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Last active August 11, 2019 18:11
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{-# LANGUAGE DefaultSignatures #-}
{-# LANGUAGE DeriveAnyClass #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies #-}
module Checked where
import Data.Kind (Type, Constraint)
import Control.Exception.Safe
This is an extended take and exploration on implementing Checked exemptions in haskell
inspired by
class (MonadThrow m, Exception e) => Throws e m where
throwChecked :: e -> m a
default throwChecked :: e -> m a
throwChecked = throwM
-- | @m@ is of kind monad, @ts@ is a list of Exception types
type family ThrowsMany (m :: Type -> Type) (ts :: [Type]) :: Constraint where
ThrowsMany _ '[] = ()
ThrowsMany m (e ': ts) = (Throws e m, ThrowsMany m ts)
type Id = String
data User = User
{ uName :: String
, uAge :: Int
, uId :: Id
} deriving Show
class Monad m => HttpNetwork m a where
getHttp :: Id -> m a
updateHttp :: Id -> m a
data HTTPException = HTTPException
deriving (Show, Exception)
data DBException = DBException
deriving (Show, Exception)
-- | example of monadic effectful code that can throw multiple errors
:: forall m . (ThrowsMany m '[ HTTPException, DBException ], HttpNetwork m User)
=> Id -> m User
simpleHttp userId = do
user <- getHttp userId
case uId user of
x | x == userId -> pure user
| x == "Null" -> throwChecked DBException
| otherwise -> throwChecked HTTPException
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