex in data["examples"]]
centroid = np.mean(ex_embeddings, axis=0)
data["embedding"] = centroid
data["embedding_std"] = sqrt(
mean(cosine(emb, centroid) ** 2 for emb in ex_embeddings)
print(f"std of '{intent}':", data["embedding_std"])
# Accept user input and output the system's approximation of their desired intent.
user_in = ""
exit_resp = {"q", "Q", "quit", "exit"}
while user_in not in exit_resp:
user_in = input("Please enter your intent (press 'q' to quit): ")
if user_in not in exit_resp:
print("your intent is:", determine_intent(user_in, 2.0))
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