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Last active December 29, 2018 07:33
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my answers in Python
from collections import defaultdict
with open('day1.txt') as puzzle_file:
puzzle_input = [int(line.strip()) for line in puzzle_file]
def part2(diffs):
total, seen = 0, {0}
for d in diffs:
total += d
if total in seen:
return d
f = 0
group = defaultdict(list)
for i, d in enumerate(diffs):
f += d
group[f % total].append((f, i))
return min((abs(y - x), j, x) for g in group.values() for x, i in g for y, j in g
if i != j and (total < 0) == (x < y))[2]
from collections import Counter, namedtuple
import re
Point = namedtuple('Point', 'x y dx dy')
with open('day10.txt') as puzzle_file:
pattern = re.compile(r'-?\d+')
points = [Point(*(int( for m in pattern.finditer(line))) for line in puzzle_file]
times = Counter()
for i, p1 in enumerate(points):
x1, y1, dx1, dy1 = p1
for j in range(i + 1, len(points)):
x2, y2, dx2, dy2 = points[j]
if dx1 != dx2 and (x1 - x2) % (dx2 - dx1) == 0:
times[(x1 - x2) // (dx2 - dx1)] += 1
if dy1 != dy2 and (y1 - y2) % (dy2 - dy1) == 0:
times[(y1 - y2) // (dy2 - dy1)] += 1
t, _ = times.most_common(1)[0]
points = {(x + dx * t, y + dy * t) for x, y, dx, dy in points}
min_x, min_y = min(x for (x, y) in points), min(y for (x, y) in points)
max_x, max_y = max(x for (x, y) in points), max(y for (x, y) in points)
for y in range(min_y, max_y + 1):
print(''.join(u'░▓'[(x, y) in points] for x in range(min_x, max_x + 1)))
from functools import partial
from multiprocessing import Pool
with open('day11.txt') as puzzle_file:
serial = int(
def tabulate(serial, size=300):
table = [(size + 1) * [0]]
for y in range(1, size + 1):
row = [0]
for x in range(1, size + 1):
p = (((x + 10) * y + serial) * (x + 10)) // 100 % 10 - 5
row.append(table[-1][x] + row[-1] - table[-1][x - 1] + p)
return table
def max_box(table, size, n):
return max((table[y][x] - table[y + n][x] - table[y][x + n] + table[y + n][x + n], x, y, n)
for x in range(size - n + 1) for y in range(size - n + 1))
def part1(table, size=300):
_, x, y, _ = max_box(table, size, 3)
return '{},{}'.format(x + 1, y + 1)
def part2(table, size=300):
p = Pool()
_, x, y, n = max(p.imap_unordered(partial(max_box, table, size), range(1, size + 1)))
return '{},{},{}'.format(x + 1, y + 1, n)
table = tabulate(serial)
with open('day12.txt') as puzzle_file:
initial = puzzle_file.readline()[15:-1]
mappings = dict(line.strip().split(' => ') for line in puzzle_file if line.strip())
def recenter(offset, state):
l = state.find('#')
return (0, '') if l < 0 else (offset + l, state[l:state.rfind('#', l) + 1])
def step(offset, state):
extended = '....' + state + '....'
return recenter(offset - 2, ''.join(
mappings.get(extended[i:i + 5], '.') for i in range(len(state) + 4)))
def run(n):
seen = {}
offset, state = recenter(0, initial)
i = 0
while i < n:
seen[state] = (i, offset)
offset, state = step(offset, state)
i += 1
if state in seen:
prev_i, prev_offset = seen[state]
offset += (n - i) // (i - prev_i) * (offset - prev_offset)
i = n - (n - i) % (i - prev_i)
return sum(offset + i for i, c in enumerate(state) if c == '#')
from collections import OrderedDict, namedtuple
import sys
if sys.version_info >= (3, ):
maketrans = str.maketrans
from string import maketrans
Cart = namedtuple('Cart', 'orientation crossings')
nesw, nwse = maketrans('^<v>', '>v<^'), maketrans('^<v>', '<^>v')
spins = maketrans('^<v>', '<v>^'), maketrans('', ''), maketrans('^<v>', '>^<v')
crosses = {
'/': lambda cart: cart._replace(orientation=cart.orientation.translate(nesw)),
'\\': lambda cart: cart._replace(orientation=cart.orientation.translate(nwse)),
'+': lambda cart: cart._replace(
orientation=cart.orientation.translate(spins[cart.crossings % 3]),
crossings=cart.crossings + 1)
moves = {
'^': lambda pos: (pos[0] - 1, pos[1]),
'<': lambda pos: (pos[0], pos[1] - 1),
'v': lambda pos: (pos[0] + 1, pos[1]),
'>': lambda pos: (pos[0], pos[1] + 1)
crossings, carts = {}, {}
with open('day13.txt') as puzzle_file:
for y, line in enumerate(puzzle_file):
for x, c in enumerate(line):
if c in crosses:
crossings[(y, x)] = crosses[c]
elif c in moves:
carts[(y, x)] = Cart(c, 0)
while len(carts) > 1:
queue, carts = OrderedDict(sorted(carts.items())), {}
while queue:
pos, cart = queue.popitem(last=False)
pos = moves[cart.orientation](pos)
if carts.pop(pos, None) or queue.pop(pos, None):
carts[pos] = crossings[pos](cart) if pos in crossings else cart
from itertools import islice
with open('day14.txt') as puzzle_file:
puzzle_input =
def windowed(iterable, size):
window = size * [None]
iterator = iter(iterable)
for pos in range(size - 1):
window[pos] = next(iterator)
pos = size - 1
for element in iterator:
window[pos] = element
yield window[pos + 1:] + window[:pos + 1]
pos = (pos + 1) % size
def game():
i, j, scores = 0, 1, [3, 7]
for score in scores:
yield score
while True:
a, b = scores[i], scores[j]
s = a + b
if s > 9:
scores.append(s // 10)
yield s // 10
scores.append(s % 10)
yield s % 10
i, j = (i + a + 1) % len(scores), (j + b + 1) % len(scores)
offset = int(puzzle_input)
print(''.join(map(str, islice(game(), offset, offset + 10))))
needle = list(map(int, puzzle_input))
print(next(i for i, window in enumerate(windowed(game(), len(needle))) if window == needle))
from collections import OrderedDict
class Unit(object):
def __init__(self, is_elf, hp=200):
self.is_elf, self.hp = is_elf, hp
walls, initial_units = set(), {}
with open('day15.txt') as puzzle_file:
for y, line in enumerate(puzzle_file):
for x, c in enumerate(line):
if c == '#':
walls.add((y, x))
elif c == 'E':
initial_units[(y, x)] = True
elif c == 'G':
initial_units[(y, x)] = False
def adjs(pos):
y, x = pos
return ((y - 1, x), (y, x - 1), (y, x + 1), (y + 1, x))
def nearest(start, goals, excludes):
visited, queue = set(excludes), {start}
while queue:
reached = queue.intersection(goals)
if reached:
return min(reached)
queue = {adj for pos in queue for adj in adjs(pos) if adj not in visited}
return None
def dbg(units):
for y in range(min(y for y, _ in walls), max(y for y, _ in walls) + 1):
row = ''.join('#' if (y, x) in walls else 'GE'[units[(y, x)].is_elf]
if (y, x) in units else '.'
for x in range(min(x for _, x in walls), max(x for _, x in walls) + 1))
etc = ', '.join('{}({})'.format('GE'[unit.is_elf], unit.hp)
for _, unit in sorted(
((pos[1], unit) for pos, unit in units.items() if pos[0] == y),
key=lambda item: item[1]))
print(row + ' ' + etc if etc else row)
for elf_power in range(3, 201):
dead_elves, full_rounds = 0, 0
units = {pos: Unit(is_elf) for pos, is_elf in initial_units.items()}
while len(set(unit.is_elf for unit in units.values())) > 1:
#print('After {} round{}:'.format(full_rounds, 's' if full_rounds > 1 else '') if full_rounds else 'Initially:')
queue, units = OrderedDict(sorted(units.items())), {}
while queue:
pos, unit = queue.popitem(last=False)
other_units = units.copy()
excludes = walls.union(other_units)
enemies = {k: v for k, v in other_units.items() if unit.is_elf != v.is_elf}
if not set(adjs(pos)).intersection(enemies):
enemy_ranges = {adj for enemy_pos in enemies.keys() for adj in adjs(enemy_pos)}
nearest_enemy_range = nearest(pos, enemy_ranges, excludes)
if nearest_enemy_range:
pos = nearest(nearest_enemy_range, adjs(pos), excludes) or pos
adjacent_enemies = [(adj, enemies[adj]) for adj in adjs(pos) if adj in enemies]
if adjacent_enemies:
target, enemy = min(adjacent_enemies, key=lambda item: (item[1].hp, item[0]))
enemy.hp -= elf_power if unit.is_elf else 3
if enemy.hp <= 0:
units.pop(target, None)
queue.pop(target, None)
if enemy.is_elf:
dead_elves += 1
units[pos] = unit
if not enemies:
full_rounds += 1
total_hp = sum(unit.hp for unit in units.values())
print(u'power: {}\trounds: {}\t\u2211hp: {}\tscore: {}\tdead: {}'.format(
elf_power, full_rounds, total_hp, full_rounds * total_hp, dead_elves))
if not dead_elves:
from collections import namedtuple
from functools import wraps
from itertools import groupby
import operator
import re
ops = (lambda regs, a, b: regs[a] + regs[b], lambda regs, a, b: regs[a] + b,
lambda regs, a, b: regs[a] * regs[b], lambda regs, a, b: regs[a] * b,
lambda regs, a, b: regs[a] & regs[b], lambda regs, a, b: regs[a] & b,
lambda regs, a, b: regs[a] | regs[b], lambda regs, a, b: regs[a] | b,
lambda regs, a, b: regs[a], lambda regs, a, b: a, lambda regs, a, b: int(a > regs[b]),
lambda regs, a, b: int(regs[a] > b), lambda regs, a, b: int(regs[a] > regs[b]),
lambda regs, a, b: int(a == regs[b]), lambda regs, a, b: int(regs[a] == b),
lambda regs, a, b: int(regs[a] == regs[b]))
class Sample(namedtuple('Sample', 'r0 r1 op a b c')):
def valid_ops(self):
ret = set()
for op in ops:
tmp = list(self.r0)
tmp[self.c] = op(tmp, self.a, self.b)
if tmp == self.r1:
return ret
samples = []
with open('day16.txt') as puzzle_input:
pattern = re.compile(r'\d+')
for key, group in groupby((line.strip() for line in puzzle_input), key=bool):
if not key:
group = list(group)
if len(group) == 3 and group[0].startswith('Before:') and group[2].startswith('After:'):
r0 = [int( for match in pattern.finditer(group[0])]
r1 = [int( for match in pattern.finditer(group[2])]
op, a, b, c = (int( for match in pattern.finditer(group[1]))
samples.append(Sample(r0, r1, op, a, b, c))
isns = [[int( for match in pattern.finditer(line)] for line in group]
print(sum(len(sample.valid_ops()) >= 3 for sample in samples))
pending, ops_map = {sample.op: sample.valid_ops() for sample in samples}, {}
while pending:
done = {k: next(iter(v)) for k, v in pending.items() if len(v) == 1}
assert done
for k in done.keys():
del pending[k]
for v in pending.values():
regs = 4 * [0]
for op, a, b, c in isns:
regs[c] = ops_map[op](regs, a, b)
from inspect import isgenerator
import re
WALL = 1
START_X = 500
field = {}
min_y, max_y, min_x, max_x = float('inf'), float('-inf'), float('inf'), float('-inf')
with open('day17.txt') as puzzle_file:
pattern = re.compile(r'\d+')
for line in puzzle_file:
a, b, c = (int( for match in pattern.finditer(line))
if line.startswith('x'):
field.update(((y, a), WALL) for y in range(b, c + 1))
min_y, max_y, min_x, max_x = min(min_y, b), max(max_y, c), min(min_x, a), max(max_x, b)
elif line.startswith('y'):
field.update(((a, x), WALL) for x in range(b, c + 1))
min_y, max_y, min_x, max_x = min(min_y, a), max(max_y, a), min(min_x, b), max(max_x, c)
min_x, max_x = min_x - 1, max_x + 1
def ranges(iterable):
l, r = None, None
for value in iterable:
if l is None or r is None:
l, r = value, value + 1
elif l - 1 <= value <= r:
l, r = min(l, value), max(r, value + 1)
yield (l, r)
l, r = value, value + 1
if l is not None and r is not None:
yield (l, r)
def flood(y, x0, x1):
if y > max_y:
yield False
blocked = all(field.get((y, x)) != FLOWING for x in range(x0, x1))
for x0, x1 in ranges(x for x in range(x0, x1) if (y, x) not in field):
if not (yield flood(y + 1, x0, x1)):
for x in range(x0, x1):
field[(y, x)] = FLOWING
blocked = False
left = x0
while (y, left - 1) not in field:
left -= 1
if field.get((y + 1, left), SPACE) in (SPACE, FLOWING):
right = x1
while (y, right) not in field:
right += 1
if field.get((y + 1, right - 1), SPACE) in (SPACE, FLOWING):
for x in range(x0, x1):
field[(y, x)] = WALL
blocked_left = left >= x0 or (yield flood(y, left, x0))
blocked_right = right <= x1 or (yield flood(y, x1, right))
elt = STAGNANT if blocked_left and blocked_right else FLOWING
for x in range(left, right):
field[(y, x)] = elt
blocked = blocked and blocked_left and blocked_right
yield blocked
stack, ret = [flood(min_y, START_X, START_X + 1)], None
while stack:
ret = stack[-1].send(ret)
if isgenerator(ret):
ret = None
if False:
print(''.join('.+'[x == START_X] for x in range(min_x, max_x + 1)))
for y in range(min_y, max_y + 1):
print(''.join('.#~|'[field.get((y, x), SPACE)] for x in range(min_x, max_x + 1)))
print(sum(elt in (STAGNANT, FLOWING) for elt in field.values()))
print(sum(elt == STAGNANT for elt in field.values()))
from collections import Counter
from itertools import product
with open('day18.txt') as puzzle_file:
puzzle_input = ['.' + line.strip() + '.' for line in puzzle_file]
puzzle_input[:0] = puzzle_input[len(puzzle_input):] = [len(puzzle_input[0]) * '.']
puzzle_input = tuple(puzzle_input)
lookup = {
''.join(area): '|' if area[4] == '.' and c['|'] > 2 else '#'
if area[4] == '|' and c['#'] > 2 else '.'
if area[4] == '#' and (c['|'] < 1 or c['#'] < 2) else area[4]
for area in product(
'.|#', repeat=9) for c in (Counter(area), )
def solve(state, target):
n, cache = 0, {}
while n < target:
if state in cache:
target = n + 1 + (target - n - 1) % (n - cache[state])
cache[state] = n
state = tuple(
row if y in (0, len(state) - 1) else ''.join(
c if x in (0, len(row) - 1) else
lookup[state[y - 1][x - 1:x + 2] + row[x - 1:x + 2] + state[y + 1][x - 1:x + 2]]
for x, c in enumerate(row)) for y, row in enumerate(state))
n += 1
c = Counter(''.join(state))
return c['|'] * c['#']
print(solve(puzzle_input, 10))
print(solve(puzzle_input, 1000000000))
ops = {
'addr': lambda regs, a, b: regs[a] + regs[b],
'addi': lambda regs, a, b: regs[a] + b,
'mulr': lambda regs, a, b: regs[a] * regs[b],
'muli': lambda regs, a, b: regs[a] * b,
'banr': lambda regs, a, b: regs[a] & regs[b],
'bani': lambda regs, a, b: regs[a] & b,
'borr': lambda regs, a, b: regs[a] | regs[b],
'bori': lambda regs, a, b: regs[a] | b,
'setr': lambda regs, a, b: regs[a],
'seti': lambda regs, a, b: a,
'gtir': lambda regs, a, b: int(a > regs[b]),
'gtri': lambda regs, a, b: int(regs[a] > b),
'gtrr': lambda regs, a, b: int(regs[a] > regs[b]),
'eqir': lambda regs, a, b: int(a == regs[b]),
'eqri': lambda regs, a, b: int(regs[a] == b),
'eqrr': lambda regs, a, b: int(regs[a] == regs[b])
with open('day19.txt') as puzzle_file:
ip = int(puzzle_file.readline().strip()[3:])
isns = [(op, int(a), int(b), int(c)) for line in puzzle_file
for op, a, b, c in (line.split(), )]
def sum_factors(n):
total, d = 0, 1
while d * d < n:
if n % d == 0: total += d + n // d
d += 1
if d * d == n: total += d
return total
def cheat(regs):
base = regs[ip]
if base + 14 >= len(isns):
return False
op, a, b, i = isns[base]
if op != 'seti' or a != 1 or i == ip:
return False
op, a, b, j = isns[base + 1]
if op != 'seti' or a != 1 or j in (ip, i):
return False
op, a, b, k = isns[base + 2]
if op != 'mulr' or a != i or b != j or k in (ip, i, j):
return False
op, a, n, c = isns[base + 3]
if op != 'eqrr' or a != k or n in (ip, i, j, k) or c != k:
return False
op, a, b, c = isns[base + 4]
if op != 'addr' or a != k or b != ip or c != ip:
return False
op, a, b, c = isns[base + 5]
if op != 'addi' or a != ip or b != 1 or c != ip:
return False
op, a, b, m = isns[base + 6]
if op != 'addr' or a != i or b != 0 or m in (ip, i, j, k, n):
return False
op, a, b, c = isns[base + 7]
if op != 'addi' or a != j or b != 1 or c != j:
return False
op, a, b, c = isns[base + 8]
if op != 'gtrr' or a != j or b != n or c != k:
return False
op, a, b, c = isns[base + 9]
if op != 'addr' or a != ip or b != k or c != ip:
return False
op, a, _, c = isns[base + 10]
if op != 'seti' or a != base + 1 or c != ip:
return False
op, a, b, c = isns[base + 11]
if op != 'addi' or a != i or b != 1 or c != i:
return False
op, a, b, c = isns[base + 12]
if op != 'gtrr' or a != i or b != n or c != k:
return False
op, a, b, c = isns[base + 13]
if op != 'addr' or a != k or b != ip or c != ip:
return False
op, a, _, c = isns[base + 14]
if op != 'seti' or a != base or c != ip:
return False
goal = regs[n]
if goal < 1:
return False
regs[ip], regs[i], regs[j], regs[k] = base + 15, goal + 1, goal + 1, 1
regs[m] += sum_factors(goal)
return True
def run(regs):
while 0 <= regs[ip] < len(isns):
if cheat(regs):
op, a, b, c = isns[regs[ip]]
regs[c] = ops[op](regs, a, b)
regs[ip] += 1
return regs
print(run(6 * [0])[0])
print(run([1] + 5 * [0])[0])
from collections import Counter
from itertools import combinations
with open('day2.txt') as puzzle_file:
puzzle_input = [line.strip() for line in puzzle_file]
def part1(words):
c2, c3 = 0, 0
for word in words:
c = Counter(word).values()
c2 += 2 in c
c3 += 3 in c
return c2 * c3
def part2(words):
for x, y in combinations(words, 2):
common = [a for a, b in zip(x, y) if a == b]
if len(x) == len(y) == len(common) + 1:
return ''.join(common)
from collections import defaultdict, deque
directions, edges = {'N': 0 + 1j, 'E': 1 + 0j, 'S': 0 - 1j, 'W': -1 + 0j}, defaultdict(set)
with open('day20.txt') as puzzle_file:
close_stack, open_stack, current = [], [], {0 + 0j}
for c in'^').rstrip('$'):
if c in directions:
subsequent = [p + directions[c] for p in current]
for p, q in zip(current, subsequent):
current = subsequent
elif c == '(':
elif c == '|':
current = open_stack[-1]
elif c == ')':
current = close_stack.pop()
far_count, queue, seen = 0, deque(((0, 0 + 0j), )), set()
while queue:
depth, p = queue.popleft()
far_count += depth >= 1000
queue.extend((depth + 1, q) for q in edges[p] if q not in seen)
ops = {
'addr': lambda regs, a, b: regs[a] + regs[b],
'addi': lambda regs, a, b: regs[a] + b,
'mulr': lambda regs, a, b: regs[a] * regs[b],
'muli': lambda regs, a, b: regs[a] * b,
'banr': lambda regs, a, b: regs[a] & regs[b],
'bani': lambda regs, a, b: regs[a] & b,
'borr': lambda regs, a, b: regs[a] | regs[b],
'bori': lambda regs, a, b: regs[a] | b,
'setr': lambda regs, a, b: regs[a],
'seti': lambda regs, a, b: a,
'gtir': lambda regs, a, b: int(a > regs[b]),
'gtri': lambda regs, a, b: int(regs[a] > b),
'gtrr': lambda regs, a, b: int(regs[a] > regs[b]),
'eqir': lambda regs, a, b: int(a == regs[b]),
'eqri': lambda regs, a, b: int(regs[a] == b),
'eqrr': lambda regs, a, b: int(regs[a] == regs[b])
with open('day21.txt') as puzzle_file:
ip = int(puzzle_file.readline().strip()[3:])
isns = [(op, int(a), int(b), int(c)) for line in puzzle_file
for op, a, b, c in (line.split(), )]
def cheat(regs):
base = regs[ip]
if base + 8 >= len(isns):
return False
op, a, b, t = isns[base]
if op != 'seti' or a != 0 or t in (0, ip):
return False
op, a, b, u = isns[base + 1]
if op != 'addi' or a != t or b != 1 or u in (0, ip, t):
return False
op, a, n, c = isns[base + 2]
if op != 'muli' or a != u or b <= 0 or c != u:
return False
op, a, r, c = isns[base + 3]
if op != 'gtrr' or a != u or r in (0, ip, t, u) or c != u:
return False
op, a, b, c = isns[base + 4]
if op != 'addr' or a != u or b != ip or c != ip:
return False
op, a, b, c = isns[base + 5]
if op != 'addi' or a != ip or b != 1 or c != ip:
return False
op, a, b, c = isns[base + 6]
if op != 'seti' or a != base + 8 or c != ip:
return False
op, a, b, c = isns[base + 7]
if op != 'addi' or a != t or b != 1 or c != t:
return False
op, a, b, c = isns[base + 8]
if op != 'seti' or a != base or c != ip:
return False
regs[ip], regs[t], regs[u] = base + 8, max(0, regs[r]) // n, 1
return True
def run(regs):
while 0 <= regs[ip] < len(isns):
op, a, b, c = isns[regs[ip]]
if c == 0:
raise ValueError('writing value to register 0')
if op == 'eqrr' and a == 0 and b != 0:
yield (regs[b])
regs[c] = 0
regs[ip] += 1
if op == 'eqrr' and a != 0 and b == 0:
yield (regs[a])
regs[c] = 0
regs[ip] += 1
if op != 'seti' and a == 0:
raise ValueError('reading from register 0')
if op in ('addr', 'mulr', 'banr', 'borr', 'gtir', 'gtrr', 'eqir', 'eqrr') and b == 0:
raise ValueError('reading from register 0')
if cheat(regs):
regs[c] = ops[op](regs, a, b)
regs[ip] += 1
seen = set()
for reg in run(6 * [0]):
if not seen:
elif reg in seen:
ultimate = reg
from heapq import heappop, heappush
with open('day22.txt') as puzzle_file:
depth = int(puzzle_file.readline().split()[1])
target_x, target_y = map(int, puzzle_file.readline().split()[1].split(','))
maze = {(0, 0): 0, (target_x, target_y): 0}
def get(x, y, raw=False):
v = maze.get((x, y))
if v is None:
if x == 0:
v = 48271 * y
elif y == 0:
v = 16807 * x
v = ((get(x - 1, y, True) + depth) % 20183) * ((get(x, y - 1, True) + depth) % 20183)
maze[(x, y)] = v
return v if raw else (v + depth) % 20183 % 3
print(sum(get(x, y) for x in range(target_x + 1) for y in range(target_y + 1)))
def estimate(w, x, y, t):
return w + abs(x) + abs(y) + (0 if t == 1 else 7), w, x, y, t
q = [(0, 0, target_x, target_y, 1)]
ws = {}
while q:
_, w, x, y, t = heappop(q)
if (x, y, t) in ws and ws[(x, y, t)] <= w:
ws[(x, y, t)] = w
if x == 0 and y == 0 and t == 1:
heappush(q, estimate(w + 7, x, y, -(get(x, y) + t) % 3))
for x, y in ((x - 1, y), (x, y - 1), (x + 1, y), (x, y + 1)):
if x < 0 or y < 0 or get(x, y) == t or (x, y, t) in ws:
e = w + 1 + abs(target_x - x) + abs(target_y - y) + (0 if t == 1 else 7)
heappush(q, estimate(w + 1, x, y, t))
from collections import OrderedDict, defaultdict, namedtuple
from functools import total_ordering
from heapq import heappop, heappush
from itertools import chain
import re
Bot = namedtuple('Bot', 'x y z r')
with open('day23.txt') as puzzle_file:
pattern = re.compile(r'pos=<(-?\d+),(-?\d+),(-?\d+)>, r=(\d+)')
bots = [Bot(*map(int, pattern.match(line).groups())) for line in puzzle_file]
max_r = max(bot.r for bot in bots)
sum(abs(b.x - a.x) + abs(b.y - a.y) + abs(b.z - a.z) <= a.r for b in bots) for a in bots
if a.r == max_r))
class Octa_ordering(object):
def __lt__(self, other):
return self.min < other.min or self.min == other.min and other.max < self.max
class Octa(Octa_ordering, namedtuple('Octa', ('min', 'max'))):
def __new__(cls, *args, **kwargs):
if 'bot' in kwargs:
x, y, z, r = kwargs['bot']
t, u, v, w = x + y + z, x + y - z, x - y - z, x - y + z
return super(Octa, cls).__new__(cls, (t - r, u - r, v - r, w - r),
(t + r, u + r, v + r, w + r))
return super(Octa, cls).__new__(cls, *args, **kwargs)
def intersect(self, other):
c, d, e, f = self.min
g, h, i, j = other.min
k, l, m, n = self.max
o, p, q, r = other.max
s, t, u, v = max(c, g), max(d, h), max(e, i), max(f, j)
w, x, y, z = min(k, o), min(l, p), min(m, q), min(n, r)
return None if s > w or t > x or u > y or v > z else Octa((s, t, u, v), (w, x, y, z))
def distance_to_origin(self):
o, p, q, r = self.min
s, t, u, v = self.max
if o < s and p < t and q < u and r < v:
w = min(abs(o), abs(s)) if o * s >= 0 else 0
x = min(abs(p), abs(t)) if p * t >= 0 else 0
y = min(abs(q), abs(u)) if q * u >= 0 else 0
z = min(abs(r), abs(v)) if r * v >= 0 else 0
return max(w, x, y, z)
return min(
abs((x + z) // 2) + abs((y - z) // 2) + abs((x - y) // 2)
for x in range(o, s + 1) for y in range(p + ((p ^ x) & 1), t + 1, 2)
for z in range(q + ((q ^ x) & 1), u + 1, 2) if r <= x - y + z <= v)
best_count = 0
octs = defaultdict(set)
for i, bot in enumerate(bots):
queue = [(0, (), OrderedDict((k, octs[k]) for k in sorted(octs)))]
while queue:
n, _, rest = heappop(queue)
if -n < best_count:
octa, n = rest.popitem()
sub = defaultdict(set)
for octa2, m in rest.items():
octa3 = octa.intersect(octa2)
if octa3 is not None:
(n if octa == octa3 else sub[octa3]).update(m)
if len(n) > best_count:
best_count, best_distance = len(n), [octa]
elif len(n) == best_count:
m = frozenset(chain.from_iterable(rest.values()))
heappush(queue, (-len(m), m, rest))
rest = OrderedDict((k, sub[k].union(n)) for k in sorted(sub))
m = frozenset(chain.from_iterable(rest.values()))
heappush(queue, (-len(m), m, rest))
print(min(octa.distance_to_origin() for octa in best_distance))
from collections import Counter, namedtuple
from operator import attrgetter, itemgetter
import re
Group = namedtuple('Group', 'team id units hp weak immune power type initiative')
with open('day24.txt') as puzzle_file:
pattern = re.compile(r'''
(?P<units>\d+)[ ]units[ ]each[ ]with[ ](?P<hp>\d+)[ ]hit[ ]points[ ]
weak[ ]to[ ](?P<weak1>\w+(?:,[ ]\w+)*)|immune[ ]to[ ](?P<immune1>\w+(?:,[ ]\w+)*)|
weak[ ]to[ ](?P<weak2>\w+(?:,[ ]\w+)*);[ ]immune[ ]to[ ](?P<immune2>\w+(?:,[ ]\w+)*)|
immune[ ]to[ ](?P<immune3>\w+(?:,[ ]\w+)*);[ ]weak[ ]to[ ](?P<weak3>\w+(?:,[ ]\w+)*)
)\)[ ])?
with[ ]an[ ]attack[ ]that[ ]does[ ]
(?P<power>\d+)[ ](?P<type>\w+)[ ]damage[ ]at[ ]initiative[ ](?P<initiative>\d+)
''', re.X)
groups = []
for n, line in enumerate(puzzle_file):
if not line.strip():
m = pattern.match(line)
team ='team')
Group(team, n,
filter(None, ('weak1') or'weak2') or'weak3') or ''
).split(', '))),
filter(None, ('immune1') or'immune2') or'immune3')
or '').split(', '))),
int('power')),'type'), int('initiative'))))
def run(groups):
seen = set()
while len(set(map(attrgetter('team'), groups))) > 1:
targets, attacks = set(groups), []
groups.sort(key=lambda group: (group.units * group.power, group.initiative), reverse=True)
for attacker in groups:
if all( == or attacker.type in target.immune
for target in targets):
def key(target):
multiplier = 2 if attacker.type in target.weak else 1
return (multiplier * attacker.units * attacker.power, target.units * target.power,
target = max((target for target in targets
if != and attacker.type not in target.immune),
attacks.sort(key=itemgetter(0), reverse=True)
results = { group for group in groups}
for _, attacker_id, defender_id in attacks:
if attacker_id not in results or defender_id not in results:
attacker = results[attacker_id]
defender = results[defender_id]
multiplier = 2 if attacker.type in defender.weak else 1
kills = multiplier * attacker.units * attacker.power // defender.hp
if defender.units <= kills:
del results[defender_id]
results[defender_id] = defender._replace(units=defender.units - kills)
groups = list(results.values())
key = tuple(groups)
if key in seen:
ret = Counter()
for group in groups:
ret.update({ group.units})
return ret
results = run(groups)
while len(results) > 1 or 'Immune System' not in results:
groups = [
group._replace(power=group.power + 1) if == 'Immune System' else group
for group in groups
results = run(groups)
with open('day25.txt') as puzzle_file:
puzzle_input = [tuple(int(s.strip()) for s in line.split(',')) for line in puzzle_file]
groups = {}
for p1 in puzzle_input:
for p2 in puzzle_input:
if sum(abs(a - b) for a, b in zip(p1, p2)) > 3:
s1 = groups.get(p1)
if s1 is None:
s1 = set((p1, ))
groups[p1] = s1
s2 = groups.get(p2)
if s2 is None:
s2 = set((p2, ))
groups[p2] = s2
if s1 is not s2:
for p in s2:
groups[p] = s1
print(len(set(map(frozenset, groups.values()))))
from collections import defaultdict
import re
with open('day3.txt') as puzzle_file:
pattern = re.compile(r'\d+')
puzzle_input = [tuple(int( for m in pattern.finditer(line)) for line in puzzle_file]
def part1(items):
c, n = defaultdict(int), 0
for _, x, y, w, h in items:
for i in range(x, x + w):
for j in range(y, y + h):
c[(i, j)] += 1
if c[(i, j)] == 2:
n += 1
return n
def part2(items):
c, n = {}, {item[0] for item in items}
for t, x, y, w, h in items:
for i in range(x, x + w):
for j in range(y, y + h):
if (i, j) in c:
n.discard(c[(i, j)])
c[(i, j)] = t
return next(iter(n))
from collections import Counter, defaultdict
with open('day4.txt') as puzzle_file:
puzzle_input = [(int(line[15:17]), line.split()[3].lstrip('#')) for line in sorted(puzzle_file)]
sleep_by_guard = Counter()
minutes_by_guard = defaultdict(Counter)
guards_by_minute = defaultdict(Counter)
for time, action in puzzle_input:
guard = int(action)
if action == 'asleep':
start = time
elif action == 'up':
sleep_by_guard[guard] += time - start
minutes_by_guard[guard].update(range(start, time))
for minute in range(start, time):
guards_by_minute[minute][guard] += 1
guard = sleep_by_guard.most_common(1)[0][0]
minute = minutes_by_guard[guard].most_common(1)[0][0]
print(guard * minute)
guard, minute = max(((guards.most_common(1)[0], minute)
for minute, guards in guards_by_minute.items()),
key=lambda item: item[0][1])
print(guard[0] * minute)
with open('day5.txt') as file_input:
puzzle_input =
def react(string):
stack = []
for a in string:
if stack and a == stack[-1].swapcase():
return stack
reacted = ''.join(react(puzzle_input))
print(min(len(react(c for c in reacted if c.upper() != x)) for x in set(reacted.upper())))
from collections import Counter, defaultdict
with open('day6.txt') as puzzle_file:
puzzle_input = [(int(line.split()[0].rstrip(',')), int(line.split()[1].strip()))
for line in puzzle_file]
min_x = min(x for x, _ in puzzle_input)
min_y = min(y for _, y in puzzle_input)
max_x = max(x for x, _ in puzzle_input)
max_y = max(y for _, y in puzzle_input)
def part1():
field = defaultdict(lambda: (None, float('inf')))
queues = {n: {p} for n, p in enumerate(puzzle_input)}
distance = 0
while queues:
for n in list(queues):
queue = set()
for x, y in queues[n]:
_, d = field[(x, y)]
if d < distance:
field[(x, y)] = n if d > distance else None, distance
queue.update((x, y) for x, y in ((x - 1, y), (x, y + 1), (x + 1, y), (x, y - 1))
if min_x <= x <= max_x and min_y <= y <= max_y)
if queue:
queues[n] = queue
del queues[n]
distance += 1
areas, exclude = Counter(), {None}
for x, y in field:
n, d = field[(x, y)]
if x in (min_x, max_x) or y in (min_y, max_y):
areas[n] += 1
return next(n for i, n in areas.most_common() if i not in exclude)
def part2(limit=10000):
radius = limit // len(puzzle_input)
xs = Counter(x for x, _ in puzzle_input)
ys = Counter(y for _, y in puzzle_input)
dxs = [
for dx in (sum(abs(x - t) * c for t, c in xs.items())
for x in range(min_x - radius, max_x + radius + 1)) if dx < limit
dys = [
for dy in (sum(abs(y - t) * c for t, c in ys.items())
for y in range(min_y - radius, max_y + radius + 1)) if dy < limit
return sum(dx + dy < limit for dx in dxs for dy in dys)
from collections import defaultdict
from heapq import heappop, heappush
deps = defaultdict(set)
with open('day7.txt') as puzzle_file:
for line in puzzle_file:
a, b = line[5], line[36]
def part1(deps):
while deps:
k = min(k for k, dep in deps.items() if not dep)
yield k
del deps[k]
for dep in deps.values():
def part2(deps, workers=5, dur=lambda c: ord(c) - 4):
t, active, jobs = 0, set(), []
while deps or jobs:
if jobs:
t, k = heappop(jobs)
del deps[k]
for dep in deps.values():
for k, w in sorted((k, dur(k)) for k, dep in deps.items() if not dep and k not in active):
heappush(jobs, (t + w, k))
if len(jobs) >= workers:
return t
print(''.join(part1({k: set(v) for k, v in deps.items()})))
print(part2({k: set(v) for k, v in deps.items()}))
with open('day8.txt') as file_input:
puzzle_input = [int(s) for s in]
def tree(it, op):
n, m = next(it), next(it)
return op([tree(it, op) for _ in range(n)], [next(it) for _ in range(m)])
print(tree(iter(puzzle_input), lambda a, b: sum(a) + sum(b)))
lambda a, b: sum(a[i - 1] for i in b if 0 < i <= len(a)) if a else sum(b)))
from collections import Counter, deque
with open('day9.txt') as puzzle_file:
players, marbles = (int(word) for word in if word.isdigit())
def play(players, marbles):
scores = Counter()
ring = deque((0, ))
for marble in range(1, marbles + 1):
if marble % 23:
player = marble % players
scores[player] += ring.pop() + marble
return scores.most_common(1)[0][1]
print(play(players, marbles))
print(play(players, 100 * marbles))
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