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Created October 30, 2019 14:38
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Simple script using built in RGB LED on nrf52840 usb dongle
from adafruit_ble.uart import UARTServer
import time
import board
from digitalio import DigitalInOut, Direction, Pull
uart = UARTServer()
Rled = DigitalInOut(board.LED2_R)
Bled = DigitalInOut(board.LED2_B)
Gled = DigitalInOut(board.LED2_G)
Rled.direction = Direction.OUTPUT
Gled.direction = Direction.OUTPUT
Bled.direction = Direction.OUTPUT
b_cmd = str.encode("b")
g_cmd = str.encode("g")
r_cmd = str.encode("r")
x_cmd = str.encode("x")
flag = True
while True:
# Wait for a connection
while not uart.connected:
Gled.value = True
Bled.value = True
Rled.value = False
while uart.connected:
if flag:
flag = False
Gled.value = False
Bled.value = True
Rled.value = True
one_byte =
if one_byte:
if one_byte == b_cmd:
Gled.value = True
Bled.value = False
Rled.value = True
print("b command")
if one_byte == g_cmd:
Gled.value = False
Bled.value = True
Rled.value = True
print("g command")
if one_byte == r_cmd:
Gled.value = True
Bled.value = True
Rled.value = False
print("r command")
if one_byte == x_cmd:
Gled.value = True
Bled.value = True
Rled.value = True
print("x command")
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