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Created June 21, 2013 03:39
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Z80 assembly include file for ti-86. Greyscale routine that stays off swappable pages
;86 Gray Scale routine by Dux Gregis
;Edited by James Rubingh to stay off swapable pages
;This makes it so that you can have a grayscale routine running
;load a picture from a seperate
;string file. rst 20h \ rst 10h will not cause this routine to
;crash like most other routines that use areas between 8000-BFFF
Gray1 = $Fc00
Gray2 = $cA00
ld a,$3c
ld (_b),a ;set up counters
ld a,3
ld (_d),a
ld hl,int_start ;copy interrupt to where it'll exec
ld de,$FaFa
ld bc,int_end-int_start
ld hl,$F900 ;make 256 byte vector
ld (hl),$FA ;table pointing to int
ld de,$F901
ld bc,256
ld a,$F9
ld i,a ;load interrupt register with vector table
im 2 ;set interrupt mode
ei ;start the interrupt
im 1 ;reset interrupt mode for OS
ld a,$3C ;make sure video mem is active
out (0),a
int_start: ;this is what is exec when user int is triggered
push hl
; push de
push bc
push af
in a,(3)
bit 1,a
jr z,leave_int ;skip when LCD is updating
; inc (hl) ;inc user counter
ld a,(_b)
out (0),a
ld hl,_d
ld a,(hl)
dec (hl)
dec a
call z,reset_int_counter
ld a,(_d)
cp 1
call z,change_pages ;flip pages every once and a while
in a,(3) ;this stuff must be done or calc crashes
rra ;mysterious stuff from the ROM
ld a,0
adc a,9
out (3),a ;i beleive this updates the lcd
ld a,11
out (3),a ;and tells that it was updated
;its some DMA hw thing
pop af
pop bc
; pop de
pop hl
reset_int_counter: ;reset int counter _d when it is 0
ld a,3
ld (_d),a
ld a,(_b)
xor %00110110
ld (_b),a ;swtich betwwen the visible screen areas
.db 0
.db 0
.db 0
.db 0
;use this when you need a counter
UserCounter equ $817e
; RLE picture displayer v1.1
; Decodes a RLE picture made by RLE2PIC
; written by David Phillips <>
; started: 8/19/98
; last update: 11/5/98
; input: HL = RLE encoded picture, DE = where to display
; output: 1024 byte decoded picture
; destroys: AF, BC, DE, HL
; current size: 32 bytes
ld bc,1024 ; we need to copy
ld a,(hl) ; get the next byte
cp $91 ; is it a run?
jr z,DispRLERun ; then we need to decode the run
ldi ; copy the byte, and update counters
ld a,b ; check the low byte and
or c ; the high byte for 0
jr nz,DispRLEL ; if not, then we're not done either
ret ; if it's zero, we're done
inc hl ; move to the run value
ld a,(hl) ; get the run value
inc hl ; move to the run count
push hl ; save source pointer
ld h,(hl) ; get the run count
ex de,hl ; swap source and destination pointers
ld (hl),a ; copy the byte
inc hl ; increase destination pointer
dec bc ; decrease byte count
dec d ; decrease run count
jr nz,DispRLERunL ; if we're not done, then loop
ex de,hl ; swap pointers back
pop hl ; recover source pointer
inc hl ; advance the source pointer
jr DispRLEC ; loop
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