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Last active August 29, 2015 14:24
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Save ephesus/6f02a313954a314920f6 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Script to match Examiner names from finished English translations to Japanese Kanji in corresponding 電子データ
#!/usr/bin/env ruby
# encoding: UTF-8
# == matches the Examiner name from ==:
# 特許出願の番号      特願2014-551499
# 起案日          平成27年 6月22日
# 特許庁審査官       衣鳩 文彦        9199 5X00
# 特許出願人代理人     佐伯 義文(外 1名) 様
# 適用条文         第29条第2項、第36条
# == to the English version, this ==:
# Application Number: 2014-551499
# Drafted: 2015/06/22 (year/month/day)
# Examiner: Fumihiko IBATO 9199 5X00
# Attorney: Yoshifumi SAEKI et al.
# Cited Articles: Article 29, Paragraph 2, Article 36
if ARGV.count < 2
puts "<translations folder> <oadownloads folder>"
require 'yomu'
require 'charlock_holmes'
require 'find'
def scrape(f)
data = f
m = data.text.scan(/Application Number:\s(\d+\-\d+)/)
app_no = m[0][0] unless m.nil? or m[0].nil?
htmlfile = get_html(f, app_no) unless m.nil?
return if htmlfile.nil?
html ="#{ARGV[1]}/#{htmlfile}") if File.exist?("#{ARGV[1]}/#{htmlfile}")
encoding = CharlockHolmes::EncodingDetector.detect(html)
hdata = CharlockHolmes::Converter.convert html, encoding[:encoding], 'UTF-8'
m = data.text.scan(/Examiner:\s(\w+\s+\w+)\s*[0-9A-Z]+\s[0-9A-Z]+/m)
eng_exam = m[0][0] unless m[0].nil?
m = hdata.scan(/特許庁審査官\p{Z}+(\p{L}+)\p{Z}(\p{L}+)\p{Z}+\p{N}+\p{Z}[\p{N}\p{L}]+/)
ja_f = m[0][1] unless m[0].nil?
ja_l = m[0][0] unless m[0].nil?
return unless (eng_exam and ja_l)
puts "#{eng_exam}, #{ja_l} #{ja_f}"
def get_html(docfilename, app_no)
result = nil
m = docfilename.match(/2015(\d\d\d\d)/)
return if m.nil? or m[1].nil?
mnyr = m[1]
index = "#{ARGV[1]}/2015/#{mnyr}/index.txt"
f = if File.exist?(index)
return nil unless app_no
return nil if f.nil?
f.scan(/^#{app_no.gsub('-', '\-')},.+拒絶.+$/) do |hit|
#add to the array 'results' a hash with the three sections
results = Hash[ [:app_number, :oatype, :filename].zip(hit.split(/, /)) ]
result = results[:filename]
return result
docdir = ARGV[0]
Dir.glob("#{docdir}/**/*doc", File::FNM_CASEFOLD) {|filename|
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