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Last active December 18, 2023 18:10
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Advent of Code - Day 18

Advent of Code - Day 18: Lavaduct Lagoon

Problem Description

Part One

The Elves are constructing a lagoon to hold lava for a machine parts factory. The lagoon's perimeter is described by a series of directional instructions, each specifying a movement direction (Up, Down, Left, Right) and a length. The task is to determine the total volume of the lagoon that can be filled with lava, given these perimeter instructions.

Part Two

The Elves soon realize that the planned lagoon would be too small due to a mistake in the dig plan. The hexadecimal color codes in the instructions were mistakenly swapped with the direction and distance parameters. The correct instructions must be extracted from these hexadecimal codes, where the first five digits represent the distance in meters (as a hexadecimal number), and the last digit represents the direction (0 for R, 1 for D, 2 for L, and 3 for U).

The challenge is to convert these hexadecimal codes into the correct instructions and calculate the volume of lava the lagoon can hold based on this revised plan


R 6 (#70c710)
D 5 (#0dc571)
L 2 (#5713f0)
D 2 (#d2c081)
R 2 (#59c680)
D 2 (#411b91)
L 5 (#8ceee2)
U 2 (#caa173)
L 1 (#1b58a2)
U 2 (#caa171)
R 2 (#7807d2)
U 3 (#a77fa3)
L 2 (#015232)
U 2 (#7a21e3)


The solution involves two key mathematical concepts: Pick's Theorem and the Shoelace formula.

Pick's Theorem

Pick's Theorem provides a formula to calculate the area of a simple polygon whose vertices are points on a lattice. The formula is:


where AA is the area of the polygon, II is the number of lattice points inside the polygon, and BB is the number of lattice points on the boundary of the polygon.

Shoelace Formula

The Shoelace formula is a method for finding the area of a polygon when the coordinates of its vertices are known. The formula is particularly useful for polygons whose edges are not necessarily parallel to the axis, which is the case for the lagoon perimeter. Implementation

The implementation involves parsing the directional instructions to construct the perimeter of the lagoon. The vertices of the polygon formed by this perimeter are then used in the Shoelace formula to calculate the area. To calculate the volume of the lagoon, the perimeter (representing the trench dug around the lagoon) is also considered, and Pick's theorem is applied.

The perimeter is calculated by summing the lengths of all the movements, while the area is calculated using the vertices obtained from the instructions. The total volume of the lagoon is the sum of the interior area and the perimeter. Rust Implementation

Needed Help on this One

I managed to do alright on the first part but ultimately had to look at a few solutions from others' on Reddit to find a path forward.

I'm pretty happy with my solution, ultimately, but I'm just leaving this one in Rust this time - I'm a little tired after this fight

L 4 (#248a72)
U 3 (#295c13)
L 4 (#49e802)
U 5 (#5ff8b3)
R 3 (#0df642)
U 2 (#15b973)
R 5 (#6cfb92)
U 11 (#4e3cd3)
L 4 (#422dd0)
D 5 (#303fe3)
L 7 (#6225e0)
D 2 (#58bd63)
L 9 (#6225e2)
D 8 (#2b1703)
L 6 (#422dd2)
D 9 (#2eb9b3)
L 2 (#10f270)
D 10 (#0677b3)
L 4 (#190450)
U 11 (#55b4e3)
L 4 (#361732)
U 3 (#034663)
L 4 (#37f902)
U 6 (#19bb73)
R 8 (#6e1030)
U 8 (#4cad93)
L 4 (#2509d0)
U 6 (#1e1e61)
L 5 (#3d3b90)
U 8 (#28ec81)
L 2 (#3f9200)
U 5 (#437871)
L 6 (#174bc0)
D 5 (#3b58a1)
L 11 (#064a60)
U 5 (#539da3)
L 4 (#1ea0d0)
D 7 (#1909b3)
L 2 (#296a52)
D 9 (#6780c3)
L 3 (#296a50)
U 11 (#356893)
L 2 (#0eb430)
U 5 (#019203)
L 5 (#4eea10)
U 4 (#436533)
L 4 (#20aeb0)
U 4 (#2fb883)
L 6 (#5046c0)
U 11 (#392293)
R 8 (#2567a0)
U 3 (#57ee03)
R 12 (#270540)
U 2 (#358173)
R 6 (#289e40)
U 2 (#77b991)
R 4 (#016c10)
U 11 (#351091)
R 2 (#714f90)
U 6 (#4add71)
L 11 (#00eab0)
D 5 (#2f8361)
L 8 (#192200)
U 5 (#1416c1)
L 13 (#775d30)
U 3 (#3d3d63)
L 8 (#6e4710)
U 3 (#28cfd3)
L 8 (#389880)
U 5 (#28cfd1)
L 7 (#4cd750)
D 5 (#1d56e3)
L 3 (#2789e2)
D 5 (#5d7573)
R 9 (#1b1372)
D 5 (#1965a3)
R 4 (#111052)
D 2 (#5a2861)
R 10 (#37f1c2)
D 3 (#0b7ad1)
R 5 (#012162)
U 5 (#226f43)
R 4 (#583cd2)
D 5 (#4333f3)
R 5 (#0eb952)
D 3 (#22a273)
L 2 (#34c5d0)
D 3 (#355f11)
L 5 (#13a460)
D 4 (#355f13)
L 6 (#3e2900)
U 4 (#28d423)
L 8 (#042432)
D 3 (#4378f3)
L 6 (#18a200)
D 5 (#16a843)
L 5 (#18a202)
D 7 (#46fdd3)
L 5 (#2a4802)
D 5 (#2a4d23)
L 5 (#6049d2)
D 4 (#0a4023)
L 4 (#09afb2)
U 4 (#687713)
L 5 (#4b85f2)
D 4 (#0e1a53)
L 8 (#331b60)
U 6 (#270d83)
L 6 (#331b62)
U 6 (#25dba3)
L 6 (#412e82)
D 6 (#5e2e73)
L 8 (#1de802)
U 6 (#1e7143)
L 4 (#4e7e82)
U 3 (#160d63)
L 5 (#19d230)
U 3 (#36a4a3)
R 3 (#19d232)
U 6 (#4c63b3)
R 10 (#0d2862)
U 5 (#0ec351)
R 11 (#593c62)
U 6 (#12de21)
R 2 (#08d482)
U 4 (#277081)
R 3 (#10eee0)
U 4 (#382b91)
L 4 (#512200)
U 7 (#1279f1)
L 3 (#229312)
U 6 (#422721)
R 6 (#71ddd2)
U 6 (#093871)
R 13 (#0d5622)
D 5 (#093873)
R 7 (#4c34e2)
U 6 (#5b1743)
R 2 (#4779a2)
D 6 (#1cc6e3)
R 7 (#3c13a0)
U 5 (#3b60f3)
R 4 (#3c13a2)
U 9 (#229f83)
R 3 (#0a6ff2)
D 2 (#06d231)
R 8 (#0298b2)
D 11 (#4eb6a1)
R 7 (#0298b0)
U 8 (#438ce1)
R 7 (#0e69e2)
U 5 (#2d3e73)
R 8 (#40b2c2)
U 6 (#64cb53)
L 2 (#40b2c0)
U 3 (#0215c3)
L 3 (#2cbf42)
U 4 (#00c523)
L 7 (#1fc3d2)
D 4 (#68a633)
L 5 (#1fc3d0)
U 5 (#149853)
L 5 (#2cbf40)
U 9 (#0b9613)
L 3 (#1e7f00)
U 8 (#2fc533)
L 7 (#3d7180)
U 3 (#33f3a3)
R 9 (#66d340)
U 2 (#0fa1f1)
R 4 (#0546c0)
D 6 (#4c00b3)
R 8 (#483b50)
U 6 (#4c00b1)
R 4 (#2fc7c0)
U 2 (#0fa1f3)
R 7 (#377280)
U 6 (#200c43)
R 5 (#429ef0)
U 3 (#3a90f1)
R 5 (#226142)
U 4 (#2740c1)
R 5 (#41ac62)
U 3 (#275423)
R 2 (#3ba072)
U 11 (#275421)
R 4 (#27ea92)
D 8 (#402001)
R 2 (#3456c0)
D 6 (#5a4541)
R 3 (#4d1400)
U 4 (#5a4543)
R 6 (#462de0)
U 8 (#3fcdb1)
R 6 (#1f2d90)
U 6 (#4e7851)
R 3 (#41eb30)
D 6 (#4e7853)
R 4 (#1aa1c0)
D 10 (#0a4073)
R 6 (#2134b2)
D 7 (#164e43)
R 4 (#200c72)
D 5 (#3beca3)
R 6 (#7445e0)
U 3 (#2cda83)
R 4 (#7445e2)
U 3 (#475553)
L 5 (#200c70)
U 10 (#23fb33)
R 5 (#2134b0)
U 7 (#3c98d3)
L 4 (#4cfc80)
U 5 (#0f0e71)
R 8 (#3c1d22)
U 10 (#23a311)
R 6 (#05da32)
D 5 (#6229c1)
R 5 (#41f750)
D 8 (#1f4191)
R 3 (#3530f0)
D 13 (#4d3941)
R 3 (#6215e0)
D 9 (#2fe911)
R 6 (#05cf90)
U 4 (#25c901)
R 2 (#335232)
U 12 (#271371)
R 2 (#335230)
U 5 (#2bd1d1)
L 9 (#1ffad0)
U 6 (#6f6bc1)
R 9 (#099600)
U 5 (#13bee1)
R 3 (#5aa820)
U 3 (#3546c1)
R 6 (#4dd5f0)
D 11 (#495be1)
R 6 (#60c8e0)
U 11 (#4bd201)
R 4 (#367f30)
D 4 (#43dbc1)
R 6 (#4bb740)
U 12 (#07ce11)
R 6 (#4b4d70)
D 12 (#3e29e1)
R 5 (#313fc0)
U 4 (#293d51)
R 4 (#1b4860)
U 11 (#514571)
R 4 (#5c11a2)
U 4 (#444841)
R 8 (#5c11a0)
U 2 (#3e6c51)
R 11 (#16dab0)
U 7 (#26baf1)
R 2 (#32e240)
U 5 (#26baf3)
R 6 (#2f0a70)
U 6 (#11a821)
R 3 (#527fc0)
U 7 (#468b31)
R 6 (#0641a0)
U 10 (#20f351)
R 7 (#547a90)
U 12 (#1dbf11)
R 2 (#17d0d2)
U 10 (#159981)
R 6 (#634e12)
U 5 (#4ff021)
R 10 (#006122)
D 6 (#6589a3)
R 3 (#1a74f2)
D 2 (#19b911)
R 12 (#3ed5f2)
D 5 (#28ab31)
R 3 (#09dd82)
D 5 (#614c01)
R 6 (#284d32)
D 9 (#06b521)
R 8 (#4dfad2)
D 7 (#5b0f61)
R 2 (#0fff22)
D 5 (#1e6ff1)
R 2 (#47b352)
D 9 (#29c291)
R 5 (#352ef2)
D 3 (#042d11)
R 4 (#262542)
D 7 (#042d13)
R 4 (#21e8f2)
D 3 (#18cc21)
R 3 (#16ed70)
U 9 (#270ea1)
R 7 (#4391e0)
U 9 (#270ea3)
R 4 (#22bdd0)
D 3 (#3b72b1)
R 7 (#1fd4b2)
D 8 (#01bfe1)
L 7 (#3d18a2)
D 7 (#20dac1)
R 4 (#67d990)
D 4 (#1acd93)
L 7 (#017410)
D 2 (#6e4923)
L 7 (#10bdd0)
D 13 (#0650b3)
L 2 (#072660)
U 13 (#221151)
L 6 (#41d720)
D 3 (#5bc831)
L 4 (#252450)
D 9 (#118de1)
R 6 (#05b1d0)
D 4 (#247721)
R 9 (#2b6b10)
U 4 (#60da41)
R 10 (#470c42)
D 3 (#4fdc91)
R 2 (#470c40)
D 8 (#189db1)
L 5 (#4a1f70)
D 7 (#07e141)
L 3 (#2524b0)
D 5 (#2a6ce1)
L 11 (#1a2e50)
D 2 (#4f08c1)
L 3 (#3b7ec0)
D 9 (#65e011)
L 8 (#24b9a0)
D 6 (#196c61)
L 5 (#540b20)
D 6 (#243801)
L 2 (#397ce0)
D 3 (#411a41)
L 12 (#397ce2)
D 2 (#526d51)
L 2 (#5b5810)
D 5 (#2e96d3)
L 8 (#6c4f80)
U 6 (#274453)
L 3 (#077010)
U 5 (#37f603)
R 5 (#73bf92)
U 4 (#29ee73)
R 11 (#5ffd40)
U 5 (#3e12d3)
L 4 (#4b4e32)
U 12 (#114e01)
L 2 (#45d0b2)
U 4 (#114e03)
L 6 (#4b8b02)
U 9 (#3eff03)
L 4 (#6968d0)
U 4 (#3d4d33)
L 6 (#1dd0e0)
D 2 (#436023)
L 9 (#58b812)
D 6 (#423003)
L 7 (#2e81a2)
D 3 (#3d9e13)
L 11 (#305450)
D 6 (#2667f3)
L 7 (#3a8470)
D 8 (#293191)
R 3 (#207ee0)
D 4 (#293193)
R 3 (#2c4360)
D 4 (#2667f1)
R 7 (#250ee0)
U 4 (#70e1c3)
R 4 (#2907d0)
D 6 (#0b69a1)
R 6 (#3babc0)
D 6 (#7698c3)
R 2 (#2752c0)
D 3 (#7698c1)
L 4 (#2dc550)
D 11 (#4ec121)
L 8 (#199d00)
U 11 (#33f261)
L 7 (#3b4e30)
D 5 (#24e991)
L 6 (#0aaeb2)
U 9 (#15a993)
L 5 (#59ed02)
U 2 (#15a991)
L 5 (#2c0432)
U 10 (#337e81)
L 7 (#248670)
D 2 (#511d31)
L 3 (#52ebc0)
D 13 (#511d33)
L 4 (#192db0)
D 7 (#3dcf11)
L 2 (#285030)
D 3 (#15acc1)
L 6 (#3a6c70)
D 5 (#36f281)
L 4 (#44fd02)
U 5 (#4e8821)
L 4 (#473972)
U 5 (#2ab9f1)
L 8 (#60aaa0)
U 5 (#35c651)
L 3 (#4736b2)
U 10 (#4741d1)
L 3 (#1973f2)
U 5 (#1b5031)
L 3 (#3c6532)
D 5 (#49bd31)
L 4 (#5e3f60)
D 3 (#4a2011)
L 4 (#2ba190)
D 6 (#4a2013)
L 3 (#653430)
D 7 (#10dda1)
L 11 (#2532d2)
D 3 (#675311)
L 4 (#27d642)
D 6 (#02cae1)
L 10 (#466652)
D 7 (#34cef3)
R 3 (#263692)
D 7 (#34cef1)
R 8 (#2c59d2)
D 5 (#31afe1)
L 8 (#091562)
D 5 (#12c861)
R 4 (#47a772)
D 5 (#68a5b1)
L 7 (#1f79a2)
D 4 (#3b3c13)
R 10 (#0e7122)
D 4 (#087363)
R 4 (#3e26c2)
U 13 (#4953f3)
R 3 (#5ac862)
U 3 (#4953f1)
R 3 (#13cfe2)
D 5 (#087361)
R 11 (#57f7a2)
D 4 (#3b3c11)
L 11 (#6dcb32)
D 7 (#35e653)
R 6 (#525282)
D 5 (#3dac93)
R 9 (#377082)
D 6 (#2afda1)
R 10 (#3e6422)
D 10 (#220471)
R 10 (#37ebf2)
D 2 (#4d0213)
R 5 (#2fa2f2)
D 4 (#30df53)
R 5 (#617e00)
U 6 (#536393)
R 5 (#496510)
D 6 (#5f6733)
R 4 (#3bf9b0)
D 3 (#5f6731)
R 4 (#48d940)
D 3 (#35a5d3)
R 4 (#284a82)
D 9 (#445b23)
L 4 (#2535c2)
D 4 (#3f8b43)
R 2 (#41a002)
D 7 (#20b143)
R 3 (#63ae42)
U 8 (#328b03)
R 9 (#383210)
U 3 (#1ce143)
R 7 (#383212)
U 6 (#2ed603)
R 5 (#00c512)
U 6 (#6dea43)
R 6 (#00c510)
U 7 (#0f0643)
R 3 (#4292a2)
U 7 (#684961)
R 3 (#03de80)
U 5 (#46e0b1)
R 6 (#3d4ae2)
D 5 (#1d5fc1)
R 7 (#3d4ae0)
U 13 (#470ab1)
R 5 (#03de82)
U 4 (#282c71)
R 6 (#5520f2)
D 5 (#2f0981)
R 2 (#5520f0)
D 12 (#4081a1)
R 6 (#22a272)
U 5 (#284c53)
R 8 (#081202)
D 5 (#0b7831)
R 4 (#3e4552)
D 13 (#0b7833)
R 5 (#38e092)
U 11 (#284c51)
R 2 (#550082)
U 2 (#175033)
R 6 (#036dc2)
D 3 (#068791)
R 9 (#3ff6f2)
D 5 (#4a5783)
R 13 (#4d5f92)
D 6 (#3e3423)
L 12 (#4f62d2)
D 7 (#5e4363)
L 3 (#0f7032)
U 7 (#285261)
L 12 (#4ea392)
D 5 (#4c2dc1)
L 4 (#0d2822)
D 5 (#4c2dc3)
R 9 (#518da2)
D 2 (#41b3b1)
R 7 (#023270)
D 3 (#13d6e1)
R 11 (#0874c0)
D 3 (#2026c1)
R 4 (#68f3a0)
D 7 (#2026c3)
L 8 (#208470)
D 4 (#09bd81)
L 3 (#193a10)
D 7 (#5f3491)
L 4 (#08cad2)
D 10 (#068793)
L 10 (#48acb2)
D 4 (#20e341)
L 7 (#6137a2)
D 8 (#20e343)
L 7 (#0bf292)
D 7 (#5b5f13)
L 8 (#2b2532)
D 3 (#034073)
L 5 (#3c7bb2)
D 11 (#09c643)
L 3 (#0d6e52)
U 3 (#569d23)
L 5 (#63fed0)
U 4 (#162193)
L 4 (#2eb310)
U 3 (#655e23)
L 10 (#42f8e0)
U 4 (#341983)
R 14 (#3dbbc0)
U 5 (#551b13)
L 5 (#2a94f0)
U 6 (#05ae53)
L 2 (#09db90)
U 5 (#2c9e13)
L 8 (#4c6d10)
D 10 (#40ffb3)
L 3 (#306c30)
D 2 (#338911)
L 6 (#4bed00)
D 7 (#338913)
R 7 (#12aae0)
D 4 (#459613)
L 7 (#75d3a2)
D 7 (#37ad61)
L 6 (#6dcf92)
D 4 (#3b7703)
R 9 (#0ee2b2)
D 4 (#514c13)
R 6 (#0ee2b0)
D 3 (#2863b3)
L 8 (#52eee2)
D 8 (#2fc771)
L 7 (#5be782)
D 4 (#2f39a1)
L 6 (#5be780)
U 4 (#5625b1)
L 2 (#5588c2)
U 14 (#37ad63)
L 3 (#0681e2)
U 4 (#085481)
L 3 (#037432)
U 12 (#31ed51)
L 4 (#6791e2)
D 5 (#3546d3)
L 6 (#4419e2)
D 10 (#3546d1)
L 4 (#2c1a72)
D 10 (#5bead1)
L 3 (#3b3252)
D 9 (#3390c1)
L 3 (#1d78c2)
D 5 (#488d71)
R 10 (#244042)
D 2 (#10d1e1)
R 5 (#3fd582)
D 5 (#5025a1)
L 3 (#381b70)
D 11 (#771831)
L 7 (#2abf50)
U 11 (#17be81)
L 5 (#1eb3c0)
D 5 (#3d9c61)
L 5 (#5f4de2)
D 8 (#278361)
L 2 (#2b95b2)
D 9 (#2cb0b1)
L 4 (#4a0182)
D 6 (#2c6bb3)
L 2 (#499642)
D 5 (#4c76d3)
L 8 (#2fe412)
U 9 (#07b893)
L 2 (#236d52)
U 8 (#3956a3)
L 7 (#34f252)
U 3 (#52bbf1)
L 7 (#189470)
U 4 (#54b661)
L 9 (#189472)
U 7 (#0110f1)
L 3 (#409bf2)
U 3 (#46d3e3)
L 5 (#4c0f82)
U 11 (#215e73)
L 4 (#4c0f80)
U 7 (#4050f3)
L 9 (#39b192)
U 7 (#28b043)
L 3 (#011270)
U 7 (#1f6693)
R 7 (#73c390)
U 2 (#2c4113)
R 5 (#0321c0)
U 8 (#2f2903)
L 12 (#5ab560)
U 3 (#4dd983)
L 6 (#38b7d2)
U 12 (#03c8c3)
""" abandoned in favor of rust implementation """
def parse_instructions(instructions):
""" Parse the list of instructions into a format that can be easily processed. """
parsed_instructions = []
for instr in instructions:
direction, length, _ = instr.split()
parsed_instructions.append((direction, int(length)))
return parsed_instructions
def create_grid(instructions):
""" Create a grid based on the instructions to determine the size of the lagoon. """
x, y = 0, 0
grid = set([(x, y)])
for direction, length in instructions:
for _ in range(length):
if direction == 'U': y -= 1
elif direction == 'D': y += 1
elif direction == 'L': x -= 1
elif direction == 'R': x += 1
grid.add((x, y))
return grid
def fill_interior(grid):
""" Fill the interior of the grid based on the exterior path. """
min_x = min(grid, key=lambda k: k[0])[0]
max_x = max(grid, key=lambda k: k[0])[0]
min_y = min(grid, key=lambda k: k[1])[1]
max_y = max(grid, key=lambda k: k[1])[1]
for x in range(min_x + 1, max_x):
for y in range(min_y + 1, max_y):
if (x, y) not in grid:
# Check if this point is inside the path
inside = False
for i in range(x + 1, max_x + 1):
if (i, y) in grid:
inside = not inside
if inside:
grid.add((x, y))
return grid
# Example puzzle input
example_input = [
"R 6 (#70c710)", "D 5 (#0dc571)", "L 2 (#5713f0)", "D 2 (#d2c081)", "R 2 (#59c680)",
"D 2 (#411b91)", "L 5 (#8ceee2)", "U 2 (#caa173)", "L 1 (#1b58a2)", "U 2 (#caa171)",
"R 2 (#7807d2)", "U 3 (#a77fa3)", "L 2 (#015232)", "U 2 (#7a21e3)"
parsed_instructions = parse_instructions(example_input)
grid_with_path = create_grid(parsed_instructions)
filled_grid = fill_interior(grid_with_path)
# The volume of lava the lagoon can hold is the number of grid squares filled
lagoon_volume = len(filled_grid)
print(f"Lagoon Volume: {lagoon_volume} cubic meters")
use std::fs::File;
use std::io::{self, BufRead};
use std::collections::HashMap;
fn main() -> io::Result<()> {
// Read instructions from the file
let mut data = Vec::new();
let file = File::open("instructions.txt")?;
for line in io::BufReader::new(file).lines() {
// Define movement directions and coordinates
let move_dir: HashMap<&str, (i64, i64)> = [("R", (0, 1)), ("L", (0, -1)), ("U", (-1, 0)), ("D", (1, 0))]
let dirs: HashMap<char, &str> = [('0', "R"), ('1', "D"), ('2', "L"), ('3', "U")]
// Calculate area and perimeter for Part 1
calculate_area_and_perimeter(&data, &move_dir, &dirs, "Part 1");
// Calculate area and perimeter for Part 2
calculate_area_and_perimeter(&data, &move_dir, &dirs, "Part 2");
fn calculate_area_and_perimeter(data: &Vec<String>, move_dir: &HashMap<&str, (i64, i64)>, dirs: &HashMap<char, &str>, part: &str) {
let (mut x, mut y, mut perimeter) = (0i64, 0i64, 0i64);
let mut borders = Vec::new();
for row in data {
let (d, m, _c) = parse_instruction(row, part, dirs);
let (dx, dy) = move_dir[&d.as_str()];
borders.push((x, y));
perimeter += m as i64;
x += dx * m as i64;
y += dy * m as i64;
borders.push(borders[0]); // Close the loop for Shoelace formula
// Calculate area using Shoelace formula
let mut area = 0i64;
for i in 0..borders.len() - 1 {
let (x1, y1) = borders[i];
let (x2, y2) = borders[i + 1];
area += x1 * y2 - x2 * y1;
area = area.abs() / 2;
// Calculate interior area using Pick's theorem
let interior_area = area - perimeter / 2 + 1;
println!("{}: {}", part, interior_area + perimeter);
fn parse_instruction(instruction: &str, part: &str, dirs: &HashMap<char, &str>) -> (String, i32, String) {
let parts: Vec<&str> = instruction.split_whitespace().collect();
let d = match part {
"Part 1" => parts[0].to_string(),
"Part 2" => {
let color_code = parts[2].trim_matches(|p| p == '(' || p == ')');
_ => parts[0].to_string(),
let m = match part {
"Part 1" => parts[1].parse().unwrap(),
"Part 2" => {
let color_code = parts[2].trim_matches(|p| p == '(' || p == ')');
i32::from_str_radix(&color_code[1..color_code.len()-1], 16).unwrap()
_ => parts[1].parse().unwrap(),
let c = parts[2].to_string();
(d, m, c)
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