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Created April 7, 2017 17:09
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package seniordesign;
import java.time.LocalDateTime;
import com.leapmotion.leap.Controller;
public class Leapduino
public static final void main(String args[])
//Initialize serial communications.
RS232Protocol Serial = new RS232Protocol();
//Initialize the Leapduino listener.
LeapduinoListener leap = new LeapduinoListener(Serial);
Controller controller = new Controller();
while (true) {
try {
} catch (InterruptedException e) {
package seniordesign;
import java.time.LocalDateTime;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.List;
import com.leapmotion.leap.*;
public class LeapduinoListener extends Listener
private int posTable = 0;
private double len1 = 50.0;
private double len2 = 50.0;
private double avgx = 0;
private double avgy = 0;
private double avgz = 0;
private long timeSent;
private long timeNow;
private ArrayList<Float> dataListx = new ArrayList<Float>(200);
private ArrayList<Float> dataListy = new ArrayList<Float>(200);
private ArrayList<Float> dataListz = new ArrayList<Float>(200);
private double theta1;
private double theta2;
//Serial port that we'll be using to communicate with the Arduino.
private RS232Protocol serial;
public LeapduinoListener(RS232Protocol serial)
this.serial = serial;
//Member Function: onInit
public void onInit(Controller controller)
//Member Function: onConnect
public void onConnect(Controller controller)
//Member Function: onDisconnect
public void onDisconnect(Controller controller)
//Member Function: onExit
public void onExit(Controller controller)
//calculate the law of cosines
public double lawOfCosines(double a,double b, double c){
return (float) Math.acos(((((a*a) + (b*b))) - (c*c))/(2*a*b));
//calculate the distance between the two points
public double distance( double y, double z){
return Math.sqrt((z*z) + (y*y));
//calculate theta 1
public double angle1(double z, double y){
double dist = distance(z,y);
double D1 = Math.atan2(y, z);
double D2 = lawOfCosines(dist, len1, len2);
double A1 = D1+ D2;
return A1;
//public double inverseKinematics1(double y,double z){
// double hypotenuse = Math.sqrt((y*y)+(z*z));
// double a = Math.atan(y/z);
// double b = Math.acos(((len1*len1)+(hypotenuse*hypotenuse)-(len2*len2))/(2*len1*len2));
// double theta1 = deg(a+b);
// return theta1;
//public double inverseKinematics2(double y, double z){
// double hypotenuse = Math.sqrt((y*y)+(z*z));
// double c = Math.acos(((len2*len2)+(len1*len1)-(hypotenuse*hypotenuse))/(2*len1*len2));
// double theta2 = 180-deg(c);
// return theta2;
//calculate theta 2
public double angle2(double z, double y){
double dist = distance(z,y);
double A2 = lawOfCosines(len1, len2, dist);
return A2;
public double deg(double rad){
return (rad * 180)/Math.PI;
Vector leapToWorld(Vector leapPoint, InteractionBox iBox)
//leapPoint.getZ() *= -1.0f;
Vector origin = new Vector(0, 0, 0); //TODO: origin is now taking into account set up. (0.0) -> edge of the game board
//we have a max reach of 330 along the Z axis
//leapPoint.setZ((float) (leapPoint.getZ() * -1.0)); //right-hand to left-hand rule
Vector normalized = iBox.normalizePoint(leapPoint, true);
normalized =; //re-center origin
return normalized.times((float) 100.0);
//Member Function: onFrame
public void onFrame(Controller controller)
//Get the most recent frame.
Frame frame = controller.frame(); //set an object to the current frame
Frame previous = controller.frame(1); //set an object to the previous frame
Hand hand = frame.hands().frontmost(); //read the hand in the current frame
Hand hand1 = previous.hands().frontmost(); //read the hand in the previous frame
Boolean handIsEqual = hand.equals(hand1); //compare the hand in the previous frame
InteractionBox box = frame.interactionBox();
Vector leapPos = new Vector (hand.palmPosition());
Vector realPos = new Vector (leapToWorld(leapPos,box));
//Gather data for taking an average over 200ms
// timeNow = System.currentTimeMillis();
// if((timeNow-timeSent) < 500)
// {
// dataListx.add(x);
// dataListy.add(y);
// dataListz.add(z);
// }else{
// timeSent = timeNow;
// double sumx=0;
// double sumy=0;
// double sumz=0;
// for(int i=0;i<dataListx.size();i++){
//// if (Math.abs(dataListx.get(i-1)-dataListx.get(i))>5){
//// double temp = dataListx.get(i-1);
//// dataListx.add(i, (float) (temp+5));
//// }
//// if (Math.abs(dataListy.get(i-1)-dataListy.get(i))>5){
//// double temp = dataListy.get(i-1);
//// dataListy.add(i, (float) (temp+5));
//// }
//// if (Math.abs(dataListz.get(i-1)-dataListz.get(i)>5){
//// double temp = dataListz.get(i-1);
//// dataListz.add(i, (float) (temp+5));
//// }
// sumx+=dataListx.get(i);
// sumy+=dataListy.get(i);
// sumz+=dataListz.get(i);
// }
// avgx=sumx/(double)dataListx.size();
// avgy=sumy/(double)dataListy.size();
// avgz=sumz/(double)dataListz.size();
// dataListx.clear();
// dataListy.clear();
// dataListz.clear();
// }
//if (avgy >90.0 ){avgy = 90;}
// if (avgz == 0.0){avgz = 1;}
//// if (avgy < 5 && avgz < 5){
//// theta1 = 0;
//// theta2 = 180;
//// }
// if (avgy < 5 && avgz > 90){
// theta1 = 110;
// theta2 = 40;
// }
// float x = realPos.getX();
// float y = realPos.getY();
// float z = realPos.getZ();
//x = (float) (x-50.0);
//y = (float) (y-50.0);
//z = (float) (z-50.0);
//Verify a hand is in view.
if (frame.hands().count() > 0)
float x = hand.palmPosition().getX();
float y = realPos.getY();
float z = realPos.getZ();
if (x>32.5){x=(float) 32.5;}
if (y>74.5){y=(float) 74.5;}
if (z>61.5){z=(float) 61.5;}
float graspAngle = hand.grabAngle();
double ang1 = angle1(z, y);
theta1 = deg(ang1);
double ang2 = angle2(z, y);
theta2 = deg(ang2);
theta1 = 180-theta1;
if (theta1>110){theta1=110;}
if (theta1<0){theta1=0;}
theta2 = Math.abs(180-theta2);
if (theta2<40){theta2=40;}
//if (theta2<180){theta2=0;}
// double yy = 0;
// double zz = 100;
// double ang1 = angle1(zz,yy);
// double theta1 = deg(ang1);
// double ang2 = angle2(zz,yy);
// double theta2 = deg(ang2);
int count = 0;
// float rotationIntentFactor = hand.rotationProbability(previous);
if (handIsEqual){
if (posTable == 0 && count == 0){
posTable = 180;
count = 1;
}else if (posTable == 180 && count == 0){
posTable =0;
count = 1;
double normalize = 3.0;
double n = 100*normalize;
double X = 1.5 + 2 * x / n;
double baseAngle = Math.cos(X)*90.0;
if (baseAngle>180){baseAngle=180;}
if (baseAngle<0){baseAngle=0;}
//Send the data via serial
//note the scaling factor here
String Theta1 = (String.valueOf(theta1));
//note the scaling factor here
String Theta2 = (String.valueOf(theta2));
String BaseAngle = (String.valueOf(baseAngle));
String GraspAngle = (String.valueOf(graspAngle));
String PosTable = (String.valueOf(posTable));
//System.out.println("X: " + x + " Y: " + y + " Z: " + z);
//System.out.println("theta1: " + Theta1 + " theta2: " + Theta2 + " base angle: " + BaseAngle);
System.out.println("base angle: " + BaseAngle);
//Give the Arduino some time to process our data.
try{ Thread.sleep(140); }
catch (InterruptedException e) { e.printStackTrace(); }
package seniordesign;
import jssc.SerialPort;
import jssc.SerialPortEvent;
import jssc.SerialPortEventListener;
import jssc.SerialPortException;
public class RS232Protocol
//Serial port we're manipulating.
private SerialPort port;
//Class: RS232Listener
public class RS232Listener implements SerialPortEventListener
public void serialEvent(SerialPortEvent event)
//Check if data is available.
if (event.isRXCHAR() && event.getEventValue() > 0)
int bytesCount = event.getEventValue();
catch (SerialPortException e) { e.printStackTrace(); }
//Member Function: connect
public void connect(String newAddress)
//Set up a connection.
port = new SerialPort(newAddress);
//Open the new port and set its parameters.
port.setParams(38400, 8, 1, 0);
//Attach our event listener.
port.addEventListener(new RS232Listener());
catch (SerialPortException e) { e.printStackTrace(); }
//Member Function: disconnect
public void disconnect()
try { port.closePort(); }
catch (SerialPortException e) { e.printStackTrace(); }
//Member Function: write
public void write(String text)
try { port.writeBytes(text.getBytes()); }
catch (SerialPortException e) { e.printStackTrace(); }
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