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Created October 16, 2015 02:14
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use 5.014;
our $VERSION = 0.001;
use strict;
use warnings;
use autodie;
use Carp qw(carp croak);
use File::Basename qw(dirname);
use File::Temp;
use File::stat;
use Getopt::Long qw(GetOptions);
use Pod::Usage qw(pod2usage);
use constant BUFSZ => 4096;
my $stdout;
my $decode;
my $force;
my $keep;
my $help;
my $suffix = '.shortcat';
Getopt::Long::Configure qw(gnu_compat bundling auto_version auto_help);
'stdout|c' => \$stdout,
'decode|d' => \$decode,
'force|f' => \$force,
'keep|k' => \$keep,
'suffix|S=s' => \$suffix,
) and !$keep || length $suffix or pod2usage(2);
if (@ARGV) {
for my $inn (@ARGV) {
open my $in, '<:mmap', $inn;
my ($stat, $outn);
unless ($stdout) {
$stat = stat $in;
croak("Refusing to remove ``$inn'' with multiple links (use --force)")
if !$force && !$keep && $stat->nlink > 1;
$outn = $decode ? $inn =~ s/\Q$suffix\E\Z//r : $inn . $suffix;
my $st = lstat($outn);
croak("Cannot replace directory ``$outn''") if $force && $st && -d $st;
croak("Refusing to overwrite ``$outn'' (use --force)") if !$force && $st && -e $st;
my $out = $stdout ? *STDOUT : File::Temp->new(
TEMPLATE => ".XXXX", DIR => dirname($inn), SUFFIX => ".sc", UNLINK => 1);
unless ($stdout) {
chmod $stat->mode, $out;
chown $stat->uid, $stat->gid, $out;
process($in, $out);
unless ($stdout) {
rename $out->filename, $outn;
File::Temp::unlink1($in, $inn) or croak("Failed to unlink ``$inn'': $!") unless $keep;
} else {
open my $in, '<&STDIN';
open my $out, '>&STDOUT';
process($in, $out);
sub process {
my ($in, $out) = @_;
binmode $in, $decode ? ':utf8' : ':raw';
binmode $out, $decode ? ':raw' : ':utf8';
my $buffer;
while (sysread $in, $buffer, BUFSZ) {
if ($decode) {
$buffer =~ tr/\x{2500}-\x{25ff}//cd;
$buffer =~ tr/\x{2500}-\x{25ff}/\0-\377/;
} else {
$buffer =~ tr/\0-\377/\x{2500}-\x{25ff}/;
syswrite $out, $buffer;
=head1 NAME
shortcat [OPTION]... [FILE]...
=head2 Options
-c, --stdout
-d, --decode
-k, --keep
-S, --suffix=.shortcat
=head1 SEE ALSO
Nick Monfort's
L<shortcat introduction|>,
and L<decoder|>
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