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Last active November 25, 2022 14:48
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Big list of potentials issues I want to tackle at some point but I haven't opened a proper issue or PR yet to avoid spamming.

I also have a backlog now:



Allow arrays as the value to the 'unique' option of a field:

  source: { unique: ['source-slug', 'source-id'] },
  sourceSlug: { unique: 'source-slug' },
  sourceId: { unique: 'source-id' },

Unique normalization

Automatically convert the 'unique' option from attributes into indexes, so indexes is the source of truth

Declaring Deferrable FKs

In v6, deferrable cannot be used in belongsTo. It must be used in define instead. We should fix this.

const A = sequelize.define('A', {
  BId: {
    type: DataTypes.INTEGER,
    references: {
      deferrable: Deferrable.INITIALLY_IMMEDIATE() // notice the (), due to wrong typings
const B = sequelize.define('B');


Should be this instead:

const A = sequelize.define('A');
const B = sequelize.define('B');

A.belongsTo(B, {
  foreignKey: { deferrable: Deferrable.INITIALLY_IMMEDIATE },

Enable Deferred Constraints

There should be a way to defer constraint checks for part of a transaction. For instance:

sequelize.transaction(async transaction => {
  // ... do actions with constraints checked immediately.
  await transaction.withDeferredConstraints(() => {
    // ... do actions with constraints deferred.

  // ... do actions with constraints checked immediately.


sequelize.transaction(async transaction => {
  // ... do actions with constraints checked immediately.
  await transaction.deferConstraints();
  // ... do actions with constraints deferred.

  await transaction.undeferConstraints();

  // ... do actions with constraints checked immediately.


The way Attributes are defined in Sequelize does not play nice with inheritance.

Say you have the inheritance tree Model -> BaseModel -> User, and you have a method that accepts model: ModelStatic<Model> as a parameter. Checking whether Model is a subclass of BaseModel will not let you access the attributes as they could be completely different from a parent model to a child one. i.e. the following does not work:

if (isSubclassOfBaseModel(model)) {
  await model.findAll({
    where: {
      // TypeScript thinks this does not exist.
      baseModelAttribute: 1,


In Sequelize ? is a positional replacement token, and :name is a named replacement token.

This is confusing because most dialects use ? for bind parameters. Sequelize use postgres-style bind parameters: $1 and $name.

We should stop using ? as the positional replacement token, and instead use :1, to be symmetrical with our bind parameters and remove the confusion.

Prepared statements

Prepared statements are a good way to optimize both the JavaScript and SQL:

  • The SQL query is only built once, instead of going through the QueryBuilder every time
  • The SQL is only parsed once by the database

Design 1 (preferred)

// executed only once:

const getUserByName =
  .where({ name: bind('name') })

// or

const getUserByName = User.prepareFindAll('find-user-by-name', {
  where: { name: bind('name') },

// later:

const user = await getUserByName({ name: 'Zoe' });


  • Clear that prepared statements are created once, and that their contents should not be modified between two calls (outside of passing different bind parameters).
  • Cleanly incorporates into the query builder API


  • Separates the creation of the query from its usage.

Design 2

const user = await
  .where({ name: bind('name') })
  .findAll({ preparedStatement: 'find-user-by-name' });

const user = await User.findAll({
  where: { name: bind('name') },
  preparedStatement: 'find-user-by-name',


  • The creation of the query is located at the same place it is used
  • No need for extra methods on Model


  • We're creating a lot of throwaway objects that will be discarded immediatly
  • Users may think they can put dynamic values outside of bind parameters, so we'll need to compare

bind() method

bind('name') would be equivalent to doing literal('$name'): it creates a named bind parameter. Especially useful in prepared statements.

Type Safety

  • DataType.INTEGER should throw if typeof value === 'number' && !Number.isSafeInteger(value)
  • count & other aggregate functions return number. what if the value is not a representable number? Should have an option to return bigint. Should throw if number is not able to represent the value returned by the dialect.

Support for alternative js types



  • utils/dialect#diaelcts should include 'snowflake' as it supports milliseconds
  • lib/utils/sequelize-methods: col has a weird behavior when you give more than one parameter
  • Model.count({ group: ['count'] }) will return a broken result (because count is both the name of the counted column & the name of the aggregate column). Likely an issue in other aggregate functions too. count could return Array<{ group: object, count: number }> instead of Array<{, count: number }>

Query Builder

Main article:

Improving support for literal strings


  • Update docs on RANGE, it is lackluster

Other features

  • Add support for reviver argument in DataTypes.JSON(B)
  • Accept TypeScript ENUM in DataTypes.ENUM?
  • Add an "after close" hook to Transaction, that is called after either commit or rollback
  • Add an "after rollback" hook to Transaction
  • Allow choosing between Validators.js & Joi for validation (@sequelize/validator.js & @sequelize/joi?)
  • Drop support for ContinuationLocalStorage, migrate to built-in AsyncLocalStorage.
  • Model.bulkSave for saving many models at once
  • A 'dialect-aware fn': It receives the dialect and adapts its code based on it. Mostly for internal use, to provide things like - a dialect-specific 'now' sql function.
  • Model.findInBatch which returns an async iterator with a simple limit/offset pagination
  • Model.findByCursor which uses stateless cursor pagination
  • Model.findByCursorInBatch which returns an async iterator with a stateless cursor pagination

Other changes

  • Allow specifying logQueryParameters per query instead of globally.
  • use uniqueidentifier for DataTypes.UUID in mssql?
  • Specifying limit on an include quietly causes the separate option to be turned on. We should throw instead!
  • Support all Iterables in { [Op.isIn]: new Set() }?
  • Can we cast values (not columns)? e.g. cast(myUserProvidedValue, 'JSONB')
  • Shorter syntax to cast columns: where: { 'preferences::jsonb': {} }
  • Accept undefined in where but ignore the value. So users can easily add/remove SQL conditions based on JS values I'm not pursuing this feature anymore as I don't want queries to silently break because a value was accidentally undefined. I'm pursuing work on the Query Builder as an alternative.
  • Model.increment / Model.decrement return [affectedRows, affectedRowCount]. We could simplify to just returning affectedRows. Need investigation.
  • Document alias max length for each dialect. If a generated alias is too long: throw with a message recommending to use minifyAliases to resolve the issue
  • offset in query generator is not strict enough. Maybe forbid anything that's not a safe integer, a big int, or a int string?
  • Deprecate DataTypes.DATE, replaced with DataTypes.DATETIME.ZONED & DataTypes.DATETIME. sequelize/sequelize#13372 (comment)
  • Generated columns: sequelize/sequelize#12718
  • Readonly columns: sequelize/sequelize#4603
  • sequelize/sequelize#11514
  • rewrite cli as esm & include cosmiconfig

Improve JSON in MSSQL

use nvarchar(max) + CHECK(ISJSON(col)=1)

TypeCheck include.where

  include: [{
    where: {
      // these are not currently type-checked
      test: 'test',


I'm using this task to list the few code cleaning tasks that still need to be done

  • Run eslint on JavaScript snippets in markdown files
  • Implement review changes from last eslint commit sequelize/sequelize#13930 (review)
  • Limit packages in commitlint to each dialects + 'types'

Rework queryInterface & queryGenerator

queryInterface and queryGenerator should be proper APIs that users can exploit.

This means most of the code in Model methods should be moved to queryInterface, but be written in a way that specifying models is optional, because it needs to work in transactions too.

This is also true for queryGenerator. You should be able to pass raw FindOptions to it, and it normalizes them itself.

Main thread: sequelize/sequelize#2325 (comment)

bindContext should not include any value. Instead it should be a simple array to know at which position a named bind parameter is. Methods can then use that array to format the bind option correctly before calling queryRaw

QueryGenerator methods should always return { query, namedBindPositions } (instead of { query, bind }). QueryInterface can then sort out mapping named bind to positional bind (including for insert, update, etc).

eslint changes

Feedback from AllAwesome497:

  • function-paren-newline would look better like this: image
  • @typescript-eslint/quotes would look better with avoidEscape image
  • @typescript-eslint/explicit-member-accessibility 50/50 vote on enforcing 'public' and forbidding 'public' modifier. Either way it should not be mixed. I personnally would forbid it as it doesn't impact the base JS.
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ephys commented Feb 16, 2022

@WikiRik If I remember correctly it would improve our stacktraces but at the cost of performance. I'm still in favor of doing it as I think the performance impact would be minor.

Also, interesting thought about letting people choose for the validation. Could be an interesting discussion to see how we can further modularize Sequelize in the future

For context, my main motivation behind it is that Joi is an extremely popular validation library (almost on part with validators.js), but both libraries validate some elements differently. Most notably, they validate emails differently. My own Sequelize config ends up looking like this to bypass validator.js:


With a small amount of work, I think we could easily modularize this part of Sequelize. Such an API could look like this:

import SequelizeValidators from '@sequelize/joi';
// or import SequelizeValidators from '@sequelize/validators.js';

new Sequelize({
  // this configures the built-in validation functions
  validators: SequelizeValidators,

// this is how we could extend custom validators

  email: {
    type: DataTypes.CITEXT,
    allowNull: false,
    unique: true,
    validate: {
      // custom validators using Joi schema
      validateEmail1: Joi.string().email(),
      // custom validation with functions still supported, but extended with more metadata
      validateEmail2(value, entity, attributeName, ruleName) {
	    const modelName =;
	    const results = schema
	    if (results.error) {
	      throw new Error(`Rule ${ruleName} failed on ${modelName}#${attributeName}`, { cause: results.error });

It would be nice, for reusability, if a validator received:

  • the value (already the case)
  • the model
  • the name of the attribute being validated
  • the name of the validation rule (in the above example, it would be validateEmail)

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fzn0x commented Nov 25, 2022

Just for better scoping on sub packages, maybe we can use plugin system, for example like this:

new Sequelize({
  // this configures the built-in validation functions with Sequelize plugin system
  plugins: {
      validators: SequelizeValidators,

plugins option to use Sequelize plugins, for example validators plugin like @sequelize/joi.

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