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Last active April 7, 2022 17:52
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A query builder has been a request for sequelize for a long time (sequelize/sequelize#394)

This document is only going to talk about API design.

The approach taken here is different from the ones proposed in sequelize/sequelize#394. The Goal is to provide a small layer on top of Model.findAll, Model.update, etc…

While this API is designed to accomodate a future query builder for insert, update, and delete, it currently focuses on select as it is the biggest use case.

This Query Builder only builds a query object that Model static methods can consume.

const query = User
  .attributes(['name', 'id'])
  .where({ email: { [Op.neq]: null } }) // using WhereOptions<User>
  .andWhere('firstName', Op.iLike, 'Zoé') // using Sequelize.where(col, op, value)
  .andWhere(`user.lastName <> $lastName`, { lastName }); // using Sequelize.literal(sql, bind)

const result: User[] = await query.limit(10).findAll();
// or
const result: User[] = await User.findAll(query.limit(10));

I'd also like to provide a WhereQueryBuilder interface that only builds a WHERE clause:

const whereBuilder = new WhereQueryBuilder()
    .where({ email: { [Op.neq]: null } })
    .andWhere({ firstName: { [Op.iLike]: 'Zoé' } });

// it can be used in as a value for `FindOptions.where`:
  where: whereBuilder,

// or used as a literal:
sequelize.query(`SELECT * FROM users WHERE ${whereBuilder.toSql({ alias: 'users' })}`, {
  type: QueryTypes.SELECT,
  bind: {


Things we still need to work out

Changes to existing APIs

Sequelize.literal(literalStr) accepts a new parameter bind to support escaping values in literals:

  where: Sequelize.literal('id = $id', { id: 5 }),


import { GroupOption, Order } from '../../../../../Documents/dev/sequelize/dist/index.js';

class Model<Attributes = any, CreationAttributes = any> {
  static select<M extends Model>(): SelectQueryBuilder<M>;

abstract class QueryBuilder<M extends Model> {
   * Generates & Returns the SQL query without running it.
  abstract toSql(): string;

   * Resets the current value for `this.where` and sets it to
   *  Sequelize.literal(literalStr, bind)
   * @example
   *  .where(` = $name`, { name: 'Zoé' })
   *  .findAll();
  where(literalStr: string, bind: BindOrReplacements): this;

   * Resets the current value for `this.where` and sets it to `options`.
   * @example
   *  .where({ name: 'Zoé' })
   *  .findAll();
  where(options: WhereOptions): this;

   * Adds a where clause using the AND operator.
   * Behaves exactly like {@link #where} if this is the first added clause.
   * Mixing with {@link #orWhere} is not allowed to avoid ambiguity.
   * Use WhereBrackets.
   * @example
   *  .where({ id: { []: 3 } })
   *  .andWhere(` = $name`, { name: 'Zoé' })
   *  .findAll();
  andWhere(literal: string, bind: BindOrReplacements): this;
  andWhere(options: WhereOptions): this;
   * Use to group `where` clauses together.
   * @example
   *  .where({ id: { []: 3 } })
   *  .andWhere(qb => {
   *    qb.where({ name: 'Zoé' })
   *      .orWhere({ name: 'Name' })
   *  })
   *  .findAll();
  andWhere(options: WhereBrackets): this;

  orWhere(literal: string, bind: BindOrReplacements): this;
  orWhere(options: WhereOptions): this;
  orWhere(options: WhereBrackets): this;

class SelectQueryBuilder<M extends Model<M>> extends QueryBuilder<M> {

  // TODO: proper API for having

  groupBy(group: GroupOption): this;
  order(order: Order): this;
  limit(limit: number): this;
  offset(offset: number): this;
  attributes(opts: FindAttributeOptions): this;
  include(opts: Includeable): this;

  // execution methods

  findAll(options: FindOptionSubset): Promise<M[]>;
  findOne(options: FindOptionSubset): Promise<M[]>;
  count(): Promise<number>;

class WhereQueryBuilder<M extends Model<M>> extends QueryBuilder<M> {
  toSql(options): string;
  toFindOptions(): FindOptions<Attributes<M>>
  getBindParameters(): Record<string, any>;

// inspired by TypeORM
type WhereBrackets = (callback: (qb: QueryBuilder) => void);

orWhere & andWhere ambiguity

To avoid ambiguity, orWhere and andWhere methods cannot be used together.

// Invalid due to ambiguity. Is this
// WHERE (email IS NULL AND password IS NULL) OR id = 10
// or
// WHERE email IS NULL AND (password IS NULL OR id = 10)

await User
  .where({ email: null })
  .andWhere({ password: null })
  .orWhere({ id: 10 })

You must use WhereBrackets to avoid ambiguous queries.

// Ok! Generated as:
// WHERE email IS NULL AND (password IS NULL OR id = 10)
await User
  .where({ email: null })
  .andWhere(qb => {
    qb.where({ password: null })
      .orWhere({ id: 10 })
// Ok! Generated as:
// WHERE (email IS NULL AND password IS NULL) OR id = 10
await User
  .where(qb => {
    qb.where({ email: null })
      .andWhere({ password: null })
  .orWhere({ id: 10 })

Joins & Associations

Until sequelize introduces a way to have custom joins (sequelize/sequelize#11788), only .include is provided:

await User
  .include(User.associations.projects, includeBuilder => {
    return includeBuilder


Sequelize escapes and inlines values passed to WhereOptions.

Using Sequelize.bind, we could tell sequelize "don't inline these, let the dbms handle it":

  where: { name: Sequelize.bind(name) }

// outputs roughtly:
// SELECT * FROM users WHERE name = ?
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ephys commented Apr 7, 2022


You probably don't need my opinion, especially considering that this is private, but gonna give it anyway, because I'm very excited for this feature

Your opinion is very much welcomed here :)

Edit: I was so excited that I completely missed the part that this is an API layer on top of the current methods

It is but I'm also working on the existing methods to support all of these new features (which is a lot more work than I would have thought, I've been working on this for more than 4 months).

For instance, there is currently no way to access the generated SQL, the main issue being that we don't know how to design a clean API for that.
A query builder could expose a toSql method even if findAll does not

Attributes"name", "address")

It does look better :)
I think it should be named attributes, for consistency with findAll

It's also very important, in my opinion, that the method is compatible with FindOptions.attributes, you should be able to re-use parts of FindOptions in your query builder

// select only these 2 attributes
qb.attributes('name', 'address');

// also valid for symmetry with `FindOptions.attributes`
qb.attributes(['name', 'address']);

// this is how you would alias an attribute
qb.attributes([['name', 'firstName'], 'address']);

// select all attributes declared in the model, plus the ones specified here:
  include: [
    [/* attribute */ sql`COUNT(*)`, /* alias */ 'totalCount']

// select all attributes declared in the model, except 'password'
qb.attributes({ exclude: ['password'] });

I'm not a fan of how attributes are aliased in Sequelize. Knex uses this syntax instead:

  // alias : attribute
  totalCount: sql`COUNT(*)`,
  firstName: 'name',

Which we should be able to add with some magic, but it's likely that users will be confused by the fact that these two calls are interpreted differently:

// select all attributes, except 'password'
qb.attributes({ exclude: ['password'] });

// select the attribute 'password', aliased to 'exclude'
qb.attributes({ exclude: 'password' });


I agree that operators are not ergonomic at all in Sequelize right now.
I wrote this RFC a little while ago to try and improve this but I'm still stuck on its API design.

The different RFC for improved raw SQL support should also help with this.

Still, I'm not opposed to dedicated methods for each operator :) but I don't think it will be part of the initial release, we support a lot of them


This is just my opinion but I'm personally not a fan of thenable objects, I consider them to be a bit too obscure

There is also a case for adding findAll: specifying options specific to findAll

await User
  .where({ id: 10 })
    // these options would make little sense in `toSql`
    // I also think they're more ergonomic than .transaction(t).logging(true).findAll()
    // especially since we have a lot of options and they're different for findAll, findOne, and toSql
    logging: true,

Still, if there is popular demand, it could be considered after the initial release :)


Absolutely. This is planned, its API design isn't quite complete yet

An other alternative to your example (as I personally don't plan to include whereIn in the first release due to the sheer amount of operators we would need to support):

  .where('title',, qb => qb
    // this part is still undetermined
    .from(User, "user")
    .where("user.registered = $registered", { registered: true })

SubQueries in WHERE will be supported in the initial release, but supporting them in FROM and JOIN will require reworking more internals and will likely come in a follow-up release


Referring associations like in the example feels a bit verbose.

True but I wrote it in a very verbose way, in reality it's probably going to be closer to this:

await User
  .include(User.associations.projects, qb => qb
    .where('published', true)

The name of the association can also be used, further reducing the verbosity: .include('projects', ...)

Note that projects is the name of an association (e.g. User.hasMany(Project, { as: 'projects' })). Right now, all joins must have a corresponding association in Sequelize. Specifying a Model will make Sequelize look for an association with that model and use that instead. It's designed that way to the core of the project and changing it will break too many projects.

I'm still interested in supporting it, but I think it will have to use another method name than include:

await User
  // or .innerJoin, .outerJoin, .rightJoin
  .leftJoin(Project, qb => qb
    // same syntax as `where`
    .on('id', '')
    .where('published', true)

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