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Created May 4, 2020 14:20
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Config for Hammerspoon
local cmd_alt_ctrl = {"cmd", "alt", "ctrl"}
hs.hotkey.bind({}, "f13", function()
-- go Left
hs.hotkey.bind(cmd_alt_ctrl, "Left", function()
local win = hs.window.focusedWindow()
local f = win:frame()
local screen = win:screen()
local max = screen:frame()
f.x = max.x
f.y = max.y
f.w = max.w / 2
f.h = max.h
-- go Right
hs.hotkey.bind(cmd_alt_ctrl, "Right", function()
local win = hs.window.focusedWindow()
local f = win:frame()
local screen = win:screen()
local max = screen:frame()
f.x = max.x + (max.w / 2)
f.y = max.y
f.w = max.w / 2
f.h = max.h
-- Maximise
hs.hotkey.bind(cmd_alt_ctrl, "Up", function()
local win = hs.window.focusedWindow()
local f = win:frame()
local screen = win:screen()
local max = screen:frame()
f.x = max.x
f.y = max.y
f.w = max.w
f.h = max.h
-- Move to the next screen
hs.hotkey.bind(cmd_alt_ctrl, "Down", function()
local win = hs.window.focusedWindow()
local f = win:frame()
local screen = win:screen()
local next = screen:next()
local max = screen:frame()
-- hs.window
-- f.x = max.x
-- f.y = max.y
-- f.w = max.w
-- f.h = max.h
win:moveToScreen(next, false, true, 0)
-- hints:
-- to find the application run `hs.application'term'` in the console, where 'term' is part of the app
-- see
-- external monitor layout
hs.hotkey.bind(cmd_alt_ctrl, "M", function()
local laptopScreen = "Q27P1B"
local windowLayout = {
-- left
{"Safari", nil, laptopScreen, hs.layout.left50, nil, nil},
{"Mail", nil, laptopScreen, hs.layout.left50, nil, nil},
{"Finder", nil, laptopScreen, hs.layout.left50, nil, nil},
{"Reminders", nil, laptopScreen, hs.layout.left50, nil, nil},
{"Preview", nil, laptopScreen, hs.layout.left50, nil, nil},
{"Code", nil, laptopScreen, hs.layout.left50, nil, nil},
{"Google Chrome", nil, laptopScreen, hs.layout.left50, nil, nil},
{"Telegram", nil, laptopScreen, hs.layout.left50, nil, nil},
{"Skype", nil, laptopScreen, hs.layout.left50, nil, nil},
{"Spark", nil, laptopScreen, hs.layout.left50, nil, nil},
-- right
{"Notes", nil, laptopScreen, hs.layout.right50, nil, nil},
{"Terminal", nil, laptopScreen, hs.layout.right50, nil, nil},
{"Messages", nil, laptopScreen, hs.layout.right30, nil, nil},
{"Photos", nil, laptopScreen, hs.layout.right50, nil, nil},
{"1Password 7", nil, laptopScreen, hs.layout.right50, nil, nil},
{"Slack", nil, laptopScreen, hs.layout.right50, nil, nil},
{"Postman", nil, laptopScreen, hs.layout.right50, nil, nil},
-- maximised
{"Music", nil, laptopScreen, hs.layout.maximized, nil, nil}, -- to move it to fullscreen
{"Fantastical", nil, laptopScreen, hs.layout.maximized, nil, nil},
{"Notion", nil, laptopScreen, hs.layout.maximized, nil, nil},
{"Sequel Pro", nil, laptopScreen, hs.layout.maximized, nil, nil},
-- {"Microsoft Excel", nil, laptopScreen, hs.layout.maximized, nil, nil},
-- laptop monitor layout
hs.hotkey.bind(cmd_alt_ctrl, "L", function()
local laptopScreen = "Colour LCD"
local windowLayout = {
-- left
{"Reminders", nil, laptopScreen, hs.layout.left50, nil, nil},
{"Telegram", nil, laptopScreen, hs.layout.left50, nil, nil},
{"Skype", nil, laptopScreen, hs.layout.left50, nil, nil},
-- right
{"Messages", nil, laptopScreen, hs.layout.right50, nil, nil},
{"Notes", nil, laptopScreen, hs.layout.right50, nil, nil},
-- maximised
{"Finder", nil, laptopScreen, hs.layout.maximized, nil, nil},
{"Safari", nil, laptopScreen, hs.layout.maximized, nil, nil},
{"Terminal", nil, laptopScreen, hs.layout.maximized, nil, nil},
{"Mail", nil, laptopScreen, hs.layout.maximized, nil, nil},
{"Photos", nil, laptopScreen, hs.layout.maximized, nil, nil},
{"Preview", nil, laptopScreen, hs.layout.maximized, nil, nil},
{"Music", nil, laptopScreen, hs.layout.maximized, nil, nil}, -- to move it to fullscreen
{"Google Chrome", nil, laptopScreen, hs.layout.maximized, nil, nil},
{"1Password 7", nil, laptopScreen, hs.layout.maximized, nil, nil},
{"Code", nil, laptopScreen, hs.layout.maximized, nil, nil},
{"Fantastical", nil, laptopScreen, hs.layout.maximized, nil, nil},
{"Notion", nil, laptopScreen, hs.layout.maximized, nil, nil},
{"Slack", nil, laptopScreen, hs.layout.maximized, nil, nil},
{"Sequel Pro", nil, laptopScreen, hs.layout.maximized, nil, nil},
{"Spark", nil, laptopScreen, hs.layout.maximized, nil, nil},
-- {"Microsoft Excel", nil, laptopScreen, hs.layout.maximized, nil, nil},
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